Summary: Kise always loves Aomine. And Aomine loves Kise. Nothing can destroy their love. Nothing can part them. They just see each other. So he thinks. But what if he isn't enough anymore. What if then your partner start seeing someone else? If you aren't the only person in his vision. And then you ask yourself: did only you thought so?

Warning: Grammar and Spelling Mistakes, English's not my mother tongue!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no basuke

His heart throbbed against his chest. He was huddled in his partner's wardrobe, made himself small and tried not to move. Not to make a sound even if he felt like screaming. He gave up covering his ears. He heard the loud moans… the deep, husky voice… the soft huffing… It was not him in his arms. It was wrong.

His life went wrong.


Kise Ryouta pinched the tanned cheek of the blue haired man until he growled and grabbed the wrist of the blond. "Gosh, shut up, Kise," Aomine Daiki growled and turned around, to press his face into the pillow. "We have to get up!" Kise said and put his chin on Aomine's shoulder. "C'mon, Aominecchi! Get up. It's already 7:15am and you have to go to work and I have to go to college. Come." He bit him in his shoulders, making his boyfriend growl.

Kise crawled out of the bed and opened the curtains. "I'm going to shower now. Then I come back you're already up, okay?" He bent down to place a kiss on Aomine's temple. He grabbed a towel from the shelf and walked to the bath. You could claim that Kise, a quite famous model needed long in the bathroom but in the morning he showered quick and fast. He didn't have that much time!

He summed and closed his eyes to welcome the cold water on his skin. It helped him to wake up. He didn't notice the click of the door closing and shrugged as he felt hands on his hips. "Oh my god!" Kise screamed and tried to beat the person behind him. A firm and strong hand grabbed his fist. Aomine raised an eyebrow. "What?" Kise glared at him. "Don't scare me like that!" Kise wailed and got a smirk of Aomine. "Oh? Did I scare you?" He put his hands on Kise's hips and kissed his nape. "I'm not sorry," he chuckled. Kise rolled his eyes. "That's mean… Aominecchi?"

Aomine turned Kise around and pressed his lips on Kise's. The blonde didn't protest and wrapped his arms around his neck. "We don't," Kise said in the kiss, but smiled obviously, "don't have time!" Aomine bit in Kise's lower lip, making Kise moan. "There's always time for morning sex," Aomine murmured and spread Kise's legs.

"Here's your coffee." Kise left the coffee shop and gave Aomine his coffee. "What do you want for dinner tonight?" Kise sipped on his own hot coffee and walked next to Aomine. "Nah. I'll go home tonight." Aomine yawned and looked at his watch. "Ah… I'm going to be late," he murmured but he didn't seem to care.

"But I wanted to make a cozy night with a movie maybe and candle light and stuff!" Aomine gave him a look. "I'll definitely go home." Kise pouted. "Mean!"

Aomine rolled his eyes and grabbed Kise's arm. He pressed his lips on his lover. Kise shrugged. They were in public! "Next time, okay? I'm late. See you tomorrow. Texting ya." The tanned man waved and turned left. Kise waved back and sighed. Okay. What will he do tonight? Maybe he should call Kuroko… He didn't spend time with him for a long time!

The way to his college wasn't that long but Kise didn't really want to attend the lessons. He was a bit tired and his butt felt too sore to sit for 90 minutes. Maybe he could just skip and search a basketball field. To play a bit.

On his way to his usual play ground he walked into a red head he knew too well. "Oh! Kagamicchi!" he beamed at him, making the tall man struggle back. "Oh, hi, Kise," he murmured and scratched his nape. "Hey! What's up? I didn't see you a while. What happened?" The blonde smiled at him and looked in irritated red eyes. Kise's smile disappeared. "What?" he asked and frowned. "Did something bad happen?" Kagami sighed and shook his head. "No. No, it's nothing." Kagami shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Hm… I'm skipping lessons. Do you want to play basketball?" He grinned at him but received a raised eyebrow. "Do you have a ball with you?" Kagami asked and Kise widened his eyes. "Oh… no. I don't. I forgot." Kise laughed. "Well, maybe you still want to accompany me while I'm skipping lessons. Pretty please!" Kise begged and Kagami sighed.

"Okay, okay."

They walked next to each other and Kise talked about his studies and about his model job. Most of the time it was Kise who made the conversation. Kagami just was there and listened or pretended he listened to him. "Am I right, Kagamicchi?" Kise asked and tore him away from his thoughts. "Hm? Oh, yeah, you're right." "So you think it is right to quit basketball and modeling?"

Amber colored eyes looked straight at him. Kagami widened his eyes. "You want to quit basketball? Why? What happened?" he asked and stopped, as he saw in Kise's face.

"You weren't listening, were you?" Kise pouted. "What's so important that you didn't listen to a friend's complain?"

Kagami gritted his teeth. "Nothing," he answered and looked away. Kise put his hands on his hips and glared at Kagami. "That's not right. Come." Kise grabbed Kagami's arm and dragged him to the park near them.

He pushed Kagami on one of the benches and sat down next to him.

"C'mon. I'll listen to your problem, okay?" Kise smiled at him. "You can drink from my coffee if you want to!" He offered him his coffee but Kagami shot him a glare.

"I don't want to talk about it with you," he said annoyed. Kise widened his eyes. "Why? Did… did I do something?" He immediately looked guilty. As Kagami looked in his with guilt filled brown eyes he sighed and shook his head. "Gosh, stop it."

Kagami leaned back and closed his eyes. "I broke up with Kuroko."

Kise looked at the red head and blinked. He didn't realize what he just told him. "Broke up? What? Oh my god!" As the sense of this meaning reached his brain he was shocked. He was utterly shocked. "Why? Kagamicchi! Oh my god, I'm so sorry! What happened?" Kise grabbed his wrist and looked at him. He was worried.

It never crossed his thought that Kagami and Kuroko would ever break up! They were such a sweet couple that Kise got sometimes jealous of them. Kagami stared at Kise, long and intensive. "You… you don't know why?" he asked. Kise frowned. "No… no, Kuroko didn't speak to me and Aomine didn't mention it…"

Kagami opened his mouth to say something but remained silent. He closed his eyes and scratched his head. "… Well… something happened. I can't talk to you about it." He got up. "You should ask him, why." Kagami looked at his blonde friend and shook his head again. "See you, Kise." Before Kise could answer properly Kagami walked away, leaving a shocked and confused Kise behind.

After a few minutes Kise got his cell phone out and dialed Kuroko's number. He waited for Kuroko to answer his phone but he waited futile. So he wrote a short message to him.

Kurokocchi, I need to ask you something! It's about Kagamicchi! Please call me! OAO

He waited for Kuroko to answer him but he didn't receive a message. He scratched his head and leaned back. "Moou… what happened?" He asked himself. He looked at his watch and sighed. Maybe Aomine knew something. He should visit him. Just shortly. He knew that Aomine needed his private time but Kagami was their friend! And maybe Kuroko was also heartbroken!

It was 8:35pm. Kise knew that Aomine would be home at 8:45pm. So Kise had used the spare key to Aomine's apartment and waited for him. Kise did cancel the meeting with his manager because it was more important to talk to Aomine. It was about Kagami!

Kagami was a really good friend to them. Kise liked him. He was passionate and a real opponent in basketball. He woke up Aomine from his arrogant act which started in middle school! Kagami and Kuroko were important!

But Kise wanted to play a prank on Aomine. He hid his shoes and walked to the bedroom. He knew that in Aomine's wardrobe was a spare place where he could hide himself then he would be huddled in there. So he waited until he heard the footsteps and the key at the door. Kise hurried into the wardrobe and closed the door.

Kise grinned. His boyfriend would be so shocked. He heard the front door closed loudly. But Aomine didn't go immediately to the bedroom. He always went first to the bedroom. Kise listened hard. He heard heavy breathes. Maybe he ran? Then he heard a moan. What? Kise narrowed his eyes.

The wardrobe's door had small opening where Kise tried to look to the door. He definitely heard a moan. Suddenly something fell down. "Fuck," he heard Aomine's voice. Kise smiled slightly. The bedroom door was opened roughly. Kise was excited. How will he react?

Kise couldn't see him from his place so he waited until he would go to the bed to change his cloths. As he heard a voice. A second voice. A familiar voice.

"Ao-Aomine-kun-" The owner of the voice was interrupted, it got muffed… by a kiss?

Kise opened his eyes. He looked through the opening. He couldn't see much… as the two owners of the voices he had heard stood at the bed. It was Aomine, clearly… and…

"Aomine-kun, listen-"

Kuroko Tetsuya.

Kise's eyes widened. He slapped his hands over his mouth to prevent it from screaming. His body went from hot to cold and from cold back to hot. His eyes were widened and he trembled everywhere.

"Shut up, Tetsu," Aomine snorted and then Kise heard something that sounded like a kiss. Kise bit his lips, still covering his mouth with his hands. Kuroko moaned and Kise saw through the small opening that both of them landed on the bed. He could see the small, fragile body of Kuroko below the muscular, strong body of Aomine. They were kissing. Aomine… Aomine undressed Kuroko.

"Aomine-kun… Kise…Kise-kun texted me," Kuroko said and gasped as Aomine bit him on his neck. "Be-because… he knows… about Kagami-kun…" Aomine just snorted and stripped Kuroko from his pants.

Kise looked away. Don't move, he told himself. Don't make a sound. They will notice. He closed his eyes… what… what was happening? Why… Kise couldn't order his thoughts. He was dreaming. Right, he was dreaming! He waited too long for Aomine that he felt asleep. Kise pinched himself. It hurt. Kise shook his head. No. This isn't happening, he said to himself. Of course in his thoughts.

The blonde shrugged as he heard a loud moan. Kise didn't dare to look. "Aomine-kun," he heard Kuroko whisper. "Aomine-kun-" "Stop. That's too long. Just Aomine or Daiki," Aomine huffed.

Kise shut his eyes. His heart arched. He hugged himself tightly and buried his face in his knees he had drawn to his chest. He could feel the tears gathering in his eyes. His throat felt dry. His whole body shivered. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. Like a mantra he repeated the words in his mind.

But he could hear the sound of kisses, the sucking and the moans clearly. He heard them clearly.

His heart arched harder as he heard Aomine whisper "Tetsuya". Kise covered his ears. But he still could hear the little scream of Kuroko. Kise dared to look. Aomine… Aomine just entered him. Kise covered now his mouth. He was not allowed to scream now. Kise looked away.

It was so small in here. So small and tight. His body hurt from making himself so small. Kise wanted to run away. But he couldn't… He felt something wet on his cheeks. He cried.

Kise closed his eyes. He … he had to think of something else. He tried. He tried to think of his family. Of his school life. Of his friends… but there was always Aomine. Aomine. Aomine. Aomine. Aomine. Aomine everywhere. He smelled his scent. Of course, he was in his wardrobe.

He heard Aomine's groan. Aomine felt pleasure. Kise knew because he knew Aomine. Something only Kise should know but… but apparently Kuroko also knew.

It hurt.

It hurt.

It hurt.

Kise pressed his hands on his mouth to drown his cries. They were so long together. They had a relationship for many, many years. Kise even thought of marring this guy. He thought of spending his whole life with this person! Kise couldn't believe what was happening. Everything… Everything was destroyed. Their future. Their love.

Kise shook his head. It couldn't be over. It couldn't!

His heart throbbed against his chest. He was huddled in his partner's wardrobe, made himself small and tried not to move. Not to make a sound even if he felt like screaming. He gave up covering his ears. He heard the loud moans… the deep, husky voice… the soft huffing… It was not him in his arms. It was wrong.

His life went wrong.

He wanted to disappear. He wanted to disappear and never come back. Kise pressed his hands on his ears as both of them reached their climax. He bit his lower lip until it bled. He didn't want to be exposed. He hoped they would fall asleep. Or change the room. Maybe had bathroom sex.

Like Aomine and Kise had this morning.

Kise whimpered soundless. It was cruel. It was so cruel. But maybe it wasn't just Aomine's fault. Maybe Kise couldn't satisfy Aomine. He wasn't… he wasn't a good boyfriend. Was it that? Kise looked through the opening to see them standing up. Naked they walked away.

Kise gulped and waited for the door to open and close again. They left the bedroom. By the sound of the over door closing Kise knew they were in the bathroom. Kise had to go.

"Move," he whispered to himself. "Move. Get out."

Kise opened the door and got up. His body arched. He sat too long in that position. He slowly walked to the door, opened his slightly. He waited a bit. He heard the shower. Kise took this chance. He took his shoes and left the apartment. He closed the front door quietly. He stood there for a second. A second turned to a minute. Kise gasped. He had to go.

As if he was hit by something he dashed from the door. He was still in his socks but he didn't care. He took the bus to get home. He entered his apartment. He let go of his shoes and slowly walked to the living room. He sank down to the couch.

As if he was in trance he stared into the air. His brown eyes were empty. Stains from his crying were still there. But he didn't move. He just sat there and stared.

As his cell phone ringed he broke into crying. He cried. Loud, because he couldn't be loud in the wardrobe. He screamed and cried and screamed and cried until his throat was hoarse.

His boyfriend betrayed him.

He cheated on him.

Did he… always cheat on him then he wanted his private time? Did he always see Kuroko then he wanted to go home and didn't want to spend time with Kise? Was he always with Kuroko?

Kise couldn't breathe. He held back for so long. He didn't care that his cell phone kept ringing.

A few days passed. Kise didn't answer his cell phone. He missed a few calls. Some of his manager, some of Aomine, some of Kagami. But he didn't answer them. He lied in his bed and stared at the roof. Here, in this bed, Aomine and Kise shared a few, adorable memories. Not just sex.

Kise couldn't cry anymore. He cried too much the last few days. He had to eat. But he didn't. He .. he had to realize that things were over.

He sat up and looked at the small bedside table. He looked at the photo. It showed him and Aomine. He remembered this moment clearly. He took it and looked at it. It was four month ago. They went on a vacation together. A small trip just the two of them. They took a walk through the beautiful flower garden, they visited temples, and they even tried fishing. But this photo was shot as they were finished playing basketball. A girl who watched them took it for them and Kise was so happy. He was happy. Because he could feel that Aomine went through this trouble just for him. Because it was important for Kise.

Because Aomine loved Kise.

Something wet met the surface of the glass of the frame. It was his tears.

No, he couldn't … he couldn't imagine a life without Aomine.

He couldn't forget Aomine's smile, his smirk, his scent, his laziness, his rudeness, his kisses, his jokes, his teases… he couldn't forget Aomine's being. He couldn't, he didn't want to. He didn't want a life without Aomine.

Kise sniffed and grabbed his cell phone. His fingers trembled so it was hard to type a text on it. But he worked on it until it was finished.

Can I come to your place tonight?

He looked at the message and pressed 'send'. He waited. Kise waited long. Then, he got an answer.

God dammit! Where were you? Come over as soon as you can!

Kise nodded slightly. He got up and walked to the bathroom.

It was evening as Kise belled at Aomine's door.

Aomine opened it. He looked at Kise and Kise looked back. Then he smiled. "Hello," Kise said and cupped Aomine's face and kissed him. "Hmpf. Where were you? I called you so many times!" Kise laughed and entered his apartment. He stopped and looked at the corridor.

His eyes wandered to the bedroom. There… he slept with Kuroko. Kise gulped and turned to Aomine who closed the door. "I brought food!" Kise said cheerfully and showed him the bag. "I hope it's okay. You didn't eat anything!" Kise went to the kitchen and put the bag on the table.

Aomine cleared his throat. "Yeah, sure," he murmured and followed him. Kise closed his eyes and could smell Aomine's scent. It smelled sharp and manly. He liked it. Kise turned to Aomine and smiled at him. "Come." He stretched his arms out and waited for Aomine. Aomine grunted and walked to Kise. "What?" But he walked into his arms and wrapped his tanned and strong arms around Kise while Kise wrapped his arms around Aomine's neck.

"Haha, I just… missed you," he said and leaned against him. "Hm." Kise smiled and closed his eyes.

"I… I forgive you," he whispered and kissed Aomine's neck. "What?" But before Aomine could react to that Kise turned around. "Come. Let's eat. I brought a movie with me. The movie you didn't want to watch the last time." Kise grinned. "You can't escape!"

Aomine groaned. "Kise… really?"

Kise grinned.

He pretended nothing had happened. He smiled and laughed while his heart arched.

Because he couldn't imagine a life without Aomine. Because he couldn't live without Aomine. Because Aomine was his life.

Because he loved Aomine.

Hope you like it and please leave a review behind! :D