North walked through his cluttered workshop. He glanced to his right as he observed the yetis hard at working making the toys for next Christmas.

"Looking good, everybody." He said.

He walked to a table where Phil and Al were painting several small tin soldiers. He peered down at the color they were using. Most of them were painted white. The same color as those from the Southern Isles. Needless to say, it was reminder of what had happened in Arrendelle last month.

North groaned and shook his head.

"I don't like it." He said.

"Paint it red."

The two yetis gasped. They turned to the small clutter of solider they had finished. They then moaned throwing up their arms before falling back in their chairs.

"Nah, ah." North said.

"None of that, Now lets go."

North turned and continued walking through his workshop. Phil swiped his arm and knocked away the tin soldiers. He grabbed another an tin soldier and was about to pick up the paint brush. As Al was about to do the same, he glanced up to the glob and gasped. He shrugged his elbow to Phil who turned to him, grumbling. Al then pointed the the glob. The many lights over each of the continents started to flicking.

Phil gasped. He and Al quickly got up and ran after North, grumbling to him.

North stopped and turned to the two Yeti's

"What, what is it?" He asked.

Al pointed to the Glob. North turned and looked to the glob. He noticed the lights were flickering strangely. North squinted his eyes curiously. He turned and walked over to the stairway as Phil and Al followed him.

They came up to the main floor and came up to the controls of the glob.

"Have the elves been tweaking the glob again?" North asked curiously.

Phil shrugged. North glanced down at the elves. The small long eared men grinned slowly slinking away. below back at the glob. North the turned and looked back to the glob. The lights continued to flicker when suddenly they all started to go out. The lights over each of the continents disappeared quicker the North could keep up with. As the lights over Europe went out, only one continued to flicker. It was over the far North.

Over Arrendelle!

North raised an eyebrow, curiously.

Suddenly, black sand emerged from the light which disappeared under the blackness. It encompassed the entire globe. North widen his eyes. The sand started swirling the glob, picking up speed every passing second. Suddenly it disbursed.

North then felt as sudden gust of wind from behind. He turned and saw a black shadow circling past them and flew up the shadow. The shadow then formed into a man who laughing as he came above the glob and disappeared.

North squinted his eyes as he tilted his head.

"Can it be?"

North continued to stare up at the glob. The one light which remained still flicked. But suddenly something else spread from the light. It was Ice! And like the sand, it covered the entire glob. North widened his eyes in shock.


"Geeze, North." Bunnymund said, looking up at the ice covered globe.

"I know it's cold up here, but I didn't think it was this cold."

Tooth flew up to the globe. She zipped about, noticing that all the lights had gone out.

"Guys... the lights!" she said.

"They're all gone!"

She looked to Sandy who floated up to her.

"Hows that possible?" Bunny asked.

All the light represented the children of the world, all who believed in them. If they had all gone out, it would mean that he children would have stopped believing them. Which meant they would have lost their powers.

"Not all of them." North said, pointing to the highest point of the globe.

The Guardians looked up. They saw a single light at the very top of Europe, trapped beneath the cold solid prison that had engulfed it.

"Arrendelle?" Bunny asked, glancing to North.

"There's something else." North insisted.

"I saw Pitch."

The room fell silent. Tooth, Bunny and Sandy turned to North in shock.

"Wow, wow, wow!" Bunny said.

"Pitch was here?"

"Well not exactly." North said.

"There was black sand covering the glob and then there was a shadow."

"Nah, nah, nah, no way" Bunny insisted.

"No one's been afraid of Pitch since the dark ages. Why come out of the shadows now?"

North looked back at the glob, peering to the last light. It was true that no one had been afraid of Pitch for many years. Yet it was fear which gave him his power. And as he stared to the last light over the kingdom of Arendelle, the realization came to him. It was Elsa!

"Elsa!" he said.

"What?" Bunny asked.

"It's Elsa." He insisted.

Tooth and Sandy flew down to North.

"What does he want from her?" He asked.

"Is it not obvious?" North asked, glancing up at her.

"Elsa has been afraid of her powers. And now her people are afraid of her and Jack."

Sandy formed and exclamation mark over his head, nodding his head. Understanding what North was saying.

"Exactly Sandy." he said, pointing to the Sandman.

"He's up to something very bad."

"But what?" Tooth asked, curiously.

"I don't know." North said, shaking his head.

"Something tells me all that ice might have something to do with it." Bunny said, guesting his head to the ice covered globe.

The Guardians looked back to the globe. It was obvious that must have something to do with his intentions. Could he be planning on causing another eternal winter? North squinted his eyes as he stroked his long bushy white beard.

"You may have a point, Bunny." He said.

"So what's the plan?" Bunny asked, curiously.

As Sandy continued to peer at the globe, he then glanced to the open skylight. He gasped as he saw the moon peering into view. He looked back to the other Guardians and started waving his arms and forming several symbols above his head. But the Guardians continued debating among each other, taking little notice of him.

Mund floating between them as he pointed to the skylight. North simply brushed is hand to him.

"Not now Sandy." He said.

Sandy clinched his fists and moaned frustratingly. He glanced off to the side and saw one of the elves licking the inside of a cup. He floated down to the elf and grabbed him by the hat before he rose up to the same level as the other Guardians. He then shook the elf, ringing the small bell atop his pointy hat.

The other guardians turned to him. Sandy then stopped and dropped the elf. He then turned and pointed up at the skylight.

North, Bunny and Tooth looked up at the Skylight and saw the moon moving into the view.

"Ah, Man in moon!" North said as he raised his arms.

"It's been a long time old friend."

Man in Moon came fully into view, beaming down a bright light over the middle of the floor. The guardians gathered around the light as they peered down to it. A show of pitch formed before them. Bunny widened his eyes.

"It is Pitch!" he said, looking to North.

"Wait, look!" Tooth said, pointing down at the Shadow.

The shadow of Pitch then disappeared as it then formed into another. This one was different. It looked to be of a man, with long hair wearing what looked to be armor of some kind.

North mouth gaped open in shock.

"It can't be!" he said.

"But... how?" Mund asked.

The Guardians glanced to one another. North looked up at Manny.

"Manny, what must we do?" He asked.

The floor suddenly opened and a pillar with a tall blue crystal rose up into view. Tooth gasped as she zipped about the pillar.

"Guys, you know what this means?" She said with anticipation.

"He's choosing a new Guardian!" North said.

"What?" Bunny said.

"Manny thinks we need help." North said.

"Since when do we need help."

The crystal started to glow brightly as it started to form who it was that Manny chose. North wiggled his fingers in anticipation. And when the crystal then revealed the chosen guardian, they were surprised.

It was two Guardians. And even more surprising... it was Jack and Elsa.

North and Bunny stared in awe.

"What..." he said.

"Uh... what?" Bunny said.

"Jack and Elsa?" North said.

"Wow, wow, wow," Bunny said.

"No way, they can't be Guardians!"

"Manny thinks so." North stated.

"But there not... like us." Bunny said.

"Why would Manny choose them?"

(I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry for the wait.)