
Cielo's here~~~~ this is my first ever fanfic.

Brief information about this fanfic~~~ Khr will be following Canon outline~~~ but our beloved tuna is strong and clever~~~ don't worry he's still our clumsy benevolent tuna~~~ Takeshi, Kyoya & Ryohei is his friend but not many know about this. Tsu-kun is also the prince of huenco mundo his inner hollow is going to be the strongest vasto lorde which means... Hichigo is the 2nd strongest vasto lorde~~. And~~~~ his airheaded mother (nana) is an espada~~~~~~ obviously she's aizen's lil sis~~~ she fell for the dimwit iemitsu when she saves him.

And for bleach~~~~ aizen is not a traitor~~ he gave shotaichou his retirement letter and went to hueco mundo to be their king, hueco mundo and seireitei have a mutual agreement and contract under aizen's supervision, which means~~~ they're allies. the one responsible for arranging rukia's execution was another nameless shinigami and already executed. aizen also open a very successful company with the name "Vasto Lorde" and is now on par with the vongola on term of popularity, fame and power. All espada is alive and utterly loyal to tsu-kun. after meeting ichigo the shinigami's not as tight with the rules anymore. Reason? ichigo is shotaichou's grandson.

pairing : Stark27 / R27 / Stark27R / momentary 1827/ slight 189669 / 6996 / 5968 / 8095 / Eventual D18/ 3387 / lamboXippin / grimmichi / byaXrenXruki / kenseiXshuuhei / shinjiXhyori / karinXtoushiro, ETC.

if you're confused please ask meh~~~~

Please don't bite but criticism and suggestion are accepted. Flame will be absorb by tsuna's zero point breakthrough revised.

Ps : English isn't my mother language. if i make some mistake please pm meh!

Disclaimer : if you think i own both of them then you're totally wrong! THEY OWN MEH~~~~~~~!

Cero Espada

{Somewhere in Karakura}

"Nana, are you sure about this? Do you really want to marry him? That human? You do realize that you could have better man in hueco mundo right? Why him nana? Why him?" a man with slicked back brown hair ask his long lost little sister. Nana who's facing the window this whole time finally turn around and stare at her brother with a soft determination on her pretty small face. "yes big brother, i'm sure. I perfectly know he's a human and i could found better man than him in hueco mundo. If i didn't met him accidentally when i'm in the human world. I'm sure will choose stark as my mate... but i love him big brother... i love him so much to overlook his shady occupation... but i am no better... i'm an arrancar... he's a mafioso... we both kill people... please big brother... will you give me your blessing?"

Walking toward his sister he cups his sister face gently. "what if he found out about who you are? What if he hurts you? I don't want you getting hurt... i don't want him to take you away from me..." he admit. "i finally found you 5 years ago... i don't want to lose my little sister again..." he embrace his sister gently with a shaking arms. Nana hug her brother back gently to reassure him. "if he found out the truth about me then i'll talk about it thoroughly with him. And if it doesn't work then i'll come back and mate with stark... and you do remember that you could visit me anytime right brother? You could visit either in your spirit from or by using a gigai... i will even visit hueco mundo once a month..."

Tightening his hug he ask his sister with a weak voice."Promise?" pulling away to cup her brother face gently she smile. "Promise". Taking a breath he then kiss his sister forehead and smile gently. "Okay... you got my blessing". Nana immediately smoother her brother's face with kisses while thanking him with each kiss she gave him. Pulling away she smile brightly then hug her brother tightly again "Thank you... brother sousuke... thank you so much...". Realizing something sousuke immediately ask his sister "Did he know you're an aizen?" Nervous chuckle was his only response. Narrowing his eye sousuke gave his sister a stern look. "You didn't tell him?" he ask with a stern voice. "Well... He didn't ask me about my past... i'm sure he assume i'm an orphan girl that could see and interact with spirit. and if he got mad latter on because i didn't tell him then all i have to say is that he also didn't tell me about his past and job."

Nana immediately alter the conversation. "will you come to my wedding big brother? you could either come in a gigai or in your spirit form..." Rubbing his forehead to ease the incoming headache aizen sigh. "Everyone will come... i'll even tell the shoutaichou. we'll be in the spirit form and we will use 10% of our reiatsu to make a special gift for you. now off you go and tell him your answer... just... be careful please..." kissing his sister's forehead one more time he finally let go of her. "See you latter sousuke nii-sama." nana open a garganta and walk trough it not forgetting to wave to her brother one more time. After the garganta close all aizen could hope was this is a good choise and won't be too complicated in the future. If only aizen knew how bored god of fate was in the future...

I know this is suuuuuper short but how is it?

please review!

i'll try to update it as fast as possible!