DISCLAIMER: I did NOT own Kagepro nor the characters.
"You're my queen" by Cheshirethebunny
Rating: T for kissing (and corpses? Lol)
Pair: Kuroha x Ayano
Warning: Crappy as hell, broken grammar, and many more disadvantage.
Happy reading, i guess.
he stepped into the building, watching the horribble scene in front of her own eyes. Blood splattered everywhere. She noticed the awful smell, but she choose to ignore it. There's more important thing to care about.
Bodies. Dead bodies.
Her knees trembled. Tears started falling, wetting her cheeks as she saw 3 familiar persons, lifeless.
"Tsubomi... Shuuya... Kousuke...?" Her voice is shaking. She fell on her knees.
She stroked a female green haired corpse's cheek. Her eyes are wide open. There's blood all over her body.
"Tsubomi," Her voice is weak it's painfull.
"Tsubomi... Tsubomi..! Tsubomi! Don't leave me... don't! It's me, Tsubomi! It's me..."
She sobbed harder as she felt a terribble pain in her chest. She covered her face with her hands.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I'm-"
"Well, if this isn't the big sister."
Shocked, she turned. A guy with a huge smirk in his face stared down at her.
"You thought you've saved them, don't you?"
"How dare you..." She stood up.
"How dare you do this to my family and friends, you filthy snake!" She raised her voice drastically. The guy laughed loudly.
"As if you'll scare me!" He chuckled.
"How dare you killed everyone..." She started tearing up again. She glanced at a corpse of a girl with long, wavy white hair.
"Even... the queen? Why...?"
"Well..." He walked closer towards her.
"She's starting to bore me. I want a new queen."
She stepped backwards as he walked closer to her, and stopped right in front of a wall. She's stuck.
'There is nowehere to run now... it's over, i'm doomed.' She thought.
"There's nowhere to run now... it's over, big sister." Exactly as she thought.
She started weeping. Anger, guilt and sadness haunted her fragile heart. She can't take it anymore...
"Aww, feeling defenseless, huh? You know there's no use crying..." He lifted her chin, staring right into her eyes.
He kissed her lips. She opened her mouth in shock, and he inserted his tongue into her mouth, exploring every inch of it. She let out a loud moan caused by lack of air. After a while, he pulled back.
"Starting now on," He licked her tears before continuing. He grinned widely.
"You'll be my queen."
Hello, hello, and hello. I'm a not-so-new author here. I've written a story for this fandom in bahasa a day ago... so, uhm, hello again. Very sorry for the crappiness. I've liked this pairing since... who knows when. I shipped Shintaro with Ene so... sorry Ayano. Perhaps you can count this as an alternate ending? Idk. Well... there's nothing else to say. Mind to give me reviews or flames? Both are highly appreciated. Again, i'm very very VERY sorry for my crappy writing.
Thank you for reading!