Chapter 6: Epilogue

This chapter is set about a year after the last chapter. I also have an important announcement to make, (inhales loudly) Raven and Dexter are having kids!

I would personally like to thank every single on one of my reviewers, readers, and everyone else who faved or liked this story. A special thanks to the people who stuck with me until the end.

Lastly, I would like to thank Clover 112796 for everything, from inspiring me to create this story to planning all of the ideas for each chapter. I could never have done it without her, so thank you.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Thank you so much everyone who stuck with it to the very end. This chapter is dedicated to all of you.

Dexter's POV

I paced around quickly as the screams of my wife reach my ears. On this very night she is currently giving birth to our baby and I am just so worried about it. Mother Goose and Sandra Dust, daughter of the Sandman, are helping Raven as she goes into labor. I am currently in the library with my brother, Daring, my twin sister, Darling, the Good King and the Evil Queen, my two parent-in-laws.

More screaming reaches my ears and I am almost tempted to just rushing up to my wife's side, comforting her and telling her that it's going to be okay. Darling seems to sense my discomfort and so she comes up and places her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Dex. If you pace any more then your going to create a gorge in the floor," she teases softly. I can't help but crack a tiny smile at her contagious humor.

"Easy for you to say. This is the first time my wife has ever gone into labor, as where you still don't have a boyfriend," I reply. She smirks.

"Yeah well I don't need someone to tell me that you're just over worrying on the subject. Raven's going to be just fine," she says.

"Yes little bro," Daring says as he strides up to me and painfully noogies my head. "In just a matter of moments the nurses will come in and announce that Raven is fine and congratulate you on being a new father and me on being a new uncle."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. But I'm just worried that something might be going wrong with the birth," I say. Just then, an extra loud scream fills the air. I can't resist it no more! I have to see my wife and check if she is okay. Unfortunately for me, my two siblings sense my next move.

"Get him," they both yell and the next thing I know is that I am pinned to the floor. I struggle to get out from under them. "Let me go. Let me go," I gasp out. They shake their heads no and just keep holding me down. Then the Good King and Evil Queen come over to us.

"Dexter. Raven will be just fine. If I know my little girl, then I know that she is very strong," the Good King says. The Evil Queen comes closer to him and hugs his arm.

"She's not our little girl anymore. She is a beautiful, strong woman and a soon to be mother in just a few minutes," she says.

One more loud scream of pain fills the air and then silence. I hear footsteps from behind the door and it opens. Mother Goose and Sandra Dust walk out of it and my siblings let me up from the floor. Mother Goose motions her wing over to Sandra Dust, who steps forward. Like her father, Sandra Dust wears mainly gold, but with a few accents of silver and dark blue to. She has black hair with gold highlights, dark brown skin, and warm brown eyes. Her outfit consists of a gold shirt and skirt with shimmery stars, swirls, and moons. She is wearing gold slippers with silver stars on them, and also a small bag of dream sand is around her neck. Though her job is to put people to sleep with the dream sand just like her father, Sandra also works as a nurse for all the famous fairy tales.

"You may now see Raven now, Dexter," she whispers. Like all of the Sandmen and women, they can only speak in whispers and hushed tones, since they put people to sleep in all. I first take a tentative step forward towards the door, then sprinting up the rest of the way to Raven.

I open the door to Raven's room and peek in. On the bed, Raven is resting with a bundle of blankets in her arms. She looks up at me with tired eyes and motions me in. I quietly walk in and close the door gently behind me. I come over to where Raven is and gently kiss her head. She smiles at me and carefully removes the blankets off our child. To my surprise, there are two of them! Twins!

"Dexter honey. I would like you to meet our little boy and girl," she says quietly. I can hardly breath as two pairs of purple and blue eyes look up at me. The little boy has blue eyes and a tuft of black hair on his head. The tiny girl has her mother's purple eyes, but she has a tuft of my brown hair on her head. My little boy lifts up his tiny hands and reaches for me. I extend my hand with my finger pointing out and he grasps his hand around it. I am immediately in love with my kids.

"They're beautiful, sweetheart," I tell my wife. She smiles .

"I know. What should we call them," she asks softly. I already have a name picked out for the girl.

"I was thinking of calling our little girl Bella. You know, after the first rebels, the Bella Sisters," I suggest. Raven grins at this. "It's perfect," she agrees. We then turn to our little boy.

"What should we call him," she asks.

"Let me see. Well I was thinking something like...," I am cut off as a caw distracts me from my thoughts.

We turn to the open window where a white bird is perched on the window sill. But there is something strange about this bird. It has the body of a crow yet its feathers are pure white. It must be a rare white crow. We stare at it for a couple moments, before it flies into the room and perches on the back of the nearby cradle that we have set up for the children. It a beautiful blue, white, and gold painted one with a little mobile with fluffy sheep and yellow ducklings on it.

"Look Dex. A crow defying its destiny to be as black as night," Raven says. She looks thoughtfully at it for a minute, before gasping and snapping her fingers. "That's it," she says. "Destin! Destin Charming! That's what we'll call him. May his name remind him that his path is never set in stone."

I ponder the name for a few moments. "It's perfect," I say, kissing my wife on the lips. Bella and Destin. The perfect names for our wonderful children in our family.

A few years later.

"Come on Bella. Dove and Raven are waiting for us," a boy with blue eyes and black hair calls to his twin running behind him. A girl with brown hair with purple streaks and purple eyes charges after him. Both kids appear to be at least three years old.

"No fair Destin. You had a head start and plus I was getting our pets. Here Moose! Here Sundrop," the girl calls. A medium-brown jackalope and a tabby cat kitten with a pink bow around her neck come following after the kids. The four are out on a sunny day in the meadow near Apple's castle for Madpie/Magpie's fourth birthday party.

Balloons and streamers are tied to trees around the back of Apple's castle, where is is nice and shady and the meadow and stream is nearby for the children to play in. Picnic tables are set out with presents on one of them, one for the food and cake, and the rest for the people to sit at. On the cake it says "Happy Birthday Magpie" in big blue frosting.

The adults are all busy setting things up or talking with each other, while the kids go play with each other and the pets romp around. Magpie is doing cartwheels around the grassy field with her friends close by. She perks up when Bella and Destin come along.

"Hi guys," she greets while standing on her head. Destin and Bella wave at her as they go over. A shadow streaks across the ground as a dragon flies overhead, followed by a much smaller dragon. Nevermore shrinks down to the size of a Great Dane while the smaller dragon behind her shrinks to the size of a terrier. The smaller dragon is Nevermore's daughter, Sky. Sky is is sky-blue, like her name stake, and like her mother, she has a birthmark in the shape of an object on her shoulder. Except hers is a purple rose that, weirdly enough, looks similar to the birthmark on Bella's shoulder.

Nevermore nudges her daughter off to play with the kids while she goes off to find Raven. She spots Raven along with Dexter, who are talking to Baba Yaga. They are discussing the destinies of their children. Nevermore patiently walks over and sits next to Raven's feet.

"Bella's destiny will possibly be that of the next beast in "Beauty and the beast", assuming only that she gets it from you, Dexterous Charming," Baba Yaga says. Dexter and Raven nod.

"And what of Destin's destiny," Raven asks. Baba Yaga shakes her head.

"His destiny I cannot predict. Only time will tell. Now if you will excuse me, Hutling is getting ready for his morning run and he absolutely cannot be left alone in the spot he is right now. Good day," Baba Yaga says before disappearing in a cloud of grey smoke. Dexter and Raven cough and move away from the smoke, coming to sit on a nearby bench.

"What are we going to do, Rae," Dexter asks. Raven gently strokes his thumb.

"Well for Bella, she is probably going to be a bit frightened when we tell her she may one day turn into a hairy beasts, but still we can tell her that even if she becomes hairy, we will still love her and she will always be beautiful in our eyes. As for Destin, he has the right to choose his destiny and who he wants to be," Raven replies. Dexter smiles at her and lays his head on her shoulder.

"You're right. You're absolutely right. I'm just not sure how we're going to tell Apple this," Dexter says. Raven cringes.

"I'm pretty sure we're just going to have to tell her the truth. Might as well get it over with now, instead of later," Raven says, getting up. She starts heading towards the field where Apple is preparing the sack race teams. Madpie is paired with Dove, Bella with a girl her age, and it appears Apple is trying to pair Destin with her eldest, Raven. Raven Queen sighs and heads up to Apple, tapping her lightly on the shoulder. Apple turns and smiles at her.

"Oh. Hello Raven. Don't my daughter and your son make such an adorable pair. They might end up together someday," Apple says, clasping her hands together and putting them to her cheek. "No better time to tell her then now," Raven thinks.

"That may be so Apple, but it's his destiny. If he comes to love Raven White, then so be it. If he loves a different royal or rebel, let it be. His story is his alone and no one will tell him how to write it," Raven says. Apple looks at Raven with a slightly shocked expression, but then smiles and nods.

"You're right. But you have to admit, they look kinda cute together," Apple says, watching the kids sack race together.

"Yes, they really do," Raven replies. Life was just perfect, just as it is.

The only the beginning.

Last chapter, done Thank you everyone who stuck on to the very end and read this story, and thank you Clover 112796 for inspiring this story. You have all made me so happy with this story, what with you reading it and reviewing/favoriting/following it. You guys are the best. Thanks for reading everyone. Sincerely, v.t.7