(Author's Note: Welcome to my very first Iron Man fanfiction! I was inspired to write one because I love Iron Man, and Robert Downey Jr. is the hottest thing since the oven, so I hope you like it! If you have any comments/questions/suggestions, leave a review!)
Also, regarding the title, I named it after the cover song by Willie Nelson. You should check it out if you haven't heard it! (It's on the soundtrack for The Judge) ;)
Chapter 1
"You have to go to the dinner Tony."
"Can't we just say I was there in spirit?"
Tony Stark smirked at his assistant Pepper Potts, and as he stood up she hit him lightly on the head with her clipboard.
"Ow," he said, running his hand through his hair.
"You have to go," said Pepper as she left the room.
The blonde was right. Tonight was the dinner celebrating Stark Industries' new interactive science program for college students in the New York area. Tony had just announced it via press conference, and tonight was pretty much considered a press dinner. Journalists would be nipping at his ankles to get the background on the StarkTech program and his "vision for the future of today's youth". But the truth was, Tony didn't feel like explaining anything today or bullshitting a vision he was supposed to have.
"I should have people for that," he murmured to himself. He entered his bathroom and slicked his hair back with gel as he looked in the mirror.
"JARVIS, what color suit do I look best in? I'm thinking gray for tonight."
"I have a gray suit for you in your closet, sir."
"Thank you JARVIS."
Tony grabbed the gray suit hanging in the front of his closet and put it on, looking at himself in the mirror.
"How do I look? Does this suit make me look fat?"
"You look dashing, sir."
"Tell Happy to pull the car up," Tony commanded as he left the room. He slipped on a pair of sunglasses and winked at Pepper as he went downstairs.
"Be polite," she reminded him.
"Yes ma'am," Tony replied sarcastically.
There were many more people at the dinner than Tony had anticipated. He had to squeeze his way through several conversations just to get to the minibar. He was sure Happy had been with him a moment ago, but he had lost him in the crowd. A few journalists had already spotted him and were coming his way like a swarm of bees to a flower.
"Mr. Stark, what do you hope for StarkTech to do for the young people?"
"Mr. Stark, are you going to take StarkTech to high schools?"
"Mr. Stark, what inspired you to create this program?"
Tony turned around and held a finger up, backing away from the people invading his personal space.
"Okay one minute please," he said. "Just let me get a beer. Then we'll talk." He turned back to the minibar and the bartender handed him a beer. Tony took a gulp of it and turned back to the journalists. "Um…okay I hope it teaches them how to be a badass like me; it's just a college program right now; and it dawned on me that I need to pass on my legacy before I die, so that was the inspiration. Did that answer everybody's questions? Good, see ya." He pushed his way through the crowd of journalists furiously scribbling on their notepads and made his way to his reserved table, where he found Happy.
"There you are," said Happy. "I lost you in there."
"You gotta get on the ball Happy; what if I got punched in the face? You wouldn't have been there. Shape up your skills," Tony said, giving him a hard time. Happy just smirked. "Where's Pepper?"
"I don't know; I don't think she came."
"What? She didn't come? But she has to; she made me!" Happy shrugged, and Tony took another long drink of his beer. "Women, you know?"
Just then, another journalist with a video camera approached Tony's table.
"Mr. Stark, explain for me the StarkTech goal," she said.
"To create a better future," Tony replied, knowing that was a bullshit answer. But she seemed happy with it. A crowd of people began to form around the table.
"Are you using your own technology for this program?" someone yelled out.
"Yep," Tony answered. "No better way to learn it than to use it. The whole purpose of StarkTech is to cultivate knowledge of the technology I've created, so that we can raise a new generation of kids that can maintain the progress of arc reactor technology. All those college students in the StarkTech program are like little Tonys. And don't worry, I'm not giving a bunch of kids Iron Man suits—well, not yet anyway—the program is just about the science. The world will be a better place. Now; if everyone will excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom."
Happy stood up and blocked the people as Tony made his way to the bathroom. As soon as he made it to the doorway, a flash of light blinded him and he was taken aback.
"Yes! It worked," said a female voice. Tony shook his head and regained his vision. In front of him stood a stunningly beautiful woman.
She wore a tight white dress, and long red curls fell down her shoulders. She smiled at him and looked down at her camera.
"Well that was surprising. What worked?" Tony asked.
"I thought if I hung out by the bathrooms, you'd have to go sooner or later and I could snap a picture of you. I'm a photographer," she replied. "I got a good one." Tony raised his eyebrows.
"I see."
"You can go pee now; don't let me distract ya." Tony nodded and proceeded into the men's bathroom. When he came out and began to walk back to his table, he heard another click of a camera behind him.
"You have a nice ass," said the woman. Tony raised his eyebrows and spun around on his heels to walk back over to her.
"Do I?" he said, smiling.
"Yeah," she said. "I took a picture of it. My name is Lillian, by the way."
"You know who I am."
"Yes I do." Lillian smiled at him and Tony looked her up and down.
"I like your legs," he said, moving closer to her.
"Thanks," she replied. "I just shaved them this morning." She inched closer to him until their faces almost touched.
Tony went for it. He kissed her and she put her hands on his face and kissed him back. He felt an overwhelming attraction to her. He put his hands on her waist and moved them up and down her back.
"Wow you're hot," she said between kisses.
Tony led Lillian to his bedroom and threw her down on the bed. She unzipped her dress and slipped it off. Tony crawled on the bed with her and took off his shirt as Lillian got on top of him.
"Oh my God," she said, suddenly.
"What is it?" Tony asked.
"What is that?!" Lillian pointed to the arc reactor.
"That keeps me alive. It lights up. I'm Iron Man; I need it."
"Oh my God are you a robot?"
"No, I just have shrapnel trying to get in my heart and kill me; so to prevent that from happening, I have this." Lillian's hands covered her mouth as she looked at him, amazed.
"I can't fuck you; you might die!" she exclaimed. Tony chuckled.
"No you won't, I'm perfectly functional. I just have to have it. Come on. Do me."
"Are you sure? I'm pretty intense. I might burn it out."
"Well we won't find out unless we test the theory."
"Okay," she said, leaning down to kiss him.
The next morning, Tony woke up alone and naked. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the room, noticing that Lillian's dress was still in the floor. That meant she couldn't have left.
So where was she?
"JARVIS," Tony called, getting up and putting on some underwear and pants. "Where's Lillian?"
"If you are referring to the female you brought home last night sir, she is in your work room."
"Oh shit, is she messing with anything?"
"She is merely admiring your inventions sir."
Tony slipped on a Metallica t-shirt and made his way into his work room. He found Lillian as JARVIS said. She was wearing his shirt from last night and she stood in front of Mark 7. She looked at him as he came in.
"You have some nice toys," she said. "Oh and I stole your shirt."
"That's okay, I have others. You want some breakfast or something?" Tony felt a little awkward; he didn't usually see the girls he'd slept with last night the next morning. Usually he woke up before them.
"No it's okay; I don't eat in the mornings." Lillian took a few pictures of Tony's workroom.
"So what are you a photographer for? A magazine?" he asked.
"Forbes usually," she replied. "But I just like taking pictures. It's like an art to me."
"What do you take pictures of?" He stood next to her.
"Anything I find interesting. Ooh, that reminds me! Take off your shirt, I wanna get a picture of your life circle."
"It's actually called the arc reactor," Tony said, taking off his shirt.
"That's even cooler," she said, snapping a picture of his chest. "Can I touch it?"
Lillian poked Tony's chest and looked up at him.
"Do you feel it?"
"Not on the surface of where you touch it, but I feel the pressure of being touched."
"That is so cool! I want one!" Tony couldn't help but smile at her. She was so smiley and full of life, and vibrant. He had never met anyone like that before.
"Oh my gosh, you know what; I'm just sitting around her lingering at your fancy house. I'm rude, huh? I should go. Thanks for being my sexy partner." She poked his chest again and smiled at him. Tony decided he liked her. She was definitely hot, but even more than that. She was funny and unique. Something about her; he almost didn't want her to leave.
"No problem; anytime," he replied. "You can keep the shirt." Lillian giggled as she left the room, but didn't make it out the door without bumping into Pepper.
"Oh," said Pepper, startled. She apologized and Lillian smiled graciously at her as she left. Tony smirked at his assistant when she gave him a disapproving look.
"What?" he asked.
"Nothing," Pepper replied. "I was just going to tell you that I have meetings all day today so I won't be able to be reached until two o'clock this afternoon."
"Okay, no biggie," Tony said. "But if I need you before then I'm busting into your meetings." Pepper chuckled.
"If you need someone you can call Happy. And uh…what was that?"
"What was what?"
"Don't you usually send those girls on their way before seven?"
"Yeah well, she woke up before me and we were talking, and…" he trailed off.
"Like this one, do you?" Pepper asked with a smile. Tony raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.
"Don't you have a meeting to go to?"