Prologue: Wish Me Luck

Hi there diary,

Or should it be dear diary?

Good grief! Barely two sentences into my new journal and already I'm having to cross out lines and waste good ink.

Whilst I think you may have already guessed I'm not so good at putting my thoughts down on paper. But times are desperate and I really need someone or something to talk to. So it's either I write in this book or I talk to a stranger. And I really don't want to talk to a stranger.

So I guess you're stuck with me.

Let me tell you a little bit about yourself. I'm currently fifteen years old and am a servant aboard a ship under the leadership of the Prince of the Fire Nation, Zuko and his uncle, Lord Iroh.

Yeah. I know you're probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about so I guess I'll have to start from the top.

Back when I was younger my father told me many tales of the days the four nations lived in harmony with one another.

There was the Water Tribes. Their population is relatively small seeing as most of their people live in the very ice cold north and south poles. As their name suggests, they are very close to the element of water and many of their people are very well practiced in the graceful but deadly art of water bending.

Then there was the Earth Kingdom, the largest of all the nations for it inhabited the largest of the world's continents. The people of the Earth Kingdom, both earth and non-benders, are said to be strong and as enduring as the land they live on, and their great capital Ba Sing Se is said to be the most strongly fortified city in the entire world.

It is so strong in fact that even the powerful Fire Nation has not been able to penetrate its walls.

The Fire Nation…They are a very industrious and energetic race and by far the most technologically advanced. Their armies of fire-benders are as fierce as their element, with the greatest of them all ruling at the top. The Fire Lord. In the past the Fire Lord only ruled over his realm in peace with the other three nations. However for the past three generations, the Fire Lord's seem to be more intent upon on conquering the rest world.

The first of them to do so was Fire Lord Sozin. A hundred years ago he began a great war, starting with the eradication all of the Air Nomads, the fourth great nation of our world, from the face of the earth.

All save one.

The Avatar.

Now diary we come to the interesting part.

You see the world has the four elements, Water, Earth, Fire and Air, and there are people that can bend each one. But the Avatar is special.

You see they are the only one in the world who can bend all four elements.

I know amazing right? but with every great power there is always a great price.

The Avatar may be one of the most powerful people in the world, but in return for such power he or she must protect the world and bring it to balance.

Of course that means trouble for the Fire Nation.

Which, diary, is where I come in.

As I said before, I'm a servant to the Fire Lord's son, Prince Zuko.

Actually, sorry diary scratch that because that's not entirely true.

I'm actually his uncle, General Iroh's servant. The prince just likes to boss me around any way. But what can you expect from a grumpy, hot headed spoiled prince who's completely and utterly obsessed with finding an Avatar that's probably been dead for a hundred years.

But you know what, whatever! What would I know about how royalty should and should not behave? I'm just a simple servant that's only on this ship to make and serve the tea and put up with whatever drama queen temper tantrums which the-

"Hey!" a young man's voice called through a metal door.

"What is it Shen?!" another voice yelled back, this one more feminine than the first one. Indeed it belonged to the teenage girl who was currently rushing to catch an ink bottle before it could tip and spill out over the pillows on her small bed.

"General Iroh wants you to serve him jasmine tea up on the ship deck" the masculine voice grunted.

"Ok I'll be up!" the girl responded only to hiss softly under her breath as tiny dots of black ink smeared her fingers. She quickly set her writing equipment onto her bedside table but not before quickly scribbling into her red leather journal.

That was Shen. He's my big brother and by far the closest thing I have to a best friend here on this ship. Apart from my father and General Iroh. That man is so sweet. Just like the grandfather I never-

"Hurry up will you he says it's urgent" Shen's voice boomed.

"Ok! Ok! I'm coming!" the girl scowled.

In a quick flash she hopped up and began to dust off her red and gold trimmed robes before quickly making to pull back the front of her mousy brown hair back in its black clip.

Green eyes flickered in the dim lamplight of the room as she glanced into her mirror.

"Well. Here goes" she muttered as her small hands fiddled with her robe collar to pull out a small black cord on which was looped a jade pendant. It was small, barely bigger than her thumb but still it was very striking in its intense green hue in which a character was engraved.

"Wish me luck, Lucky. Something tells me I'm going to need it." Jade smiled as she tucked the trinket away back under her collar as she strode to the door.

However before she opened it she quickly dashed back to her diary and scribbled:

See you later diary.

Oh and by the way. The name's Jade.

Hi Everyone!

To those of you who have read my other works hello again, and to those of you who haven't well i hope you enjoy my fic.

So i have been a fan of ATLA for a long time, but until recently i've not had any ideas to write about so i hope this is alright.

Feel free to review if you like and i hope to see you all soon :)