Disclaimer: I wish on owned arrow but sadly I don't.

25 thing to do before I die:

Chapter 1: The box.

Jessica Harper looked around her room one last time and sighed. This had been her home for so many years, it was filled with so many memories some good and some not so good. It had been the place she was raised, the place her mum took her last breath.

"Is this the last of them?" Her father's voice asked bringing her out of her thoughts.

Jess looked round the room there was one large box on the floor by her old bed and a small shoe box on her bed.

Jess nodded slowly.

It had been her choice to move in with Sara Diggle but the thought of leaving her dad still bothered her.

Her dad gave her a sad smile. His dark brown hair almost completely grey now. His body still fit from his constant workouts in the arrow cave.

"I'll be fine by myself." Her dad promised as if he was reading her thoughts.

Jess smiled at her dad. It had been just the two of them for almost 15 years now, she was worried if he would cope without her.

"Come on baby." Her dad encouraged.

Jess nodded.

Her dad bent down and picked up the last box.

"You got that one?" he asked pointing to the small one on her bed.

Jess nodded and walked over to the box just as her dad left the room.

She frowned as she looked down at the box. She didn't remember packing it and even though it's a box with her name on it she knows it's neither her nor her dads writing.

Jess lifts the lid and freezes at the context. Is full of pictures and three journals. Her hands shake as she reaches into the box and everything falls into place. It's her mum's writing on the box and pictures of her mum when she was sick.

"Oh god." she whispered.

Her parents may not have got together the most conventional way but when her father fell in love with her mum he fell hard and losing her mum had almost killed him.

"Jess you coming?" Her dad called.

He fell apart without her mum and she hated the lost the look her got every time her mum was mentioned.

Jess slammed the lid back on to the box. No matter how badly she wanted to know what was inside she would not risked her dad seeing it.

"Coming." Jess yelled.

She put the box into her bag. Now she would let her dad help her move into her new apartment and later she would find out all about the box.

Tommy Queen was not a one women man, which is why waking up the sleeping blonde he can't remember the name of is not an option. He really hates 'there will be no next time' conversations. It wasn't that he hadn't had fun with the blonde he just didn't do relationships, they were just to messy for his liking.

Tommy slipped on his jeans and turned his attention to looking for his shoes.

The blonde may be happy to find him gone when she wakes but then again she could be like every other women he had been with, say they were ok with just sex but secretly hope they could change him. Just like his mum had changed his dad and Katie Grant had changed his brother. But their life just wasn't for him.

Tommy pulled on his shoes and searched for his phone, he silently cursed as he saw the time. Today his best friend was moving out and he was meant to be helping her.

Tommy sent her a quick text before heading out the house.

Sorry Jess, will be there as soon as- T x

I hope you used protection: p Don't worry about it my dad helped just don't be late for the party Sara was worked too hard and she'll be pissed if you are. J x

Tommy smiled and shook his head, it was sometimes scary how well Jess knew him. Ignoring her comment on his protection methods Tommy text her back.

Nothing is worth facing Sara Diggle If I'm not. I'll be there- T x

Jess was moving in with Sara Diggle and Tommy had to admit he was pleased that she wouldn't be alone. Although she was 24 she would always be the youngest from their arrow family and everyone just wanted what was best for her. It had been just Jess and her Dad after Sin died when she was ten and the thought of her living on her own bothered him.

Tommy slipped out the front door.

Tell me you weren't a dick and let the girl know there will be no next time instead of just leaving- J x

Tommy cringed as he read her message, everyone wanted him to settle down but since he became the arrow the idea of a lasting relationship just didn't seem worth it. Always lying to keep the team a secret, if he ever found someone he would not lie to her. His brother had been lucky, Katie Grant, daughter of Laurel and Ted Grant new all about the arrow life so when Connor was needed as the eyes and ears of the arrow she understood and Connor never had to lie to the women he loved.

Just leaving may have been a dick move but it was better than the hurt look when he told her there would be no next time or risking having a next time only to break her heart in the long run. No leaving was defiantly better.

He needed a shower and a change of clothes but going home to the apartment he shared with Andy Diggle would defiantly make him late. His only option was to stop off at Connors on the way.

Tommy sent a text to his brother.

Can I borrow a shirt, don't want to be late. T

Sure better use the shower too, C.

Tommy smiled. God he loved his older brother, always taking such good care of him.

Connor Queen tried not to judge as he let his brother into the house wearing yesterday's clothes and stinking of booze. Tommy worked hard not just as the arrow but in their uncle Diggle security firm but he played even harder.

"Katie picked you out some clothes and left them in the bathroom." Connor informed his brother.

Katie had already left for the party, refusing to be late and deal with Sara just because Tommy couldn't keep it in his pants.

Tommy smiled and Connor couldn't help but smile back, he had one of those smiles that no matter how mad you were with him he could make it all go away when he smiled.

"Thanks bro." Tommy replied.

Connor nodded his head.

"Go get ready." Connor suggested and Tommy nodded before disappearing upstairs.

Connor had been seven years old when he lost his mum and came to live with a man who never even knew he had a son. His mum and step-dad had died in a car accident and he was terrified. So was his dad. Their relationship had been hard but they got through it with the help of Felicity. Connor had loved Felicity from the moment he met her, but then again who wouldn't love a step mum who could fix all your computer problems with the click of her fingers. When he got older he had Felicity teach him everything she knew about computers and when he was old enough he took her places as the eyes and ears of the arrow.

He had been ten when Felicity found out she was pregnant with Tommy. His parents had been nervous about telling him, afraid that he would doubt his place with them but he knew they loved him and the idea of a younger sibling was exciting to him. The day Tommy was born was terrifying, Felicity had been kidnapped and missing for three days and when his dad found her she was tired up and in premature labour. His dad had been a mess fearing for both their lives but Tommy was strong just like his mum and they both pulled through. When Connor met Tommy he promised himself that he would always be there for his little brother no matter what.

"You ready to go?" Tommy asked as he wondered down the stairs.

Tommy was so much like their dad, they both were really but where Tommy had their dad's size and his mum's features and her eyes with their dad's hair. Connor was more like his mum with his dad's strong features and his dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Yeah." Connor replied before following Tommy out of the house.

Thankfully they were only a couple of minutes late to the party and Sara was too distracted with guests to notice their late arrival. But Andy had.

Andrew Diggle smirked and made his way over to them. Andy was so much like his dad, he was tall with broad shoulder and a heart of gold.

"You're lucky she's busy." Andy commented.

Connor nodded his head in agreement. He loved Sara, they all did but when things didn't go the way she planed she tended to get a little angry

"Where's Jess?" Tommy asked.

"About to be smoothed to death by your mum." Andy sighed putting behind them.

Connor followed his friend's eye-line to find Jess standing with their parents just as Felicity pulled Jess into her arms.

Jess was tiny for 24 with long dark brown hair and sad looking grey blue eyes. She had a tiny waist and generous curves.

"Think I better save her from mum." Tommy said before walking over to them.

Connor always thought it was funny that Tommy could treat the girls he slept with the way he did but treat Jess completely different. In all honesty there was nothing that his brother wouldn't do for that girl.

Jess closed her bedroom and breathed a sigh of relief. She loved her friends and family but all she could think about today was the box with her mother's hand writing on it. She walked over to her bed and pulled the box from her bag, she took of the lid before pouring the contents onto her bed.

The box with filled with so many pictures of her mum while she had been sick. It had been hard for everyone when she got diagnosed with breast cancer and even hard when she got told the cancer had spread and there was nothing more that could be done. Team arrow saved people it's what they did but her mum was one person they couldn't save.

She asked her dad while there was no pictures of her mum during the two years she had been fighting for her life. He dad had said it was hard seeing her that way and he wanted Jess to remember her mum for all the good parts. Seeing these picture no matter how ill her mum looked or how sad her dad looked they meant to much to her. There were three journals two with blank and one with a white sticker stuck on to the front that said twenty five things to do before I die.

With shaking hands Jess opened the first page.

Ok so I'm dying, I keep telling Roy that everything will be ok both we both know it's a lie. There is nothing else we can do, the doctors had said. I keep thinking I should scream and shout to the world and the injustices of making me leave the man I love and our little girl at such a young age. Oh god Jess, but the truth is it wouldn't matter who I scream at you can't change a fact no matter how hard you try and I have done nothing but try for the last two years and I am so tried. So now it's time to live.

When I was younger I had a list of things I wanted to do and over the years it grew, I recently cut it down to a list of 25 things I want to do before I die. Thanks to Roy I can already tick some of them off but I want to complete the list before I die.

Jess took a deep breath. She didn't remember much about her mum but what she did remember was how lively and playful she had been. The list seemed so her.

1. Fall in love: Roy and I had a one night stand that made a beautiful little girl that neither of us could bear the thought of getting rid. It wasn't the greatest of starts to a romantic relationship but we fell in love and I got everything I wanted. After Sara died he became my best friend that was always there no matter what then we had you and I realised I always loved him and even though we only had a short time together I wouldn't change anything for the world. I wish I could get the chance to watch Jess fall in love. I want her to find someone who will love her the same way Roy loves me completely unconditionally.

Jess whipped her eyes, even on her death bed her mum had been thinking of her and how happy she wanted her to be.

2. Get a makeover: Felicity and Laurel had looked completely surprised when I asked them for help but after they got over the shock they had been excited. I am a firm believer in being who you are but sometimes it's nice to be someone else for a while. Laurel helped me pick out a beautiful dress and Felicity helped me with my makeup. Roy's face had been a picture I will take with me to the grave the pure lust on his face. It was nice knowing I could still make him want me even like this.

Jess cringed and smiled at the same time. It was a weird feeling being happy about you parents getting it on but it had made her mum happy during a bad time. Her mum had even draw and smiley face next to number two.

3. Swim with sharks: most people want to swim with dolphins but me I wanted to swim with sharks. After Roy and I got married we went to Hawaii on our honeymoon and even though Roy hated the idea he made it happen because he knew it would make me happy and that was all that mattered to him.

It was so like her dad to do everything he could to make the people he cared about happy.

4. Be a hero for the day: when I told Roy he laughed for about ten minutes before taking me to the arrow cave. He let me put on his suit and guard the streets. Sure I never got to do anything and I was pretty sure Oliver and Laurel were following me the whole time but I felt like a hero.

5. Go on a safari: This was the first and last family holiday were ever got to have. Jess was just five but I still remember the way her face lit up as we passed the animals and it had been so good to see Roy relax. I wish we would have made more time for each other.

6. Go to the ballet: So as it turns out Felicity loves the ballet and when I mention is something I always wanted to try she was happy to take me. It was beautiful and I cried. I loved it. I hope someone takes Jess one day.

7. Flash my boobs at someone: Poor John got more than he bargained for when he came to pick me up for my appointment today but I was running out of time and I had to make it happen somehow. He laughed when I told him the reason and had been glad to help me cross off another item.

8. Take a cooking class: Roy had found this one funny. We did it together since neither of us could really cook. It was a lot more fun than either of us thought it would be. Hopefully it will come in handy when it's just Roy and Jess.

Jess closed her eyes the writing was smudged, her mum had probably been crying at the thought of leaving them.

9. Go to Paris: Paris was beautiful and Roy and I went for our second wedding anniversary it had been a gift from Felicity and Oliver. We saw so many things but it was the nights I will never forget filled with such romance and passion. Paris really was the city of love.

10. Host a customer party: I love dressing up and always wanted to host a customer party get my guest to play games. It was so much fun watching everyone relax.

I'm not sure if I will be able to finish my list, I'm having more bad days then good but I want them at least written down.

Jess sobbed as she looked at the rest there were so many things that her mum never got to do.

11. Go skinny dipping.

12. Get a tattoo.

13. Bungee jump.

14. Learn to pole dance.

15. Learn another language: maybe Oliver would teach me Russian if I ask.

16. Ride a horse.

17. Go on one last bar crawl.

18. Spend the weekend at the beach.

19. Go camping.

20. Gamble in Vegas: I know Felicity said its overrated but I still want to try it , with Felicity as a tour guide if I can convince her to come with me.

21. Ride a mechanical bull.

22. Go on a hot air-balloon ride.

23. Go to the circus: Roy's never been I want him to go.

24. Ride a motor bike.

25. Make love under the stars.