Psycho-Pass: Muse Division

Author's Note: I don't even know what's going on anymore.

PS: Movie was great. Mucho feelso. I'm salty I didn't get an autograph board though. They literally ran out right when I it was my turn. rip.

Much salt. Such anger. Wow.

Hate you, NIS America.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride

Disclaimers: I own nothing.

"Is there something on your mind?"

Blue eyes flitted towards amused green eyes before snapping back ahead. Eli chuckled nervously as she rubbed the back of her neck. "It's um...nothing." She replied, darting her eyes ahead. Eli bounded forward—stopping to look at the store windows, gazing at some of the clothes that were on display.

Nozomi giggled at this, "Do you usually ask people you just recently meet to go out shopping with you?"

Eli raised an eyebrow, looking at the reflection of Nozomi from the display window and smirked. "Kinda like how I asked if you usually go around sitting with strangers at cafes."

Green eyes widen slightly in surprise at the retort and full lips formed into a playful pout. "Touche."

Both girls continued walking down the sidewalk—occasionally stopping to look at clothes. Eli stopped for a moment, spacing out again as she wonder why did she even do this. She was never the type to just go and follow along with a stranger. Never the type to just randomly call said stranger up and ask them to hang out. Never...really felt so relaxed with a stranger.

"Wow, I did not think you were into such clothing..."

"Huh...what?" Eli blinked; her eyes focusing over to Nozomi then at the window pane that she have stopped by, just spacing out.

She have spaced out into front of a cosplay store. The display mannequin had...what wouldn't even be considered a bikini fitted on it. Shoulder pads that looked like it was just cut off from some armor, and cat ears fitting on the head. "W-what the heck?! Who would buy something like that?!" Eli's face flared up in embarrassment as she quickly jumped back, her eyes darting back on the giggling woman beside her.

"N-No! I'm not into that! I was just...I was..." Whatever she could say wouldn't help the situation become less embarrassing for her.

Nozomi gave her a cheeky grin, her eyes looking over at the scandalous looking outfit. "I don't know...I think it's pretty cute."

"C-cute..." For some odd reason, the sudden image of Nozomi wearing that outfit appeared in Eli's mind, causing her to choke completely. Nozomi glanced over at Eli, her grin growing wider, "What's wrong? Were you having dirty thoughts?"


A scanner drone rolled up by the two girls and Nozomi tensed up suddenly. It scanned them quickly, giving them the A Okay, before rolling off again. As it did so, Nozomi suddenly gripped her right wrist—her fingers rubbing at a silver bracelet. Her grin turned into a nervous smile.

Eli looked over at the other girl and raised an eyebrow at the odd behavior. "What's wrong? You never been scanned like that before or something?"

Nozomi looked over at Eli, giving a small smile—her eyes showing a bit of nervousness. "Not really...I'm just...not too fond of drones..."

Eyebrows furrowed slightly and lips formed into a frown. "Really? What's wrong with them? They keep the streets safe from latent criminals."

A sigh escaped the plump lips, Nozomi turned—her back facing Eli and glanced back over to the drone that were busy scanning another couple. "I just don't like the idea of having us labeled because of what some sort of system says..."

"What do you mean by that?"

Nozomi turned her head to look at the cool-headed inspector, her green eyes gazing into Eli's blue eyes as if looking deep into her soul. Eli almost couldn't continue to hold her gaze as she felt her breath being taken away at how beautiful Nozomi looked in the sunlight—almost as if she was going to fade away any moment now, her long purplish hair flowing in the breeze.

Her lips opened and words came out in a small whisper, almost as if Eli wasn't meant to hear them. Words that was only meant for Nozomi herself.

Eli licked her dry lips. The way Nozomi looked at her. Her eyes filled with sadness...and guilt...Eli just wanted to reach over and grab Nozomi. Hold her close. Tell her it was okay.

But she didn't.

Eli just stood there silently. Uncertainty running through her mind. Her sweaty palms gripping into shaky fists.

A few seconds felt like an eternity in that moment.

The silence was finally broken as Nozomi let out a soft chuckle. She walked towards Eli, grabbing the other girl's hand. "I've heard of this place that has really great parfaits! Let's go and try it!" All form of expression she held just a few seconds ago were gone without a trace—replaced with the once again happy bubbly persona that Eli now vaguely wondered which one was the true Nozomi.

The woman was becoming more and more of a mystery to Eli...yet she could not help but feel drawn to her.

As Eli allowed Nozomi to pull her away, Nozomi glanced back over to the drone—dark expression forming on her face.

"I'm sooooooooooo bored!" Rin mewed as she continues lounging on the couch. Hanayo sighed as she rubbed her eyes, trying to ease the drowsiness. "Mm...Why don't you go back to your room, Rin?"

Rin looked over at Hanayo with a worried expression.

" been working forever now. You should take a break." Rin pouted as she sat up before patting the seat next to her on the couch. Hanayo looked at her friend and smiled, getting up from her seat. "You're right...I should..." She took the inviting seat before laying her head on Rin's lap. Rin grinned, letting out a contented purr as she ran her fingers through Hanayo's hair.

The two relaxed in silence, enjoying each other company. The soothing sound of Hanayo's relaxed breathing caused Rin's eyes to slowly droop down from drowsiness.

"Ah gross...I'm gone for less than 5 minutes and you're all over each other again..."

Hanayo jumped up at Nico's voice, her head hitting Rin's chin. The two girls both holding their now throbbing pained area from the collision. "Nico-chan...Why do you always have to be such a third-wheel?! Nyah!" Rin playfully hissed, her hands making a kitty paw gesture as she pretend to swipe the air at Nico who was leaning against the door.

"Because I'm a bitter little shrimp, as you always put it."

"I never said anything like tha-"

Nico held up her holo communicator and pressed a button. A recording played with Rin's voice "Yeah! Don't worry about it, Maki-chan! Nico-chan is just a bitter little shrimp!"


"Is there anything wrong, Nico-chan?" Hanayo asked as she inquired why the older Enforcer was back in the Analyst lab.

Nico looked over at Hanayo, her face expressionless for a moment before she jerked her thumb towards the door. "Rin. Out."

"Whyyyy?!" Came the long whiny mewl.


The expression on Nico's face told Rin everything she needed to know and the catlike girl nodded before jumping over the couch and walking past Nico out the door—looking back worriedly for just a second before forming back to her playful self.

"Since you're still recovering I guess it's up to me to make dinner!"

A small smiled played on Nico's lips. "Either it's going to be ramen or something burnt."

Another hiss as Rin pretends to bat Nico with her hands in a kitty paw gesture and she left, leaving the older Enforcer alone with Hanayo.

" something wrong, Nico-chan?" Hanayo asked worriedly at the change of atmosphere around Nico.

Nico walked past her and sat down on the spinning chair, spinning around a little. She spun in circles slowly, her foot lightly tapping on the ground as she did so. Slowly the spinning stopped and Nico faced Hanayo. "I need you to check something for me."

Outside the room, Rin paced back and forth. She had originally planned on going to make dinner for Nico, Hanayo, and her; since Honoka was still comatose in the hospital room. But she had a bad feeling in the pits of her stomach. As if something were to happen soon. Something bad.

"Is something the matter, Rin-chan?" Rin looked up at the voice to see Kotori walking by, folders in her arms as she looked at the younger Enforcer. "N-Nyathing! Nothing is wrong!" Rin stumbled, almost biting her tongue.

Kotori looked at her—brown eyes filled with worry. Rin wasn't very good at lying, it was easy to see as plain as day. She put a hand on Rin's shoulder, looking her in the eyes. "You know you can tell me anything, Rin-chan..." She spoke in a soft comforting voice.

Rin's bottom lip quiver slightly and her gaze fell to the floor.

"I'm just...scared..."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared of losing everything again...losing Kayochin again. Something bad is going to happen...I just know it."

Kotori frowned and she engulfed the younger girl in a tight hug. "Don't worry too much. It'll be fine...everything will be fine." She said, the expression in her eyes not matching her words.

A few weeks since the incident have past. Muse Division was completely loaded with paperwork and there were only three people in the office trying to at least wittle down the workload.

"Sorry for having you stay so late again, Minami." Eli apologized as she took a gulp of her coffee, typing furiously with one hand on the keyboard.

Kotori laughed in reply also working on her own pile of documents. "It's fine, Ayase-san. We're all in the same division so it's only natural we help each other out." The loud sound of slurping came by from the nearby desk that had piles of paperwork that reached over their heads. "At least Inspector Sonoda, Maki-chan, and Honoka-chan are all going to be back soon enough!" Rin said as she slurped in more noodles from her extra jumbo sized ramen bowl.

Eli scowled at the messiness of Rin's desk as she spewed bits of ramen noodles over the paperwork. "Hoshizora, please refrain from eating while processing some of the documents."

"Mmrfay." Rin mumbled with her mouthful and gulped down the remaining broth—Eli's face looking horrified as she did so.

"How is Nico-chan's condition?" Kotori asked as she leaned back from her chair and stretched after finishing another processed document.

The Inspector slid some of the documents off the holo screen and sighed, scratching her head. "Yazawa's health have been stabilizing, but they're still running some tests on her so we won't know for sure when she'll be able to return."

"Nico-chan is strong! So she'll be up and at 'em in no time!" Rin mewed, punching the air.

Eli only chuckled at the Enforcer's overzealous nature, but did not bother to comment on it as she continued on her work. A small beep sounded over her wrist and she tapped on the small holo screen, eyes widening slightly. She stood up from her desk and left the room quickly. "Carry on with the paperwork. I'll be right back."

"Nyah? Where's Inspector Ayase going?" Rin asked which Kotori only answered with a shrug.

Outside of the room, Eli tapped on the screen to answer the incoming message.

"Hiyah, Elicchi!" A singsong voice sang from the holo and Eli was relieved that the person on the other line couldn't see her blush.

"Toujou-sa-" "I told you to call me Nozomi!" The voice interjected quickly, Eli could just imagine the slight pout on the other girl. "We have been hanging out for awhile now! I think we are past formality!"

"N-Nozomi..." Eli coughed into her hand. "Why are you calling me? I'm working right now."

A slight pause on the other side and then she hummed as if deep in thought. "I dunno...I just wanted to hear your voice~?"

Eli deadpanned. "Well, you heard it. So goodbye."

She grinned in success as she heard a slight drawn out whine from the other line. "Jeez! Since when did Elicchi become such a tease?!"

"I guess you're rubbing off on me." The reply came out smoothly and Eli even wondered herself what was going on with her.

"You're lucky you're such a cutie. I just wanted to know if you would like to have dinner with me tonight."

A hand ran through blonde locks and Eli sighed. "I would, but I'm really swamp with work." Another whine from the other line and Eli only chuckled at how immature the other girl was acting. "I'll let you know when I have a free day and I'll treat you to a parfait at that café, alright?"

A happy cheer and Eli knew that Nozomi was pleased with that suggestion.

"What the hell is that on your face, Ayase? It looks almost like a smile."

The smile on Eli's face quickly turned into a scowl. "I'll talk to you later, Nozomi. Bye."

"Okay, bye. I have something I need to do now anyways. Talk to you later, Elicchi~!" She clicked the button before her eyes turned to the girl that was walking towards her. "Yazawa…why are you here? You should still be resting."

"And you should be working. Not actually having a -gasp- social life." Nico retorted sarcastically. She wobbled past Eli and looked back at her. "I never thought I'd live the day to see the Great Inspector Ayase giving such a creepy happy smile."

Eli let out an annoyed grunt, following the Enforcer. "Is there a reason you are coming to the office, Yazawa?" Eli asked again.

"What does it look like? I'm going back to work." Nico opened the door and strutted in—grimacing at the sight of all the paperwork. "You know what? Actually I think I'm going to go back to my room and rest some more."

"Nico-chan! You're alive!" Rin cheered with her arms raised up over her head, the sudden movement causing the pile of paperwork to topple all over the ground. "Oops, nyah…"


"Uh-oh…" Rin slowly ducked down under her desk to avoid the glare her Inspector was giving her.

Eli rubbed her temples and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Yazawa, since you are so willing to start working now. You can help Hoshizora out with the documents." Nico grumbled about being stuck on paper duty while walking towards to Rin's desk and snatching a stack before returning to her own desk.

With a nod of satisfaction, Eli returned to her own work trying to quickly finish as much of the never-ending paperwork as possible.

Before she could even hit Enter to submit one of the documents, the alarm broke out. The mechanical voice boomed from the speakers, alerting the team a latent criminal being spotted.

"Just when I come back, trouble is around the corner."

"Nico-chan is a trouble magnet, nyahahaha." Rin giggled; both her and Eli getting up from their desk.

"I already got a message from the System. Yazawa, stay here. Hoshizora and I are to go to the scene immediately." Eli quickly grabbed her jacket, slipping it on as she walked out with Rin following close by.

"Boo…don't get killed without me." Nico said with a pout, balancing a pen on her upper lip. Kotori only looked at the two exiting the room, "Would it be alright? Just the two of you?"

Eli tapped on the holo screen skimming through the data quickly. "It'll be fine. A-RISE division will also be assisting us just in case." Her brows furrowed and she let out a grunt. "And looks like we'll need A-RISE anyways. There's a latent criminal that took a building full of people hostage. And he's already passed the point of no return." Blue eyes widened as Eli watched the footage that was sent.

With a loud curse she quickly ran out the office, Rin confusingly trying to catch up. "Nyah! Wait, Inspector Ayaseeeeeeee!"

Nico looked at the opened door curiously and then at Kotori. "What do you think just happened? Never seen Ayase looking so spooked like that before."

"I don't know…but I hope it is nothing serious…" Kotori replied with worry her eyes never leaving the spot Eli was at.

At said building with the latent criminal and hostages. Everyone was cowering in fear, trying their best not to make a sound in hope they did not incur the wrath of the man that stood before a familiar purple haired girl. A drone broken in pieces lay several feet away from them. His hands curled up in a bloodied fist.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" A roaring yell and the strong build man raised his fist. A loud thud and Nozomi fell down with a cry; she held her cheek where the strong blow landed. As she laid there he hovered over her with a crazed look in his eyes. "It's your fault…your fault…" he mumbled almost insanely.

The sound of the sirens wailed in all direction and the man reeled back with a flinch. His hands gripping his head almost as though he was in pain. "Dammit! Dammit! Damn!" The outcry caused the remaining people in the building to cower even more in fear. The building was locked down in hopes of keeping the latent criminal isolated. Although many people were also trapped in the building with him too because of this.

Nozomi scoot back, trying to gain as much distance from him as possible. Her cheek swelling up in pain and she did her best not to let the tears escape from her eyes. The man let out a shuddering breath, his eyes glancing back towards Nozomi—a low growl rumbling from his throat. "You bitch…you'll regret this!"

Her back hit the wall and she had nowhere else to escape. Everyone that was also in the building was doing their best to not be noticed as they shielded their eyes away from the incoming violent onslaught.

As long as it wasn't them…

The large fists reached down and grabbed Nozomi's throat. He brought his face close to hers, staring right into her eyes with madness swirling in his own. "You'll pay for this! All of you!" The grip on her throat tightens and Nozomi let out a gasp, her hands clawing at the fists clasped around her throat.

"Freeze! MWPSB! Let her go!" The man slowly turned towards the voice, his hands loosening slightly, but still gripping onto his hostage's throat. "Dammit…you planned this, didn't you!"

"Just…stop…it…" Nozomi gasped out.

Tsubasa held the Dominator focused right at the man. "Let the hostage go and no one has to get hurt."

The man looked at Nozomi before back at the Inspector with an angry snarl. "Why is this happening?" he muttered under his breath before throwing Nozomi against the wall. "This isn't what was supposed to happen! Fuck! Gaaahhh!" He held his head in his hands once again, letting out a painful roar.

"Take him down, Erena."

A blast and his leg were hit. It bloated up before exploding and the man fell down screaming in agony. What's left of his leg was just a puddle of blood underneath him. Nozomi only looked in horror as the screaming man turned facing her. "You…bitch…! Go…GO TO HELL!" Another fire hit him in the head.


The blood splattered on Nozomi's face.

All that remain was the large puddle of blood and a silver necklace with a snake wrapped around a cross.

She was completely stiff and frozen before a Dominator reached down in front of her face. Her green eyes slowly looked up meeting Tsubasa's.

"I'm sorry you had to experience that." Tsubasa said in an apologetic tone. "Erena…you need to work on your aim…" Her hand gripping the Dominator and still pointed at Nozomi.

Nozomi trembled, her eyes wide in horror.

The Dominator pressed against Nozomi's forehead and the Inspector stared down at the bloodied girl.

"…" Tsubasa looked at Nozomi and then the Dominator before putting it back in the holster. "You are very brave though…your crime coefficient is still stabled." Her hand outstretched towards Nozomi. Nozomi slowly gripped Tsubasa's hand and was lifted to her feet. Her hand trembling within the strong clasped hand.

"We should take you to the Hospital just in case." Her eyes never leaving Nozomi's face.

She took a shuddering breath under the intense stare. "I'm…"


The voice caused Nozomi to snap her eyes up meeting the face of the usually cool collected Inspector. Her blonde hair is disarray and her blue eyes wide in shock as she saw the bloodied girl. "Eli…"

Nozomi stumbled past Tsubasa. She stopped midway in front of Eli, biting her lips before looking away. "I'm sorry…" The apology came out softly—almost unheard. Before Eli could even ask, Nozomi ran past her and out the building.

"Shit! Anju! We have a victim that just ran. We are to bring her in to the hospital. Her Hue is still clear so be cautious!" Tsubasa yelled into her holo as she ran before stopping behind Eli, her back facing the other Inspector. "I don't know what your relationship is with that girl. But…you should be wary…there's something off about her."

With that said Tsubasa quickly bolted out after Nozomi.

Eli stood in the building. The other Inspectors and Enforcers assisting the remaining hostages. Her mind whirled in confusion. What did Nozomi meant by that? Why was she sorry? Why did Tsubasa say that? Be wary…of Nozomi…?

"Just…what is going on…"

Over in the corner a woman sat there patiently watching the whole scene in amusement. Her light green eyes scanning over at Eli and she licked her lips. "Perfect…" She whispered to herself and grinned.

"Miss, are you okay?" Rin asked, approaching and she stretched out her hand to the woman. The purple bobbed-haired woman only smiled and accepted the outstretched hand allowing the young Enforcer to help her up. "Thank you. That certainly was frightening." She looked at Rin who only stared at her with a curious gaze.

"You…don't look very frighten…" The words came out as a statement, not a question. The woman's eyes widen slightly for a split second before she smiled silently and leaned forward to Rin. Her lips hovering next to the young Enforcer's ear. "You really are observant…" she spoke—her voice low and sultry. "Do me a favor and pretend you never saw me." She lightly pressed her lips against Rin's cheek causing the other girl to close her eyes and shiver.

"W-what?" Rin blinked, looking in front of her at an empty space. She looked to the left and then to the right before her gaze going to the ceiling. "Was…was I talking to someone…?" The Enforcer mumbled softly to herself, her brows knitted in confusion at the weird feeling she could not shake off. "Hoshizora! Get over here!" An Inspector called for her. Rin only shrugged before heading back to the squad.

Anju continued running, her breath heavy and uneven. She stopped in the alleyway and leaned against the wall to catch her breath. "Why…am I stuck…doing the hard work…?" Anju took a deep breath trying to steady her breathing. She just had the call to go after a victim that has just run off. With how the victim look, it shouldn't be difficult to track her down.

Tap Tap Tap.

She jumped slightly as she heard footsteps behind her. Without turning her head she glanced at the corner of her eyes. "Can I…help you?" Anju asked. The person said nothing before lifting their arm. Something hidden within the sleeves.


Almost suddenly Anju found herself slammed against the wall, a hand covering her mouth. She couldn't see the figure's face as it was hidden under a hoodie. A glint of red was all she saw.

Her screams were muffled.

Nozomi gasped, the blood of the man staining her clothes. She bit her bottom lip in an attempt to pause the tears from welling up. With a shaky hand, she quickly rammed the key the doorknob and swung it wide open. The door slammed shut loudly and echoed in the otherwise empty room.

Or what should have been empty.

Nozomi leaned her back against the door and slid down to her knees.

"I am guessing that poor Taro-kun didn't have what it take…"

Nozomi visibly jumped and her green eyes looked down to her knees. The figure seated on the reclining chair in the dark room.

"No…he became…unstable and the MWPSB eliminated him…"

The person's face hidden in the dark, the strong smooth voice cooed softly. "Come here, Nozo-chan…"

Although the room was dark, Nozomi could make out another figure that stood next to the seated one. The figure stood tall and dressed in an all gray hoodie—the face being completely hidden.

With cautious and unsteady legs, Nozomi slowly rose up and wobbled towards the chair. The woman on the chair grabbed Nozomi's arm and pulled her close until the other girl was on the other woman's lap. A hand reached up and ran her fingers against Nozomi's cheek. The nails softly scratching at the blood that was dried up and now crusty.

"I-" Nozomi was interrupted as the fingers quickly moved to her lips—she trembled in disgust at feeling the dried up blood touching her lips.

"You know…I do not tolerate failures, Nozo-chan…" The woman spoke, her face barely showing from the poor lighting in the room. "We are so close…oh so very close of discovering it…"

The figure next to them shifted slightly—almost awkwardly moving away.

She pulled Nozomi's face down until green eyes were staring into dark purple eyes. Lips barely a few centimeters apart. "Soon the Sybil System will fall…and chaos will ascend rightfully so."

Nozomi only closed her eyes, letting out a shuddering breath. "Yes…I understand…" She whispers against the lips of the other woman. Green eyes devoid of all emotions, her hands, no longer shaking, gripped the woman's shoulders—feeling the long dark hair brushing against her wrists.

The figure wearing the hoodie turned to the window. The only thing that can be seen in the dark room from outside the window is the red piercing eyes that stared out into the night sky.


Red eyes blinked and turned to the hyperactive Enforcer. "You guys back? How was it?"

The cheerful expression on Rin's face disappeared as she looked away. Eli slowly walking in almost zombie like, face completely paled and eyes widen.

"What's with Ayase?" Nico asked with concern as to what brought this on. Rin only shook her head, shrugging. "I dunno…she was like this after the hostage situation…we didn't even do much since A-RISE had control over it."

The usually cool-headed Inspector took a seat at her desk, gnawing at her bottom lip. What did all of this mean? Why was Nozomi there? Why was she attacked?

Why did Nozomi apologize to her?

What did Tsubasa meant when she said to watch out for her?

So many questions left unanswered. Eli ran a hand through her hair and sighed, her blue eyes scanning the ceilings as if hoping the answers to the questions she had was there.

Just who was Nozomi anyways?

A stranger she had met.

A friend who she had hung out with.

A strange person who liked to tell fortunes and speak in riddles.

A girl who made Eli felt more relaxed.

Someone who knew just what Eli was thinking just by watching her movements.

But…just who was Nozomi?

Eli knew nothing about the strange girl that has wandered into her life randomly. She was like the wind that was just there and then gone the next moment. Someone that no matter how hard Eli tried to reach out, she could never grab ahold of her.

Someone that had such a painful lonely expression.

Blue eyes narrowed down and Eli quickly left the room without uttering a single word causing the remaining occupants look over in curiosity. Kotori brows furrowed down with worried, her hands going to her mouth. A soft mumble that Nico and Rin barely caught. "It's getting…murky…"

Quick footsteps and a chilling glare sent everyone in her path out of the way, she made her way to the Analyst Lab and entered, "Koizumi!" The shout nearly caused the timid Analyst to topple over her seat. Hanayo adjusted her glasses with a flustered expression looked over at Eli.

"Do…do you need something, Inspector Ayase?" Hanayo asked meekly.

Eli pressed the button on the panel causing the sliding door to close and lock with a beep. "I need you to look up something for me, Koizumi."

Hanayo looked at the serious face that was filled with determination.

"Bring up all database about a person known as Toujou Nozomi."

"Toujou…Nozomi…?" Hanayo quickly typed, stumbled a little as she can feel the icy stare from the Inspector burning her back. Soon enough some files for Toujou Nozomi came up and Eli's eyes widen in surprise.

"What…what the hell is this? Is this a joke?"

The mousy Analyst looked at Eli with worry, her lips trembling. "I…I don't know…what do you mean by that, Inspector Ayase…?"

Eli paled as she looked at the files before her. She leaned back falling down on the couch ungracefully. She pulled at her tie, loosening it as it suddenly felt as though it was restricting her breathing passage. Her mind being filled with even more questions—unable to find an answer to any of them. "This isn't possible…" There was a lurch in her stomach and she felt the need to vomit. "How…"

"Is there something about these files, Inspector Ayase?" Hanayo asked becoming increasingly curious about her superior's behavior.

"I…have been meeting up with Toujou Nozomi…for the last few days…" Eli said silently, trying to swallow the lump in her throat.

Eyes widen in realization as she looked at the files then back at Eli. "Are…are you sure it was her?! You sure it's not another person?!"

No…those green eyes were all too familiar. Those pursed lips. The long purple haired tied into low ponytails. It was the same girl Eli has spent the past few days with. She stared at the picture of Nozomi and then the words below it.

Toujou Nozomi: Latent Criminal

Status: Deceased Since 3 Years ago


"Take him down, Erena."


The blast missed and hit the wall. The man have released Nozomi in surprise from the explosion. Everyone stopped to stare at the wall that now sizzled after the blast.

" wait...I got this!"

Several more blast. All missing him instead hitting the wall behind him.



"Oh come on, Erena! He's not even moving!"

"You trying using this big clunky thing!"

"Oh my god...okay, fine. I got this." Tsubasa grumbled and shot the man once. "There done."

"Why didn't you do that yourself earlier then?!"

"Because I wanted to look cool by having someone else do it while I stand over here all awesome." Tsubasa stomped at the ground in annoyance. "Ugh! This is why we don't have our own chapter!"

" guys got the Omake chapter for yourself...?" Nozomi added helpfully.

Tsubasa only stared at Nozomi and then pointed at the Dominator at her and then whined. "Dammiiiiiit!"

Anju was leaning against the van filing her nails. "At least you guys have more lines and presences..."

Over the communicator Erena grunted with annoyance. "My name was only actually mentioned!"

Author's Rambling: *deep low hacker's voice* It's an inside job.

What's gonna happen next? Who knows! Because I certainly don't! *bricked*

I'm kidding...anyways. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did please leave a review.

RRWhitey signing out!