Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters here that belong to Naruto or Mega Man that I put into this story except for my own OCs. Neither do I own any of the character in any of the crossovers I do. I'm just using them in this fanfiction and I have no money so don't bother suing me. You'll just lose money instead of gaining any. And remember to leave a review!
In his skull shape fortress, Dr. Wily stared at his computer screen as he studies the energy readings of the new source of energy he discovered. He was trying to build a time machine but he ended up creating a machine that opens door ways to other worlds. The world he found is a strange one, it's advance in some fields while totally lacking in others. From what he seen the power that runs the cities of that world comes from an energy they call chakra. And the defenders of that world all use it called ninjas. The ninjas he's been studying aren't like the ones he knew of, no they used that energy called chakra to do things out of of comics while acting all but what ninjas are suppose to be. Ninjas are suppose to keep their faces and names a secret, not post it all over or become well know that anyone walking by them knows who they are. He's been trying to take over his world for years now, and failed because of Mega Man. If he can't take over his world this new one will do. (1)
To his world one of the reasons why Dr. Wily is so dangerous is how he reacts to new inventions in science. He displays a terrifying interest of a mad scientist hell bent on twisting the new and interesting power or machine that could help him in taking over the world. He studies the new subject in question and works to replicate, even improve them. And more often than not, he is successful.
"So Doc what have you been working on?" Protoman ask entering the lab. He's been wondering what the doc has been up to as he has rebuilt all the Robot Masters and been putting the factory in high gear in making more robots.
"A new world one that won't be able to stop me from taking it over once its defenders no longer have their powers," Wily said as he showed Protoman the recordings of his studies on the humans of that world.
"Wow! It's like something out of a comic book," Protoman said.
"Yes that power they use will be mine," Wily said. "I have studied the energy and have come up with a machine to drain them of that power. And set it up on their moon where they won't be able to get to it."
"How do you know it will work?" Protoman ask.
"I have already tested it on him," Wily said changing the screen to show a pale man frozen in a tank. "His name is, Toneri Otsutsuki and he was living on the moon somehow using the chakra to survive. I'm still doing research on him to see if he's an alien. But the prototype of the machine worked on him and that all that matters. He shown to be very powerful even after he was hit and destroyed a number of Sniper Joes, I sent to catch him. So, I used Yellow Devil who, I upgraded to allow him to drain chakra from anything he touches. Seems that even hit with my energy drainer, people like him who have much chakra in them can still use it. But of course since he was hit by the energy drainer, the power he use to fight and just to survive on the moon quickly drained him, before Yellow Devil took him down."
"So your energy drainer is like unplugging these ninjas and they have to make do on battery power," Protoman said having listened to enough of the Doc's rants to get what it all means.
"Yes, so I'm just going to go and use the energy drainer on that planet. Taking away the ninjas power and what's left they will either not use it or waste it all before we invade," Wily said.
"We're just going to wait?" Protoman ask.
"Yes and gather the chakra, I'm draining from that planet and use it to make you and my other robots much more powerful. And of course, I still want to do research on the ninjas to make sure they won't surprise us," Wily explains.
"When are you going to do it?" Protoman ask.
"I did it an hour ago," Wily answers. "I learn from my mistakes. No more waiting around. If the machine is ready and nothing will stop it, why wait. No more countdowns to launch a weapon, I'm just going to fire it right away."
"Finally learning not to hold the villain ball," Protoman said.
"Yes, I'm not going to make the same mistakes this time around," Wily laughs. (2)
Elsewhere -
On the planet in question on the planet's moon, a large compound was being built by robot workers around a mobile base crawler. A giant satellite rest on top of the base drawing energy from the planet below it. The base is being powered by the energy being drawn from the planet and what's not needed is being sent back to Wily's fortress through the portal. The base once fully operational would be able to move if as the moon orbits around the planet gets too far and into the dark side of the moon. Several satellites are being launch to encircle the planet that would drain the energy and be transferred to the base.
Down below on the planet the ninjas and other chakra users suddenly found themselves cut off from chakra. Some finding that no matter what they do they couldn't regain the chakra they had used. Some found themselves completely powerless once they used all of their chakra. The containers of the demons were also effected by the strange events. While they can still use chakra and unlike others they're chakra are restored. They had to eat more then normal to do so. For the demons could no longer restore their energy, not without food to do so. (3)
The ninjas villages all eyed each other wondering if they're the ones who did this to them. And in one such village a young boy who was looking out of his window at night stared at the moon. Something was happening to everyone in the village. Something bad. And the world he once knew would never be the same again.
Author's Notes -
1 – From the American cartoon as Mega Man and the cast aren't robot kids but teens. So the Mega Man cast won't be cannon to the video game somethings will be but not in others.
2 - Seeing how Wily can arm his robots with weapons that can control the weather, time and other stuff. He is smart enough that he'll be able to create a machine that would drain the ninjas of their chakra. Or in this case drain chakra from the planet and while the ninjas can still use their chakra they have inside of them. Once it's gone it's gone. Like an empty gas tank on a road in the middle of nowhere with no gas station anywhere close by.
The ninjas can't restore their chakra no matter what they try. As long as the machine is there draining the chakra from the planet they can't . So the ninjas will have to fight the Robot Masters with a limited supply of chakra that allows them to do so and more powerful the jutsu the quicker they lose energy or use it all at once for the really powerful jutsus. Which all the Robot Masters, Wily loses can all be rebuilt and upgraded for the next battle.
3 - All the demon containers now eat like Lina from The Slayers to restore all the energy they use when they use chakra.