AN: The author's note is at the end.

The doors of her wardrobe stood open. On the left side of every shelf, of the rail, of every drawer, Pansy put her jumpers, shirts, cloaks, pants, socks, pajamas, and underwear. In the bathroom, she had done the same thing with her toiletries. Everything was arranged on the left side. Pansy's trunk stood empty in one corner of the master bedroom in Sunny Hill Cottage, the cottage she had inherited from Marianne. Hermione's trunk, however, stood still open and unpacked in the middle of the room. Its owner was downstairs in the kitchen to organize dinner for the two girls. Hermione has said something about trying out delivery services either Muggle or magical. A large number of flyers for both kinds had been piling up behind the front door under the mail slot for months. Nobody had lived in the cottage for over a year and longer. Hermione had took the flyers and looked for the most appetizingly offer. It had been a long day, a Saturday, the first day of the Christmas break. After travelling with the Hogwarts Express to London and proceeding to their destination in South England, both girls were too exhausted to run into the next store and to cook something for dinner.

The planning of the Christmas break had been quite chaotic thanks to certain circumstances, or better: certain a someone. In the end, Pansy had simply wanted to have a look at the cottage and had contacted the Ministry of Magic to get access to the house. Hermione had decided to accompany her. On a table in the living room, Pansy had found a letter from Marianne addressed to her.

My dearest Pansy,

Please, make this cottage your home. Rearrange everything as you please and throw away everything that you don't need. I hope you will be as happy here as I always have been. I have to run now. The new regime in hunting down Muggleborns. Nevertheless, I will look out for you the best that I can.

I love you, my little blossom.



Pansy had cried over the note. Hermione comforted her. After a while she pointed out that best the thing to do was to turn the cottage into a home, like Marianne suggested. The two girl lit a fire in every fireplace and cleaned the house from bottom to top. They freed every surface from the dust bunnies that lived there already in second and third generation. They were able to thrive without anyone ever hunting them. Other than that there was little to do. Everything was very tidy and well organized. Marianne seemed to have anticipated the possibility that she would not return. Personal documents and all the clothes she had not taken with her on the run were stored neatly in boxes in a large shed that Hermione called a garage. The only thing Pansy and Hermione had rearranged so far was that they had switched the bed from the master bedroom with the one in the guest bedroom. Somehow the prospect of sleeping in Marianne's old bed did not feel right.

Without effort, Pansy was able to imagine living in Sunny Hill Cottage. It was nothing like Parkinson Park. The cottage was warm and welcoming. It stood in Hampshire near a seaside village with a small magical community. In summer, it must be lovely to be outside in the garden. Originally it was a simple and small Muggle stone cottage surrounded by a nature stone wall. Marianne had turned it into a magical house that was larger on the inside than on the outside with its large kitchen and living room downstairs and with a cosy study, a master bedroom, a guest room, and a bathroom with a huge tub upstairs. Every room was decorated in light and friendly colors. Pansy had never been her before but she discovered traces of her childhood. She found the books that Marianne read to her as a child in the bookshelves of the small study. Pictures of her and Marianne stood on the desk. Much to Hermione's delight, the cottage offered the opportunity to use some Muggle devices that ran on electricity like television or telephone. The electricity was dead at the moment. Pansy had to resister with the respective companies via the Ministry of Magic to take advantage of these features. That was a minor organizational hiccup. The cottage was waiting to be seized by Pansy. She planned to get her personal things she had store at the Three Broomsticks very soon.

The thought of making Sunny Hill Cottage her home brought Pansy back to the unpacked trunk sitting in the middle of the bedroom and the half empty wardrobe. Automatically, she had left space for Hermione's things as if the other girl would move in here as well in the long run. Would Hermione want to do that? Since the breaking of the curse six weeks ago, they had been almost inseparable and had often sneaked out of their dorms at night to share a bed in the Room of Requirements. They were committed to each other, Pansy did not doubt that. They simply had not the talk about the finer details of their future. Maybe the two weeks alone together would give them the opportunity to do so without the interruption of Ron's rants about his dreams of the future.

The girl who was on Pansy's thoughts came into the room and sat on the bed behind her. Hermione embraced Pansy, moved away her hair,and placed a kiss on her earlobe. A shiver ran through Pansy's body.

„Crookshanks has declared the old armchair with the flower pattern by the fireside to be his residence", Hermione said. Pansy laughed. Her cat friend made a clear statement. Hermione kissed her neck before she continued: „I wanted to introduce you to the joy of ordering pizza and pasta but we need a working telephone line to order from a Muggle delivery service." Pansy smiled at how causally Hermione said ‚we' in that context. „Therefore, I made a floo call to the Three Broomsticks and ordered a small selection of their finest dishes, some butter beer, and some wine to celebrate our alone time. The food should be delivered here via the floo network in the next twenty minutes." Pansy craned her neck to kiss Hermione on the cheek. „As we haven't been able to go shopping today, we could visit the local magical pub tomorrow morning for breakfast and afterwards look for a store to by some basics."

„That sounds like a good plan, Mione."

Pansy smiled slightly. Yes, that endearment suited Hermione very well. With a sigh, her girl friend glanced at the open wardrobe and her trunk.

„I should put my things away before our dinner arrives", Hermione said.

She placed a kiss on the nape of Pansy's neck, entangled herself from the other girl, and hopped from the bed. Pansy stretched out on the covers and watched how her girl friend dived into the trunk and sorted her clothes neatly beside her own.

„Have you ever thought about were you will live after school?" Pansy said. She straightened up from her laying position and set cross-legged on the covers. A part of her was scolding herself for being so forward on such a sensitive topic. The original plan was to wait till the end of the Christmas break to address the issue. Nevertheless, she watched herself continuing without being able to stop: „I mean, we've talked about our plans for possible careers and so on. You, for example, are weighing the option of the different subjects and to teach at Hogwarts, or to work as intern for the Ministry of Magic." Hermione put her last pair of socks into one drawer, closed the wardrobe, and leaned against the door. She listened carefully to Pansy. „The beauty of being a witch is that we can live and work in totally different places on the British Islands, thanks to Apparition and the Floo Network." Pansy said all that with one breath and had to pause to get new air into her lungs. Hermione pushed herself from the door and walked over to Pansy. „If Ron has his way, you, Ron, and Harry would live happily ever after in Grimmauld Place and would found a London branch of The Burrow." Hermione laughed a that. She had reached the bed. "Furthermore, I don't know what the plans are for your parent's empty house now that they decided to stay in Australia for the time being." Pansy scratched her nose. „I would not mind if you want to spend as much spare time with me as possible after our graduation. Maybe here…" Pansy made a vague gesture with her hand. "…or anywhere you like."

With a twinge in her stomach she glanced up to Hermione. The other girl took Pansy's face tenderly into both hands and kissed her lightly on the lips.

„My parent's house in London is sold. As much as I love my boys, I don't see myself living with them and replace Molly Weasley in their household. Neither does Ginny, by the way. Ron knows that and has decided to ignore it when he paints his future in the brightest colors." Hermione sat down on the bed. „In the past, I always imagined myself living in a small apartment in London. That was before we got together." Hermione took Pansy's hands into her own. "As for spending as much time as possible with you, I'm open for any suggestion we come up with", she said with a smile. Hermione tilted her head to the left. „As for the where we spend that time: In all that rambling, you basically asked me to consider the possibility to move in here with you after our graduation."

Pansy felt a blush rising hotly. Hermione raised a hand and stroked her cheek.

„Did you?" she asked with a smirk.


Sometimes, Hermione's ability to read her like a book was unsettling for Pansy.

„So my answer is: Yes. I will most definitely think about moving in with you."

Pansy laughed out in relief. Hermione's hand wandered behind her neck to pull Pansy into a kiss. After a moment they separated.

„Come on, love. The food should be here any minute now", Hermione said.


The little café of the book store was filled with the sound of muffled conversations and the clutter of cutlery. It was the fourth day of the holidays. Hermione and Pansy were on a trip to Edinburgh. Hermione had hoped that the Scotch city was less overwhelming than London at this time of the year. The girls had made their last Christmas purchases in both the Mugggle part and the magic part of the city. They had just finished their next to last item on their schedule for the day. Pansy wanted to visit a Muggle bookshop to search for new reading material.

They sat at a small table in the story high window on the landing between levels of the store. Hermione ignored the view of castle towering over the city covered with glittering snow in the evening sun. The sight of her girl friend browsing through her purchases with the enthusiasm of a child at … well … Christmas was much more captivating. Pansy bought some more novels - mostly Gaskell, Collins, and Bronte, a little bit of Dickens, and Virginia Woolf - and a few books on creative writing and introductions to literature studies.

Pansy put the book in her hands on the small stag on the table.

„Wouldn't it be great to have something you wrote printed as a book so everybody can read it?" Pansy said with a thoughtful gaze at the bookshelf in the lower level. Than she grinned and winked at Hermione. „Ah, who am I talking to? Your so called detention with McGonagall turned into assisting the headmistress in her pet research project: a study to come to terms with Hogwarts' past under the regime of the Dark Lord." Pansy beamed at Hermione with a proud glint in her eyes. „You are contributing to a work that in the future will sit side by side with Hogwarts: A History on the book shelves in every magical house hold." Hermione squirmed a little bit in her seat. „What was the working title? Hogwarts: The Dark Year? Have you already found a way to prolong your detention a little bit longer so you can ?"

Hermione swatted Pansy on the arm with a book but smiled sheepishly. She indeed intended to ask the headmistress to be able to stay at the project until it was finished.

„Don't forget that McGonagall wants to interview you as former head girl under the Carrows", Hermione said. Pansy nodded.

„Apropos dark wizards. Have you heard anything from the Wizengamot? Do we have to testify against Castorius in court?" Pansy asked.

„Not yet. I still hope that the testimonies from Fleur, Bill, and McGonagall will be enough", Hermione said. She shrugged. „Either way, the outcome will be the same. The Unforgivable Curses are still a one way ticket to Askaban. Though, Kingsley is trying to reform the legal system of the magic community. Let's see." She took a sip from her coffee. „What about you and Draco? Any progress at that front?"

Pansy gave a short laugh.

„Well, it is hard to tell. We still need to have an open conversation of what happened in Parkinson Park. There is something that he is not telling me. Nevertheless, we are talking and not only about the weather", Pansy said. In an afterthought she added: „Considering that this is Draco we are talking about, I think it is an progress."

Hermione gave Pansy's hand a squeeze. She glanced at her watch.

„Oh, we need to go. We have to pick up the tickets for A Christmas Carol half an hour before the film will start", Hermione said. „Have I told you that this is one of the eldest cinemas in Scotland still in use?"


„Pansy Patricia Parkinson!"

The sound of her full name vibrated through the cottage. That was not good. It was the first time that Hermione did that. According to Ginny it meant that her girl friend was annoyed at something, probably at Pansy's feeble attempts to delay their departure. Currently she was standing in front of the mirror in their bedroom inspecting her outfit: a dark grey button down shirt with the green cotton scarf that Hermione liked so much and black woolen pants. Was that too overdressed to meet the rest of Hermione's magical family at a private Christmas party? Jeans were too casual for the occasion. Why had she agreed to come along? Was she really going through with this?

„Would you please come down here this instant!"

Pansy sighed. There was no way to escape this any more. After a final glance at her reflection, Pansy ran down the steps into the kitchen. In front of the fireplace with the floo connection stood Hermione, tapping her foot. With a coat over her harm and her beaded handbag in her hand, she was ready to go. Pansy started to search for her shoes.

„We are going to miss the eggnog. Molly will never forgive us if we do", Hermione said, glaring at the clock over the kitchen door. Pansy frowned at her.

„Please forgive me, Mione, if I'm nervous. I'm entitled to some amount of panic here. The letter with the note that I'm officially invited to the Christmas party at The Burrow arrived after we returned from Edinburgh on Tuesday. Today is Friday", she said. Pansy selected a pair of shoes and sat down on a chair to put them on. She ripped a shoelace apart in the process and swore under her breath. „How did that happen anyway? I thought that - how did she put that in the howler? - no off-spring of pureblood maniacs should ever darken Mrs Weasley's doorstep. What made her change her mind?"

Hermione put her bag and her coat on the kitchen table and sat on a chair beside Pansy. She took her wand out of her sleeve and repaired the shoelace. This time, Pansy put on her shoes without any accident.

„That is a good question. I can't remember every turn in this roller coaster ride of planning our Christmas break. Part of the problem was that Ron failed to inform his mother that he and I are not a couple anymore. She was happily planning our wedding when Bill visited her early November."

Pansy huffed at that and crossed her arms before her chest.

„Mrs Wealsey already planned your wedding with Ronald?"

Wedding plans that were not communicated to the bridal couple were a sour spot for Pansy. Hermione stood up and held out a hand to Pansy. Pansy followed her girl friend's lead. Hermione snaked her arms around Pansy's waist.

„She had not set a date. Nevertheless, imagine her surprise when Bill told her the tale of how he delivered a dagger too late to the school because the girlfriend of her future daughter in law rescued said daughter in law from the Cruciatus Curse. According to Bill it was the most romantic thing he had ever seen - an assessment of the situation that surprised Molly."

Pansy laughed.

„Do you think it was surprise that caused Mrs Weasley to send that howler?

Hermione put her forehead against Pansy's.

„She is quite intense. We can call ourselves lucky that she didn't deliver it in person." Hermione kissed Pansy's nose. „We will not go into details that I was also not invited at first, that later I declined the invitation that was issued only for me. Lets not forget the confusion Luna's invitation caused to spend Christmas at the Lovegoods who were also invited to The Burrow at the same time" , Hermione said. She leaned forward to give Pansy a lingering kiss on the mouth. „In the end, Harry and Ginny together with Ron declared her that they don't want to celebrate Christmas with out the two of us. They told her the whole story."

„It also helped that Ginny told her mother that I'm a Prewitt from my mother's side. According to Mrs Weasley, I'm the daughter of one of her cousins who fell from grace in the Prewitt clan due to her pureblood fixation", Pansy said groaning. „These family trees will be the death of me."

She buried her face at the nape of Hermione's neck. Hermione rubbed her back with small circles.

„I know it won't be easy. Molly will treat you as the long lost black sheep of the Prewitt flock and will try to feed you."

Pansy straightened up again.

„Yes, and George will call me antler girl", she said.

Hermione nodded.

„Finally, Ron, Charlie, and Bill will try to give you the big brother talk because they consider me as their sister by association", she said. „Don't worry. Harry, Ginny, Luna, and I will always be at your side. And Fleur will be there as well."

„Yes, that is another issue. How will I address my teacher in a private context? Professor Fleur?", Pans said.

Hermione laughed. She started to gather her things. Pansy took one of her coats from the hook beside the door. The met again in front of the fire place.

„Everything will be fine. Always remember that I love you", Hermione said.

Pansy looked Hermione in the eyes. She knew why she was going through with this trouble. Meeting Hermione's magical family and surviving the experience was part of having a committed relationship with her. It was part of her resolution to stand her ground and face everyone in order to have a future in the magic community of Great Britain. Pansy remembered how lost she had felt during the welcoming feast on 1 September. She had come a long way since than. It was worth every trouble. The most beautiful gift for her future was standing right in front her.

„Ready?" Hermione asked.

Pansy nodded. She got a hold of Hermione's hand. With her other hand, Hermione took some floo power, through it into the flames of the fire place, and called:

„The Burrow."

As the flames turned green, Hermione and Pansy stepped into their next adventure.



Now 5 month, 17 chapters, thousands and thousands of words later, this journey ends.

It was quite the adventure for Hermione and Pansy and for me writing about them.

I want to thank every one who stayed with me during this journey, either by following me, favouring the story or leaving reviews. A special thanks goes to my regular reviewers.

And for those, who will find this story after I finished it: I hope, you enjoyed it, too.