Disclaimer: I do not own Hamtaro.

Chapter 1: The Book
*Badda-badda-badda* Maxwell ran fast on the cold ground, his feet thumping against it and his book under his arm. He ran through a tunnel and stopped when he reached a big green door. He held out his paw to the door knob, and turned it. Inside all the hams were running from one place to another, putting up Christmas decorations.

Hamtaro, an orange and white ham-ham, looked up at Maxwell, "Hamha Maxwell! We're just getting the clubhouse ready for Christmas. Wanna help?"

Maxwell smiled, "Of course I'll help. What do you want me to do?" He put his book down on the table and walked over to Hamtaro.

Boss, a field hamster, came up to the two, "Hey Maxwell. Listen, Panda and Stan are going outside to pick acorns and get more things for the Christmas decorations, do you think you could go help them?"

Maxwell gave another smile, "Sure I'll help." He saw Panda and Oxnard and followed them out.


"Ok, um Oxnard you go look over there, and Maxwell you go look over there. We'll meet back here in one hour," Panda said. They all went their different directions.

Maxwell went over where there were lots of acorns and started picking them. {I wonder what Sandy's getting me for Christmas} He thought to himself. He looked up at the sky, {I wish I had a book of poetry. Maybe I could tell Sandy some poems} He blushed a little at the thought. He found a big acorn and picked it. {What should I get Sandy?} He asked himself. {Maybe a new ribbon wand or something to help her with her sports}

Maxwell didn't notice he had picked so many acorns at once, until he realized how much his arms were hurting. He put his acorns down and sat under a cherry blossom tree to take a break. When he looked up, there was only one more cherry blossom left but Maxwell had noticed that it was the most beautiful cherry blossom he'd ever seen. {Hmm, I think I know what I'm getting Sandy.} Maxwell smiled at himself.


Later that day, when everyone was done decorating and heading home Maxwell went back to the clubhouse to get his book. He opened the door and walked in. No one was there except Snoozer, who was sound asleep in his sock. Maxwell walked up to the table, sitting there was his book. Maxwell picked it up, then noticed that there was another book sitting next to it. The other book was smaller then his, it was blue, and looked like it was just bought brand new. Maxwell picked it up and examined it, {Hmm, I wonder who this belongs to.} Then he opened it, in hopes of finding some clues, but only found pages full of poems. {I'd better take it home, maybe I could figure out who it belongs to} It was then that Maxwell noticed a small card in the book. He took it out and opened it. It looked like an unfinished Christmas card. On the card it said:

To: Maxwell
Merry Christmas! And Best wishes!


It didn't say who it was from but Maxwell smiled. {How did they know I wanted this book?} He looked around and noticed no one was inside. "I guess I'll have to take it home and investigate, " He said to himself.

End Chapter 1