***Welcome to another germancest fanfic! This one will not be terribly long. I've never done sci-fi before so this is my first shot at the genre. Some of the terminology may be a bit cheesy but just enjoy the story for what it is. I'm also trying to work on making my stories move a bit faster and learning to make them shorter, so bear with me. You learn by doing! ^^ Besides, it's nice to see an alien Gilbert, right!? And this is for your entertainment! I hope you enjoy it!

***Warnings: light yaoi, minor angst

***Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia. I am making no money off of this fic.

***Summary: Content with staying a galactic soldier, Ludwig unexpectedly finds himself in a new profession of caring for and documenting the daily life of a captured alien named Gilbert. The alien takes a very strange liking to Ludwig, and although they come from different galaxies it won't change how they feel about one another. But Ludwig does not agree with the harsh treatment and experiments conducted on the human-like alien in the name of science and strives for a way to save Gilbert from the dark laboratory studies of the Quasar 575. Torn between his vows of sworn military duty and his own humanity, he must make the choice to either save Gilbert or save himself.

Chapter 1: Dark Matter

The radio played softly in the small confinement of the spaceship's soldier quarters. Smaller than a studio apartment, the area only had room for a bed, an end table, and a gun rack. The soldiers aboard Quasar 575 are responsible for the management of the ship as well as defense on other planets. Their sole purpose is to protect the scientists and politicians who journey through the galaxies, searching for alien life forms, intergalactic mediation, and space exploration. All were a part of the Universal Space Organization for Peace and Tranquility. Or so it they say.

Two guards accompanying a scientist made their way through the halls of the quarters to room number 1901. The scientist knocked, waited a moment, and then the door slid open with a hiss.

"Ludwig Beilschmidt, yes?" The scientist held out a scanning device in front of the young man, who had just risen from his bed.

"Yes?" The man named Ludwig forced his sleep-hazed eyes to focus.

"I'm Professor Sai Callaghan, chief scientist here on the Quasar 575."

"Sir." Ludwig answered respectfully.

Sai turned to the guard on his left. "This is the one for the job? He is awfully young."

"Sir, Ludwig will do the job well." Answered the guard. "He is hard working, very diligent, punctual, and will never fail an assignment."

"His stats are amazing." Sai said as he tapped the blinking screen of the scanner. "Twenty seven years old, German heritage, in good health- healthy weight, BMI perfect for size, well groomed, perfect test and training scores…"

Ludwig finally decided to let himself be heard. "May I inquire as to what this about, sir?"

"Oh, my apologies." Sai lifted his glasses. "We have a special job for you, Mr. Ludwig. We've recently captured a new alien specimen. But we'll talk more once you are properly dressed. Come down to the lecture hall on the fifth floor. I'll be waiting for you there with your instructions."

"I'm sorry...but I must ask why I am chosen for something so important as working with an alien species. I am only an intergalactic soldier."

"I'll explain everything once we're in the lecture hall." Sai smiled. "Now hurry up. I don't like to be kept waiting."

Ludwig waited for them to leave before closing the door to his tiny room. He didn't know what this job entailed, but it was clear he had very little choice in the matter. It wasn't his place to question the choices of the Space Union representatives and scientists. The only way to make a decent living is to join the Universal Space Organization military with the human alliance. The human's planet Earth, as well as its Solar System, had hit universe poverty in the last five hundred years, making it difficult for humans to survive in an ever growing, ever changing universe. He was fortunate enough to get accepted into the military.

Once dressed, he gazed down at his body adorning the Quasar military uniform. Five years ago, he never would have thought he'd be wearing a space military uniform. Uniforms for first, second and third level soldiers were fairly simple and plain; black pants, combat boots, long sleeved black under armor, a gold laser proof vest, and black gloves. All made from high quality industrial space material. His helmet, which matched the vest, is tucked under his left arm for he figured there was no need for it in the lecture hall, but he wanted to be prepared. He was always prepared for anything.

'Let's see what the galaxy holds for you today.'

Entering the lecture hall through sliding doors, Ludwig clicked his heels and saluted the team of three at the far desk on the dais. Sai waved him forward and Ludwig approached, saluting again, and standing at attention.

"At ease, soldier." Said Sai. "As of this moment, you are not considered a galaxy soldier."

"Sir? I don't understand." Were they dismissing him?

Another scientist said, "We are changing your duties here on Quasar 575." he said. "You will be guarding our new alien specimen."

Sai spoke next. "We've yet to know exactly what it is, but we know that this alien being is a long time relative of humans. It is an evolved human that adapted to its new climate and planet, or so we assume. Many more tests are needed. This hypothesis we've come to is due to the obvious fact that this specimen looks very much like a human male with some adaptations."

The third scientist sitting on Sai's left added, "We believe this alien is an evolved descendant of the rebel humans that escaped from Neo Europe some thousands of years ago. The planet in which they chose to live changed them quickly, speeding the evolution process."

"Our explorers came upon this alien by pure chance on the planet." Sai added. "It is a rather...stubborn and curious creature. We've chosen you for the job of guarding and caring for it because of your positive feedback from fellow soldiers." Sai opened up Ludwig's file. "You are known to be very patient but firm and strict- a man of rules and laws. You like order."

"I do, sir." Ludwig answered. "But...I'm not a caregiver. I have never cared for or treated an alien being. I wasn't trained to do so."

The second scientist took the folder from Sai. "It's known that you are also a frequent visitor of the space dogs in the Quasar kennels. Word is that you can easily train any dog, of any temperament, in a very short time."

"Well...yes, sir, I'm very good with dogs. Dogs. Not alien beings."

"They're not much different." Sai said with a grin, making the other scientists laugh. "If this being is truly evolved from humans, than the basic genetic material may still be there. This being may be able to pick up on human speech again. There are so many tests that must be done." He said with a long sigh. "But, it is for the good of the galaxy!"

Ludwig furrowed his blonde brows. "Sirs? If I may speak?" The nodded for him to do so. "What is the reason behind learning about this alien species? Are they a threat to us in any way? A threat to the universe?"

The third scientist tapped his pen on the table. "Some information of the Space Union is confidential, Mr. Ludwig. Such private information is for the science departments to discuss. Not soldiers and caregivers."

Ludwig bowed his head. "I apologize."

"Not to worry." Sai assured him." You have a right to question your curiosity. Hell, the three of us wouldn't be at this table at this point in our lives if we didn't question that which makes us curious!" The others laughed with him. "Now, come with me. I'll show you where you will be staying for the duration of this experiment."

Ludwig had never been in the lower level of the ship where the scientists kept all the aliens they've collected. The chambers reminded him of the kennels, something that always left him feeling sorry for the animals behind bars. The dogs had bars, but the aliens had thick layered glass and holographic environments mimicking their planets. He didn't like to look at the aliens in their 'cages', seeing them more as prisoners rather than a 'learning tool to better understand the universe'. But, it was not his place to think or question the ways of the space industry.

Sai stopped them in front of a large glass window that stood ceiling to floor. Inside was a forest-like habitat, rich in green foliage, flowers and stones. Ludwig looked around the immediate viewing area, hoping to catch sight of the specimen but saw nothing.

"We've mimicked his home planet perfectly. It's still a mystery as to how those rebels found such a healthy planet. However, we are more perplexed by the way they've evolved to the climate, which is not at all what you would think by looking at the woodland atmosphere."

"What do you mean?" Ludwig questioned while searching the area again. "Are you saying that they appear opposite of their environment? As in, they are more fish-like than squirrel-like?"

"Excellent observation, Ludwig. Not quite right, but you're on the right track." Sai lifted his swipe card to open the door to the habitat. "Follow me, but come in quietly. He is not very shy, as you'll soon find out."

Ludwig followed Sai inside, jumping a little when the door hissed shut behind him. The temperature in the habitat chamber was hot, even a little muggy. "And we are certain it is a 'he'?"

"Well, it has a penis and an anus with no mutations. We haven't really looked at its reproductive organs yet, so we can't rule out if it is all male, asexual, or a hermaphrodite. It could give live birth or lay eggs. It could be something else altogether. But from various blood tests we know for a fact that they have indeed developed from humans, we're just not certain which type. Oh, and we've given him a name. Gilbert."

"Gilbert? Why Gilbert?"

"Whatever language it speaks, the most recurring word sounds like 'Gilbert', so we've given it that name. The experiment name is Hybrid 6900. He-" a rustling from the bushes nearby caught their attention. "Ah, here he is now!" Sai gave a whistle, as if he were calling a dog.

Ludwig looked towards the rustling, waiting for the alien to emerge. What came out from behind the bushes wasn't what he expected. He didn't know what to expect really, but the thing before him looked more human than creature.

Hybrid 6900, or Gilbert, stood upright on two legs, just like a human. He is male by the looks of his genitals but other sex organs may still be present. From the tailbone swished a long white tail, almost lizard like, with scales and a shiny surface. His body form was that of an athletes', with toned lithe muscles. The hair was white, appearing to be the same texture as his own. The eyes were odd, for they were pink, like an albino, which Ludwig realized now that this creature had all the features of a human albino- white, pale skin with very faint veins showing through the surface, pink eyes, and white hair.

The only 'alien-like' features that were present, or those that he could see were minimal. The ears were pointed at the tips like a pixie. His fingers were long but where nails should be there were small claws. The feet resembled a bird of prey with thick sharp talons on three toes each. To look upon this almost-human like creature was a mind blowing experience. He had seen many aliens, but never one that looked so much like a human man.

"Well, what do you think? Give me your opinion of him."

"I...um...well, I think he looks like a falcon mated with a lizard but an ape was the surrogate."

Sai laughed wholeheartedly, which frightened the alien Gilbert a bit. "That's very good! He does look like a mash-up of creatures, doesn't he? Wait until you see him lift his arms! He has a sheet of skin that he can use to glide, like a bird or a flying squirrel."

"He looks more like an archaeopteryx." Ludwig said. "You know, a flying dinosaur."

"I know what they are." Sai said while taking a step towards Gilbert, who backed away and growled. "Now what do you make of that growl? Does it sound human or animal?"

Ludwig shook his head. "I...don't know, sir. He appears angry, that much is obvious."

"Oh, he despises me because I'm the one who does the tests on him. I only take his blood now, but in another day or so he will be put to many tests. I won't be his favorite after that."

"Why? Can't you just observe him in his habitat as is?" Ludwig suggested.

"No, that's your job. Aside from caring for him, you will also be keeping a log of everything you observe. I want a daily report on my desk by eight o'clock Earth time. I'll show you where your recording devices are in a moment." Sai looked to Gilbert with a smirk and took a few steps back. "I want to see how he acts towards you. I can't be everywhere at once and I have a lot of other aliens to work with. This alien, in my opinion, is close enough to a human that someone like you can handle him. You will do well in this job." He gave him a pat on the back.

Ludwig remained where he stood and looked at the creature named Gilbert who was gazing back at him with animalistic curiosity. After a moment or two, Gilbert lowered himself to the ground and walked towards Ludwig like a lizard. The image was a bit frightening, but Ludwig knew he had to hide his fear and uncertainty behind calm assertiveness. At first, the alien being sniffed at his boots, then his legs, and even his crotch. Ludwig took a step back immediately. The alien Gilbert came back to him but ignored his nether region and simply looked up at him with wide pink eyes.

In a strange and unnatural way, Ludwig thought the creature was beautiful. It looked so much like a human that it was fairly easy to see past the alien features. Ludwig never cared to be in a relationship with women or men, human or alien. Some highly developed planets and solar systems had almost human-like beings that mated with humans but it didn't happen often. Ludwig himself never gave any thought to women for it was men that he had always desired. His first experience with male sex was with a bunk mate during his early training years but he hadn't done anything since, and that was almost ten years ago. The need never struck him until now.

Whatever it was, the alien seemed to read his expression or knew what he was thinking, for a smile appeared on Gilbert's face. The teeth were that of a human, which was good, but the pink tongue that slipped out was long and forked at the tip. He had to treat Gilbert like a wild animal by not moving and letting him explore at his own pace. If he made any sudden movements, Gilbert may view it as a threat and attack. Although, it was becoming a bit uncomfortable when the alien stood up to press fully against him. They were almost the same height with Ludwig being an inch taller. The alien Gilbert stared longingly at him, as if he were studying his face.

"Amazing!" Sai whispered. "He's taken a liking to you!"

"I'm just here to watch him and feed him right? I'm not supposed to keep him company?"

"You'll do anything we tell you to do." Sai said harshly. "If making you spend time in here with him gives us the data we need, then that's what you'll do. Those are orders."

Ludwig nodded but leaned his head back when Gilbert's face drew nearer. "Yes sir."

"Now then, let me show you what to do to record what you observe. You, shoo!" he swished his hands towards Gilbert and the alien hissed at him but backed away to hide in the bushes. "I'll let you be the good guy with him. Come with me."

Ludwig took a look back at the bushes before following Sai out of the habitat chamber. In a wall closet by the door was a tablet along with a few binders and some books. Sai handed him the tablet.

"Have you used one of these?"

"At the academy, yes."

"Good, then you know how it works. But here is where you will record everything. Click that icon with the organization's symbol on it." Ludwig did so with the stylus. "Press notebook, now you can either write or speak what you record. Then you hit this button and it will send to my file folder. Your break times will be when we come to take Gilbert for testing. Some will be inside the habitat chamber, others will be out in the lab."

Ludwig looked at the tablet in his hand, and then at the habitat chamber where Gilbert dwelled. "What exactly are you looking for in him? If you give me an idea of what the main topic of research is, I can keep an eye out for clues while I'm observing him."

"Nice try, but no-go." Sai taunted. "You just record what you see and what he does. If you want, do a little experimenting yourself with him! See if you can get him to act like a human. That shall occupy your spare time."

"Alright. I will do my best." He saluted. "You won't be disappointed, sir."

Sai pat him on the back. "Good job. Now, here's your key card to get inside. Behind those doors there is the food pantry. Feed him ONLY what is labeled with Hybrid 6900. Nothing else. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

"And he's due for a feeding. It doesn't matter what or how much he eats, just that is has to be from HIS bins. Get to it. I'll be awaiting the first report."

Ludwig waited for Sai to leave to go to the food pantry. There were numerous tubs of foods all labeled. The entire right side, from top to bottom, was labeled Hybrid 6900. Ludwig took out the middle container, placed it on the floor, and lifted the lid to find individual bags of food. He took out one large bag packed with fruits and vegetables. Other bags had dried meats so he took one of those as well. He figured if Gilbert was anything like a human then he needed a three course meal. He put the container back on the shelf.

Inside the habitat chamber, Ludwig took a seat on the fake grass and gave a whistle the same as Sai did. The rustling came from up in the trees this time where a tail came flicking down first, followed by the lizard-like body. Ludwig waited patiently for Gilbert to come over to him while holding the bags of food in his lap. Gilbert crawled like a lizard towards him and when he got there, he sat on his knees. Ludwig pat his knees and said, "Sit."

Gilbert tilted his head to the side.

"Sit. Like me." he pointed his own legs, and then to Gilbert's. "Sit. Like me."

'Glllllleerrrrrrr burRRrrrrR tttTtttTTTt.' Was the sound Gilbert replied with as he mimicked Ludwig's sitting position. The voice came out as a high pitched throat vibration of sound.

"Uh...yes. Good. Good." If Gilbert could understand him at all, Ludwig figured it would be best to speak in simple short words. "Good."

Gilbert pointed to the bags of food. 'GrrrrRrrrllll brrrTTTt?'

"Food." Ludwig pointed to the bag with the food. "Food. Food. Food." This worked with the dogs so it might work with an alien.

'Rrrrlllll ffffFFFffoooooooooollll?'

Ludwig's eyes widened when he heard the starting sound of 'F'. "Yes! Food!" he took out an apple. "Food. Food."

Gilbert stared at him for a moment before snatching the apple to quickly start eating it.

Ludwig was pleased with how quickly he had made progress. As of now, it would appear that Gilbert is capable of learning human speech. That part of the human brain must still be intact in the genetic makeup. This is something he would put in the report. He let Gilbert continue eating the fruits and vegetables until the bags were empty. When it came to the meat, there was a change in Gilbert but only with his teeth. The human canine teeth grew into fangs so that they could easily tear at the meat. Ludwig would have to be sure to keep Gilbert from showing those sharp teeth again once they turned back to normal.

Once the alien had eaten his fill, Ludwig started to clean up the empty bags. He stopped for a moment when he noticed Gilbert staring at him. Ludwig chose to remain still in case the alien might attack. He wanted to show the creature that he posed no threat or danger to him. Instead of attacking, Gilbert curiously began to sniff and poke at him, exploring his human body and clothing. Ludwig allowed him to do so.

Gilbert pulled at the clothing, pinching the fabric between his fingers to feel the texture. Ludwig noticed how curious the alien was about him even though he had already been in the presence of humans. The pale hands moved to his face to cup his cheeks and squish his face around. It was a bit annoying, but Ludwig remained calm by reminding himself that this was all part of the job. Then Gilbert's long pale fingers found his hair, which the alien chose to not only tug but try to eat as well. Ludwig had to push him gently away with a soft 'no' and put the alien's hand back onto his head. He moved Gilbert's hand to show him how to stroke instead of pull. Gilbert appeared to catch on for he began doing so on his own, yet it was quickly becoming too fast and rough. To Ludwig, it was annoying but Gilbert appeared to be having fun. The alien even laughed! Or what he could assume was a laugh.


'That's a sound that will haunt me in my sleep.' Ludwig said to himself and finally pushed Gilbert's hands away from his hair. "No more."


"No. No more." He shook his head. "No more." Gilbert cocked his head to the side. "I have to go now." Ludwig stood up and gathered the plastic bags in his arms. "I'll be back soon." The alien just looked up at him, confused. He figured it would be easier to show Gilbert rather than tell so he started for the door. When he reached the handle and fished out his keycard, he heard Gilbert's warbling sounds coming from behind. He turned to see the alien standing behind him.


Ludwig turned to face him. "Go." He pointed to the door. "I go." The alien smiled, reached out his hands, and knocked the bags to the ground. He took Ludwig's hands and started to pull him. "Let me go." He didn't want to struggle in case Gilbert became angry or showed super strength, which was possible.

'NooOoooOooooooOOOOooo. Kesesesssesese!'

Ludwig didn't like the sound of that laugh but he let himself be led away by the alien and into the habitat woods. Perhaps Gilbert wanted to show him something. The fake woods looked very real, so much so that Ludwig reached out to touch one of the trees. It felt like an actual tree yet it was only a simulation. Sometimes he forgotten just how large the Quasar 575 was. He turned back to Gilbert as the alien continued to walk him through the forest, making not a sound other than the scrunching of grass beneath their feet. Ludwig suddenly felt his gaze glide down Gilbert's back to the start of his tail that covered the buttocks. The tail swished and swayed as he walked and Ludwig wondered if Gilbert used his tail to help him balance while standing upright. That was another note he would have to make.

'GiiiiiLllllllllllbbbbbbrrrrttttttt.' The alien stopped and pointed up to the trees.

Ludwig followed the long finger to see a hanging nest, a very LARGE hanging nest like that type birds on Earth would make. Only this nest looked like a small home, being both wide and tall enough to fit one or two people. Was this what Gilbert wanted to show him? Is this nest his home? Ludwig looked at Gilbert in hopes to guess what the alien wanted him to do. Gilbert only grinned at him, let go of his hand, and rushed to the tree to climb it quickly like a raccoon or a lizard. Ludwig watched in awe as the alien crawled onto the hanging nest and towards the entry hole. Gilbert looked down at Ludwig from his spot and made a strange sound.

"Do you want me to come up there?" He watched Gilbert disappear into the hole for a moment only to see the white head peeking out at him. "He does. He wants me to go up there." 'So his race builds nests?'

Without thinking, Ludwig proceeded to climb the tree but with great difficulty and kept sliding down. Slightly frustrated, Ludwig looked around for something to stand on so he could jump and reach the hole to pull himself inside. He was curious to know what was inside that hanging nest. To his left he found a rock that would give him just the bit of extra height he needed to jump. Pushing it beneath the nest, he jumped onto the tip of it, calculated his angle, and jumped. His hands gripped the edge of the entry hole, surprised at how strong and sturdy it was, so much so that he was able to pull himself up and into the nest. Gilbert helped him a bit as well.

"Thank you." Ludwig said once he was seated on the nest floor.

Instead of looking at Gilbert he looked around at the marvelous structure of the hanging nest. It was made of sticks, reeds, and other vine-like plants. It didn't seem possible that such a sound hanging structure could be made so well. It was supporting both their weights inside of it. The area inside is big enough for two or three people to lay down comfortably. The bottom of the nest was stuffed and lined with soft leaves, cotton, tall grass and more reeds. The nest resembled so much of an animals' that Ludwig almost didn't believe that a human, or alien, could make this. If Gilbert's people really were an old race that evolved in the new climate and atmosphere of a planet then this way of building may have been all they could make. Over the thousands of years of evolution they reverted to a more primitive lifestyle than an advance one.

'Hm. Backwards evolution? No…perhaps adaption. Adaptation along with climate and atmosphere change. Fascinating!' There is so much he would be writing down tonight! Then, he felt the presence of Gilbert close to him and that broke his train of thought. "Gilbert?" The alien stared at him intently, inching his face closer and closer. Ludwig felt his back press against the nest wall. "Gilbert? What are you doing?" Did he just willingly let himself be lead into the alien's den to be killed or eaten? He clenched his fists at his sides, ready to defend himself should Gilbert attempt to strike. The alien was made of flesh like him so a good punch or two will keep it at bay.

But what came at his face was not a pair of a fangs or a fist but the alien's tongue. The texture of the forked tongue is smooth upon his cheek, leaving a little stream of cooling saliva. The gesture, at first, reminded Ludwig of the dogs, but the licking quickly became more sensual. Ludwig was too stunned at the moment to move or react. Gilbert made a sound like a purr in the back of his throat while suddenly heated hands pressed on his knees to get closer. Gilbert's tail swayed behind him, lifted high so that the tip pointed to the ceiling. What exactly was Gilbert doing? Showing affection?

Ludwig was mesmerized by the alien now seated in his lap, groins pressed tightly together while the long forked tongue lapped at an earlobe. Up close to Gilbert's face he could see now that the alien is exotically beautiful with those pink eyes and pale features. Gilbert looked more like a human up close, a very sensual and seductive human. Ludwig felt his pants tighten but not before a sudden warm dampness covered the front of his groin. Finally breaking away from his trance, he looked at their groins to see that Gilbert was very aroused and a thick, pick color substance leaked from the alien's backside for it was smeared on the pale thighs as well.

That was when Ludwig realized what was happening and immediately panicked.


He threw the shocked alien off of him and crawled, or rather fell, out of the nest. With a pained yelp he landed on the ground, just missing the rock. Hissing in pain he looked up to see Gilbert's head peeking out of the nest, and then the alien stuck his tongue out at him! A childish act!

Ludwig was quick to leave the woods after that little 'display' of affection or mating. He felt his cheeks burning red with embarrassment due to the stiffy he still carried in his pants now sporting a wet spot in the front…as if he peed himself. Hopefully no one would be in the halls when he left. It was time for a break even if they hadn't come to take Gilbert for testing. He had to 'take a break' to record his notes and he had to do it outside of the habitat chamber in case the alien came back to try again. He would have to think of a new way to approach Gilbert from now on.


The scientists came early for Gilbert and Ludwig was allowed to return to his room for the evening. Sai told him that after tonight he would stay in some dorms by the habitat chambers for data would have to also be taken at night. Ludwig's sleeping schedule would be thrown off.

He sat in his bed with the tablet in hand to record everything he had seen.

'Hybrid 6900, upon first private observation, appeared to be more animal-like than human. I proceeded to teach him some basic words starting with 'food'. Hybrid 6900, after a few attempts, was able to pronounce the 'f' sound, which leads me to believe that he has vocal cords and has a sense of phonological awareness. He ate all of his food, eating the fruits and vegetables first before eating the meat. When he chewed the meat, his canine teeth grew into fangs so the flesh is easier to tear. The fangs returned to normal length after he was done.

Now that I have gained his trust and friendship he took me to his home, a very large structure of a hanging nest similar to that of a birds'. It is a sound structure able to hold both of us. I am not certain if he made it himself or if it was already there in the habitat chamber. He was very eager to show me the nest but I did not stay long inside.'

Ludwig wondered if he should write about the sexual nature of Gilbert while being in the nest. It would be disobeying orders if he did not write it down, or if he was found out at a later time that he did not record the sexual encounter. If he wrote about it, though, they may move on to other tests, or worse yet, use him in the tests as well! Ludwig quickly imagined himself naked in a room with a two-way mirror and forced to have sex with Hybrid 6900, for the 'sake of science'. The scientist Sai, in his opinion, seemed like the kind of 'mad scientist' that would suggest something like that.

'But if I don't write about…I could punished for withholding data. Or what if they turn to harsher experiments on Gilbert?' It was a very tough decision, but Ludwig made a vow when he joined the academy that he would always perform his duties, follow orders, and be a model soldier. This is the only life he has now and if he were to lose it, then there would be nothing left for him in the universe. "I'm sorry, Gilbert."

'Inside the nest, Hybrid 6900 proceeded to mate with me. This may be the reason why he brought me to the hanging nest, his home. This may be a very common act in his race for he was familiar with it and had no doubts or fear about letting me inside. His body leaked a secretion from the anus when he became aroused. I am uncertain if this is a form of mating or something else entirely. I politely declined the mating and left the nest. The alien, however, chose to be childish and stuck his tongue out at me but did not come out of his nest. I chose to leave him alone until tomorrow.

With a heated blush he sent the file to Sai's records. Then, he shut off the tablet, got under the covers, and hid.

The following morning, after his breakfast, Ludwig returned to the habitat chambers to see Gilbert. On the way his tablet beeped with an alert of some kind. He paused to open the screen and see that a message had been sent. He clicked it open to see it was a message from Sai, telling him to meet them in the laboratory, room 298. Before he left, he quickly looked at Gilbert's habitat chambers to see the sign up on the door that the alien had been taken out for testing. Ludwig figured this calling had to do with his first report. Tucking the tablet under his arm he made for the laboratory.

The laboratory portion of the Quasar 575 is forbidden to ship soldiers and residents unless written permission is given. When Ludwig got to the main doors the elite soldiers allowed him entry without a word or proof of permission. Ludwig paid it no mind as he entered the laboratory hall. He had to blink his eyes a few times to adjust them to the bright lights leading to another set of doors. These doors, however, had an activation code to enter. He tried the key card but it was denied. The screen above it popped on and Sai's face greeted him.

'Ah, Ludwig! Good morning to you! Come right in.' The screen shut off and the doors opened for him.

When Ludwig entered into another hall full of doors he was met by another scientist. "Hello Ludwig, good to see you up and about! Dr. Wellryde is waiting for you in 298."

"Yes, I received the message a little bit ago." Why did all these scientists speak to him as if they knew him personally? Their actions towards him were just a little friendly.

"Come, come! Follow me!" He lead Ludwig down a few more halls. "We were very pleased with your first report, Ludwig. The wording could have been better, but we don't expect a soldier to speak like a scientist."

Ludwig was a bit insulted but kept it to himself. "I'm honored you and the others approved. It was, after all, my very first data report of any kind. Military logs and records are one thing, but this is my first time working so closely with an alien being."

"Quite understandable. Ah, here we are." His keycard opened the door for them. "Please, come in."

Ludwig entered the large laboratory that was filled with various machines and different pitched 'beeps'. To the far right was a woman seated at a control desk in laboratory robes. Her blonde hair was up in a bun and she wore her glass low on her nose. She didn't acknowledge him when he came in. Sai stood at a glass wall in the shape of a wide cylinder, his hands folded neatly behind his back with his thumbs twiddling.

"Doctor, Ludwig is here."

Sai turned him with a smile. His heavy rimmed glasses flashed with a glare across the first lens and his dark hair was tied in a small ponytail down his back. "Good morning to you, Ludwig."

"Good morning, sir." Ludwig clicked his heels and stood at attention.

"I was pleased with your report. You observed some…very interesting actions with our alien friend."

"I only did what I was told to do, sir."

Ludwig took notice of what was behind the glass cylinder wall and it was the battered form of Gilbert. His eyes widened as he looked at the state of Gilbert's body, covered in red wounds and welts. Around his wrists and ankles were shackles, the same ones that the soldiers carried around with them. He looked like a beaten dog, curled up on the floor with his tail between his legs in fear and submission. Ludwig wanted to ask what they had done to him, but he knew that it was not appropriate to speak unless spoken to. He was upon the high elite of scientists on this ship and they could make or break him. It left a bad taste in his mouth. And then, their eyes met- pink and blue. Gilbert looked at him, smiled weakly, and placed a hand on the glass. Ludwig felt his heart begin to race. It was just like down in the kennels when the dogs wagged their tails and jumped on the gate doors, eager and happy to see him. Gilbert may think that he is here to help him, which he wasn't. But it wasn't that he didn't want to help he just couldn't. It was law. Yet his heart went out to the wounded creature.

"Are you concerned with his state right now?" Sai asked, referring to Gilbert.

"I am wondering why he is wounded, sir. I'm guessing he gave you a hard time?"

Sai nodded. "He's a wild one, for sure. But we're teaching him to be obedient. He's more headstrong than a dog so our methods of discipline must be harsh. Let me demonstrate."

Ludwig wanted to say that wouldn't be necessary but he was not suppose to debate or disagree with the scientists. He hated himself for it. Still, he was a soldier, trained to be stern, strict, and strong in the face of trouble or danger. To show emotion is a sign of weakness within the galactic military, so he folded his arms behind his back and forced himself to watch Gilbert in the cylinder. The alien's eyes were on him until Sai went over to the woman at the control desk. Ludwig saw Gilbert begin to panic, scrambling in the chamber but unable to move quickly due to the weight of the shackles. Sai pressed a button on the control desk and a green mist quickly filled the glass cylinder. As it surrounded Gilbert's body the alien let out a stream of high pitched screeches that hurt Ludwig's ears. It was a barbaric act, what they were doing to Gilbert, and he wanted to shout out to them to stop. Sai stopped it on his own.

"See how he responds to the mist? He knew what I was going to do before I even pressed the button." He walked back to the glass wall and waved Ludwig over. "Come. I want to show you something."

Ludwig did as he was told.

"This is the best way to get him to cooperate with our testing. Once he learns that no harm will come to him when he listens then we can do away with his punishment. And all these marks you see on his body? Yes, we caused them in the struggle. However, in a few moments, you will see him do something quite remarkable."

Ludwig looked at Gilbert's shaking naked form on the floor of the chamber and wanted to break through the glass to comfort him. These types of experiments were not what he thought of when he heard about the great scientists of the Quasar 575. The scientists seemed more like bullies than doctors of science. They were ganging up on one simple alien who, in his experience, is not harmful in any way. And then he noticed something happening to Gilbert's white body. The wounds started to close shut on their own, returning his skin to a flawless pale once again. Gilbert then turned to look at them through the glass, appearing completely healed. Ludwig's eyes widened.

"Remarkable, right? He knows how to heal himself. Doctor Ron, Doctor West, you are both dismissed for now." He said to the other two scientists in the room. After both had left, Sai turned Ludwig's attention away from Gilbert by walking him to a small sitting area. "Let us discuss your report in greater detail, Ludwig."

"Yes sir." Ludwig took a seat on the sofa across from Sai. "I am pleased that you found my work-"

"Yes, yes, it was very good." He cut him off and then smiled, crossing his legs and leaning back on the white sofa. "Tell me about this nest."

Ludwig nodded and said, "It is like a large bird's nest. A bird from Earth. I think he made it himself from reeds, leaves and branches."

Sai drummed his fingers on the edge of the sofa. "And you said he brought you there, yes?" Ludwig gave a nod. "Was his true intention to mate?" Ludwig's face turn pink and Sai noticed with a smirk of amusement. "There's no need to be shy, Ludwig. Mating and reproduction are a common function in the continuation of a species."

"I must admit that I was not expecting something like that to happen."

"I sense that he may be in heat, as in, it may be mating time on his planet. And the fact that he leaked secretion may indicate that they can self-lube, like a female, but I cannot rule out anything just yet. Do you recall, in any of your studies, some millennium ago when the humans were near extinction?"

Ludwig had to think for a moment. "I believe so. There were very few women left so the human doctors and scientists began to create a race of humans from men to enable them to give birth and help repopulate mankind on Earth. It is a practice rarely tested any more since the humans fixed their population problem, and then became overpopulated."

"Very good, Ludwig. And with these new children born from altered men came more females, thus recreating the human race. Gilbert's race may have been a part of that change. However, I believe Gilbert to be an albino for he has all the signs and coloring of one. This also concludes that he is likely barren, if he were indeed able to bear offspring. I have yet to see any reproductive changes in him, but in my various studies of other species the body can take on the form of male or female, mainly their reproductive organs. But nothing is certain as of yet." Sai smiled sweetly.

Ludwig cleared his throat and said, "May I ask a question, sir?"

"Please do."

"Can't we just capture another of his race and put them together? You'll be able to understand their reproduction better if he had one of his own to mate with. He tried to mate with me and I declined his attempts, obviously."

Sai folded his hands in his lap. "I see your point, Ludwig. However, we happened to catch Gilbert by chance. There was no sign of his race any where else. Yet I have a way of finding out such information with my new invention."

"Invention? What is it, sir?"

"A mind stimulator." He tapped his temple. "I can read Gilbert's thoughts and project them onto a screen. He can show me what his life is like on his planet with his people. It will be just like a movie."

"And what will this prove? Do you simply wish to observe how other species live?"

Sai's features became serious. "You're asking too many questions, soldier. This is not a matter that concerns you."

Ludwig lowered his eyes. "I apologize, sir."

"Now, I do have another job for you." Ludwig lifted his eyes to look at him. "After I use my new device to read his thoughts, I want you to begin reenacting Gilbert's daily life."

"What do you mean?"

"I will pay you quite handsomely for this, I promise you. A young soldier such as yourself always needs money, correct?" Ludwig nodded. "Depending on what I observe in his thoughts, you will act out the way his race does. If it is indeed rutting season on his planet then I will be able to observe it in his thoughts. I will want you to be doing the same. You will act like Gilbert's people with him, since he has shown a great liking to you."

Ludwig stared at him blankly. Sai couldn't be serious? "Sir…I'm a soldier. This…this is beyond my limits. I…I don't think I can do that. It's as if you're asking me to mate with him!"

Sai threw his head back and laughed. "Jumping to conclusions, are we?" He shook his head then. "I don't want you to mate with him, Ludwig. No offspring could come from it because I am certain he is barren. If he does try, then just do it. What harm will it do?"

"It's wrong." Ludwig stated. "We are two different species."

"Cut from the same human mold." Sai answered quickly. "Gilbert IS a human, Ludwig. He is an altered human, yes, but he is STILL a human like you. You can teach him to be a human like you. Don't you think Gilbert will be happier living as a human rather than the primitive life he currently dwells in? Teach him to be a human. You've trained dogs to be almost as smart as humans, so why not train a fellow human the same?"

"You are asking so much of me." Ludwig said honestly. "I'm not very good with emotions, sir. I'm not a people person."

"So you prefer dogs over people?"

"Sometimes." Ludwig answered.

Sai fixed his glasses. "I see. So you treat Gilbert as just another dog? Is that fair to Gilbert? Shouldn't he have a chance at a true human life? Shouldn't he have all the opportunities that real humans have?"

"What if he doesn't want them?"

Sai narrowed his eyes. "He will want them."

"Sir." Ludwig knew he had overstepped his bounds and fell silent.

"I said I will pay you for your duties. You will be making more than the elite galactic generals, all by living alongside an alien human being. It's very easy money. And if you feel worried or concerned about mating, I have many other soldiers that would be excited to have sex with an alien. Do you understand?"

Ludwig stood up and clicked his heels. "Yes sir."

Sai stood up as well. "I want you to be his friend, Ludwig. Let me be the mean one, but he needs to know that there is someone he can trust, someone like you. Gilbert already has taken a shine to you. I can even make it so that Gilbert is the only social interaction you will have besides me. And don't forget the pay."

"I appreciate your hospitality in giving me this chance, sir. I will do as much as I can to the best of my abilities."

"Good. I expect no less. You are dismissed for now. Take some time to visit your dogs and relax while we run our tests. I will call for you when Gilbert is ready to return to his habitat chambers."

"Yes sir. Shall I begin moving my things to the dorms there, sir?"

"Yes, that would be wise. You will be spending most of your days in the area of the ship from here on out." He gave Ludwig a pat on the back. "Expect your first check to be automatically deposited into your military account by tomorrow."

Ludwig saluted. "Thank you, sir."

"You are dismissed."

Ludwig wanted to take one last look at Gilbert but didn't want Sai to know that he harbored feelings of compassion for the tortured alien. So he turned on his heel and quickly exited the lab.

End Chapter 1 TBC

***How's my sci-fi stuff going so far? Feedback is welcomed, especially by those who are more familiar with the genre!***