Anna thought it over in her head.

She hadn't been drunk, she hadn't gone out and she definitely hadn't eaten anything that wasn't out of her usual diet. She recalled coming home, grabbing a t.v dinner and popping it into the microwave. Staying up for reruns of 'How I Met Your Mother', mindlessly scanning her phone for updates on her Facebook and then heading to bed.

Yet, come morning, she woke to a woman in her bed.

"Not just any woman.." Anna thought, eyeing the blonde from across the table as she sipped her vanilla flavored coffee. "A Queen..from another dimension."

Elsa was her name. Elsa of Arendelle, the Queen of Arendelle at that! Anna found her lying next to her this morning, sleeping soundly as if it had always been that way. She had bright blonde hair, creamy white skin and a braid that fell down across her shoulder. She dressed funny and not in a medieval knights and dragons time sort of way. Her dress was literally made out of sparkles and ice. Freaking ice! Yet she had the audacity to stare at Anna as if she were the odd one.

"Maybe I am.." Anna thought, throwing her head back as she sighed angrily. "Maybe I am crazy?"

As she came back up, sinking low in her chair with a grumpy look set firmly on her face, Elsa stared at her with her eyebrows arched up. Unsure why Anna was doing what she did. She had nothing but confusion in her eyes since she woke up, nearly icing Anna to the bed as she realized she wasn't where she was suppose to be. Wherever that was, Anna having no idea where Arendelle resided.

"So..let me get this straight.." Anna asked, stretching in her seat. "You...are Elsa of Arendelle, a Queen with magical powers that can freeze anything that you so please.."

The woman nodded, pursing her lips together.

"And you have no idea how you got here?" Anna gaped.

Elsa raised her hand then, as if she were going to correct her. "I have a slight idea." She breathed, sounding much too adorable after their crazy morning.

"Oh yes, apparently there is some idiot named Hans who was engaged to marry your sister.."

"Who I believed was you."

"Who you believe was me.." Anna repeated, "And you think he's behind this..yet you have no recollection of how you got here?"

Elsa nodded once more, "You see my dilemma."

"Of course...of course." Anna forced out a laugh. "This happens every day in New York!"

"New York...?"

Anna sighed, "It's basically the same thing as a kingdom..only louder and full of assholes."

Elsa's cheeks burned at her words, possibly because of her crude language, looking down at the coffee that sat before her. Barely touched even though Anna had filled it with a peppermint flavoring, thinking she would enjoy it.

"So how do you expect to get back?" Anna asked, finishing up her third helping of the black liquid all too soon. "I don't suppose my bed is just a portal you can fall asleep in and just wake back up in Arendelle."

Elsa shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know."

That was what Anna feared most, that the Queen didn't know how the hell to get back to her own time and place. " what?" Anna grumbled, scratching the back of her head. She eyed the Queen slowly, hoping to get an idea just by looking at her. Ultimately making it a terrible decision as the woman started to frost the table under her glare. "Augh, wait don't ruin the table!" Anna gasped, trying to wipe the frost off, making matters worse as Elsa looked frightfully startled. Sending snow tumbling across them both.

"I'm...sorry.." Elsa whimpered out.

Anna felt her teeth chatter and terribly wished she hadn't decided to wear shorts and a tank top to bed.

"It's c-cool..." Anna shivered, feeling her bones freeze,

"I know..the ice and snow are very cold"

"No I-I mean it's-s cool."

"I know...?" Elsa repeated, looking hurt.

"No...I mean it's alright...c-cool means alright-t."

Elsa didn't understand and Anna, too cold to explain, let it go.

"W-well, at least the cold has jump started my br-br-brain...I know who to call!"

An hour later, Kristian agreed to meet them at a Starbucks a block away from Anna's apartment. Kristian was her best friend since middle school, he was a bright guy when it came to solving problems. Anna was sure he'd at least attempt to help them.

The red head New Yorker quickly pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and a green tee, searching her closest to the very back to find something for Elsa. The dress, as lovely as it was, would have to go. Anna took at least ten outfits from her closest, shoving them into the Queens arms with directions on how to put them on as she showed her to the bathroom.

Elsa, who looked quite unsure of herself, reluctantly went inside and closed the door behind her.

Anna waited at the door, furrowing as she heard zipping and snapping from beyond the wall. A frustrated sigh, clothes tumbling to the floor and eventually a small click as the door opened up and the woman stepped out. Looking completely ordinary in Anna's favorite Blue Avengers tee and white shorts.

"Is this fine..?" Elsa said, pulling at the shorts. Trying to conceal her long thin legs.

"Yup, let's go!" Anna smiled, giving her a thumbs up and taking the Queen by the wrist.

They had taken hardly a step outside of her apartment before Anna realized that she as well as the young woman didn't have any shoes. Stepping awkwardly here and there, ice spilling across the wall.

"Put a lid on that, icy!" Anna commented, pointing to the wall.


"Control your powers please, that's not usual in my time."

Elsa looked as if she were going to comment on that, changing her mind quickly as she pressed her lips together.

Anna retreated back into the apartment, throwing her closet open once more and digging through her shoes. Praying Elsa wore the same size. She returned to the door with at least seven pairs falling through her fingertips and dropping around her and Elsa as she tried her black slip on's. Much too big. Anna knew none of her other shoes would fit then.

"Flip flops it is then.." Anna sighed, grabbing her yellow flip flops she usually saved for a trip to the pool.

Elsa flinched as she put them on, eyes looking horrified at the make.

"Come on!" Anna said, shoving her feet into the black slip ons before taking her by the wrist, unable to allow her to grow used to the sandals. Especially if Kristian was waiting for them.

Anna had never seen someone so frightened of the world as Elsa was.

The Queens eyes stared wide eyed at everything that had passed with such awe and wonder that Anna believed her eyes would bust out of her head. "She's definitely not from around here.." Anna thought, allowing the blonde to cling tightly to her arm, not even minding that she was sending chills down her spine. "As long as it's not down the street.." Anna chuckled to herself, never realizing the path of sleek ice that followed the two each step of the way.

"About time...what's up?" Kristian called, clicking his phone off and shoving it into his pocket. "You said it was an emergency."

Anna sighed, about to speak, but the woman next to her beat her to it.

"Kristoff!" Elsa smiled, "You're here!"

Kristian blanked, unsure if the strange woman had just misused his name or if she actually believed he was this 'Kristoff' guy she knew.

"It's a long story.." Anna groaned, "But first things first..this is Elsa."

"Kristian...not Kristoff." Kristian said, smiling warmly at Elsa as he nodded his head.

Elsa's smile faded, looking disappointed. " he's not actually aren't dating my sister Anna." Elsa asked, motioning to Anna. Only calling her this Ah-na girl Anna was supposed to be.

"Ah-na?" Kristian laughed, "And..ew no..we definitely aren't.."

"Wow okay it's not that gross!" Anna defended, looking cross.

"It is when I've been your best friend for years now." Kristian countered back, "Plus you turned out to be gay as I'd even have a chance now."

"Gay?" Elsa asked, causing Kristian to roll with laughter.

"Damn Anna is this girl for real, I'm not sure if she's girlfriend material for you?"

"No and we're getting off topic!" Anna snapped, shoving the man toward the door. "Go on, we have a lot to tell you!"

An order of three iced caramel lattes, a quiet booth in the back and a dragged out detailed story later and Kristian was looking as if he had stepped into the twilight zone as he stared at Elsa's fingertips, watching snowflakes dance around them. Anna feeling quite smug that she could prove the man wrong after he called them bullshit.

"There, see...not lying!" Anna said, tapping Elsa on the wrist.

The Queen clenched her hand close and they melted away, disappearing before their eyes. The magic still shining brightly in Kristian's as he leaned back in his seat.

"Shit..." He sighed.

"I know.." Anna laughed, "I have no idea what we're gonna do."

"So sex must be like really crazy for you?" Kristian asked, howling in pain as Anna kicked him right on his right knee. "Ouch, the hell?"

"Don't think I won't aim towards the middle next time!" She snapped, feeling her face blush red at the same idea. Trying to be civil in front of Elsa who was already uncomfortable.

The man rubbed his knee, grimacing as he eyed Anna. "Yeah got it, she's your find.."

"I...I'm no ones find.." Elsa spoke up, fiddling with her fingers. "I just want to get home."

"But we have no idea how to do so...we don't even know where Arendelle is!" Anna explained, watching as Kristian rubbed his chin.

"Why does that name sound so familiar..?"

"Arendelle?" Both girls said at once.

Kristian nodded, "Yeah.."

Anna felt like Arendelle was familiar to her as well, as if she had heard it somewhere in a story long ago. It was the kind of name that stuck with you once you heard it, like Atlantis or the kingdom of Troy. Anna even thought she had heard of it on the news once, a special segment of some..

"Give me a few days.." Kristian said suddenly, taking his drink in his hand and getting up from his seat. "I've got to head to class, but I think I'll have your answer once it stews for awhile..." He smiled, bowing his head to Elsa. "Nice to meet you Queenie, seeya later!" .

Elsa inclined her head, the faint trace of a blush seeping to her cheeks as the man turned around at the door.

"Oh Anna, can you walk Steven for me?" Kristian called, giving her a thumbs up as Anna waved him off.

"Steven...?" Elsa asked, seeming to compare the animal with someone from her time. "The reindeer?"

Anna laughed, shaking her head, "Nah...the dog."

After giving the pit bull Steven a nice walk around the park, Anna had Elsa back at the apartment. It seemed exhausting to take it all in, the city, the changes in people and dynamics of it all. Anna felt exhausted herself, watching over a magical Queen from an unknown land was hard work. And it wasn't even three yet.

"Three..." Anna thought, looking up at the clock as it read two fifteen in bright neon letters. "Why am I suppose to remember three..."

"Ah...I mean Anna.." Elsa called from the other room.

Anna quickly forgot the clock, walking into her living room of her shabby apartment to see the Ice Queen sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest and staring at her phone as it vibrated.

"Is it alive...?" Elsa shuttered, her eyes growing wide as it beeped.

The red head dove for her phone as she saw ice slice across the couch, nearly busting her phone. Which she was still paying for.

"Careful!" Anna scolded, "Just cause your afraid of it..doesn't mean it's bad."

Elsa took her words, forming them over in her head. She didn't look hurt that Anna had scolded her nor did she seem angry, just mindful of them.

"Look.." Anna sighed, coming down to Elsa's side and showing her the phone. "It's a device to talk to's completely" She explained, putting the phone in Elsa's hand. She watched as the Queen held it as if it were a newborn baby, frightened she would drop it. But gradually, with a little help from Anna, she held it more properly. "See, it's fine!" Anna laughed.

Elsa smiled, bringing her other hand up to cover her lips.

" this.." Anna beamed, going to the side of the phone and pressing the camera.

The Queen nearly threw the phone then as she was startled by her own self looking back at her. "'s...its me?" Elsa gasped, making the most adorable faces into the phone. Surprised it was copying her every move. "What is this magic...?"

"Not magic..just.."

A flash went off and Anna jumped as the camera noise went off, making Elsa truly drop it this time as she scurried back and ice shot around them.

"Sorry!" Anna squeaked out, picking up the phone. "My bad...I forgot to tell you about that feature.."

"Feature..?" Elsa said, her voice strained.

"It takes your picture on camera mode..." Anna said, pressing a few buttons to get to her photos. "See?"

Elsa casually moved forward, eyeing the phone as if it were suddenly going to explode.

"See, that's you...and that's me...God it's your first selfie and you look fucking perfect...?" Anna teased, confusing Elsa at the term 'selfie'. Still making her smile all the same.

"So it'" Elsa said, touching the phone with her fingertips again.

"What..?" Anna laughed, realizing right after that. "Oh's very cool."

They continued to explore the phone until three came and went, then Elsa wanted to know about the t.v and the bedroom light switch, the shower and even the game system. The woman was full of questions, some Anna didn't know exactly how to answer, still willing to try as much as she could. They were just getting to the Internet, that in itself the hardest concept to explain to Elsa, when the doorbell rang.

"What was that?" Elsa asked, looking up at the ceiling. "A bell?"

"Pretty much..." Anna laughed, moving out of her chair. "Don't move..I'll be right back..and don't click anything!" She reminded her, watching as the woman nodded firmly in response. Earlier she had left her alone at the computer to get drinks, only to come back to several pop ups and ads clouding the desktop. Anna was still wondering how the girl had managed to sign up for a free year supply of some foreign magazine as she went to answer the door. A strong smell of cologne filling her nostrils as she did.

Behind it was a man, dressed in a nicely fitted tux and holding a bouquet of roses in his arms. Although he dressed and smelled nice, the man at the door looked nothing but nasty as he glared at Anna with his bright green eyes.

"I was sure by the fourth call you'd somehow feel bad enough for me that you'd at least send me a courtesy text...but even that's above you, isn't it Anna?" Shawn spat, throwing the roses down and making Anna curse as she remembered her three o'clock appointment. Her date with Shawn.

Date was taking it far. This wasn't a date, it was more of a sympathy greeting between a woman who had discovered sexuality and her ex boyfriend who couldn't stand the idea of the word no. Anna had only agreed to it because it was public and so she could officially break it off with him. As if the man hadn't figured it out the first five times.

"Shit..." She muttered

"Yeah shit Anna!" Shawn yelled, "Why'd you stand me up?"

"I got distracted, I'm sorry."

"Your always sorry!" Shawn spat, throwing his arms up in the air. "How can I believe you anymore?"

Anna rolled her eyes, letting the man waste his breath. Getting angry over something Anna had simply forgotten to do. "You'd think after how long he has known me he'd actually try and remember how forgetful I am.." Anna thought, staring at the man as he threw his tantrum.

"So're just done with me?" He begged.

"I've been done with you." Anna snapped, stamping her foot. "Don't you get it?"

"No Anna I don't get it.." Shawn yelled, stepping dangerously close to her comfort level. He knew better than to threaten her, but Anna could see it was coming. "You were with me for months..everything was going fine and suddenly you just switch sides..I just don't get it Anna, I really don't."

"Anna..." A voice whispered out, causing both Anna and Shawn to freeze right in the middle of their argument.

Anna turned to see Elsa moving slowly over toward her, unable to see the man clearly in the doorway, still picking up that she was in trouble. A shaky, yet confident, hand reaching out towards her.

"Are you alright..?" Elsa asked.

"Who the fuck is that?" Shawn asked, looking absolutely disgusted. "Are you kidding left me for that shit?"

Anna wasn't sure if it had been the stressful day, the way Shawn was yelling at her or the fact that Elsa was standing behind her now, shaking in her worries for the girl, but Anna felt an anger broil in the pit of her stomach. Like fire, fueling her heart as she gripped the doorknob.

"Take a fucking hint Shawn, don't ever come back." Anna snapped, slamming the door in his face.

A month later, Elsa was still living with Anna while they waited for Kristian to find them an answer about Arendelle or anything that could help Elsa get back to the time she came from. At least pinpointing any sort of explanation as to why she had arrived in their time in the first place.

But as time went on, Elsa learning more about their world and Anna willing to teach her everything she possibly could about it, the more Anna was starting to hope they never found an answer.

She had grown used to Elsa being around, much more than Anna had ever thought she would. She lived for their talks at the end of each work day, found her absolutely adorable as she presented her most recent discovery of simple every day tasks like turning on the television or explaining how she had discovered how to type her name on the letter clickers (The key board as The rest of the world called it). Even late at night when Elsa had once taken Anna's bed alone while she slept on the couch, now they shared the bed together. And Anna didn't even mind the frost the woman occasionally left on the pillows.

So when Kristian came bursting into her apartment one afternoon, a sheet of paper held firmly in his hand with news of Elsa's old life, Anna was hardly thrilled.

"Arendelle...isn't another fact..its history!" Kristian beamed, slapping the paper down.

"History?" Anna asked, lazily taking another bite of her Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. Her eyes drifting over to Elsa as she ate her own bowl of Cheerios, a smile wide on her face.

"Norwegian History actually..which is odd...because how did Elsa even manage to get here in New York in the first place?" Kristian begged to know, motioning towards the Queen.

Anna scoffed, "Cause thats really the question were concerned about...not the fact that she's an ice Queen or the fact that she traveled through time or.."

"K...point taken." Kristian laughed, moving on.

"How did you figure it out?" Elsa asked excitedly. Making Kristian smile from ear to ear.

"I actually talked to Professor Stone about it all!" Kristian explained, his smile falling as Anna groaned. "What...why are you so moody?"

"Professor Stone..?" Anna asked, clearly unimpressed. "That old troll that goes on and on about myths and legends..why did you ask him?"

"Hey if he's right, we might be a step closer to sending Elsa home!"

"Or a step closer to the looney bin."

Kristian furrowed his eyebrows, "Anna.."

"Who is Professor Stone..?" Elsa asked, rather politely as she sat cross legged in a pair of fuzzy pink pajamas that were much too big for her.

"He's an idiot professor from a terribly boring university." Anna said, rolling her eyes as she stuffed more cereal into her mouth. Unsure why she was in such a terrible mood. Or why Kristian was so willing to get rid of Elsa.

Kristian glared at Anna before softening his gaze to look at Elsa. "He's a well respected man, a genius of ancient history...Anna's just mad because she quit school before she got to know how cool the old crank is!" He explained, "He even gave me an address to an old book store where we could find a book on Arendelle."

"Can we go?" Elsa begged, sending ice fluttering into the air.

"I'm ready as soon as you are!" Kristian cheered, laughing as Elsa jumped up from her seat and ran to Anna's bedroom. A light skip in her step. "And you better leave the grumpiness at home babe!" Kristian commented, poking Anna in the head as he gave her a look. "Be happy for her."

Anna just didn't know how she could.

The book store they found reeked terribly of mold, making Anna sneeze every few minutes as they searched every nook and cranny for a book on Arendelle.

Kristian was checking the top of the shelves, climbing a ladder that rolled down the way, connected to the wall itself. Anna stayed with Elsa, flitting through books that were older than dirt itself, unable to tell what exactly they were looking for. Everything was falling apart or in another language, title less or even wordless as Anna found in one book near the front.

To make matters worse the owner of the shop was eerily looking at them ever since they had stepped into the door. Elsa, for some reason, had called him a weasel and nearly had them all kicked out.

"I called him Weselton..." Elsa corrected Anna as she brought it up again.

Anna sighed at that, still thinking it sounded insulting.

"Knowing Elsa, she didn't mean to.." Anna thought, rubbing her finger on her pants as she poked at a particularly grimy book. "This place is disgusting.."

"What was Kristian saying earlier about this...University?" Elsa asked, keeping her eyes focused on the books. "And about you quitting.."

"I didn't quit." Anna said bluntly, "And it's like a school...a place you learn lots of knowledge so you can get a job."

"Like a job as a Queen?"

"Eh...kinda...more common."

"An ice shipper?"

"Sure.." Anna laughed, unsure how those two connected. "I left because it wasn't for me...I found something better anyways, working at Oaken's has been great for me." She said, although her voice didn't sound as proud as it should be. Oaken was her Uncle, a man who owned a simple shop downtown. Anna had already taken Elsa there quite a few times when she was afraid to leave her home alone, introducing her to the entire family. He paid her well and she could see herself working there her whole life. Family and well paid, what more could she ask for?

"I think you should go back to the school." Elsa suggested, looking back at Anna with her bright blue eyes. "An education is a good thing.."

"I'm not good at school.." Anna lied, "I wouldn't do well."

"I think you'd do great Anna.." Elsa soothed, "You know so much even know how to turn off the t.v..."

Anna laughed, making Elsa look at her in confusion. Never realizing how simple the task was. "Yeah...I suppose I do.." Anna smiled, feeling her heart warm. "Thanks Elsa.."

Elsa blushed, moving her hand towards Anna.

"Found it!" Kristian bellowed, startling them both as they looked up to see the man climbing down.

"Shush it!" The old man yelled back, "This may be a store but it's still a library!"

Kristian jerked his middle finger out, giving the man a glare as he turned his seat away from them. Muttering something about 'kids' and their rude behavior.

"Just as Professor Stone said...look it's even in the old language!" Kristian cheered, his face falling as he thought it over. "How are we...going to read it..?"

"I can.." Elsa whispered out, her own face looking confused. "But...I don't understand.."

Both Kristian and Anna looked at each other before looking at Elsa, the woman's face looking dark as she turned the pages open slowly. They couldn't read it, not like her, but the pictures were plain as day, depicting a battle right before their eyes. Anna watched with wide eyes as Elsa turned each page, the story going grim.

"What's happening...?" Kristian asked, although it was obvious as they all three saw Arendelle's castle in flames.

"Arendelle...was destroyed..." Elsa gasped, a single tear falling down her cheek. "Because...because of me..."

"What..?" Both Kristian and Anna yelled, ignoring the weasel old man as he snapped at them again.

"I..." Elsa choked out, bringing the back of her hand to her lips as a chill fell through the air.

"Elsa.." Anna said, flinching back as the girl ran through the store, ice casing the books, and out the door. "Elsa...wait, come back!" Anna ran after her, unable to catch up with her, losing her in the streets of New York.

Hours later they still hadn't found the ice Queen, even after following her icy trail through the streets of New York City. They were fast but Elsa was much faster and while her powers were cool, it was in the middle of summer and her ice was melting fast. Hardly leaving them a trail upon the sidewalk.

"Dammit!" Anna yelled, throwing a punch through the air. Pissed she had let the girl slip out of her grasp.

Kristian nodded, equally upset with himself. "Anna I'm sorry..but don't worry, we'll find her.."

"Don't.." Anna warned, "I don't need your positive dopey bullshit right now!"

"I'm not.."

"It's your fault she ran away!"

"What!?" Kristian snapped, not exactly angered but rather surprised.

"You just had to show her that book, putting thoughts in her mind that she should go back to her own time." Anna spat, stomping down the sidewalk, praying Elsa had gone this way.

"She does have to go back to her own time!" Kristian yelled, "Don't you see her Kingdom is going to die out without her?"

Anna swallowed thickly, feeling selfish, but stubborn as well. "I don't care, they are long gone."

"Not to her!"

"She has us now!"

"But her heart is with them!"

Anna stopped right in her tracks, frozen by his words. She turned back to see the man giving her a soothing look, still stern as he dropped this news on her.

"She isn't meant for our time Anna..don't you get it?" Kristian sighed, "Her Kingdom was destroyed because she wasn't there, because she wasn't able to protect it...".

The red head closed her eyes, feeling warmth fall down her cheeks. She wiped at them bitterly, unaware how easily she felt the urge to cry then.

"What if she dies though?" Anna asked, "What if she goes back and..the kingdom still falls."

Kristian's heart seemed to stop at that and he looked away for a moment to wipe at his nose. When he came back his eyes had glossed over and he bit his lower lip. "She trusts us Anna...she thinks your her sister..and that I'm some friendly ice shipper.." He laughed, "She even thinks Steven is a reindeer named can't can't make this about you."

It hurt to hear those words, especially coming from him of all people. But Anna took them, nodding her head and taking a deep breath. Pushing past her own desires and feelings.

"She does...doesn't she.." She admitted, determination filling her heart. "We have to find her."

They circled the city the entire night, or at least that's how it felt to Anna as they rushed into every store, dashed down nearly every alley and searched every park for the girl. They split up as Kristian brought up the idea that Elsa may have headed to Anna's apartment, the man taking that route while Anna searched the subways. Actually hoping the woman hadn't made that choice.

She was just about to climb on, taking the subway around to each stop she could and checking the station before moving on to the next, when she found a trail of ice leading off and away from the train. Over towards a corner where a young blonde woman was crying, head down, sitting on a bench.

"Elsa!" Anna cried out, running over and nearly slipping on the ice that surrounded her. "Elsa where did you run off to!" Anna scolded, sitting down on the cool bench and laying a hand down on her shoulder. "You had Kristian and I worried sick!"

"I'm sorry..." Elsa whimpered, her face bright red, eyes puffy and unable to shed any more tears.

"It's'' Elsa.." Anna laughed, biting her lip. "Just don't go anywhere by yourself..not like that again, okay?"

Elsa looked up at her then, locking eyes with the red head. Causing Anna to lose her breath as she leaned down and rested her head on her shoulders.

"They all died...because I disappeared.." Elsa broke down, "I wasn't there to protect them..and sister..she.."

"It'll be okay Elsa...we'll figure out a way to send you back!" Anna soothed, rubbing her back as she held her. "I know we will!"

"I miss her..."

"Your sister...?"

"Yes...I miss Anna so much.."

The future Anna held her breath, forcing back her jealousy as much as she could. Elsa didn't need her confusing feelings right now, she didn't need Anna begging her to stay or even wishing destruction on Arendelle if it meant she'd have Elsa to herself. Elsa just needed her sister, the one she loved and missed. Anna was going to be that for her right now, the very best she could.

After they had found the book about Arendelle, information began to pour in about the very land and all the mysteries of why it had fallen and where the Queen of Arendelle had gone. Starting with a news report on the television and a segment about a fabled necklace that could transcend time.

"I remember this now.." Anna said, turning the volume up louder as the news reported about the new display in the museum just a walk away from where Kristian lived. "That jewelry was found, just a few days before you arrived Elsa.."

"That's definitely not a coincidence.." Kristian laughed, leaning against the back of the couch. Allowing Anna and Elsa to sit on top of the furniture, Steven snuggled between them. "That's probably the reason why you showed up in the first place!" He gasped, looking back at Elsa. Who was looking very earnestly at the t.v as it showed a picture of the necklace, knowingly as if she had seen it before.

"You recognize it...don't you.." Anna stated.

Elsa nodded, "Seems like Hans wasn't behind it after all.."

"What do you mean?" Kristian asked, still confused who this Hans guy was.

"That jewelry was a gift from Weseltone..." Elsa said, "I remember..."

Kristian and Anna looked at one another, waiting for her to explain.

"There was a party...he sent it as a gift...I was to wear it but I felt faint and decided to lie down and...the rest is a blur." Elsa sighed as she brought her hand to her head. "That..rude little pest must have acquired the piece and sent it to me...knowing it would transport me here so he could take over Arendelle!"

"Problem is do we get to it and how do we use it?" Anna asked, "Any ideas?"

"I think I do!" Kristian said, smiling ear to ear.

Anna had never done anything illegal in her life. She had never stolen, never done drugs. She couldn't even recall the last time she had even received a ticket. But now, thanks to Kristian, she was expected to break into a museum.

"It's not breaking in...we are just staying after hours!" Kristian laughed, giving Anna a wink as she tied her shoes. "We're doing this for the good of a kingdom for crying out loud...we may as well be considered heroes!"

Elsa was sitting and waiting for them in the other room, dressed in the first outfit she ever wore from Anna's closet. On her back she had a book bag of her old clothes, tucked neatly, ready to travel through time and space. Or whatever it was she was going to. Making no sense to Anna in the least bit. Although the entire situation didn't make a bit of sense either.

Anna looked down at her converse, seeing that they were properly tied and went to grab her own backpack from the bed. Filled with snacks, flashlights and her phone. Anna practically snorted at that, thinking this was a sleepover more than a break in.

"You know..this is the last time you'll be seeing her..." Kristian reminded her, "You gonna be alright?"

Anna nodded, although she didn't feel like she would be. "I's whatever.."

"Well..if you two need a know..just to say goodbye, I can wait for you at the museum." Kristian said in a rather kind and generous way. Almost making Anna's heart melt at the kind gesture. "But you know..I'm not sure if you want your first lesbian experience with someone like her...I mean she could literally freeze your pu-OW!"

"You're a pig.." Anna snapped, waving her fist at him. Threatening to hit him again.

"Just callin it like it is!"

The museum closed promptly at six while the guards stuck around till nine, leaving the stowaways with three hours of hiding and boredom before they could do any real searching. This was assuming there wasn't a night guard, watching them on cameras even as they hid. Kristian threw any doubt of that out the window, claiming they would have been caught hours ago. Although Anna wondered if the guards were just toying with them and wouldn't stop panicking about it until Elsa thought of the great idea to freeze the cameras over. Blocking the guards, if any, from seeing them.

At nine thirty, after a heated game of cards that ended with Elsa besting the two original pros, all three of them clambered out of hiding and started to search for the jewel that brought Elsa to their world.

It took them quite some time, mainly because Kristian was walking slow as if his feet had weight tied to them or because Elsa froze in fear every time the building creaked. Making the trek to the room tedious and precise, especially since Elsa had to make sure to freeze the camera before entering each room.

Anna could hardly take it.

"Are you serious?" she said, pushing Kristian in the back. "Come on..."

"I ain't going to jail over nothing, we have to be cautious!" Kristian snapped back.

Anna worked up a rude reply, silencing as Elsa placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's going to be alright Anna..don't worry." Elsa smiled, instantly relieving the girl of any stress she was having. Simply by her smile.

"Thanks Elsa.." Anna smiled back.

Kristian made a kissy face at the two of them, whispering crude little words between each smooch.

Anna almost felt sorry for punching him as he cried out. Almost.

Finally they had made it, walking up to the glass case as Elsa shot her ice at the camera. Kristian and Anna stared at the jewelry with mild amusement, unsure if it was really as magical as it claimed to be. Knowing if it had brought Elsa here, the Queen of ice and snow, it must have some kind of power.

"Now what..?" Anna asked, shakily.

"Can you open it?" Kristian suggested to Elsa as she licked her lips.

"I'll try."

And try she did. Using the tips of her fingers, she managed to cut open the glass by encasing them in ice. The noise of the act was terribly painful and her two companions both shot their hands to their ears as it reminded them of nails on a chalkboard. both relinquishing a sigh as she cut a complete circle and pushed until the glass fell and broke on the inside of the case.

"You know, maybe Elsa should stay...we'd make an awesome team of thieves?" Kristian whispered to Anna, this time the red head agreeing with him.

Reaching inside, Elsa pulled the necklace loose and looked it over in her hand. Anna looked down as well, surprised that it looked so simple. It was golden, thick and Anna thought it looked pretty gaudy looking, the center of it having a giant blue gem.

"I'm sure it's priceless..and magical...but I can't imagine.." Anna thought, cutting herself off as footsteps echoed down the hall.

Elsa looked at Anna who then looked at Kristian, all three looking wide eyed and fear as lights danced around the wall and the sound of a radio static bleeped into the air. Somehow the guards had caught onto them, whether that be the noise Elsa was making earlier or the fact that they were hardly good thieves and had missed a camera or two, neither of them could predict. But the guards were coming, quickly, running to the room they were in.

"Run..." Kristian whispered, pushing the girls towards the exit. "Go, take it back to the apartment...I'll distract them!"

Before Elsa or Anna could complain, the man was off running in the other direction, hollering and waving his hands madly in the air. Distracting the guards, that had somehow managed to know they were here, going after him. Anna didn't take his help for granted, taking Elsa by the arm and running straight for the exit.

They didn't stop running till they were back in Anna's room. Elsa laying back on Anna's bed with sweat dripping down the side of her face while Anna herself collapsed to the floor, taking in deep breaths of air.

"That fucking idiot..." Anna wheezed, "He's gonna go to jail over this...fucking idiot.."

Elsa lifted herself up onto her elbows, looking down at Anna. "Will he be okay..?" She asked concerned, "I didn't want him to get in trouble.."

Anna shook her head. "Don't worry...with the necklace gone and his smooth talkin..they can't hold him for long.." She said, unsure if that was indeed true. All she wanted to do was make Elsa feel better before she left back to her home. She didn't need to worry about Kristian or anyone from this time honestly. Not even Anna. "C'mon...lets get it on you.." Anna smiled as she looked down at the necklace expectantly.

Elsa looked down as well, suddenly unsure of herself.

"Do you think it will work?" Elsa asked.

Anna shrugged her shoulders, "I can't see why not.."

Still Elsa hesitated, staring down at the jewelry as she held it in her fingertips.

The red head sighed and lifted herself up from the ground, coming beside Elsa and sitting next to her on the bed. She could feel the coolness of the woman's body as they bumped shoulders, feel her gasp as Anna moved her hand atop of her own. Squeezing it lightly.

"You will be fine.." Anna promised, "Just remember your kingdom.."

Elsa nodded, "My kingdom.."

"And Oaken, Kristoff and Sven?"

"Yes...them too.."

"And Anna."

"Anna..." Elsa repeated, bringing the necklace to her heart. "I have to..remember her..if I'm ever going to get home."

"Of course.." Anna laughed, "So...don't be afraid,"

Elsa nodded, closing her eyes and lifting the necklace around her neck. Anna expected her to disappear immediately then, to vanish in a puff of smoke or twinkle out of existence as they did in the movies. But Elsa stayed, right where she sat, next to Anna. She stayed for a moment, stayed for the hour and then into the next, making them both question and worry over what might have gone wrong or what they hadn't thought to try with the necklace.

"I don't understand..." Elsa said, "This is what happened last time...I put it on..just as simple as that.."

Anna stood, pacing the room as she thought of why it wasn't working. Thinking of words Elsa might have said or actions she might have performed that caused the necklace to activate and send her to their time. "She put the necklace on...she felt faint.." Anna thought, eyeing Elsa and the jewelry. "She laid down and woke up here in my bedroom in New..." Her mind stopped her right there, realizing it immediately.

"You fell asleep." Anna said, snapping her fingers. "You fell asleep..that's why you woke up here with doesn't work unless you sleep!"

Elsa looked a mix between relief and uncertainty, eyes dropping lower as she leaned back into Anna's bed. "I understand.." Elsa said, her voice growing weak "All I have to do is...sleep.." Elsa smiled, looking up at the ceiling. "That seems so refreshing after all that work.." She laughed, causing Anna to smile.

The girl of the future went to leave the room, heading out just to get an extra blanket from the couch for the woman to get comfortable. But as she went to the door, a hand came out and grabbed a hold of her wrist, cool and firm. Halting her from leaving.

Anna turned back to see Elsa weakly rising from the bed, tugging her back towards her.

"Please stay with me..." She pleaded, moving her closer.

Anna couldn't say no.

The two climbed into bed together, Anna on the right while Elsa was on the left. Anna laid her head down on a pillow and immediately began to yawn, feeling her body ache for sleep. Just as Elsa's was doing. But she forced her eyes to stay awake, watching the woman as she watched her. Both unwilling to close their eyes. Both wanting to stay like this as long as they possibly could.

"Will you tell Kristian goodbye for me.." Elsa asked, "That is..if it does all work out."

Anna nodded, "It will...and I will."

"Promise me you'll give school a try.."

"What is this, a sappy goodbye?" Anna teased, "You can't pull that!

"Just promise me.." Elsa said sternly.

Anna blinked a few times, wrapping her mind around her words before chuckling softly. "We'll see.." She teased, unsure if she really could manage to go back to school like Elsa wanted her to. Unsure if she'd make it.

"I mean it Anna..and you have to promise you'll be alright when I go.." Elsa said, placing her hand on the girls cheek. "You will be...right...?" She asked, looking right into Anna's eyes. There was an intensity to them that wasn't there before. It made Anna's heart race and her eyes flutter close, unable to answer Elsa's questions as she felt tears grace her eyes. The question wasn't about school anymore or even about Kristian. It was about Anna. "Will you..?" She asked again, "Cause I...". Her fingertips went briefly to the necklace, neither taking it off nor holding it firmly on her. Simply letting them fall against it, making it so easy to ask her to take it off completely.

"Elsa..." Anna managed to get out, swallowing her words.

From the back of her mind, Kristian's words spoke to her loud and clear.

"She needs our help..."

Anna couldn't be the one to hold her back now.

Her hand went to Elsa's cool digits, clasping them around her and bringing them to her heart. "I'll be alright.." She smiled, "And so will you Elsa.."

Elsa smiled and a tear fell down her cheek. "We'll be cool..?"

Anna laughed, "Very cool."

Anna's eyes fluttered open the very next morning, alone in her bed. The trail traces of frost on the tip of her lips.

One year later..

"Professor Stone!"

A large, dark man turned to see one of his eager students approaching him as quickly as they could. A small chuckle escaped his lips and he shook his head. Clearly amused by her.

"Yes Miss Anna.." Professor stone asked, "How may I help you."

"Just wanted to turn in this week's assignment early..." Anna said cheerfully, handing him a flash drive of all her work. "If you want me to wait till class this evening...I can.."

Professor Stone shook his head, "Nonsense.." He laughed as he took the device. "See you tonight...give me time to read it over though, I might not have a grade for you till next week."

"No worries!" Anna smiled, "It's cool."

They parted, Anna going back the way she came while the Professor walked to his next class. At the end of the hall Kristian was waiting for her, pissed about what she had done.

"Teachers pet.." He spat, bitterly.

"You're just mad cause I'm one of the top students here at Arendelle University!" She teased, poking fun at him.

"Still can't believe it...we went from being West Point Arendelle University.." Kristian mocked, "All because of one point in history...shits ridiculous."

"Not only saw how the book changed!" Anna beamed, "And it's no longer considered a's fact!"

Kristian rolled his eyes, "Have you learned nothing in your's only proven more fact than fiction because of all the proof we have for it!".

"You act like you didn't meet the Queen of Arendelle a year ago?"

"Yeah yeah.." He said, blowing raspberries.

They fell into a steady silence as they walked the halls of Arendelle University, a heaviness between the two that Anna had felt several times this past year. The last one happening a few months ago when she found an old photo of the two of them on her phone. Opting to delete it to help her move on.

"You miss her?" Kristian asked, nudging her shoulder as he realized this.

Anna nodded, "You?"

"Yeah...but it's nice to know she lived a happy life..and you know she has you to thank for that."

"Both of us..especially since you have the criminal record for it." Anna laughed, dodging as Kristian tried to push her over. "Sorry I know...touchy subject!"

The two of them walked out of the history section of the University, off to study for that evenings exams and classes that would be held. Anna decided to go to the library, parting with Kristian as the man made his way back to his dorm. Hoping to give Steven a walk before he started his own work.

The library was smaller than any other in their city, hardly helpful when it came to reports or helpful guides. But Anna was looking for a quiet place to be more than a place to search for information. With Internet around nowadays, she didn't need such trivial needs to help with her papers.

Anna pushed open the doors of the library, casually stepping inside. It wasn't completely as empty as Anna thought it to be, a few other students taking up their own space at the computers and tables. Anna walked past them though, unable to concentrate around other people. Instead she went straight to the back, to the counter where a rather large man was sitting and typing away loudly at the computer. A goofy grin plastered on his face as he giggled, clearly not working but playing.

"Uh...excuse me..." Anna whispered, worried she'd interrupt his fun.

"Yeah?" He bellowed back, sending a chill up Anna's spine.

"Ah, hi...I wanted to use one of the study rooms.."

"Oh sure!" The man beamed, reaching his hand out as he used the other to search his pockets for the keys. "I'm Owen, nice to meet you..hold on one second, let me get the key!" He giggled, his smile quite infectious. "Oop...I'm sorry, just realized I'm not allowed to have one of those anymore!" Owen stated, hardly surprising Anna. "But my friend is over there, she'll help you..and she has keys!" The odd man said, waving Anna off as she peeked her head down the aisles.

There, on a ladder, was a young woman with a large stack of books piled in her arms, putting them away one by one. She looked busy, although Anna couldn't see her face, she felt bad for bothering her. Still she needed to study and time was ticking away.

Taking a testing step towards the woman, Anna looked up and cleared her throat,

"Excuse me?" Anna called, startling the woman.

At first Anna believed she was going to trip and fall off the ladder, panic seizing her heart as the woman flinched. But then she found her footing and Anna watched dumbly as a book fell off the top of her pile and smacked right into her head.

"Ouch!" Anna cried, dropping to her knees as she held her head.

"Are you okay?" A voice gasped out, followed by footsteps as the woman came down the ladder. Books hitting the ground with a loud thump as she practically tossed them aside. "I'm so so sorry, I didn't see you down there!"

"It's cool.." Anna groaned, shaking her head to clear the stars in her eyes.

A cool touch came upon her head then, soothing the throbbing pain.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" The woman asked, voice soft and tender as Anna turned to meet her eyes.

"Well I.." Anna said, her mind blanking no sooner had she done so. Unable to comprehend the woman before her. Anna must have been hit much harder than she had anticipated, because before her now was none other than the Queen of Arendelle that she had met a year ago. Her eyes were a deep blue, hair light blonde and skin milky white just as the woman's was. Every curve, every angle, every aspect of her was similar to Elsa, a clone at best.

"Ah..." Anna said, still unable to speak. Nearly calling the Elsa lookalike by that very same name. Unsure how she would take that. "Well..Ah..Ah.."

The blonde bit her lower lip, looking Anna over. "I think you need to go to the nurse.." The girl said, giving her a worried smile. "Do you mind if I walk you?"

"Ah...yes.." Anna laughed out, "I don't mind.."

"Okay...Owen, I'll be back!" the blonde called, hovering her hand over Anna as she led her down the aisle.

Owen waved at them, smiling knowingly at the two as they walked through the door.

Later that afternoon, Anna was leaving the campus nurse's office with a ice pack on her head, her heart full of hope. The blonde haired beauty walking right at her side.

"Again, I'm sorry I hit" The blonde asked, trying to get a name.

"Anna!" Anna quickly said, smiling ear to ear. "And yours..?"

"Ela.." Ela said shyly, seeming to enjoy Anna's smile. "I don't suppose I could talk you into coffee sometime?" she asked, a little more bold than the woman she had known long ago. "I'm kinda new to the area and I could really use a local's take on how everything runs here.." she admitted, "I promise I won't drop another book on you...or anything for that matter."

Anna didn't seem to mind that, especially if she got to see this girl again.

"It's a date then?" Anna teased, feeling a blush fill her cheeks as the girl nodded happily at that.

"Cool.." Ela said, and for the first time in that entire year, Anna felt so too.

A/N- Hey guys! Well this story was to help me get back into writing! I've had this idea stirring in my noggin for months now and I just was suddenly hit with inspiration to do it. It might be a little sloppy, but I enjoyed it. Just something to get me back into the swing of things. Let me know what you think of it!