- Undercover / CopDoc AU –
With all the copdoc feels (though I admit I may have imagined it all..) in season 5 first half I got inspired to write a little story. I have the whole thing planned out (in my head…). So we'll see how it goes in the end.
This fic takes place right after the party from season 5 midseason finale (episode 8). I think you can read this even, if you haven't seen it yet. But yes, some spoilers are included in the very beginning as I try to set the scene, I guess. But VERY AU from there on. And creative license to bend the stuff that has happened on the show before. I'm bound to miss something and remember stuff wrong or not at all.
Rating T, but I might slip into M-rated later. Might.
NOTE: I am aiming for a COPDOC endgame here! If that's not your cup of tea, I recommend to not read :) There's also both some wolfpants and valkywolf friendship ahead.
FYI English is not my first language, but I hope there aren't too many off putting mistakes here. No beta, so all the mistakes are mine.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
ALSO NOTE: I kinda rushed this first chapter out to find out how you like it and if I should continue this. Especially the beginning feels very choppy to me. I tried to set the scene for this story and sort of wrap up the midseason finale drama out of the way. Don't know how it worked :P
It's a mess basically, but it gets better later on! I hope :)
Chapter 1
Lauren stood silent lost in her thoughts while watching Vex carry the young injured man to her. As Lauren's eyes latched on the bloody body of Dyson's son Mark, she stood still and sighed. She wondered how the whole day could have gone so wrong. So wrong. And so quickly. She remembered the eerie feeling she got, when she, Bo and the others had stepped out of the elevator to join the party. In retrospect she should have trusted her gut and forced everyone out. It had been a trap after all.
The extravagant party the three ancient fae, Greek gods named Zee, Heratio and Zeus, had thrown for Bo, had been a surreal experience. Lauren found it hard to believe Greek gods would have arranged the party just to be nice. She had been suspicious to begin with. She suspected the newcomers were up to no good. Lauren had suggested, that the party was a trap. More than once she had brought it up. And she had been right. The ancients were after Bo and her box. But.. who wasn't.
And then there was Tamsin. They'd been spending some time together. Lauren had been thinking about the woman too much. When Tamsin had joined forces with Lauren, pressing Heratio to talk and then found out that the most innocent looking ancient fae out of the three, Iris, was the most dangerous one - Lauren realized to her surprise that the two of them worked well together. She also had a fleeting feeling that Tamsin appreciated her. For once. Usually the Valkyrie was less than welcoming.
Lauren even thought for a moment that the other blond gave her a quick once over, but then discarded the thought as ludicrous. The doctor did let her own eyes wander over the other woman. Again. Tamsin was wearing a white dress with an open back. Lauren had already before roamed her eyes over the bare back of the Valkyrie and couldn't resist doing it once more, when the opportunity arose. Such a nice back, Lauren knew.
Lauren also knew, that spending all this time with Tamsin wouldn't make her think of the valkyrie any less. There was Bo, who wanted to try again. And then there was Tamsin, who Lauren found more more appealing. She didn't want to think about Tamsin in that way, but the woman was still invading her thoughts. No good would come from that. Disaster.
After Lauren and Dyson had separated from Tamsin and then also Bo to go look for Dyson's son Mark. The boy had been courting Iris earlier and was in danger. Lauren dutifully followed Dyson around helping him to calm down, when he was freaking out from not getting a scent of his off-spring. Dyson on Lauren's orders took a deep breaths gradually calming down. Soon he'd gotten a scent of his son. They had found injured Mark in the near by park with Vex trying desperately to help him.
Vex laid the boy on the ground and Lauren quickly dropped to her knees trying to stop the bleeding. Vex took off hollering he'd go get help.
"He needs to shift so he's stronger. He's too weak." Lauren said seriously while tending to Mark's wounds. She glanced at Dyson hovering over her and Mark.
"Mark.. He can't do it yet. He hasn't learned the skill.." Dyson whispered anxiously. "Please Lauren.. Please help him.. He's my son.." He pleaded.
When Vex had come back with the medics, Mark had been stable enough to be moved. He had been hastily shipped to Lauren's clinic to be treated. The doctor's there worked on his injuries, but it wasn't until he suddenly shifted for the first time, that he had completely healed.
On Dyson's insistence Lauren had thoroughly checked over Mark more than once and assured Dyson his son was fine and the boy just needed to rest. Dyson had thanked Lauren and vowed to be forever in debt to Lauren for saving his son.
Slowly things had quieted down at the clinic with Mark resting and Dyson staying with him. Lauren had time to stop and breath, but then the nagging uneasy feeling she had had earlier increased again making her think she'd overlooked something. Something important.
"What a day." Lauren groaned tiredly, when she headed to her office.
"You can say that again." Dyson sighed behind Lauren startling the woman.
Lauren whipped around in the hallway. "Dyson." She said as her eyes found the man. "I thought you stayed with Mark?"
"He's sleeping." Dyson said with a little smile. "He's fine. Thanks to you Lauren."
"You thanked me already Dyson." Lauren nodded and without thinking patted Dyson on his arm. "I'm happy he's okay."
"Me too. Have you heard from Bo?"
"I tried calling her, but she's not answering." Lauren said sighing heavily.
"I couldn't reach her either."
"Maybe we should go check the shack?" Lauren asked, but seeing Dyson's hesitant face she added, "My colleagues will take good care of Mark in the meantime. I promise."
Dyson met the doctor's eyes. "Okay."
Dyson entered Bo's house with Lauren coming in quietly behind him. Both of them noted it was quiet and dark as they quickly looked around.
"She's not here." Lauren said.
"Bo's probably in the Dal meeting Trick." Dyson guessed shrugging. "I'll call him." He said already tapping his phone.
Dyson had a short conversation with Trick, while Lauren looked over the place some more.
"Bo's at the Dal. She's fine." Dyson said as he slipped his phone back in his pocket.
"Good to know." Lauren said with disappointment in her voice.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm glad Bo's fine. Of course I am. But.. She didn't tell me where she was. She didn't call." Lauren sighed. "Nothing new."
"Bo rarely tells anyone what she's doing."
"I know.. At the party.. um.. She said she wants more. It was out of the blue! We had sex in my lab and.." Lauren blurted, before quickly correcting. ".. I mean a moment and thought it was just a one time thing, but she told me it wasn't." Lauren whispered. "Bo said she wanted to be with me."
"I know. I heard you two." Dyson met Lauren's eyes looking somber. "Talking."
"Great.." The blond huffed. "Oh boy yes, I said." Lauren groaned at her awkwardness, when she had talked with Bo. "Oh boy yes! Who the hell says that?"
"You apparently." Dyson teased softly.
"Yeah.." Lauren shook her head. "It's just that.. I should have said - I don't know. Because.. I don't. Know."
"You don't know, if you want to be with her?" Dyson asked surprised.
"You know Bo. You know me. We're so different. And we're both totally different people than we were before. And I'm not sure, if.." Lauren trailed off unsure if she should confide in Dyson. Why the hell was she confiding in Dyson anyway? About Bo for God's sake! Because I have no one else, she realized sadly.
"If what?" Dyson prompted sympathetically. He knew that Lauren's relationship with Bo had been anything but easy. He also knew, that he hadn't helped matters. But now he had forged a friendship of sorts with the doctor, making him want to be there for Lauren. To be a real friend. "If what?" He repeated, when Lauren didn't say a word.
"If she is enough for me. If she can give me what I need. I need more. I'm not sure, if we can be good.. great together, you know?" Lauren whispered with tightness in her throat.
"Lauren." Dyson laid his hand gently on the blond's shoulder kneading it softly. "Talk with Bo. She's who she is. A succubus. Maybe she can give only parts of herself to those she loves. Not everything."
"Maybe." Lauren breathed out. "I don't think that will be enough. For me."
"Or maybe.. she is just selfish and you should protect yourself from any more heartache." Dyson muttered gravelly. He too had suffered because of Bo's actions, so he knew the feeling. Loving Bo was not a picnic. "And If you need to choose, choose what's best for you."
Lauren stared at him silently. "Maybe." She finally whispered. "It's not easy to be in love with her."
"I know." Dyson agreed quietly. "Someone else.. Someone better might come along. It'll be okay."
The two stood there a while, before Lauren swept her eyes over the still room. "Where's Tamsin?" She wondered out loud.
"Not here." Dyson said glancing around. "And not at the Dal either."
"Did she stay at the mansion?" Lauren asked worriedly. "Alone?"
"I don't know why she would."
"Call her." Lauren said. "Please."
"Why are you so worried? I thought you didn't like her." Dyson lifted his eyebrow as he dug out his phone.
"Tamsin can be.. difficult and childish." Lauren listed quickly. "Snarky and arrogant. Infuriating. And.."
"Yup." Dyson cut it smirking slightly. "All those and more."
"But I still want her to be.. safe." Lauren shrugged. Noticing Dyson looking at her with an odd expression, she added. "We had a moment a while back. I made her cry."
"You made her cry?" Dyson snorted. "Tamsin?"
"She was emotional." Lauren continued, until seeing Dyson look of disbelief. "Forget it." She said sharply not wanting to tell why she and Tamsin had been bonding. While.. Dyson had heal-banged Bo in Lauren's own lab. That had stung. Both Lauren and Tamsin it had seemed. Though it seemed it had also stung Dyson being used like that. Again. "She was a bitch again a few days later. So at best we're.. frenemies." Lauren finished shaking her head a little.
"She's not answering." Dyson said, when the call went to voice mail.
"Let's go." Lauren tugged Dyson's arm, who was looking curiously at the doctor.
"The mansion." Lauren gave Dyson a 'duh' expression. "We need to check Tamsin's alright."
"Tamsin can take care of herself."
"I need to know she's okay. I'll go alone." Lauren said resolutely.
"You're not going there alone! Are you crazy?" Dyson raised his voice, but Lauren did not flinch.
"So come on then." Lauren latched her hands on the man's arm.
"Fine." Dyson grunted letting the blond drag him out.
Lauren and Dyson stepped into the mansion they had rushed out of not so long ago. Though it felt like ages after the day they'd had. A terrible day, Dyson thought. He was so happy his son was okay.
"Where's everybody?" Lauren whispered next to Dyson as they wandered around the mansion as stealthily as they could. They had looked through most of the house without finding anyone.
"I don't know. Not sure if I even want to know." Dyson said mumbling quietly. His body was alert as his eyes took in every flicker of shadows. "Let's check out this room, if Tamsin's not here, we're going. It's not safe to roam around here in the middle of the night." He pushed the heavy door open after seeing Lauren nodding in agreement. "Be alert." He warned as they entered the room.
The room was dark, but the moonlight shone through the open balcony doors giving its blue glow to the room. Lauren hesitantly stepped further inside. Her wide eyes latched on the lifeless looking Valkyrie sprawled down on the balcony. "Oh no." She rushed to Tamsin and knelt down to feel the woman's pulse.
"Tamsin?" Lauren touched the woman's neck.
"Is she.." Dyson started quietly.
"Her heart is beating." Lauren cut in. She trailed her fingers over the valkyrie's cheek down to her collarbone. Her eyes observed Tamsin's chest movements. She pressed her ear to the other woman's chest. "She's breathing. A bit poorly but still."
"Why is she unconscious?" Dyson squatted next to Lauren. "What happened to her?"
"She's been hit by lightning." Lauren gestured to the nasty marks on Tamsin's skin.
"Zeus." Dyson snarled scanning the space again, but finding it empty.
"I don't know how to help her.." Lauren sighed absentmindedly caressing Tamsin's bare skin with the pad of her thumb.
"You said she's not breathing that well. Maybe you should try mouth to mouth to snap her back?" Dyson suggested seriously.
"Wha.. What?" Lauren laughed uncomfortably. My mouth on her? No. That would be.. bad. And dangerous. Tamsin might hit me. Hit or kill me, Lauren thought looking down at the valkyrie. Unconscious Tamsin looked ethereal.. She looked beautiful bathing in the moonlight, Lauren noted.
"Maybe she just needs a little more air to come out of it." Dyson insisted poking Lauren on her back. "Try it. You can't make it any worse."
"Seriously?" Lauren moaned. "It won't work."
"Try it."
"Fine." Lauren grumbled defeated and let out a deep breath.
The doctor lingered hunched over Tamsin going over the options in her head. What the hell am I doing? This won't help. We need to take her to the hospital, Lauren fretted. She was not willing to admit that maybe there was a little part of her that wanted to try this. Touch the valkyrie's lips with her own, even if it was only to try to help her. It was not like she hadn't thought about it before. Her mouth on those lush lips, but Dyson's right there and.. I really shouldn't be doing this, she groaned.
"Just do it. I need to keep you two safe and watch the grounds. So, just get on with it. Or do you want me to do it?" Dyson said interrupting Lauren's thoughts.
Lauren glanced warily at the man. "No, I'll do it." She turned her gaze back down on the blond woman on the floor. "I can do this.."
Lauren ran her fingers over Tamsin lips, before parting them. I can't believe I'm doing this, she thought lowering her mouth on Tamsin's. Lauren pushed air into Tamsin and watched the woman's chest rise higher. She repeated the action three times, before straightening her back and sat back on her heels.
"Anything?" Dyson asked.
"No." Lauren sighed anxiously. "She's not waking up."
"Try once more and then we'll go." Dyson decided. "I can carry her, but I won't be able to protect us fully as we get out of here."
"I know. She could lean on me, if we can get her up on her feet.." Lauren looked at Tamsin. "Come on. Wake up!" She patted Tamsin's cheek gently. "Tamsin?"
"Slap her harder." Dyson suggested.
"What? No. I can't hit her. I won't." Lauren gasped. "I don't want to hurt her. And besides she'd throttle me."
"She wouldn't." Dyson denied knowingly. He knew Tamsin had a soft spot for the Doc even if the valkyrie was always being such a hardass around her. If Bo was out of the picture for Lauren, Tamsin would certainly go after the doctor. Sooner or later. "Try again. Mouth to mouth I mean."
"Oh boy.." Lauren grunted as she once more leaned over Tamsin.
"Oh boy.. Yes?" Dyson chuckled despite the situation.
"Shut up." Lauren hissed, before connecting her mouth with Tamsin's and blowing air into her.
"Uh." Lauren gasped against Tamsin's mouth, when she felt the Valkyrie capture her lips in a kiss.
Lauren let herself get lost in the feeling. Responding to the liplock she glided her lips over Tamsin's, until regaining her senses and pulled back separating their mouths slightly out of breath. At least I didn't use my tongue, she thought trying to even out her breathing knowing Dyson was standing right behind them.
Dyson looked down at blushing Lauren and Tamsin still flat on her back, but smiling widely with her eyes closed. The valkyrie was almost obscenely grinning. "Okay.." He breathed with a smirk. "You know.. She looks way too happy for someone who just almost died." He pointed at Tamsin.
"She's.. um.. breathing better now." Lauren tried to sound professional, but inside she was a mess. I just kissed Tamsin! She kissed me! Oh gods.. She's gonna kill me, when she gets her bearings, Lauren fretted.
"I bet." Dyson let out a little relieved laugh. "You kissed her boo boo away. Good job Doc."
"Oh my God.. Shut up.." Lauren groaned narrowing her eyes at Dyson.
"Or more to the point she kissed you." Dyson kept smirking.
"Look at her!" Lauren gestured to Tamsin. "Tamsin's completely out of it. She would never in a million years want to kiss me! Hello! We barely get along."
"That's not true." Tamsin suddenly croaked out quietly and opened her eyes. "Oh jeez, that kinda.. hurts.."
"Hey.. Hey, look at me." Lauren ordered gently and checked Tamsin's green hazy eyes. She went on to check the woman's pulse and reactions.
"But it's not true." Tamsin repeated hoarsely and grabbed Lauren's hand in her own.
"What's not true?" Lauren glanced at Dyson, who looked as baffled as Lauren felt.
"You're a good kisser." Tamsin husked smiling goofily. "And.. I've wanted to kiss you ever since we first met."
"Oh? Um.. Thanks?" Lauren stammered. "She's out of it." She said to now grinning Dyson.
"She likes you." Dyson cooed to Lauren.
"Cut it out."
"But I didn't try anything before, because you're.." Tamsin continued ignoring the talk around her.
"Oh here we go.. " Lauren said dryly. "I'm what? Just a lowly human?" She ground out between her teeth sure that the other woman was going say something to put her down.
"A nerd." Tamsin snickered tiredly.
"A nerd?" Lauren laughed a little. "I can't deny that. And you're obviously out of it. See?" She glanced at Dyson. The man was still grinning. She quickly turned back to Tamsin.
"So.. Am I dead?" Tamsin asked latching her worried eyes on Lauren's.
"No. You're not dead. You'll be fine." Lauren soothed softly. "Just lie still, okay?"
"Okay.." Tamsin groaned after trying to move too hastily.
Lauren brushed Tamsin's hair away from her face. ""How do you feel?"
"Like I was hit by a truck. Or more like hit by a.. fucking lightning."
"If you're not too woozy, you could lean on me and we can get you out of here." Lauren eyed the valkyrie carefully.
"Where to?" Tamsin asked quietly. "I don't want to go to Bo's. I don't live there anymore. Or anywhere."
"Right." Lauren nodded understanding Tamsin's dilemma. "We need to check you over anyway, so maybe.."
"I could stay with you?" Tamsin met Lauren's eyes.
"My place it is." Lauren gave a small comforting smile.
"You're gonna take her home?" Dyson whispered to Lauren, when the blond stood up.
"No. Of course not! We'll take her to my clinic. She needs supervision. Her body has been under tremendous strain the past few hours." Lauren said quietly. Like I would take the woman home. The two of us in the same space alone would only lead to a disaster, she thought. "Now, let's help her up." The doctor commanded. "Be careful." She added softly.
Tamsin fiddled with the modern looking coffee machine at the police station. She had managed to get her old job back, but now she was struggling to get her mug filled. How the hell do I get a regular coffee? Regular not cappuccino or some shit! Tamsin grumbled to herself.
"How the hell do I get.."
"Four weeks off? Because of a cold?" Dyson said smirking startling Tamsin out of her coffee troubles.
"Bad cold. Very bad." Tamsin said curtly, but couldn't resist a little grin. "The flu."
"Welcome back." Dyson smiled genuinely. "Regular?" He gestured to the machine.
"Thanks. It's good to be back." Tamsin gave a quick nod and handed out her mug to Dyson. "How's everybody? I haven't seen anybody since I left the clinic."
"Everyone's fine. The apocalypse has been postponed. Greek gods are on hold. Bo's on the job." Dyson joked, handing Tamsin back her mug. Now filled with steaming hot coffee. "Bo and her father saved the day."
"Thanks." Tamsin carefully sipped the coffee. "That I heard."
"How are you?" Dyson asked laying his hand on Tamsin's shoulder patting it a few times.
"I'm fine." The Valkyrie said automatically. "Really. Much better." She added more sincerely.
"Good. You look healthy."
"Thanks. So.. um how's Bo? And.. Lauren?" Tamsin asked and blew air over the hot mug not looking at Dyson. She hated that her tone softened on the doctor's name. For some reason she had been thinking about the other woman a lot lately. Too much.
"Both fine." Dyson poured some coffee in his mug. "Not together. If that's what you wanted to know."
"I don't care about that." Tamsin hissed in a warning low tone even though she did want to know. She remembered kissing Lauren. Unless it was a weird dream. Weird, but.. sort of awesome too. She hadn't spoken to Lauren about it. The doctor had been nothing but pleasant and professional during Tamsin's stay at the clinic. They've seen each other daily, but the topics had been very neutral and impersonal.
"Right." Dyson huffed playfully.
"And those two.. They're together even when they are not." Tamsin countered.
"Lauren doesn't seem to think so." Dyson shrugged, while eyeing Tamsin vigilantly.
Dyson was dead sure, that the Valkyrie had feelings for the doctor. She had always trying been to get a reaction, any reaction, from Lauren. Dyson didn't think it was hate causing Tamsin to taunt Lauren. He reckoned that Tamsin knew it at least on some level, but tried to cover it by snark. And then there was the kissing. "Bo had a vision, when she opened that box from her father. She went to hell to meet him leaving Lauren behind without a word."
"She didn't tell anyone?" Tamsin scoffed appalled.
"She told me and Trick."
"But not Lauren? That's.. odd." She said even though the word 'odd' didn't seem that fitting.
"Odd? Cold. It was cold. Lauren had to come to me to find out, where her alleged girlfriend had ran off to."
"Nice. No wonder Lauren's keeping her distance."
"Lauren thinks she's not enough for Bo. And she isn't. I said it right in the beginning."
"You're an asshole."
"Maybe. But I'm right. Lauren's human. If she wants a committed, monogamous relationship, she can't have that with Bo."
"But you can?" Tamsin scoffed with an eyeroll.
"No. No, I can't. I'm not sure nobody can. Not with Bo." Dyson shook his head. "We're friends and what I understand Bo and Lauren are also only friends. Bo wasn't happy about Lauren leaving her, but she.. accepted it."
"Again. Whatever." Tamsin huffed.
"I'm friends with Lauren too and honestly.."
"I want her to have more. To have what she deserves and needs. Bo's not enough for her. That's what I should have said before. Bo's not enough."
"Bo's a.. Well whatever. Why are you telling me this? Bo was never interested in me. And I'm not interested in Bo anymore."
"Yeah, I know." Dyson said. "I not sure you ever were. Bo's alluring to many, but infatuation is not the same as really..." He paused. "Oh, I think the chief wants to talk to you." He pointed at the dark skinned burly man approaching them.
"Detective Tamsin." The chief greeted. "Nice to see you're feeling better."
"It was just the flu." Tamsin downplayed shrugging.
"Regardless, glad to have you back at work. It's wonderful that you decided to join us again." The chief smirked happily. "And.. I have a job for you."
"Oh? Great. I do need to do something useful." Tamsin nodded curtly, but with a small smile on her lips.
"Kay Barber was reported missing by her husband. He said she disappeared from a couples retreat on Bell island. He's sure there was foul play. And there's some evidence to support his claims."
"So I'll investigate."
"Yes." The chief nodded. "You'll go to Bell Island to participate their next retreat starting the day after tomorrow."
"What?" Tamsin met the man's eyes. "Participate?"
"You'll be going undercover. Snoop around a bit. Check the grounds. Feel the staff. That sort of thing."
"On a couples retreat?" Tamsin laughed not believing what she was hearing. "With Dyson? Oh joy." She grimaced.
"No no." The chief said and Dyson let out a relieved breath. "They are expecting a same-sex couple. Dyson told me you would be okay with that?"
"He did?" Tamsin shot a glare to Dyson, but nodded. "I am."
"Very good." The chief smiled. "Your aliases are Kate and Andrea Welton."
"So it's me and.." Tamsin trailed off.
"Doctor Lauren Lewis."
"Oh hell no!" Tamsin screeched with wide eyes. The doctor always caused.. weird feelings bloom inside her. This was a bad idea. "Someone else, please! We don't really get along." She tried.
"Don't get along? That's perfect. It's a retreat for dysfunctional couples." The chief said excitedly.
"But I think.."
"She's helped us before. Besides we need Doctor Lewis' expertise. She'll be collecting samples from the grounds during your stay."
"Our stay?"
"Four days on Bell Island. Meet me at my office at one pm. I'll brief you more thoroughly on the case." He said before walking away.
"Four days?" Tamsin followed the man with her gaze. When he was out of sight, she sighed. "Shit."
"Shit indeed. You and Lauren undercover as a couple. For four days. You have to be careful." Dyson grinned mischievously.
"What? Why?"
"Why? I'll give you hint.. You locked your lips with Lauren! You had such a happy face on after you kissed her. A happy face!" Dyson laughed.
So it was real, Tamsin eyes widened. She noticed Dyson smirking mischievously. "I was struck by a lightning!" She snarled irritated, but then fell silent. Undercover with Lauren.. Oh gods. Not good. She remembered how delicious the doctor's lips had felt on hers. Oh gods. She remembered.
"Obviously." Dyson snorted.
"Shut up."
"All I'm saying – be careful. You don't want your crush on Lauren to come out, do you?" Dyson winked.
"No.." Tamsin groaned wringing her hands. Suddenly she stopped straightening her back as realization dawned on her. "Shit.. I mean there's no crush." She quickly denied. "No crush."
"Now try to say it like you believe it."
"I do not have a crush on Lauren." Tamsin said with narrowed eyes.
"Not convinced. Try harder." Dyson teased grinning widely. "You want to woo the good doctor."
"Shut up." Tamsin snarled again, before stomping away.
Thanks for reading :)
A/N So that was chapter one. From now on I'm hoping to write a mostly lighthearted fun story. Mostly.
A/N My plan is to write 5-10 chapters (maybe approx. 2000 words per chapter) for this story. Though I am often off with my estimates.. Anyway - Expect sporadic updates, unless nobody's interested in which case I'll scrap this idea.