A/N: *Creeps out from the shadows* so uh… hi? I know it's been a while, but my life got really busy with uni and starting a new job. Also, I've just finished 6 weeks of full time prac at a school so that has taken up most of my free time. But I'm back, refreshed and ready to go! Thank you for your patience during this time and for the lovely reviews while I was gone!

Summary: "Helia, watch out!" Flora cried out in warning but it was too late. Now with his memories gone, all Flora can try and do is help him regain them and for him to remember her… and make sure he doesn't fall for Princess Krystal in the process. Alternate Season 5.

"Ahhh, Solaria!" Stella cheered as she leant back into Brandon. Brandon smiled and only tightened his grip around her waist as the boat glided across the oceans of Solaria. Stella, Aisha and Flora were on the mission to retrieve the Gem of Self Confidence after Stella had figured out the riddle's answer was on her home planet. Brandon and Roy, a guard of the palace of Andros, had also decided to come with the three fairies.

"It's so beautiful, Stella!" Flora smiled as she tilted her head back to get some sunlight. An escape from Magix was exactly what the Nature Fairy had needed. It was good to sometimes get away and have a break from the Helia situation. Flora had been going over there almost every day and Helia had made little progress in gathering his memories.

"Hey Flo, I was talking to Helia earlier, he said that his mom wanted to talk to you later." Brandon said to the bronze skinned fairy.

"Oh, ok." Flora nodded. "I'll come back to Red Fountain with you after we're done here."

"We have to go see Daddy first." Stella interrupted their conversation. "I called him to say that I was going to be home for a bit and he wants to see us. All of us." She gazed up at Brandon expectantly.

"You got it, babe." Brandon looked down at her, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. Flora and Aisha however, saw how the Squire tensed up at the thought of seeing Radius. The two had met quite a few times and Brandon had found him a little bit intimidating.

Flora and Aisha exchanged amused glances at the thought of Brandon being intimidated by the King of Solaria. Brandon had no problem going on a dangerous mission but seeing the man who could be his father-in-law one day? That was scary. "Wait til the guys hear about this." Flora whispered to her best friend.

"Especially Riven, he'll have a field day." Aisha smirked back, barely containing her laughter.

"Hey, what's that?" Brandon asked as he pointed in front of the yacht to a patch of the ocean that seemed to be shining.

"That is the royal deeps." Stella answered proudly as Roy slowed the yacht down.

"That light seems to come from the bottom." Aisha said.

"Where the dark depths of the ocean shine!" Flora exclaimed.

"Just like the riddle said!" Stella beamed. "Are you ready?" She asked Flora and Aisha, detangling herself from Brandon. Flora nodded as she felt a tingle of excitement shoot through her. This was the first time she was going to transform into her Harmonix form, with Stella and Aisha already testing out their new powers in the oceans of Andros.

"Magic Winx, Harmonix!" The three fairies chorused and in a flash of light, they had transformed into their Harmonix form.

"Wow!" Flora whispered to herself as she got a good look at herself in her Harmonix form the first time. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail, with shells in pink and green in it. She was wearing a green tube top with light green accents and pink flowers in the middle with a pink tutu like skirt that looked a bit like petals with a veil at the back which stopped at her feet. She had high heeled pink shoes with pink and green ribbons which criss-crossed all the way up to her lower thighs.

"You look stunning!" Aisha told her, who looked like an underwater princess. Flora smiled her thanks as the girls flew around the boat.

"Looking good, Winx! Yeah!" Roy cheered.

Stella smiled as she few down to where Brandon was, wanting to show off her new fairy form to her boyfriend. "You look beautiful, Stella." Brandon said in awe.

Stella giggled, her honey coloured eyes gleaming in delight. "Hearing that makes me feel beautiful, Brandon." Stella cooed.

"Ugh, enough lovey dovey. Time to get down there." Aisha instructed.

"Good luck, Winx!" Roy said as the three girls dove into the water.

"I hope they find what they're looking for down there." Brandon said anxiously.

"Brandon! We got it!" Stella squealed as she, Aisha and Flora surfaced from the oceans of Solaria. The three fairies had just retrieved the Gem of Self Confidence but it hadn't been without difficulty. The Nature Fairy had been turned to stone while trying to protect Aisha and Stella's Selkies and it was clear that Flora was a bit shaken up about it.

"That's great Stell!" Brandon grinned at his gorgeous girlfriend, snatching her up into his arms once she was near him.

"Nice work, girls." Roy smiled. Aisha nodded in response, she was still a bit unsure of what to think when it came to Roy. After what had happened to Nabu, Aisha needed some time before she let another man into her life, even if Roy was just trying to be friendly.

Flora landed on the deck of the boat and detransformed out of her Harmonix and into the sailor outfit that Stella had created for her. She sent a message to Bloom, Tecna and Musa to say that they had gotten the gem as Roy started up the boat's engine and raised the anchor. "You should've seen me, Brandon! I worked out how to stop this creepy jellyfish monster!" Stella was explaining to her boyfriend excitedly.

Brandon chuckled, kissing the Solarian Princess. "I'm so proud of you, cupcake." He murmured when the two broke apart.

"Thanks Snookums. I think Daddy wants us to see him now, is that ok with everyone?" Stella asked and Aisha and Roy assured her that was fine. Flora however, didn't reply. "Flo? Are you ready to go?" Stella repeated her question.

"Huh?" Flora looked up. "Oh yeah, of course!" She smiled.

Brandon frowned in concern. "You ok, Flora?" He asked.

"She got turned to stone when we were down there." Stella whispered as she broke apart from her boyfriend and the two walked over to where the quiet fairy was.

"Oh man, seriously?" Brandon said. "Poor girl."

"Yeah, it was really bad." Stella said as they reached Flora. The Fairy of the Sun and Moon pulled her into a comforting hug and Brandon rested a hand on her back. "You're ok, Flo." Stella whispered.

"Thanks, Stell." Flora replied hugging her back before smiling her thanks at Brandon. "How is Helia's training going?" She asked the squire as she and Stella broke their hug.

"It's not too bad, actually. You can see that he's slowly improving and relearning every day. Codatorta is surprisingly patient with him." Brandon joked and the two fairies laughed in response as Aisha came over to join the three. The very thought of the hot headed instructor being patient with anyone was an amusing image.

"That's good, I'm glad that he is doing well." Flora smiled.

"He's been asking for you, you know." Brandon smiled down at her. "He says that every time that you two talk it seems to be helping him."

"Really? At least that's something I can do to help him. I didn't know him before he got transferred."

"Maybe you should flirt with him a little more, that might help give his memory a jog." Stella suggested, nudging Flora.

"Um…" Flora went bright red at the thought. She wasn't that confident when it came to flirting at all. Even though she and Helia did flirt when they first met, Flora was simply following Helia's lead, not realising what she was doing.

"Stella!" Aisha scolded her although there was a smile on her face when she saw her best friend's reaction to Stella's suggestion.

"Maybe she should first be his friend, Stell. That's how they started off." Brandon was chuckling as the boat came closer towards the shoreline.

After an… interesting… meeting with King Radius of Solaria, which was mainly Brandon getting bombarded with question after question to the amusement of Flora, Aisha and Roy and to the annoyance of Stella, the group had travelled back to Magix on the boat thanks to Roy, who then left to go back to help out the situation on Andros.

Flora was walking through the Alfea courtyard, dressed in a pair of jeans and a green long sleeved shirt with pink flats and had her hair pulled up into a messy bun. She liked it when she got to dress in simple clothes such as these, it made her happy.

"Flora!" A voice called out to her and Flora turned around.

"Princess Krystal!" Flora bowed slightly at the sight of her princess.

"Hey! How did your mission go?" Krystal asked her curiously.

"It went really well. We found what we were looking for and then we saw King Radius absolutely grill Brandon." Flora explained as the two Linpheans continued to walk.

"Congratulations. That's great news." Krystal told her sincerely. "So, I saw Helia today." She said.

"How is he?" Flora asked, trying to hide the jealousy that she felt all because that Krystal had seen him.

"He's pretty good. He asked after you and where you were. It seems that he sees you as someone that he can trust the most." The Linphean Princess replied.

"Really?" Flora smiled in delight. "I'm actually on my way to meet his mom. Brandon said that she wanted to see me."

"Yeah, she does. She has been wondering why she hasn't seen you since she arrived at Red Fountain. I told her that you've been really busy with this mission to gain a new fairy power and she seemed ok with that answer." Krystal smiled. "I thought of another way that we could help Helia." She said eagerly, wanting to share her idea with Flora.

"Yeah? What is it?" Flora asked.

"I thought that maybe we could take him back to Linphea one time, if you have time of course, and maybe show him around the places that he would be familiar with like the palace and the places that you guys have been together."

"That sounds fantastic!" Flora enthused. "I don't know when we're going to get our next quest but I'll make sure to tell you when I can come."

"If you can't come, I can take him to the palace on my own." Krystal said, eager for some alone time with Helia.

"Oh, I'm sure I can make the time." Flora smiled at Krystal sweetly. "Just let me know when we're going home."

"Ok, sure. Anyway, I've got to go, Wizgiz set us so much homework in class today and Roxy and I want to do it together." Krystal said, referring to one of her dorm mates and the Fairy of Animals.

"If you need any help, just let me know. I'm more than happy to help you out." Flora said sincerely.

"Thanks Flora. Later." Krystal waved at her as she walked inside.

"Bye Krystal!"

Flora landed softly in the courtyard of Red Fountain and detransformed back into the same clothes she was wearing before. She fixed her hair into a high ponytail as she walked into the building and to where Helia's parents were staying. Knocking on the door, Flora waited until someone opened it.

"Ah, Flora!" Madison opened the door, a smile on her face. "It's lovely to see you, dear." She hugged the Nature Fairy.

"You too, Mrs Knightley." Flora replied politely, hugging her back.

"Call me Madison, sweetheart. You should know that by now. Come in!" She opened the door wider and Flora stepped inside.

"Thank you, Madison." Flora smiled at her as Helia's mother closed the door. "Sorry I haven't seen you yet, I know I should've seen you earlier." She apologised.

"Oh, not to worry dear, I know you're busy with you mission. After all, you are the Guardian Fairy of Linphea and one of the most powerful fairies in the Magical Dimension! How is your mission going?" Madison asked as she sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to her.

"It's going well. We found the first gem to help us gain Sirenix." Flora explained, also sitting down.

"That's great! I'm very proud of you and I'm sure Helia will be when you tell him the news." Madison smiled. "Flora dear, I can't help but be concerned though. You seem to have a lot on your plate with your mission, making sure with Linphea is protected as well as what has happened to my son. I don't want you spreading yourself too thin." The older woman said in concern.

"I'll be fine Madison, don't worry. To be honest, I'm more worried about Helia than I am about the Sirenix mission. He is the most important person in the world to me." Flora admitted. "And to see him like this breaks my heart." She continued, tears gathering in her eyes.

"I know it does. As a mother, to see your child and he doesn't remember who you are, it's heart breaking." Madison agreed, giving Flora a tissue. "But don't worry, between you and Princess Krystal, I am sure that Helia will get his memories back. Derek and I will do the best we can too."

"Yes, Krystal and I were talking about going back to Linphea with Helia soon and taking him to places he would be familiar with." Flora said, wiping away her tears.

"That sounds wonderful, dear." Madison smiled. Flora smiled back and then there was a knock on the door. Madison stood up and opened the door to reveal Helia, Saladin and Derek.

"Flora!" Helia smiled once he saw the gorgeous fairy.

"Hi Helia!" Flora smiled brightly, standing up as Derek and Saladin greeted the fairy. "Hello Derek, Headmaster Saladin." She added.

"Good to see you, Flora." Saladin smiled at her as Helia walked over to the Nature Fairy. "How did your mission go?"

"It went well… there was a slight hiccup but Stella got the gem in the end." Flora replied.

"Well done! We're relying on you and the Winx to beat Tritannus. I think you'll be fine." Saladin winked at the Nature Fairy.

"Thank you, headmaster."

"Father, Mother, Grandfather, do you mind if Flora and I take a walk?" Helia interrupted their conversation.

"Of course not, son." Derek smiled at the two. "Enjoy."

"Thank you!" Flora smiled as she and Helia walked out of the room. "How are you feeling?" Flora asked Helia as they walked the halls of Red Fountain.

"I'm good thank you. The guys, mother and father and my grandfather have been helping me a lot. My memory definitely seem to be getting clearer." Helia replied. "But seriously, how did your mission go? You said there was a slight hiccup?"

"Well… I got turned to stone by the monster we were fighting." Flora sighed, hanging her head.

"But you're ok now, right?" Helia asked her in concern.

"I will be. I just felt helpless unable to do anything. Especially since that was my first time in my new fairy form." Flora sighed.

"I'm sure that you'll be able to kick butt next time. You are a very powerful fairy from what I've gathered from Sky, Brandon, Timmy and even Riven." Helia chuckled.

"Riven said that?" Flora smiled. "That's amazing coming from him."

"Well, he didn't exactly say that but he eluded to it. He thinks that his girlfriend his the most powerful."

"Yeah, Musa is pretty powerful." Flora agreed. The two continued to walk on in silence before coming to a bench which they sat down on.

"Helia, Krystal and I were talking and we thought that we could take you back to Linphea for a few days. We could show you around the palace and other parts of Linphea that we've been to together." Flora said, looking up at him.

"Yeah… I'd like that." Helia smiled, casually resting an arm behind Flora.

"G-great!" Flora stammered as she noticed Helia's arm. Blushing furiously, Flora tried to compose herself and Helia thought that it was one of the cutest things he had ever seen. "We'll try to organise it as soon as possible." She continued.

"Sounds good, Flora."

"And there is also a mixer with Alfea and Red Fountain in a few days. They hold it every year…" Flora said.

"I'll be there." Helia promised her. He intended to keep that promise too. He did not want to hurt the gorgeous fairy that he was currently with. That had to mean that she was very important to him if she kept making him feel like this.

A/N: I seriously did not know how to end this chapter haha. I legit sat down for nearly 7 hours to write this chapter for you guys, trying to put in a bit of the episode before writing the rest as my own =) Anyways, thank you so much for reading and don't forget to leave a review! xx