Alright, this is the first chapter of the first story of many stories that will all come together to make my 'The Stark Line' series. I know, that was a confusing mouthful. Anyways, these stories are going to be based around the Marvel-Verse obviously, so if you're interested, keep an eye out for the others. They will all come together in certain ways, but if you don't read the others, that's okay. Any outside appearing characters from the other stories will be baseline explained, so their presence won't be abrupt and unnecessary.

Of course, I don't own Fantastic Four or any Marvel productions. Just Tyler (Lily) and any other Original Characters.


Chapter 1

"Beginnings are sudden, but also insidious. They creep up on you sideways, they keep to the shadows, they lurk unrecognized. Then, later, they spring." -Margaret Astwood, 'The Blind Assassin'

Ben Grimm and Reed Richards stood side by side, staring up in distaste at the currently being raised golden statue. Ben scoffed slightly, "Typical of Victor Von Doom to build a 30-foot statue of himself." The irritation was thick in his voice as Reed gave a pained expression.

"The statue is obviously aimed at the first-time visitors. It makes the population think they're smaller than Victor himself, creating a condemned atmosphere of nervousness and pity towards yourself-" Ben narrowed his eyes slightly, scrutinizing his friend. "For when you eventually screw up." Reed's eyes stayed fixed on the statue until Ben gave him a quick clap on the back. "Good thing it ain't working, huh?" Red smiled weakly back to his friend, shaking his head quietly.

"Seriously Reed, what are we doing here?" They began walking towards the entrance as Ben gestured towards the building. "This guy's fast-food, strip-mall science." Reed merely sighed, trying to dispel the anxiety driven headache already pounding away behind his eyes. "This isn't our first stop, in case you forgot. Besides," He sighed, staring up at the building in slight despair. "Victor's not that bad, just a little larger than life."

Reed inhaled quickly, trying to settle the nervous roiling of his stomach as he continued his proposal. "My research suggests that exposure to a high-energy cosmic storm borne on solar winds might have triggered the evolution of early planetary life." The 3-D simulation portrayed a small red cloud smacking into the digital earth, it was the only light in the large office. "In six weeks," the simulation continued, showing the earth continuing to thrive after the wave's strike. "Another cloud with the same elemental profile-" The simulation brought another red cloud around the Earth, but it merely passed by the planet continuing on its path. "will pass Earth's orbit."

He fumbled the small remote in his hand before clicking it, changing the display to a 3-D strain of DNA. "A study conducted in space could fundamentally advance our knowledge about the human genome, cure countless diseases, extend human life, give kids a chance to live longer, stronger, healthier-"

"Turn it off," the deep voiced interruption killed the excitement bubbling in his chest. "Please." The courteous gesture was condescending, making an angry flush come to both men's faces. "I don't think I've explained my proposal fully-" The lights turned on quickly as the projection flickered away.

"Oh," Victor's voice, face, body language all exuded confidence, walking a thin line with arrogance. "I think you have, Reed." He stepped forward, a mocking smile playing on his lips as he came closer to the genius. "Same old Reed, always stretching, reaching for the stars with the weight of the world on his back." With the flick of his wrist, Rolex glinting brightly in the light, magazines plopped onto the table. "Dreams don't pay the bills, do they?"

Reed stared down at his own face, the bright red letters spelling out 'BANKRUPT!' staring violently back. He swallows thickly before bringing his eyes back up to that condescending smirk. "You remember in school, we talked about working together. That's what I was about to explain." He clicks the remote again, bringing the holographic picture of a space station to life.

"So it's not just my money you want, but my toys to." The complaisant millionaire smiles, a challenge hidden in his expression. "Tell me, if NASA doesn't trust you, why should I?" Reed frowns as a scoff carries from Ben's corner of the office. "That's my job. To stay ahead. To know what other men don't."

Ben steps up to Reed, his face aggravated. "Come on, I can't take this." Reed shakes his head slightly, turning to stare down at his old friend. "Ben, this is business. Just work." Ben shakes his head again turning his glare on the other man in the room. Victor smiles back, enjoying the tense atmosphere he's created.

"He's right, Ben." The clearly female voice breaks the tense air, all men turning to stare at the approaching blonde woman. "It's just business." She steps forward out of the shadows, her eyes coolly glancing over Reed before landing warmly on Ben. Victor's smile widens at the sight of her. "I believe you both know my Director of Genetic Research, Susan Storm."

Ben smiles fondly at the petite woman. "Hey Sue," dropping his voice he leans slightly towards Reed. "One more thing he's got." Opening his arms, he wrapped her into a tight hug. "Ben, it's been too long, how's Debbie?"

"She's great, Sue."

"That's great."

They step away from one another, a warm smile on Sue's lips before she turns her blue eyes to Reed. Awkwardly clearing his throat, he extends his hand civilly. " have you been?" Her face remained impassive, hard, as she gripped his hand tightly and gave it a quick up and down before releasing it. "Never better."

Victor watched the entire exchange, a certain glee in his eye before clearing his throat. "This isn't going to be a problem, is it?" Susan and Reed whipped around quickly, denying it simultaneously. "Not at all." Reed's voice was strong compared to Susan's demure "Oh, no." Her eyes took on a shine of hurt.

"Good, then you are just in time to hear the great Reed Richards beg me for help." Victor smiled brightly, sidling up beside Susan comfortably. "You know, you made a lot of people at MIT feel like they belonged at a junior high science fair, so you'll excuse me if I savor this moment." He was smug, and that just made Reed's stomach churn even more.

"You back up this mission and I'll sign over a fair percentage of any applications-"

"The number is seventy-five." Victor smiled brightly again. "And it's applications and patents."

"What about his first born?" Ben's sarcasm dripped venomously in the air. Reed looked at Ben, his eyes pleading with him to let it go. "Oh Ben, twenty-five percent of a billion is enough to keep the lights on for a while, isn't it? Maybe you could pay off your fourth mortgage on the Baxter Building." Ben's glare darkened, suspicion in his old eyes as Victor raised his hand to Reed. "Deal?"

Slowly, Reed gripped his hand and shook once. Victor's predatory smile widened as he stepped back to wrap a possessive arm around Susan's shoulders. "Well then, to a new future together." Susan's smile tightened slightly, but stayed in place as she caught Reed's eyes. "Funny how things turn out, isn't it?"


Reed quickly packed all of the projection equipment back into his briefcase, his face relieved yet strained at the same time. Victor and Susan were on the opposite side of the grandiose office, speaking quietly to on another. His eyes lingered on the two before turning to face Ben. They both started off for the elevator together, keeping their eyes ahead.

"He knew about NASA, maybe he made the call to shut us down." Ben's voice was quiet, but held a warning. He shot an angry look in the general direction of Victor. "Ben, think about all the people we could help if this works," Reed replied, his voice a forced relaxed tone. "We got what we wanted and that's enough." A genuine smile quirked at his lips as they slowly approached the elevator. "Besides, a few days in space, it'll be great! What's the worst that could happen?"

Susan suddenly appeared beside them, reaching forward to press the down button for the elevator. She offered a small smile in Ben's direction before her face took on the impassive look from earlier. "Reed, you should know those clouds have been picking up speed."

"Oh, don't worry. I've factored that in already to my coordinates." Reed smiled, appreciative of the science based talk. "Right, of course you did," Susan smiled slightly as well, her's mocking. "In theory." It was a jab, and they both knew it. Reed's back straightened as he turned slightly, bristling in irritation.

"I can assure you-"

"When are we leaving?" Ben's casual interruption snapped the two out of it, bringing them both back to reality. Ben was in the elevator as well. "I'll be scheduling the launch, so you can call me in the morning for resources and crew," Susan held her card out to Reed. Another jab.

"I think I remember it." Reed jabbed back, a smug smile on his lips, but it quickly melted away at her snappy rebuttal. "It's been changed." Begrudgingly, he took the card. Ben glanced between the two as an awkward silence fell over the small space. Clearing his throat once, he gave a pointed look to Reed who in turn put on his best friendly smile while wrapping an arm around Ben's shoulders.

"As far as crew, I was hoping Ben could pilot-"

"We already have a pilot on payroll, but you're welcome to ride shotgun, Ben. You remember my brother Johnny?"

A tense silence took over the space again as both men shared a very disgruntled look.

"Sue," Ben's voice was a bit timid as he locked eyes with the woman again. "There's uh, someone else..."

"Nope, can't do it. I cannot do it!" Ben glared harshly through his pair of binoculars. The revolting and envy-inducing scene of Johnny Storm riding his motorcycle, while making out with a girl driving a car, snapping his resolve.

Reed, completely oblivious to his friend's rage, continued to stare up at the space craft they were standing on the deck of. "External SRV's, Orbital System engines; it's just like the shuttle you flew." He turned around, just now catching onto the scene just a few miles away. "No," Ben snarked back. "I can't take orders from the underwear model."

"Come on, Ben." Reed's sigh was already defeated, knowing it was a losing argument. And he was on the wrong side.

"That wing-nut got washed out of NASA for sneaking two Victoria Secret model wanna-be's into a flight simulator." Ben's look was pointed, and spoke in clear volumes how much he despised the position he was in.

Reed chuckled, a lighthearted shrug rolling off of his shoulders. "Youthful spirits?"

His counterpart just gave him a blank look. "They crashed into a wall." Reed raised an eyebrow at that. "A flight simulator." Reed sighed again, looking back down the road. Whatever he had been about to say died as a quirky smile tugged at his lips.

"Well, good thing we've got a secret weapon on our side, huh?"

Ben removed his glare from Reed, only to start laughing at the sight of the old clunker of a truck come flying down the road, kicking up dust and rocks as it closed in on the amorous couple.

Tyler Lillian Wilson was not a woman whom would be described as tactful, and when driving, her patience was highly questionable.

Dark brunette hair flew to and fro in the wind, the lazy ponytail just barely held together by an over-stretched elastic band. A scowl twisted at otherwise chapped pink lips. The aviator shades flashed as she threw her head back in exasperation at the scene currently in front of her.

"GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY WAY CASANOVA!" She swore as the idiot on the bike swerved dangerously, surprised by the sudden yell and obnoxious honking that followed. "THAT LITTLE BIKE'S ABOUT TO FILL POT HOLES IF YOU DON'T MOVE!" The biker looked up, his mouth hanging open in pure shock as the old sputtering truck started to pass him. A lazy hand appeared, offering a salute as the aggressive woman passed him. The salute dropped into the bird as she flew by, the truck throwing rocks back at the adorable couple.

With a quick shake of her head, she focused back on the road ahead, a small smirk quirking her lips just the slightest. There was a loud yell in the background, barely heard over the rumble of her engine. Looking up, she could make out Ben and Reed, both waving enthusiastically from the metal bridge. A large smile split across her face at the sight of her old friends as she tromped the pedal to the floor, leaving the pretty boy in her dust, literally.

Pulling into a gravel parking lot, the truck sputtered pathetically as she turned it off, pausing to glare at it before she hopped out. With a casual flick of her wrist, she tossed the keys at a very startled guard before reaching back in to grab the heavy duffel bags out of the bed. "Keep 'er safe, aye?" He saluted quickly, before scrambling into the old clunker. "And not a scratch, ya hear me?"


The woman let out a small smile, her hazel eyes sparkling as she lifted the aviators to rest atop her head. Hefting the two duffel bags up to hang over both shoulders, she turned to face the larger man as he approached. His large smile was infectious, crinkling his eyes with years of laugh lines. Large arms encircled her, causing her to drop her heavy load with a quiet chuckle. "Ben, long time no see!"

Her arms wrapped around his torso with a quick squeeze before she pulled back to smirk at the other smiling man standing awkwardly to the side. "Reed, been a while since you called me in. Don't trust Vic's men, eh?"

Reed smiled sheepishly, rubbing his arm slightly. "No, no I'm sure they're competent, but..."

"I'm better, yeah I know." The three laughed, heading into the base. "Seriously, though. Quite a surprise to be called by you, and then to go into space, it's like all my dreams coming true in one phone call," she nudged his side lightly, enjoying the blush that rose to his cheeks. Reed cleared his throat, smiling easily at the joking tone he was well accustomed to. "W-well, I trust you with my man on the outside. You are the best."

"And don't you forget it, sweetheart."

Johnny Storm smirked brightly, twisting a small camera back and forth between his gloved hands, quickly approaching the prep room. Oh, he had been waiting for this day for quite some time. His lips stretched even further, just imagining the look on the older man's face. Oh yes, this day was long over-due in his books. Snickering quietly, he strode purposefully around the door while sucking in a deep breath. Bringing the camera up to eye level, he quickly entered the doorway.


The old pain in his ass instantly stopped what he was doing, snapping to attention quickly. Without a second, the blinding flash illuminated the room. Ben blinked once, confusion clear on his face for a moment before a snarl quickly overtook it. The young pilot snickered again, staring at the image on the camera.

"Digital camera $254, memory stick $59, and the look on your hard ass former C.O.'s face when he finds out he's your junior officer?" He paused the mini-monologue, coming to a quick drop onto a chair in front of the slowly reddening stick in the mud. "Priceless." Flashing a satisfied smirk, he leaned back, propping both arms behind his head. Ben's murderous look was simply so good, Johnny almost took another picture. The older man's hands came up quickly, gripping the neck of his jumpsuit causing the younger man to freeze slightly.

The sound of a zipper rang in the silence, the sound of a small relieved breath just barely hanging in the air before he was smiling mockingly up at the still scowling Ben. "Thank you." Rolling his eyes, Ben turned around quickly, reaching into his designated locker. Tyler, still unnoticed in the background, shared a small smile with Reed at the exchange.

"You know, I can handle this ship. I can even handle Mr. Blond-ambition. However-" he turned around, holding up a matching suit to the one Johnny was currently wearing. "I don't know whether I should be flying or doing swan lake in these suits." There was a scoff from behind the young man, and it was distinctly female. "More like riding a unicycle on a tightrope if you ask me, but hey, I'm not the one who made 'em." Curious, Johnny craned his neck back, watching as a young woman with dark brown hair held in a loose bun came walking around towards Ben. She was dressed in tight knee-torn jeans, a plain grey t-shirt, and a leather jacket. She had thick aviator shades resting on the bridge of her nose as she sneered down at the suit in Ben's hands.

Instantly, Johnny's eyes narrowed into a glare, intensely staring at the new face.

"Hey! You're the chick-"

"Actually, Victor did," Susan suddenly came in the room, her own suit already in place. Johnny turned his glare from the girl, who hadn't even glanced his way, to Reed. Whom, might I add, was eyeing his sister a little too much for his liking. "The Synthetics act as a second skin. Adapting to your bodies individual needs."

"See that means, it keeps the hot stuff hot and the cool stuff cool," he smirked at Ben and the girl as they both threw a sideways glance in his general direction. The girl opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off as Reed came up to her and Ben, his eyes seeming to linger on Sue just a bit too long. 'And what the hell's with that smile, Sue? Come on, now.' Johnny frowned lightly, liking this situation less and less by the minute.

"Wow, fantastic!" Reed missed Sue's brightening smile, instead reaching for the suit in Ben's hands. 'Ouch. Burn, big sis.'

"A material made from unregulated, unstable molecules. I've been working on a formula like this." Reed smiled up at Sue again before turning to the girl. Sue's face fell, her eyes narrowing at Reed and the 'competition' he was now giving his attention to. "Great minds think alike I guess."

The girl just snorted, before turning to face Sue. "If that's what you wanna call these guys, sure. Don't think we've met before, name's Lily," she stuck out her hand with a small smirk. Sue glanced at it before thrusting a suit into it instead. "Susan Storm." She stepped past the girl, handing Ben his own suit kindly. Lily turned, her eyebrow raised in confusion at the obvious hostility. Sue threw the final suit at Reed before quickly leaving the room.

The three shared incredulous glances, watching as the blonde stormed out of the room. Johnny, however, was preoccupied with roving his eyes down the new piece of eye-candy. He smirked brightly, turning on the mega-watt charm as he leaned forward to get just a smidgen closer.

"So, Lily is it?" The name literally purred, and he absolutely loved the way it just rolled off the tongue. She turned, slowly, her eyebrow still raised. "Ah, Casanova. Didn't realize you were actually a part of this little team." With that, she turned and walked toward the other door. "Please tell me you pilot better then you drove that shitty little bike." And for the second time that day, Johnny gaped after that woman only this time with Ben laughing boisterously in the background.

And, that's a wrap on Chapter 1. Please let me know how you feel about it. All reviews are welcome, well I'd prefer non-flame angry rants that are just angry rants. Now constructive criticism is a different story, I love those. They help me, a lot. :]

GhostDoor out baby~