In one universe, Megatron went insane.

Thousands died under his hands; the entire way of life of Cybertronians was destroyed. Optimus Prime and his fellow Autobots fought against him, and Megatron was finally felled on the Planet Earth.

In another universe, Megatron went insane.

Thousands died under his hands; the entire way of life of Cybertronians was destroyed. Optimus Prime and his fellow Autobots fought against him, and Megatron was finally felled on the Planet Earth.

Except- after his death, a small part remained. And that part… had all the processes of a living, breathing Megatron. Even more, the virus that had caused his insanity in the first place disappeared.

Thus, as a living Megatron on the verge of death, he did what any true Decepticon would do.

He reached out, and latched onto the first life form that could support his life and accept him.

That it was an earthling femme wasn't his fault, truly.

She'd had dreams for the past several months.

They were vague, frightening. Flashes of sound and color, then… nothing. As if everything was cut off and forced away; the screams she was sure tore from her throat during the night weren't even mentioned by her parents. They commented on her appearance- gradually wearing down after months of ruined sleep- and her faltering grades, but didn't mention the nights at all.

And Evelyn wasn't quite suicidal enough to ask them for help.

She might have been going insane, but at least not during the day. Sunlight seemed to blaze away her nightmares, and that assured her that what she was going through was just stress.

At least, that was until she saw the yellow Camaro in the school parking lot.

Memories, of worry and… fear?- coursed through her system, and she nearly vomited at the sudden flood.

I am sorry, a strange voice echoed in her head. I did not mean to hurt you.

Silence, and then she was hyperventilating, stumbling back to her car in a vain attempt to stop the shock.

I just heard a voice in my head. That's it- I'm insane!

No! You're not! The voice retreated, slightly, before mentally sighing. There's a lot that you… don't know. Could you go to the nurse? I believe revealing these secrets will be better done in a more- private- location.

Her hands continued to shake. No! I'm not listening to a random voice that echoed in my head!

Please. It is necessary.

And with that, the voice faded completely.

Anger warred with terror, and curiosity won. Evelyn couldn't deny that she was curious- and the voice's desperation was melded with a true note of fear. It feared her actions, and she wanted to know more.

Sighing, she contemplated her situation. She was a good student- not the best, but certainly not the worst. And her reputation for following the rules was matched by none…

Time to use that to her advantage.

Throughout the first period, she had a splitting headache; it lessened when she walked into the sunlight, but not by much.

It wasn't hard at all to fake a mini-convulsion a few minutes later, and she was on her way to the nurse's office.

Clammy hands trembled against the too-warm surface of her jumper, but it was too late to second-guess herself. The check-up was routine, according to the nurse- and the results revealed nothing more than a low-grade fever.

The walk to the parking lot was tiring, especially when she caught sight of the yellow car again. Her migraine increased exponentially, and she barely managed to stop herself at a grimace; the drive home was not as hard, however- the car seemed to drive itself.

Sitting on her sofa, she waited in silence, before mentally poking at the voice. Are you there? I did what you asked, if you weren't aware…

I'm here. The voice was formal, verging on distant. And I am here to tell you about my past. It is not a pretty story; I think your people would compare me to… a man called Hitler?

Explain. She kept her words level, but only with an effort. What was this- voice- thinking, infiltrating her mind?

Well, it all started a long time ago, on another land called Cybertron…

Okay. There were so many times when she was glad she wasn't an idiot. Screaming and running around about the voice in her head- as she'd been tempted to do that morning- wouldn't have helped anything. And even if she did have the equivalent of an alien Hitler in her mind, his insanity was gone.

Not that she'd taken his word for it; she'd swept through his memories as invasively as she could.

Apologizing later for that had been necessary, but her peace of mind was even more so. If she couldn't trust him- Megatron- then how could she do what needed to be done? What he wanted done?

You need to talk to the yellow Camaro as soon as possible, he told her seriously. He will be our ticket into their compound.

And why did you want to go visit them? She asked archly. You're their eternal enemy. You… she trailed off, unable to form the words.

I'm aware. However, I do not wish to be attached to your body forever. Even more so, I want to stop the war. And my Decepticons will never stop, not unless I give them orders.

There's something else, isn't there? She asked suspiciously.

The voice shifted, and she winced back. His appearance would take some getting used to. Yes. I have other… issues to take care of. In our society, he explained quietly, those who… kill, I believe you call it- can only be revived if the killer makes amends. And I can only do that over their body.

Evelyn sighed. This will take a long time, she warned him. I'm not getting into that whole mess unprepared. I want to lay a foundation before I act. So I'll need your memories of the Autobots.

I knew there was a reason I chose you, earthling.

Interaction between Samuel Witwicky and Bumblebee was sketchy at best. Sam had turned into a loner, after his disappearance from school, only interacting with Mikaela Banes and his other friend Miles. Speaking directly to the car was out of the question, leaving her stumped and frustrated.

If you cannot speak to them, Megatron rumbled, suddenly, then get them to speak to you.

A brilliant idea. If she only knew how to do that…

And then she did.

They're suspicious, aren't they? She asked him excitedly. Then we can make ourselves act suspicious in front of them! They'll want to talk to me. And if you send out proper 'signals' to change his programming subtly- we'll have a foolproof plan!

That, earthling, Megatron pronounced flatly after a full minute of silence, is one of the worst plans I've ever heard. And I had Starscream on my team.

Shuffling through his memories of Starscream, she snickered. Fine. Did you happen to have a better plan?

A mental huff later, they were back to plotting.

I'm beginning to think that you were right. We need… to make them suspicious. Not try to initiate contact.

Ha! I was right! Grinning, she returned to her homework.

The nightmares faded day by day, almost as if her acknowledgement of Megatron made the integration of their minds easier. Memories and knowledge he knew was used by her unconsciously; he was the same.

And Evelyn… was happy. Perhaps not comfortable, but certainly not terrified. The Decepticon was not… courteous. There were comments on so many things that left her red-faced and choking, but it was almost like having a close friend- one who knew your mind better than yourself.

Sarcastic and amusing by turns, he was slowly becoming a necessary part of her life. His impressive knowledge of math and science was brilliant in her classes; it opened up time for her to start to record Samuel Witwicky's schedule as well as Bumblebee's.

And her idea of drawing his attention to her- was not working. It drew everybody else's attention- there were rounds of good-natured teasing that left her blushing- but the worst part of all that was Megatron's reaction.

He'd scream in rage, an inherent hatred for mockery ingrained into his very soul. That day… had not been fun. She'd take a migraine- however- over fear; pain was infinitely less dangerous than suspicion.

Suspicion led to investigation. And investigation led to… death.

Too bad I have a- former- megalomaniac in my head, she thought dryly.

What about me? Megatron's voice was curious, and appeared out of nowhere.

Don't do that!

My apologies, I did not mean to startle you. A brief hesitation, I noticed that you have many… sarcastic thoughts? Yet- they are the ones you avoid speaking the most.

Tamping down the rush of confusion- he'd actually paid enough attention to her thought-speech correlation to draw that conclusion?- she shrugged. Yes.

A frown- You are rather- different- when compared to all the other earthlings I have seen. Quieter, calmer.

I am? I wasn't aware of that. She was being sarcastic, but the thought rang true.

Might I see… your memories? I know earthlings believe them private! He assured her hurriedly. But… I would like to understand the differences.

Evelyn leaned back. She was… honestly floored by his reaction. Megatron could say what he wished- but she knew his thoughts. He could hear her loneliness, and was giving her a shoulder to cry on without appearing weak.

I have seen yours, she told him cautiously. It is only fair that you see mine- especially if we are to inhabit the same body for much longer.

Your concept of fair is very generous, femme. I have… brought the war to your doorstep; I have effectively forced you to put your life on hold for me. My very existence in your head is a breach of pri-

You did what you had to do, she said quietly. And what you went through- watching as your very body disobeyed your commands- it could drive anyone insane. When you were in control, you tried to save people. Is that not what matters?

He hummed. The Autobots wouldn't agree.

You killed them- or tried to, she replied wryly. I don't think they will forgive you very easily.

A physical shudder, and memories of helpless rage washed over them. A millennia of killing; centuries of hatred and weakness, left Evelyn pale and Megatron shaking.

I always thought… that living for so long inured you to emotion, she whispered. That immortality was a curse.

There was a brief pause, then he sighed, letting the scars fade slightly once more. You humans are immortal compared to certain species on this planet , who only live for a day- a week. Does that mean you feel less than them?

I… don't know. Her eyes narrowed, determination filling them. But that is an interesting philosophy.

Do not be impressed. I was simply comparing something you could understand. While your species is certainly interesting, you only merit a few revolutions' worth of observation. After that-

Should I be insulted? She deadpanned, and his deep chuckles left her feeling warm. Go ahead and get started on going through my memories.

The femme was staring at him.


Bumblebee shuffled slightly along his frame, inching closer to Sam. It was… worrying, the amount of attention he'd been receiving from the same person over the past couple weeks. And he wanted to avoid as much trouble as possible.

"Sam," he said on the way home.

"Yeah?" There was a new weight on his shoulders; a knowledge of death and loss and grief that could only have come from war.

"Could you talk to a fem- a girl- in your school? Her designation is… Evelyn? Evelyn Monroe?"

Sam arched an eyebrow. "And why would I do that?"

Bee sulked. "She's been staring at me, so-"

"Staring. She's staring at the gorgeous Camaro I have, and you think that's a bad thing?" Sam was disbelieving.

"Yes, Sam," He said patiently. "There are certain… extenuating circumstances for this one. So don't blow your top. Really. If she'd found something out- it can't hurt to talk to her. So…" And he wouldn't mention the Energon radiation he'd felt from her. Not at all.

"Fine. But you owe me, Bee!"

They drove in silence for the rest of the ride.

"Evelyn!" Sam lunged out, almost catching her shoulder.

Instead, he tugged on her elbow, scattering the two binders she'd been holding to the ground; it was almost instantly followed up with a sharp punch to his kidneys.

Doubled over and wheezing, she knew her eyes widened when she saw who it was.

"What. The. Hell?" He managed to choke out.

"You- I-" she sputtered back. "You attacked me!"

"No, I didn't!" He shot back. "And you punched me!"

She grimaced at his statement, but didn't deny it- not that she could. "What did you want?" Eyes tightened for a brief moment before relaxing. "Before all this, I mean."

"Um…" Sam frowned in thought, still massaging his lower back. "Just… about my car. Mikaela told me that you were… staring at it, so um…" He trailed off.

Some part of her- a really, really small part- wanted to choke on her laughter. Well, it's working, she commented. They suspect something.

Be glad. I'd have gone insane if- He's asking if you want a ride! Pay attention, slag it!

I thought you were in charge of that, she grumbled back. That punch was certainly fast. Studying jujitsu in your free time?

Aloud she asked, "A ride? That sounds wonderful. But…"

I swear to Primus, femme, if you refuse I'll personally defenestrate you.

Her lips twitched in response, though Sam didn't seem to notice. "But I have a ride today. Would Friday work for you?" We need to be ready for them, she hissed at Megatron. And if they feel the sam-

Pay attention!

"Sure," Sam said easily. "That sounds perfect!"

He walked away, shaking his head, and Evelyn leaned a head against her car, hands trembling. "We are so fucked," she breathed.

So… the reason why I refused today? Bee's suspicious of us. And if he takes us to their base- as I'm quite certain he will- we're screwed, because at home I'll be done for. My parents'll be so mad. We'll be killed and buried and-

I get the picture, he bit out.

Good. So- what's the plan? How do we attack it?

I think we're going to have to do a straight-on reveal. They'll never trust us otherwise.


Grinning inwardly, she asked, Ready to completely freak Bee out?

Megatron shifted. What?

Reaching forward, she began to tug at the lock that should have opened the trunk- a spot that Megatron had specifically told her was a ticklish spot for them. Vaguely aware of him choking on his laughter, and Bumblebee trying to squirm away- she had to force herself to remain calm and serious. Still… the mirth in her eyes seemed to overflow, until she finally took mercy on the poor Autobot.

"Sam? Do you mind popping the trunk? I think the handle's broken."

You've done it now, Megatron snickered. He'll never forgive you.

She should have been laughing with him. But… there were so many things they hadn't considered. So many ways this could go wrong. And the person to pay the price-

-would be her.

Ready, she asked quietly.

To tell the world what's going on… Don't tell me you're losing your nerve now, of all times!

She shrugged tensely. Never claimed to be courageous. Never wanted to be a warrior, either.

War is not for everyone, he acknowledged slowly. I am sorry for taking that choice away from you.

I know. I… mourn that, that innocence. But injustice should be repaired. And if the only way to help you and your people is my sacrifice- I can live with that. What I don't know is if I could live with myself if I didn't help you.

Then let us play, earthling. It is time for the acting of your lifetime.

Moving smoothly, she slid into the passenger seat. "Tell me," she murmured, hands clammy against her jeans. "How have you been, Bumblebee?"

The screech of tiles on tar after a moment of pure, pure shock almost made her laugh.

"Who are you, human?" Bumblebee asked, voice grim.

Megatron didn't say a word in response. Poking him mentally- and getting no answer- she felt her heart rate pick up.

Oh, great. I'll have to play it by ear. Too bad I'm the equivalent of deaf! This is my worst nightmare!

"Just… a girl," she said softly.

Remember, Evelyn. They're the good guys. As long as they don't suspect you have Megatron in your head- you'll be fine.

"Sam," Bumblebee announced after a moment of incredulous silence. "You are not as strange as I thought you were. All earthlings are crazy."

Ignoring him as best she could, Evelyn tried to remain calm- but she could feel the hysterics building.

Megatron? I need help here…

Still no response. She could feel him, though, waiting for something.

Then Sam responded to Bumblebee, the radio switched on, and she felt Megatron surge back into her mind. I apologize, he grated out. But all Cybertronians can identify Decepticon signatures. I don't know if he can feel me speaking to you.

Shock traced its icy fingers down her back. You didn't tell me that before, she managed.

I… did not think of it. But if they find out what is going on- who I am- even Optimus will not hesitate to shoot me. And you, as well.

She shuddered. I- I'm fifteen, Megatron. This- I'm not ready to die. Not for something this… different. I don't know anything about these- these mechs- apart from their war stats. They must have had something apart from-

They did, he told her seriously. They all do. They are trusting and kind, honorable and good. They hold their morals above everything else- and that is something I believe you can value. He smiled, slightly, and she felt the resulting twinge in her mind. You say you never claimed to be courageous… but fighting- as you are- for fairness, in a terribly, frighteningly unfair universe- never… never doubt that that takes courage as well.

…Thank you.

And she was thankful. The confidence she knew she needed to pull off the act- to survive the next couple of days- was sorely lacking, and she was dangerously aware of it. That knowledge- of the darkness just around the corner- had always frightened her; she had never had nightmares as a child, but as she grew older there were simply more things to be afraid of.

God, she had been nine when she realized that there were more important things than death.

At nine, she'd been frightened out of her wits. Every shadow… every hole. Ruthlessly logical she might be, but her scant knowledge of nuclear weapons had sent skitters of fear down her spine every day. Her pride had saved her- her refusal to tell anyone her fears had let her live her life as ignorant of fear as possible in an age where the press of a button could destroy a city.

She'd faced her fears, and beaten them… or so she'd thought. Then a recovered megalomaniac slid into her mind, and all those hopes slid down the drain.

Still. You aren't hyperventilating, yet. You can- maybe- survive this?

And- they'd already been in the car for much longer than necessary. Lost in thought, she hadn't noticed when Bee had dropped Sam off, but she was still strapped into the car and they were in the desert.

They were heading to the Autobot center of operations.

You aren't going to die, Megatron interrupted her. And nobody will injure your family. That- I can assure.

I wish I could believe that, she said wryly. But you're only surviving in my head. If something happens to me- I don't know how you'd be able to survive.

He sighed. I think it's time for the next bombshell.



"Mmm. Six autobots, isn't it?" She asked gently. "Since Megatron died, I mean-"

Her voice cut off when he skidded to a halt.

Oh, great plan, Megatron. I'll be dead before we even get to the slagging base!

"Who are you?" Bumblebee thundered, and she felt all color drain from her face in response.

Evelyn? Megatron asked, when she didn't show any sign of responding.

It took every dreg of courage she had, to stop herself from slamming open the door and fleeing. Defiance and courage wasn't in her nature. All she'd ever wanted was to lead a good, simple life. Now-

-"Let's go to your base," she said. "I'd prefer to say it just once."

Her hands were shaking, her mind bombarded with every sight and sound. Adrenaline was making her actually dizzy from the highs and lows of the day.


Enough. She snapped at Megatron. It was rude and impolite, she knew that. Except- terror held all social niceties hostage, and she couldn't remove that feeling from her gut. You decided to play it by ear, but I'm the one who needs to do the most. So shut the slag up, and leave me alone!

He retreated quickly, leaving Evelyn alone in the car. And if she closed her eyes, she could imagine that there was nothing different about her day than any other; leaning a suddenly heavy head against the cool glass, she tried to forget everything she was surrendering with her actions.

The desert was cold outside of Bumblebee.

The cutting wind and empty wasteland was frightening on so many levels- they hardly needed the silence Bee had been exercising since his shout. She strongly suspected he was using his private comms to speak to Optimus, and it seemed she was right- the base was empty.

The only moving things she'd seen were two large mechs who held their guns pointed slightly away from her; they seemed to form an honor guard around her and Bee as they walked further in.

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, Megatron told her. Dangerous mechs- the memory of the ruins they'd left in their wake hung in the air between them. They shoot first, and ask questions later. As an enemy… don't shit with them. Their first allegiance is to their twin, though. Only next to the Autobot cause.

Her shoulders twitched, before tightening. I am sorry, you know.

Yes. I should have been kinder. You are still a youngling- by our standards as well as yours. You carry this burden remarkably well.

She exhaled sharply, ignoring Bee's curious look- she was getting quite good at it. Then they stopped at a huge metal door, painted with a scarlet Autobot symbol.

And they called me prideful, he muttered. She snorted back.

"Let's get this over with," she told herself with a wan smile.

As she entered the room, she was met with both glares and blankness as she faced all the Autbots on earth.

Silence and tension filled the room, as the twins moved away, grimly taking positions next to their comrades. Evelyn felt her eyes take them in, slowly, and even managed a small smile when she heard their accomplishments by a weary Megatron-

-but then Optimus transformed.

And she went knock-kneed at his height.

Evelyn? Evelyn! Megatron was shouting, but she barely heard him through the roaring in her ears.

He's big, she whimpered. He's big!

A brief pause, and- You've seen my memories.

You were taller than him! She shouted back. He was shorter than you! I- I can probably fit in his slagging palm! You- she forcefully cut herself off.

"Ah," she said faintly. "This… was a mistake."

Femme! Don't you dare walk away!

No! Have you seen his size? I'll make a fragging body for you if you want one, but I'm out of here!

And turning around, she walked away.

Optimus watched, confused, as the human girl went white at his transformation.

"This was a mistake," she stuttered out, before turning around to walk away, and he just watched, because hadn't she been the one to initiate contact?

Then her body froze, and half-turned around; in the next moment it twitched forward. Worried, he moved forward, hands already reaching to touch her when-

-"Don't touch her!" Ratchet bellowed.

Dropping his hand, and turning a truly annoyed stare at Ratchet, he almost asked something, but that faded when he saw the real look of fear on his face. "What is it?"

"She's experiencing some… impossibilities in muscle conformation. I don't-"

"A bomb!" One shouted from the back, but they both ignored him.


A hand tightened into a fist, and then all emotion smoothed out of her face, into an almost-unnatural look of emptiness. "Optimus Prime," her voice said flatly, hints of respect weaving through her voice. "I am telling you this so you may know- I was caught. Held in prison." Her eyes shut, opening brown instead of the blue they'd been moments before.

"Let me go!" She shouted, muscles convulsing out of control.

Then her eyes were blue again, and she was still. "I was… injured. Badly. I needed medical assistance, but my spark was destroyed. I found a… sympathetic soul, in this girl. She had helped me. I wish to-"

His voice cut off, only to be replaced with brown eyes that were looking so pained he flinched.

"She's going into shock!" Ratchet slid forward, catching her before she landed on the floor.

Optimus watched, numb, as the young girl remained unconscious- that was the term, he thought- in Ratchet's hand.

"Well, slag," someone muttered. Bumblebee, Optimus saw, was weaving as well- most likely in shock. "What are we going to do now?"

He sighed. "Keep her safe, of course. We shall talk in the morning."


Agony. Betrayal. Anger.

She felt all of that, and more- suddenly she was aware of how Megatron must have felt when he was imprisoned. Then she was furious, because she didn't want to feel emotion for that… that person she'd put her hopes and dreams in.

He'd violated her body just as he'd been violated, and she couldn't help but feel the hurt that he'd do such a thing.

I gave you everything, she hissed, pouring all of her emotion into those words. And this is how you repay me? Watch me tell them. I'll tell them everything and I'll smile when they kill me!

Anger had darkened the edges of her world into blood-soaked silk; she welcomed the warm thrum of it against her chest.

I am sorry, he whispered abruptly. I had to tell them, however. You… would not listen, not in such a state. And if you hadn't noticed, both of the twins had their guns pointed at you and were ready to pull the trigger if you'd continued to walk in that direct-


Her hands tightened, remembering the betrayal when her muscles had not obeyed her command. What frightened her more than anything else, however, was that he could have done such a thing. He could have made her do so many damn things, and she couldn't stop him.

He was too strong.

And will you fear that strength, Evelyn? She asked herself. Do you fear that strength more than you love your life? What is that saying- 'do not be afraid of the strength of others,' and 'you can only be brave when… you have fear.' What is bravery, after all, than walking into the mouth of hell, deliberately?

Bowing over her lap, she bit back the tears. Tears were weak. And she wanted their respect, as much as she wanted their belief. They wouldn't respect tears, not truly.

Listen to me, she made her decision and told him firmly. I cannot forget what you did yesterday. It was cruel of you, and I cannot condone it. However- there were extenuating circumstances. I know for a fact that you didn't do that to hurt me, though you should have considered it. You didn't, and I'm… hurt. It will take me some time to return to normal. I am willing to forgive you. Then she waited.

His words were stilted, careful. I do not know if I should accept that. I was deliberately painful to you, to discourage you from continuing to fight. I hurt you, and… no extenuating circumstances should allow me to gain you forgiveness.

It has, she told him archly. And it will. But… for now, I think it will be best if we speak to the CMO Ratchet, yes? I don't want to retain any long-term damage from this.

Megatron nodded slowly.

And Evelyn didn't smile. Smiles, she'd found, were something innocents did. And she was no longer an innocent.

The war has taken its first victim, she thought, almost bitter. How many more before…

She didn't finish that thought, though, and reached for the medical bell easily.

"She is strong," Ratchet told him quietly. The human earthling had woken up- and he'd heard the shift in her breathing- but she hadn't done anything else until she reached for the bell.

Her words to him had been polite, calm. And if it startled him, the distance and emptiness in her eyes- well, Ratchet was good enough that he hadn't displayed any signs yet of it.

She'd also lain in the bed- hadn't even asked if she was allowed to go anywhere. Her eyes had avoided his, though, and given him no chance to protest her actions; she'd been the model patient. It was only when he injected her with a sedative that he saw something approaching panic- her eyes widened and he sensed a spike in her adrenaline. Moments later, it flatlined into normal levels, and he left to report to Prime.

The feelings of the bots were… divided, to say the least. Some wanted to offline her, citing that they didn't know whether the mech was an Autobot or a Decepticon. Others wanted to wash their hands of her, giving her up to the government. And- it seemed that Prime had decided to keep her on base, to question her.

"Very strong. She did not resist my treatments, at all, though I suspect the mech inside of her was numbing selective parts of her body. She was calm, polite, and deferential to my authority. Makes me wonder who would have seen a… sympathetic soul… in her. As far as I can tell, most mechs tend to cause chaos when possible."

"Prowl didn't," Optimus reminded him. "And there were others. Perhaps this one is a neutral."

Ratchet tugged, thoughtfully, on one of his plates. "Doubtful. She wanted to talk to us since she contacted Bumblebee." A brief breath, and then he sighed. "I checked his worries on Energon radiation in her system. He was right to be worried, but it doesn't seem to be hurting her." He shook his head, bewildered. "Perhaps the mech is causing it?"

"Is it dangerous to her?"

"If the mech is removed- maybe. If not, I don't know. This is a… unique situation. To say the least."

Optimus nodded wryly. "You'll do well, Ratchet. Now- is she awake?"


"Then perhaps it is time to talk to her and this… mystery mech."

Are you okay, youngling? Megatron kept his voice calm, remembering the gut-wrenching terror that had broken through the soporific effect he'd woven around her mind. The sedative the damn medic had given was painful, at least to her; she compared the effect to what she supposed a hangover would be like and he couldn't help the flash of amusement.

I-yes. I am fine. She wasn't. The flashes of true pain in her mind were very, very real, and he winced in sympathy. Sedatives were horrible to wake up from. And you? She asked curiously.

He catalogued his mental status, and came up with healthy. Fine, though having my own body would be better. Then he re-considered the words, and added, grudgingly, though I'll have to stay for a while yet. I… hacked into Ratchet's files while he was recharging. Apparently you have Energon poisoning- which is why Bumblebee was so interested- and if I leave, he doesn't know if you'll survive.

I'll manage, I'm sure, she responded wryly. Now-

Optimus entered the hangar, blue optics whirring like mad when he saw the curiosity in her face.

"Hello, youngling," he rumbled comfortingly. Megatron shifted when she mentally recoiled and only smiled wanly.

"It is an honor to see the leader of the Autobots," she told him flatly. Her words sounded rancorous- but the sentiment behind them were true, so-

What game are you playing, femme?

He answered his own question a moment later. Establishing a relationship as an Autobot, without coming out and saying it- devious in manners he'd never thought of.

Optimus nodded slowly, before tipping his head to the side. "How are you?"

Megatron wondered what she looked like, sitting on Ratchet's med-bunk; from what he could tell, she was pale and drawn, but the heights of the appliances around her made her look almost like a doll from Prime's perspective. He scowled. Pride would be his downfall- it always had been- and always would be.

Pride might have saved the youngling's life before him, but it had ruined his own.

"Well enough," she told him- his brother- quietly, feeling the alien emotions of love and longing wash through her mind. Yet she didn't flinch away, which softened his own ardent self-loathing a smidge. "I do apologize, though- for yesterday, I mean." She grimaced, and he knew she was thinking about the way she'd frozen up. "I- panicked. The memories I'd seen were- showed you as the smallest Prime, and a… smaller bot than some. I suppose… I got used to it."

Nice way of saying you underestimated him, isn't it?

Shut up, Megatron.

He chuckled and subsided, watching the conversation between them take place with a sleepy optic. He'd stayed awake through her sedative, unable to control her muscles with her mind so heavy, but also unwilling to leave her defenseless.

In war, a moment's speed could save a life.

Then Optimus asked if he could talk to him, and the world came back into focus with a vengeance.

Do you think- if I gave you complete control willingly- you'd be able to take control?

If you did not panic… It is possible. However- I would not recommend it; you ne-

They'll never trust me otherwise. Steeling herself, she let the half-soporific effect of sleep lull her, and watched as numbness flickered through her limbs. Megatron stepped forward, seizing control of her body with a greediness she suspected he didn't want her to know; she waited patiently as he settled in. Don't break me, 'Tron.

I wouldn't dream of it, he replied softly.

"May I speak to your… bot?" Optimus made sure to keep his voice gentle and warm, but confusion was weaving its own melody into it quickly. The girl looked so fragile, slumped against giant pillows and larger tools, but she housed a bot that had come to him for help. It was the sole reason- she didn't know other Cybertronians, he was sure, especially after she fainted when she saw him- that he had let them stay in the base.

She jolted, slightly, and he wondered what she was thinking before she offered him a slow smile. "I'll see what I can do."

Her eyes closed, lightly, before her body stiffened; Ratchet stepped forward with a strangled shout, and then her eyes opened, Autobot blue. Not Decepticon red. Another reason why I am willing to give you a chance.

"You wished to speak to me, Prime," she said levelly, eyes flicking over both him and Ratchet before focusing on him with a single-minded intensity that was frightening.

"Yes," he rumbled. "What is your designation? Your affiliation? Your… story?"

She twitched slightly. "I… am against the Decepticons. I was- infected- with a virus for a long time, Prime. It nearly destroyed me- it did destroy my sanity. For millennia, I fought- by the time the war started I was long gone." Her eyes tilted up to his face, huge and warm. "But I assure you… had I been myself, I would have been an Autobot."

Was that a plea, or a statement? Optimus couldn't be sure, and the evolving mystery of this girl not so much as intrigued him as frightened him.

Ratchet called from the back, "And your designation?"

There was a moment's hesitation, and she shrugged. "Megatron."

And the world dissolved in screaming.

Ratchet was shouting; Optimus had his cannons pointed directly at her face. Her face blanked, of all expression, paling to a shade Optimus noted vaguely as better directed to milk or froth.

Then her eyes closed, and swirled to brown. The absolute terror on her face startled him. Did she really think-

You're holding a slagging cannon to her face, Optimus. She's a youngling, too.

"He- he was joking," she squeaked out.

And… he might have been completely caught in her idea- but she hadn't recoiled backwards at their guns. He'd seen terror and anger, hurt and…


She had done everything- perfectly- to save her life. And it was a… flawless performance. But it was just that perfection that pulled his attention. Wary, he watched as she calmed Ratchet down with a few well-placed words- too well, the suspicious part of his mind commented.

This girl is dangerous, he thought quietly. This girl is dangerous.

And… after that, things cooled down.

The Autobots lived on the base alone, apparently; humans visited but the majority of their time was passed by themselves. And, with only a few days' time, she faded from their minds. Her avoidance- as well as Megatron's knowledge of their habits- was a formidable asset; she had no wish to interact with them more than necessary.

Evelyn associated hurt with them- as well as imprisonment.

Oh, sure- they called it protection, for her human body. But she knew that the mech standing outside her door was as much to watch her as for anything else. Unable to leave without silence and whispers, she stayed in her room.

I don't care, she told him impatiently after he told her she shouldn't let their words hurt her. But there are more important things to be doing, and this is one of them.

She spent her days learning jujitsu and Cybertronian weak points- Megatron downloaded the information from the web and had her sketch images of the average Cybertronian.

I will not leave you without the capabilities to defend yourself, youngling. Not if they find out… and you need to run. You might be smaller and slower- but with the correct training you can at least put them down for some time.

So she rolled around and under, dodging the holograms he threw up for her. By the end of the day, her hands trembled and shook; her body was peppered with bruises. But at least she would sleep well.

The nightmares that had once faded were worse, now, than ever before- Megatron could feel her exhaustion and terror. It was run through with bitter anger, but the fear still pervaded her mind like a thick fog.

You need to sleep, youngling, he whispered worriedly. It has been too long since you last recharged. Your health will soon be affected.

She shuddered back. Online the damn holograph, Megatron! I can't- you know I can't-

I'll stay awake, he said abruptly.


I'll stay awake. You need to sleep, and I can pay attention to your dreams. I'll wake you if they become too bad, I promise. He shifted awkwardly. And you need the rest.

Shock was replaced by weariness almost immediately, and he watched her turn back to her berth with a look of defiance.

Now, if only you can turn that defiance to others, you will make a brilliant soldier.

She didn't respond.

Youngling? Youngling? Evelyn? What- did I say something?

No! She reached back, hands scrabbling blindly against the metal of the hangar they'd shoved her in. I never wanted to be a soldier, dammit! All I've ever wanted is to be a doctor!

What is a doctor?

A… medic, in your language. She stilled with a force of will, and waited silently.

You would have made a wonderful one, he told her seriously. But time is not on your side. I have said I'm sorry-

-I don't want your apologies. I… you didn't deserve what happened, and I don't deserve what's happening. But- shit happens. We get over it, and get past it. I just need some time to.

He snorted. You are stronger than most mechs I know. To have me stuck in their heads- they would have gone insane, as much as not, and where would that have left me? Insane, again?

She laughed. I want… to see the moon, Megatron. I want to see the sky, and be reminded that we have… so much that is impossible, that is wrong. I want to be happy for now.

You are not imprisoned, he reminded her. But you know you cannot go home.


Then- go. See the stars, and I will tell you everything I know about them, all those things you can never understand from another.

Evelyn smiled softly, and walked outside. The mech outside- Sunstreaker, she recognized- instantly shifted into a threatening position, but she didn't give him anything more than an askance look.

And the world outside seemed so… beautiful, as it was- emptier but infinitely more mysterious.

Sitting cross-legged, she listened:

That star- over there, called Betelgeuse- it has a planet around it that is so fast it can barely be seen by your telescopes…

And that one, no- that one- has the most gorgeous violet flares when one gets close to it. The heat is enough to melt all planets; it has no life, but we spent revolutions there, in orbit, watching its beauty…

The blue constellation you call the Big Dipper has a star called Alcor- has a neighbor so close they are almost one. We… considered it to be a reason for our procreation's inherent superiority over you humans. The swath of flame it flared- completely out of nowhere- almost sheared my ship in half…

And somehow, there were no nightmares that night.

My first foray into the Transformers world. I did not mean to post this- I actually was working on my Caelia fic. Then everything exploded in my face after my laptop died, and this was one of my older fics that I saw sitting on my hard drive. I polished up and decided to post; to any of my Caelia fans reading this: do not worry. I will update sometime soon. When- I don't know. Probably tomorrow or day after.

Also... this isn't completed. I will take some time to finish this one- my muse tends to disappear at random times- but the end result is the same. I will take my time, and I will make my own AU by the end of this!

And- finally- this is a movie Transformers fic. I've watched some episodes of the tv series, but it's been over six years and I don't remember them all that well. So this probably has certain inconsistencies, but know this: most of them are deliberate. They aren't mistakes made because I don't know stuff.

On that note- Megatron having a 'virus' is not my original idea, but I do think having him inhabit a girl's head is; at least I haven't read any other fanfics on this topic.

I think, next chapter, we'll have an escape from hell situation.

If you don't understand what that means, don't worry :)

Reviews inspire me!
