My first attempt at a TMNT fanfiction so please review what you think. This story will be set in the 2014 movieverse and told by the point of views of the four girls but for the first few chapters it is just Cassie we meet, so please enjoy, thanks for stopping by!

It was very cold tonight but for once it did not bother me. The cold rush of a breeze against my face was refreshing after the heat from my apartment and from the day that had since fallen away. I could not tell you what I was looking at, for all I knew I could be staring at the wall. Being blind had its setbacks but my mother always told me that there was a silver lining in everything. For this particular case it was that I could feel, hear and smell so much better than ever before.

For example I could smell the fumes emitting from the cars down below, the spices from my neighbour's curry and the dampness in the air that was the rain preparing to fall. My ears picked up the shouted argument from the couple under my feet and the distant crying of birds over the wind and even funnier, I could taste the friction in the air that promised lightning.

"Cassie! Cassie what are you doing up here?" I flinched when I heard my mother's panicked cry. "Honey you could have walked off the edge! You know I don't like you coming up here alone."

"You don't like me coming up here at all, mother." I pointed out dryly then tapped my cane against the ground. "Besides, I know I'm not near the edge."

"Even so, you could trip and have an accident and I wouldn't know!" My mother placed her hands on my shoulders and tried to turn me around but I planted myself firmly so that I would not budge.

"Describe it to me. Please?" Mother sighed before coming to join me. I felt her shiver beside me so I slid the blanket that I had wrapped around my shoulders around her and we huddled under it together.

"It's a clear night tonight but there are clouds in the distance." She began. "The moon seems exceptionally bright, like a white gem of polished stone flashing against the dark sky. I know we do not see the stars in this city but the millions of lights from houses, lamps and cars make up for it tenfold. They stretch out like a river as far as the eye can see." I pictured the scene and smiled.

"Alright. I'm ready now." Mother tucked my hand into the crook of her elbow and guided me gently back to the stairs, taking them painfully slow so that Cassie could tap them out for her mother's sake, making sure that she knew that Cassie knew they were there. "Alright, around the corner to the right, that's it."

"Mother I know the way better than I know the grip of my cane. I'm alright, really."

"Nonsense. You never know what might happen. Someone could accidentally bump into you and knock you down the stairs! You need someone to help you so here I am." She patted my arm affectionately and I sighed. I loved my mother but she worried far too much.

"I'm blind, not deaf. I would be able to hear them coming and besides, they would have to be the blind one to not be able to see that I cannot see." However the argument was fruitless. Mother had it in her head that I was weak and impaired. Which I was, to some extent. She led me back to the sofa then flicked on the light.

"Please don't turn them all on." I told her as she reached for the lamp beside me. "It's just a waste of electricity."

"Oh right, yes of course." Mother drew back then sighed. "But how did you know I was going to turn the lamp on?"

"I sensed someone close." I answered her simply. "And I can smell you."

"What? I smell?" Instantly she sniffed herself with a frown. Or at least I think she was frowning, knowing my mother she would be.

"No, no, not like that. I can smell your perfume." I quickly assured her. "It's a lovely smell, what one is it?" I could hear her blush as she giggled quietly.

"Jeremy bought it for me for our anniversary. One year together! It's so amazing, he's amazing."

"You've been dating him for a year already?" Time really does fly by.

"I know!" She clapped her hands together with excitement. "He's promised to take me out for a meal tomorrow as he's working tonight, he even bought me a new necklace, would you like to feel?" I nodded and held out my hand which was soon holding something light and slightly warm. I put down my cane and carefully picked up the necklace.

It was a fine chain and the pendant was a gemstone of some kind, knowing Jeremy whatever it was it was going to be genuine. It was a small gem, about the size of a peanut. "Colour?"

"Ruby on a gold chain."

"He has excellent taste, your man." I smiled up at her then carefully held it out to her which she took and replaced it around her neck. "What did you get him?"

"A Rolex, some new ties and cufflinks." Well, if you're made of money then why the hell not? "You should really move in with us sweetie, we could easily take care of you, you wouldn't have to worry about money or anything ever again."

"I will not live off of you charity, no matter how tempting it is." I smiled at her. "I want to be independent."

"But honey, you live in this crummy old flat without two cents to rub together."

"I know but this is still my life. I've managed before." Without needing eyes to see I could tell she was looking at me with watery eyes of pity. She sniffed.

"You weren't blind before." There was a long, uncomfortable silence.

"Listen, I'm grateful for you stopping by to take care of me but you have your own life now and so do I. There are plenty of other blind people in the world who have to deal with a worse situation than I do. I've got my job and my home and that's all I'll ever need to keep afloat." I felt her come sit next to me and wrap her arms about my shoulders so I shifted, fumbling to hug her back without head butting her.

"I just worry about my baby." Tears streaked down her face. "It's just so unfair."

"Life isn't fair, mother, it's the way it is." She shrugged then pulled back. "I'll be alright. I promise. I won't go back upstairs and I won't leave the flat until my alarm wakes me up tomorrow. Will that make you feel better?" Mother thought for a moment, biting her lip.

"I don't know, what if you trip or something? Or knock over a knife and fall on it?" In answer I shook out my wrist and showed her the band on my wrist.

"It's getting late so you should be going. Just don't worry, I've managed to survive my own flat for the last eighteen months, I'm sure another night won't kill me." Mother sighed then stood up.

"Alright. But be sure to call if you need anything and I mean anything." She kissed my face and the moment she pulled back I rubbed the sticky lipstick from my cheek. "Even if it is in the middle of the night I'll come right over."

"I will mother. I promise." I stood, flicked out my cane then began to follow her to the door. Despite having the stick I did not really need it since I knew my flat well. I knew each step as if my head were a map. "Goodbye sweetie, I love you." Mother hugged me again before opening the door.

"I love you too. Say hello to Jeremy for me?"

"I shall. Goodnight." With that she was gone. The moment I heard her footfalls step into the elevator I breathed a sigh of relief. As much as I loved her she was rather draining. I turned off the lights and opened a window to allow some of the stifling heat out since mother had turned it right up to the temperature she liked it to be.

Picking up the book from the table where I had left it I sat down in my favourite armchair and began to read, running my hand over the page at a steady pace. I was sat there for at least an hour, peaceful as a gentle breeze blew through. When I heard thunder begin to rumble and heard the soft patter of rain outside I stood and slowly made my way over to the windows. I closed all the curtains then went to the open one, planning to close it but something large and heavy sounding landed on the fire escape outside, making me freeze.

It clattered closer and I heard a heavy grunting and a slight groan as if it were in pain. It was a man, I could tell simply by the size but something was slightly off about him, he was too light footed for any ordinary man. I jumped when he actually tumbled through my window and collapsed, gasping for air.

"Hello?" Instantly the breathing stopped. I crept forwards, running my cane over the ground to seek him out. "Are you alright." He didn't answer but I heard him get up and retreat back somewhere. Reaching out I slowly slid the window closed and drew the curtains, blocking out the thunder and rain so I could focus on this person.

"Who are you?" I asked in a gentle voice then heard a slow breath exhale. "I'm Cassie, you kind of fell through my window."

"I'm sorry." An accented voice spoke quietly. It was deep and sinister, making me shiver slightly. "I thought there was no one home. Lights were off."

"Oh, I don't need the lights on." I smiled calmly and reached out beside me, groping until I found the lamp which I switched on. I might be wrong but I believe this strange intruder exhaled in relief when he saw me. "You're not planning on hurting me are you?"

"Shell no." Shell? How strange. "Didn't mean to come in, I just needed to hide someplace."

"Are you in trouble with the police?" Instantly I frowned, wondering whether it was wise to be so hospital towards this stranger.

"No, not the police. Just some thugs."

"Oh, then of course you can stay in here. Are you hurt? They didn't get you did they?" I made my way forwards, reaching out with one hand to find him but he slid away from me.

"Please don't, I don't want to scare you."

"I know you're here so it's fine." However I did not pursue him. Perhaps he was simply shy. "Like I said, my name is Cassie. Cassie Becker. What's yours?"

"I'm Raphael Yoshi." That was a very beautiful name, strong but elegant.

"Raphael…" I tried it on my tongue and liked the way it shaped. "Are you hungry?" Turning I went over to my kitchen with confident strides and opened the fridge. "I have some cold pasta and cheese I could heat up for you?"

"No thank you. I won't bother you further." He said but I had already picked it up and put it in the microwave to cook. "Could I use your bathroom?"

"Sure, the bathroom is the door on the right from the front door through my room and then the other door you see." I directed him.

"Thanks." He mumbled before heading for the door. I listened to the gentle hum of the microwave as it cooked the pasta. I opened a draw and selected a fork ready for when Raphael came back. When he did I smelled blood.

"You're hurt." I informed him without turning around. "So they did get you."

"How do you know?" He seemed sharp but I assume it was merely because he was surprised.

"I can smell the blood." I told him simply, opening the microwave after it began to beep loudly at me. I used the oven gloves to pick up the hot bowl then carried it over to the table, placing it up and down several times until I had found the placemat. "Here, you need to keep up your strength." I placed the fork beside the bowl then pulled out the seat for him.

Slowly he sat down and I could feel his eyes on me as I went over to the closet and drew out the first aid kit. "Where are you hurt?"

"It's nothing." He muttered as he shoved some food into his mouth. "I'll look at it later."

"What sort of host would I be if I let you bleed on my floor?" I rolled my eyes and gingerly approached him, careful not to get too close as he seemed to not want me near him. I placed the kit on the table then patted it. "There. I insist you patch yourself up at least if you won't let me do it."

"Thanks." He said before eating another forkful. There was a long silence where I simply sat down in my chair and continued to read my book. "Why are you helping me?"

"You did just fall through my window and it sounded like you were struggling to breathe." I answered, not looking towards his voice or even opening my eyes as I continued to read. "I did not sense you to be a bad person so I thought it safe to at least ask who you were. When I found out you were hurt and on the run, I did what any decent human being would do." There was another long silence before he stood.

"I should go. Don't want to draw them here."

"Are you sure?" Snapping my book shut I stood. "You're more than welcome to stay. They wouldn't think of looking here would they?"

"They might if someone saw me. I have to go before-" There was a knock on the door. I looked over to it and picked up my cane then looked blindly over to where I had last heard his voice.

"You'd better hide."

"Right." He answered then I heard him dart into a door. I made my way as slowly as I dared over to the door before opening it with the chain still on.

"Who is there?"

"Sorry ma'am but we were told someone was seen sneaking around on the fire escape on this side of the building, particularly by this window. Have you heard anything?" I pretended to think for a moment.

"Oh! Yes I think I did. At first I thought it was the rain but then I realised it sounded more like footsteps. They went up to the roof though. I heard them climb up. Who would be daft enough to go out there in the rain, I wonder?"

"How do you know it was footsteps?" He asked curiously and I could smell his foul breath.

"I may be blind but I certainly am not deaf." I bristled, standing up a little straighter. "For your information I hear rather well."

"Right…" He muttered something to the other men with him. "Mind if we come in?"

"Certainly not!" I snapped at him. "How dare you be so forthright? I do not even know who you are. Are you the police? If you are then I would like you to hand me some identification."

"But you can't see." He stated dumbly and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes but I can feel, a badge is still a badge and I want to have confirmation of who you are before I let some strangers into my home." They shifted uncomfortably under the force of my tone.

"Right. Sorry ma'am. We won't be troubling you again." A little more quietly he muttered to his companions. "Hurry, to the roof. We could still catch him." Listening until they were gone I slammed the door shut then huffed. Composing myself once more I listened for my mysterious guest.

"Hello? Are you still there?" I whispered, heading towards my bedroom where I could have sworn he had disappeared into.

"I'm here." His voice came from right beside me, making me jump in surprise.


"Sorry, I thought you heard me."

"No, surprisingly I didn't. How did you do that?"

"Practice." I heard his shoulders shift in a shrug. "I have to go now. Thanks for covering and for your help."

"No problem. Are you sure you're going to be alright?" I reached out and somehow managed to touch his arm. It was hard with large muscle and it was rough, not the texture of a man's skin. I didn't react though as I felt him tense so whatever this stranger was, he was probably very conscious of what he was. I blinked innocently at what I hoped was his face.

"Yeah…I'll be fine." He muttered then gently drew away. I chuckled.

"You're welcome to fall through my window again any time." He laughed under his breath, a quiet but meaningful laugh.

"You take care princess." He told me then I heard him disappear out the way he came. A freezing wind blew around my bare shoulders and I shivered, hurrying to close the window after him.

"Well, how extraordinary." I mused then went to shower and change after putting the first aid kit away. After changing into slacks and a top I slid into bed and settled down, the strange character playing in my mind. I shrugged and settled down, smiling softly into my pillow as sleep overcame me.