I just wanted to say that this story has been in my mind for months now and I just really wanted to get it out there. I've edited it to the best of my ability, so if there are any mistakes, I apologize. I hope you enjoy this!

Track 1: Two Years Later

"I think we need a break."


"I think we should…end our relationship...is what I'm saying."

"Wha- Was it something I did? I'm sorry! I-I-"

"No. You're perfect. Something just doesn't feel right…"


"I'm sorry."

That conversation has been replaying itself in Rei's head for the past two years now. Its been that long since he and his long time best friend and little time boyfriend, Hazuki Nagisa, split up. Ever since then, Rei lost all contact with him as well as his former senpais, Makoto and Haru. Rei went off to a university in Tokyo to study there and has remained there for most of the time. He hasn't gone back to Iwatobi much at all. Only to see his parents once in a while and to occasionally meet up with Gou and Rin, if he was back from Austrailia. Gou would try to get Rei to talk about why he broke up with Nagisa in hopes to know more, maybe even get them back together, but he would not budge. The two Matsuokas never mentioned anything to Rei about what Nagisa was doing or how he was. So, the now graduated college student knew nothing of the blonde haired boy after what happened between them.

Recently, Rei had overcome his obstacles in life and is free to do as he pleases. Yet, he can't help but feel empty and alone. He's tried to visit Gou and Rin more, but he misses everyone else. He misses his team. He misses Nagisa. But after not speaking to them for a solid two years, he was wary on how contacting them would end up. Gou insists that he at least contacts Haru and Makoto, but Rei would chicken out last minute each time he attempted. So for now he, must carry on with his life and make the best of it.

It was a sunday afternoon when Rei was out shopping around in the busy area of Tokyo. He usually journeyed out to gather food for the week and any other things he may have needed. He observed the people on the street, like he usually would, when he would go shopping. He watched some of the local high schoolers running around, going to various stores to hang out and shop. He watched the tourists, whom traveled to Tokyo, and keep an eye on how they would be, in case they needed help. He'd watch the couples shopping and eating at cute cafes together and thought about how fun that could be to do that again. But he didn't want to go alone. He didn't feel comfortable going on his own.

While he was walking past one of the stores, he heard music blaring out into the streets. He knew that store usually blasted the latest hits in Japan, so Rei was used to it. But this time is was different. It sounded familiar too him. Like he knew the voice in the song. He looked towards the store to see hordes of fan girls overflowing the store, squealing about the artist. Rei walked closer, curious and hoping to confirm whom the artist was, and couldn't help but listen in on the girls freaking out in excitement.

"Oh my gosh! He's touring!" One girl squealed.

"I know right? I hope tickets aren't sold out!" Her friend commented back.

"He's so cute! This song has to be my favorite!" A young girl by Rei's right sighed.

"Same. Nagisa-kun is so amazing!" And thats when his brain stopped and eyes grew wide. Nagisa? His Nagisa, er, ex Nagisa? He now needed to know if this was the same Nagisa he knew. He politely pushed by the girls into the shop to see if he can find answers, whether it came from merchandise or cds. But the tv playing music videos in the store already answered his question.

There, on the screen, was the one and only Hazuki Nagisa in a music video, singing his own songs. Rei's jaw practically dropped to the ground not only to the fact that his old friend was a famous singer now, but to how much more older he looked. The blonde lost more of the baby fat he once had on his face, but he still had enough to keep that youthful look to him. Everything else to his face stayed just as beautiful as Rei remembered, especially his eyes. He seemed a bit taller, but Rei wasn't certain. His blonde locks remained as shining and bouncy as before. When his hair was blowing in the wind in the video, Rei noticed that he had pierced his ears just on his lobes. He was still slender, yet built, and still managed to take Rei's breathe away. Nagisa looked a lot more mature, but still adorable at the same time. Rei would've awed the screen all day if the store clerk didn't interrupt.

"Can I help you find anything today, Sir?" She question. Fumbling over his embarrassed words, Rei tried to convey what he wanted. Luckily, the clerk understood and giggled a bit at his struggle.

"I take it you are a big fan of Nagisa-kun?"

"I- uh, I actually was very curious about him is all. You wouldn't happen to sell his cd here, would you?"

"Yes, we have them over here in this section." As Rei approached the section, the clerk followed and carried the conversation on with him. "It's funny. He used to be a classmate of mine back in high school. He was very loud, but very cheerful and talented in swimming- Wait!" and the clerk inched closer as if to get a better look at Rei's nervously sweaty face. She gasped as if she had made a new discovery.

"You were friends with him, right? I think I remember you too!" Rei jumped and began to get frantic. He wanted nothing more than to get out of the store.

"Hahaha-you-you must be mistaken! I was only just uh-" But it was too late.

"No, I know you. You're Ryugazaki-kun! You used to interrupt the class and-"

"C-Can I just buy the cd please?!" He tried his best not to yell at the former classmate, but he really didn't want her to talk about the old times and further embarrass himself.

"Sure sure. Here, since I know you I'll give you a discount on it!"

"Oh, thank you." He managed to purchased the cd and swiftly made his way out of the store when he decided it was time to go home. The whole way back, Rei was all in a blur thinking about all he learned about how Nagisa was doing, or what he was doing. He couldn't believe it really. Eventually, he returned home, exhausted from his experience from the day. His mind was non-stop on Nagisa as started to put things away. Rei thought maybe he should try to call the blonde again or get in contact somehow. That maybe he should try and patch things up for real. But he feared of confronting his former boyfriend, after all the tears he had shed the last time they saw each other. All these thoughts began to hurt his head, so after putting away groceries, he decided to put the tv on for a bit in an attempt to relax himself. However, he didn't know what he expected watching tv on a Sunday. Sundays usually had nothing on every channel. He clicked his way throughout the channels trying to find something to occupy his mind.

'Food network, animal show, game show, Nagisa,-Wait.' Rei clicked back to the last channel and before his very eyes he watched a much older Nagisa, on tv moving around and talking in his animated manner to the host and audience of the talk show.

"It's great to have you on the show today, Hazuki-kun!" The hostess smiled to the blonde next to her.

"Hehe, it's great to be on the show, Hiro-chan!" He responded with a grin.

"This is your first cd you put out, is that right?"

"Yep. First one!"

"And already you have fans globally! How amazing is that?"

"Honestly, I never expected it to be global. I didn't expect much at all, so it's a bit overwhelming and I can't thank the fans enough. Hehe, but that means I get to travel the world and meet everyone and see the sights! It's exciting!" As crowd cheered for him on the set, Rei kept his eyes on the boy on the flat screen before him. He couldn't believe it at all. He was pretty happy for him, but a little bitter that not even Gou told him about this. This is kind of a big deal. He continued to watch the interview unfold when they began to ask some personal things with songs and his life.

"So tell us, do you have anyone special in your life?" The hostess asked with a wink to Nagisa. Rei's chest started to get tight, fearing for the answer.

"Nope! Just me. Haha!" Rei sighed a breathe of relief hearing that. He realized it was kind of selfish to think that way, also not beautiful, but he wouldn't know what to do or how he'd react if Nagisa had feelings for someone else now. However, Rei was the one who broke his heart, so maybe he doesn't even deserve Nagisa.

"Judging by your songs, you've been in a relationship before am I right?" Nagisa froze on the screen and said nothing, so the hostess continued. "I mean, listening to your new hit single, I assume it's about-"

"Oh, Wait! I have a gift for you, Hiro-chan! Uh, you should cut to commercial so I can grab it! It's a special surprise!" Nagisa stood ready to bolt off stage. Rei was surprised of the way the blonde acted, but then again, Nagisa was always one to never really face problems head on. At least, he didn't do so unless Rei was around. He was getting better when he was in his third year of high school and throughout the first two years of college, so this baffled Rei.

"Huh? Oh, well sure thing! We'll be right back after these commercials!" And then the screen switched to a soap commercial Rei has seen over a hundred times. After watching all he did of the program, a sting of guilt occurred inside him. The only relationship he knew Nagisa was in was the relationship with him. And his songs. They couldn't be about…

Rei gathered his laptop and the cd case to hear for himself the songs Nagisa has made. Once the cd case was unwrapped and opened in his hands, he placed the cd into the drive attached to his laptop. Moments later, the songs appeared. He observed the cd case to find out what his hit single was and it appeared to be track 5 on the cd tittled "Still on my Mind". He then pressed play and listened closley.

The music started off very nice and really reminded him of Nagisa; Very rhythmic and contained an interesting array of instruments. The beat was steady, slightly upbeat, but steady. Then the lyrics began.

I fell in love, it was like a spell

but I never expected that would've failed

didn't you see, as you held me

I thought it was meant to be

He was surprised at how beautiful Nagisa's voice was. They have sung karaoke before and he was very good at the time, but Nagisa has gotten older and his singing voice had grown.

But you were gone as the trains took off

I could hear your voice, I could feel your touch

but I looked around, only saw snow on the ground

and realized that you were truly gone

Rei felt his chest ache a bit after those words, but continued to take in the song word for word.

You were the one

at least I thought

after all we've done

it couldn't be helped

didn't you see my tears

I wanted to disappear

I'm well over it now

but you're still on my mind somehow

Get out of my head

I just want to stay in bed

Rei's heart started beating faster and he was getting chills.

Did you know, that I was alone

left to fend my feelings on my own

things that were there, are now gone

I always questioned where I went wrong

But you were gone as the trains took off

I could hear your voice, I could feel your touch

but I looked around, only saw snow on the ground

and realized that you were truly gone

Now guilt was eating Rei as well as confusion. 'He was alone?' he pondered over. He assumed that Haru or Makoto or his family at the very least would be there for him. He was beginning to be a bit concerned as to how this break up took a toll on Nagisa personally. But he focused on the rest of the song for now.

You were the one

at least I thought

after all we've done

it couldn't be helped

didn't you see my tears

I wanted to disappear

I'm well over it now

but you're still on my mind somehow

Get out of my head

I just want to stay in bed

I can't sleep

I'm so weak

I can't get you out of my head

I just want to go to bed

I'd hide away, until everything was clear

I was ready to disappear

but you know what, I finally learned

how to be happy without you in my world

But you were gone as the trains took off

I could hear your voice, I could feel your touch

but I looked around, only saw snow on the ground

and realized that you were truly gone

You were the one

at least I thought

after all we've done

it couldn't be helped

didn't you see my tears

I wanted to disappear

I'm well over it now

but you're still on my mind somehow

Get out of my head

I just want to stay in bed

And then the song faded out as it came to an end. Rei was at a loss for words. He had so many emotions running through him that he didn't know how he felt about it. So he played the song again. And again. And again until he finally had an idea on how to make things right, hopefully.

"Hello?" answered the phone.

"Gou-san, this is Rei."

"Oh! Rei-kun! I haven't heard from you in a while! How have you been?" Gou sounded very excited to hear from her former schoolmate/ swim team member. It has been a while since Rei had spoken to Gou.

"A- A little out of it. So, I noticed Nagisa-kun is now a famous singer?" And the other line went quiet. "Gou-san?" Then a sigh was heard.

"I guess there is no hiding this now. I should've known you'd find out soon."

"Find out? Why didn't you or Rin-san tell me in the first place?" Rei felt betrayed knowing now that everyone knew Nagisa was this famous singer and intentionally hid it from him. How could they have done that?

"Look, I was only listening to what Haruka-senpai asked me to do." Rei gasped lightly hearing the last statement. Haruka asked this?

"….He directly told you not to tell me?" He questioned feeling very hurt, but trying not to show it.

"Rei-kun, it's only fair. You made sure none of us told Nagisa-kun about you and your life." She had a point.

"Well, I found this out the other day due to these fangirls and I ended up buying his cd and I just…." Gou listened patiently over the phone, but then given the chance spoke up again.

"How do you feel about Nagisa-kun?" That cut Rei off guard, therefore he couldn't answer. "The thing is, Nagisa-kun was very hurt by what you did to him-"

"A break up shouldn't have hurt that much." Rei cut her off harshly. He knew he hurt Nagisa, he just didn't want everyone else telling him that as well.

"Rei-kun! Listen to me, Nagisa-kun has been struggling over the last two years and is finally happy and enjoying himself." Rei registered the one part in his head.

"Wait, struggling with what?" He heard Gou cuss on the other end.

"I can't say no more."


"Don't you 'Gou-san!' me! I'm just keeping my word."

"Gou-san, I-I want to see him!" Rei shouted quick into the phone.

"Huh?" She sounded confused, most likely because she didn't catch the words racing out of his mouth.

"I want to see Nagisa-kun." Rei seemed a tad embarrassed about what he said, but he meant it.

"Thats kind of hard, you know. He's about to go on a tour now and-"

"What's his concert schedule? We could attend one of the concerts and maybe try to talk to him. You can get backstage passes, right? Singers do that sort of thing for friends and family, right?" Gou sighed on the other line.

"I'll see what I can do. You're lucky I'm such a nice friend. But, if he refuses to talk to you, that's all I can do." Rei sighed thankfully hearing Gou's response.

"Thank you Gou-san."

It was about a week later and Gou managed to get tickets at Nagisa's concert in Chiba. It was his first concert to kick off his tour and close enough to Tokyo. Gou was able to not only get back stage passes for herself and Rei, but a hotel to stay the night as well. Rei could've thanked Gou enough, but before they could confront Nagisa, the concert was the first thing. Nagisa was the opening show; Following after was the talented Kisumi, of which Rei was wondering if it was Haru and Makoto's old middle school friend he had once heard about. As they finally entered the stadium, Gou and Rei took their seats, which were not too far away from the stage. Soon enough, the crowd began to roar when the lights dimmed down. Then, the spot light was on Nagisa. He wore a clean white dress shirt under a brown leather vest with black jeans and hot pink converse shoes. He wore a single, black, finger-less glove on one hand and his hair was flowing in more places than usually. But his smile was brighter than ever and as pure as Rei remembered.

"Good evening, Chiba!" He yelled and the room amplified.

He giggled a little at the response he received. "Wow! I didn't expect a response like that! You guys are amazing! I expect you know who I am, so lets get this party started, yeah?" And again the room screamed. Soon then, the music began and Nagisa was singing and performing all over the stage. Rei observed his actions the entire time; Nagisa's facial expressions, his movements, and his tone. Overall, he seemed very happy from what Rei could tell. It was like watching him at swim practice almost. He was bubbly and sweet, making the sight refreshing for Rei. He didn't realize how badly he missed it all until now.

Nagisa already has gone through a good amount of songs as the crowd continues to cheer him on.

"Haha- you guys are party animals, huh? You all are awesome people and I couldn't have been happier in my life! For my next-" as he looked into the crowd, his expression dropped. He saw something and not only that, but it was in Rei's direction. Rei was sure Nagisa spotted him out in the crowd and now time was frozen in place. The crowd was beginning to be restless, but Nagisa didn't move a muscle. His eyes stayed glued on to Rei's eyes. Rei noted Nagisa was breathing deeply as though trying to calm himself down and his eyes seemed to dilate. Was he excited?

He noticed the crowd beginning to groan and shout, bringing Nagisa back to reality. He took a shakey breathe before he spoke. "Uh, hahaha sorry there. I guess I spaced out! Haha. Ummm, this is, uh, the last song for me tonight. I hope you've enjoyed the show so far and are prepared for the great Kisumi!" And the crowd rejoiced once again as the music started and suddenly his whole expression made a 180. He became serious with his eyes narrowing filling with pain. It took a moment for Rei to realize that it was his hit single he was about to sing. The one Rei listened to a week ago. Once the instrumental opening the song was coming to an end, Nagisa started to sing.

I fell in love, it was like a spell

but I never expected that would've failed

didn't you see, as you held me

I thought it was meant to be

Rei watched every move Nagisa made, every expression he showed, because he knew that he wasn't singing to the crowd. He was talking to Rei.

But you were gone as the trains took off

I could hear your voice, I could feel your touch

but I looked around, only saw snow on the ground

and realized that you were truly gone

His breathing was noticeably heavy, but that didn't stop him from vocalizing his inner feelings. His expression grew dark and Nagisa began to throw his arms to further express his emotions. It seemed he was directing the attention to Rei.

You were the one

at least I thought

after all we've done

it couldn't be helped

didn't you see my tears

I wanted to disappear

I'm well over it now

but you're still on my mind somehow

Get out of my head

I just want to stay in be

Nagisa then stepped back a bit, his body vibrating like he was riding a rollar coaster to its steepest point. He lowered his head down in agony. Rei feared he may break on stage, but he continued on.

Did you know, that I was alone

left to fend my feelings on my own

things that were there, are now gone

I always questioned where I went wrong

He looked back up with my most contorted face of anger Rei has ever seen. Their eyes locked again. He could practically sense the frustration and sorrow projecting from the blonde.

But you were gone as the trains took off

I could hear your voice, I could feel your touch

but I looked around, only saw snow on the ground

and realized that you were truly gone

Then he had tears forming in the corner of his eyes, Rei noticed. He sounded out of breath as he sung his hit single, but carried on with so much power behind him.

You were the one

at least I thought

after all we've done

it couldn't be helped

didn't you see my tears

I wanted to disappear

I'm well over it now

but you're still on my mind somehow

Get out of my head

I just want to stay in bed

I can't sleep

I'm so weak

I can't get you out of my head

I just want to go to bed

During the music break, Nagisa broke out into some heavy movement that went with the beat of the song. He backed away again, rubbing his face aggressively and pacing. Eventually, he came back to the audience's view, with a little more composure and continued on with the lyrics.

I'd hide away, until everything was clear

I was ready to disappear

but you know what, I finally learned

how to be happy without you in my world

But you were gone as the trains took off

I could hear your voice, I could feel your touch

but I looked around, only saw snow on the ground

and realized that you were truly gone

Nagisa started to get shakey as he was getting to the final chorus.

You were the one

at least I thought

after all we've done

it couldn't be helped

didn't you see my tears

I wanted to disappear

I'm well over it now

but you're still on my mind somehow

Get out of my head

I just want to stay in bed

He appeared to be calming down a bit as the song was ending, but out of no where was hiding his face only to abruptly leave the stage with no last words. However, before he left as quickly as he did, Rei caught a glimpse of the tears falling from his tightly clenched eyes. It pained him to watch more so because he now knew for sure that he probably was the cause of those tears. Before thinking any deeper, he was shaken from his inner struggle by the red head now standing next to him.

"Rei-kun, nows our chance." Gou whispered to him.

"Are you sure, Gou-san?" After what he witnessed on stage, he had a bad feeling about this now. He wanted so badly to give up, like he always did before.

"Getting those backstage passes wasn't easy you know!" Gou stressed her annoyance, but noticed how Rei was getting cold feet just from his solum expression he held. "But joking aside, I feel you should talk to him so he understands what happened between you." Rei thought on those words for a moment and nodded in agreement. He couldn't back down now. Not again. He knew this has to be done.

The two made their way through the bustling crowd, managing to reach to the backstage area with no issue. A guard was present at the entrance of the area, so Rei and Gou showed the guard their passes and were aloud in. Walking down the place, Rei took the time to take in the scene around him since he has never seen an environment quite like this. It wasn't that tidy at all, which irked him, and not fancy as he expected it to be. Gou kept dragging him so they could get a move on to find Nagisa's dressing room, but a familiar voice spoke, stopping them in their tracks.

"Gou-chan? Rei?! What are you doing back here?!" They turned to see none other than their old swim team captain, Makoto.

"Makoto-senpai?!" Both surprised to see him backstage too.

"Did you go to the concert too?" Gou question confused, but Makoto shook his head.

"Not really. I work with Nagisa on the side lines." He then turned his attention to Rei with a somber look.

"Rei, why are you here?" Rei didn't answer right away. His former captain's voice, from what he remembered being soft and lovable, was cold and harsh. Did he anger Makoto as well? He understands that he hasn't talked to him or Haru in a long while, but did that really upset him that much? He couldn't find the right words. He was getting nervous.

"I...I wanted to see Nagisa-kun. G-Gou-san helped me out and-"

"Gou, you know better! I don't think this was a good idea!" Makoto freaked at the younger Matsuoka.

"What? Why not? They need to make up sometime and Nagisa-kun has always wanted to know-" Gou defended only to be cut off by Makoto.

"Not now though! He's too-"

"Makoto!" Yelled a far off voice. Foot steps hurdled closer and closer to reveal that the voice belonged to none other than Haru.

"Makoto! Come quick! Nagisa-" He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Rei. But his sight wasn't joy or surprise, it was filled with rage.

"Haru! What's wrong with Nagisa?" Makoto tried to snap him out of it. Luckily, it worked and his focus was now on Makoto.

"He's having a panic attack. A bad one. And I think I know why now." Everyone moved their focus to what Haru was glaring at. Rei.

"What? Me? How could I have caused-"

"Get out." Haru interrupted sternly.

"Haru." Makoto tried to calm him down and make light of the situation as usual.

"I said get out, Rei!" He yelled back, grabbing Makoto in the process and darting off. Rei was highly annoyed now at how he was just treated and decided followed after them despite all Gou's protests. He ran down backstage dodging people that were in the way, but halted when he saw the sight before him.

Nagisa was seated in the chair off to the side, hands on his head, back bent down and breathing very raspy and jittery. Haru was rubbing his back, murmuring softly as Makoto frantically searched in a bag for something.


"I know Haru! I know! I'm trying to find it!" Then Haru spotted Rei, watching them 10 feet away, and quickly snapped at him again.


Rei became furious now and yelled back. "Why?! Why do I have to go?!"

"BECAUSE YOU DO!" Haru quickly retorted.

"THAT MAKES NO SENSE! I CAME HERE TO SEE NAGISA-KUN!" Rei fought back now infuriated at Haru.


"Nagisa?" Makoto interrupted worriedly, making the other two stop to look at Nagisa. He was now chest-against-knees sitting with his hands digging deeply into his scalp and shaking as if it were a cold winters day. He was now gasping his breaths.

"Nagisa-kun-" Rei tried to talk to him, but the blonde bolted up from the chair with such speed and sprinted off only to stop a few feet away to collapse and empty is stomach all over the floor. Before anyone could reach out to him, he was already curled up on the floor, inches away from his own mess, but covered in tears running down his face. Haru was quick to pick Nagisa up bridal style and take him into another room without saying a word or sparing a glance anywhere else.

Once the scene was cleared, Makoto groaned and rubbed his temple. "I guess I'll get security and let them know of the mess." He started to walk off when a hand grabbed onto his wrist. He turned to see that it was Rei gripping onto him.

"Makoto-senpai….please. Tell what is going on with Nagisa-kun. I don't understand what exactly is going on and I'm concerned..." Makoto's faced seemed conflicted for a moment, but then lightened up.

"Let me get someone to clean the mess and we can sit to talk, okay?" It took about ten minutes, but Makoto finally got someone to clean the accident on the floor. Now, the two sat off to the side, close to the exit doors, in silence. Rei decided to speak first.

"So...how's he been?" There wasn't a response at first, but Makoto took a deep breathe and turned to face Rei.

"Rei..." He looked at him with a serious face like he was ready to scold him. "Do you know how badly you hurt Nagisa?"

Rei's face twisted in confusion. "No. Obviously I don't. I mean, I broke up with him two years ago, but how could that-"

"Did you ever tell him why? Why exactly you broke up with him?" Rei silenced himself. He thought for a moment to try and remember his exact words.

"I..." But Makoto didn't give him a chance to speak.

"And you cut off all connection to him, didn't you?" Rei kept his mouth shut. "What was the purpose behind that? Were you sick of him? Was he just some 'fling' to you?"

"Wha- No! No! He wasn't!" Rei cried out.

"Then why, Rei? He tried reaching out to you, you know. He tried to call you, he tried texting you, he tried everything he could before he crumbled! All because he blamed himself! All because he didn't know why! He loved you more than anything in this world and you just- you just-" Makoto was struggling to find the right thing to say without taking out too much anger on the blue haired man. Rei was taken back by all this. He didn't realize Nagisa would go through all that because he didn't explain himself. Or well, because he couldn't explain himself. He thought he would just forget about him and move on with his life, but clearly he was wrong. He snapped away from his thoughts, hearing Makoto continue on and raising his voice to him.

"How could you do that to him? To us!? Do you want to know how badly you hurt him, Rei? Do you? He didn't eat much for a good two months after the break up! His grades became poor while he was still in school! And worse his-" Makoto stopped himself abruptly before he ranted on.

"Well, if you want to learn more, I think it's only right if Nagisa told you himself." He sighed out in exhaustion after almost exploding his feelings at Rei, though he practically deserved it. The brunette looked away defeated and Rei realized now that he not only did he hurt Nagisa, but he hurt Makoto and Haru in the process as well. He kept distance from them because he assumed after breaking up with Nagisa, they would want to forget about him too. Rei can't believe how stupid and selfish his decisions ended up being as he cussed at himself internally.

"Makoto-senpai...I….I didn't know. I never thought-"

"That's right. You didn't think!" The two whipped their heads around to see Haru standing behind them, still angry of course.

"Haru-" Makoto was about to speak, but was cut off by said person.

"And what did you think you would accomplish coming back?" Haru glared down, but Rei just lowered his head away in shame.

"I wanted...I wanted to see how Nagisa-kun was. Maybe become friends again... Or..." Rei was starting to feel heat of embarrassment creep up to his cheeks. Was it embarrassment?

"Bullshit." Haru spat out.

"Haru!" Makoto was not liking the words coming from Haru's mouth, but at the moment Haru honestly didn't care.

"How is that so?" Rei stood up to face the rather shorter man challenging him. He was getting fed up with his former senpai's rather rude attitude with him. The two crept closer looking like they were about to brawl.

"You broke up with him. You dropped connection with him. It's funny how you used to always face your problems head first, but when it came to this you were the one to run away from it." Haru grabbed Rei's shirt as if getting ready to punch him. "You ignored and hid from him like a coward. And you ignored us too! We were your friends and you ditched us! And now you want to come back as if nothing happened? Why would you even leave in the first place then!? You always talk about logical things, but this was the least logical thing I've ever heard from you!"

"Haru! Calm down! Don't be violent here!" Makoto grabbed onto Haru and Rei's shoulders in hopes to split the two up. Haru was still for a moment, but then released his grip on Rei. Once Rei was free, he backed up away from Haru, just in case. The three stood there in with only the far sounds of the concert blaring through the walls.

"Why did you come here anyway, Haru?" Makoto asked, changing the subject.

Haru to look over to Makoto a bit more calm. "I wanted to let you know Nagisa is okay now. He's fast asleep in his dressing room."

"Thank goodness. I was worried when he threw up back there." Sighed a now relieved Makoto.

"He must've been holding in his anxiety back as much as he could. I'm sure he spotted Rei sometime during the concert and freaked." Haru explained.

'So that's why he looked the way he did.' Rei recalled when their eyes met and how Nagisa froze on stage breathing very hard and his eyes had looked stimulated. But It wasn't excitement in his eyes, it was fear. Fear Rei caused.

"I'm so sorry!" Rei bowed in apology grabbing the attention of the two older men. "I honestly didn't mean to hurt Nagisa-kun in the slightest. I never wanted to destroy what we had. I admit, I was selfish and didn't think things through enough, but I know now that all I want to do is make up everything to him and to you two as well. I- I want to fix everything I single handedly destroyed between all of us. I've been a horrible friend and person in general. I deeply request to try and earn your forgiveness as well as your friendship back." The air became thick. Rei remained in his bowed position until he heard one of them respond.

"Rei, are you sure you want to try and do that? I mean, you hurt us all as a whole." Makoto began.

"And some might not even forgive you again." Haru added with another piercing glare.

Rei sighed. "I know. I'm not expecting your forgiveness instantly. Maybe I won't even get it back, I don't know. But I'm willing to take a lot of time, patience, and whatever it takes to mend our friendship. I've missed having you guys as friends and I regret every day that went by when I didn't talk to you or keep in contact."

"Why didn't you even bother trying then to talk to us?" Haru questioned.

"I guess…" Now Rei felt embarrassed. Thinking back to his reasonings, it sounds a tad silly to him. "...I felt ashamed. I felt as though you two would never want to talk to me and if you did, you'd tell me that our friendship was over after breaking up with Nagisa-kun." He shifted his gaze to Haru.

"You were right, Haruka-senpai. I was a coward. I feared of this, hid from it all, and yet made everything worse. But, I know now I want to make things better. Please. Just please…" He took a deep breathe since he was getting a bit emotional. "Give me another chance?" Rei looked at them hoping for the best, but fearing for the worst.

"Well," Makoto started off. "…I'm willing to give you a chance. Haru, what do you think?" He waited for Haru's response.

He glanced at Rei for a brief moment and then scuffed. "You do what you want..." Rei smiled for a moment, but Haru continued. "BUT, if you hurt Nagisa again, I will never forgive you." He sternly threatened making Rei gulp in fear. But he nodded and agreed.

"So...What now?" Asked Makoto, unsure of how to end the conversation.

"I don't think it's a good idea to see Nagisa tonight. He needs to sleep and I don't want him freaking out again." Haru added.

"What's his schedule like? And your's too? I feel it's best if you two are there as well." Rei mentioned.

"Same as his schedule." Haru answered.

"We work as his assistants. So when he works, we work." Makoto clarified.

"How long will you be in here in Chiba for? I can travel too if need be." Rei spoke determined.

"For the next 2 days, but then we go to Niigata, Ishikawa, and eventually go all over Japan making our way back to Tokyo before going out of the country." Makoto informed him.

"Are you willing to travel all that for Nagisa?" Haru questioned. Rei looked at him determined more than anything.

"I'm sure I'd travel far more for him." Rei didn't realize how romantic that sounded and blushed a little.

"Then I guess we'll see how Nagisa feels about this." Makoto decided and they all agreed. Rei then suddenly remembered someone he had left behind.

"Oh! Gou-san! I forgot about her-!" Rei freaked out knowing she is not going to be pleased with him leaving her like he did.

"She's fine. She came into the room when I was with Nagisa. She should be watching over him now." Haru informed, relieving Rei that she didn't leave him behind or got lost.

"Lets go and get her, shall we?" Makoto suggested and they all headed to Nagisa's dressing room. They knocked a couple times, to let Gou know they were coming in, and opened it to the red-haired girl sitting on the couch running her hand through the blonde curls on her lap. And the blonde curls, belonging to Nagisa, were fast asleep on the head red's lap clinging to her skirt.

"So, did you all have a 'heart warming' make up season?" Gou teased, but got no response towards that.

"How's he been, Gou-chan?" Asked Makoto, breaking the awkwardness when they walked into the room.

"Pretty well. He's been talking in his sleep, but I don't think it's a bad dream. He mumbled something about penguins in tuxedos..."

"I'm sure that's a good thing for him." chuckled Makoto. Haru stayed silent as he kept an eye on Rei, who stared at Nagisa's sleeping form on the couch. He never realized how much he missed his sleeping face or how angelic he seemed while sleeping. Gou noticed Rei spacing out, so she decided to mess with him to snap him out if it.

"You ditched me, by the way." she spoke annoyed, but in a playful manner. Rei felt guilty and apologized while she continued on. "Seriously, someone could've come up to me and snatched me away!"

"Gou-san, you're 22 now." mumbled Rei.

"You'd better not be calling me old. And besides, I'm still cute AND young as hell!" They all broke out into a light laughter at Gou's remark, but in doing so caused Nagisa to stir in his sleep. They quickly hushed.

"Guess you two should get going." Makoto suggested. Gou looked up at Rei a little upset that they'd have to leave so soon. Just then, Rei almost forgot to arrange a date to see his former teammates.

"Oh, When can I stop by to see you guys?" Rei asked.

"How about tomorrow at noon? We could go to lunch at the restaurant in the hotel we are at. I hear they have great food there." Makoto suggested.

"Yeah, that's fine with me." Rei agreed.

"Oh! Here is the address!" Makoto quickly handed Rei a paper with the address and his number on there. "Text me if you get lost." He smiled.

"Thank you, Makoto-senpai, Haruka-senpai. I'll see you tomorrow." As Rei said his goodbyes, Haru turned his head away with no words. Rei didn't really expect a response anyway.

"Gou-san, lets go." Gou nodded and tried to pry Nagisa off as best she could without waking him. He whined a little, making Rei lighten his gaze at him and chuckle softly. They were making their way to the exit when they heard a small voice mumble out.

"Rei...-chan..." The two turned around to find Nagisa talking in his sleep again. Though saying Rei's name in his sleep through in him off guard, it made his heart thump as well. He didn't think that the blonde could still do that to him. Smiling at the nostalgia he felt brought back old feelings he shoved away.

"I'll see you tomorrow as well,...Nagisa-kun." He murmured sweetly before he and Gou finally took their leave out of the room. Moments later, Nagisa opened his eyes wearily and lifted his head up in confusion.

"Oh, Nagisa! We didn't wake you, did we?" Makoto asked concerned. Nagisa shook his head in response.

"I...I thought I heard..." He stopped himself, worried he might sound dumb with what he was about say.

"You should rest up, Nagisa." His attention then went to the source of the voice.


"You're going to have a big day tomorrow."

End of Track 1

So Rei is given a second chance. Let's see if he'll redeem himself or utterly fail. And let's see how Nagisa handles Rei trying to be in his life again. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I will try to have the second chapter out as soon as I can!

Random notes here- A handful of things I based off some real life experiences (so slightly based on a true story). I've also researched as much as I could to double check things. I'm slightly nervous because so far I've posted up funny stories and this is hard core angst stuff here. I tried to make sure my writing was more nice as well, so I hope I did okay.

Fun Fact- One inspiration for this story is a song from Owl City called 'Up All Night'. I really like this song and it was something I could honestly relate to. And thus, a fanfiction was made. (I debated whether to use those lyrics, but decided it was better to make up my own. That way its original at least.)

Also, I've been forgetting to add this at the end but I am on tumblr. My regular on is .com and I have an art one (which as fanart as well as original stuff) at .com.