Disclaimer: Don't own Bleach. I do own some dryer sheets, though.

Renji groaned as his friends helped him to his feet. "Where did that ball come from?"

"No idea," Ichigo answered, just as perplexed.

"Sorry about that," a voice called. "Sometimes Grimmjow doesn't know his own strength. Either that, or it was totally deliberate."

The three Shinigamis and the three humans, including one Quincy, looked up to see a tall, slim man with pink hair hurry towards them, a pair of white glasses perched on his nose.

"Who are you?" Rukia asked, her zanpakutou already unsheathed.

The man circled the ball that lay on the sand until he was facing the way it had come. Then he pulled his leg back and gave it a good kick. It went sailing off into the distance. He watched it go, then, with a smile, he turned to the visitors. "Szayelaporro Granz. And you are?" His gaze turned to Ichigo, whom he peered at through his glasses with golden eyes that hinted at something not quite . . . balanced.

"Ichigo Kurosaki." The orange-haired teen felt slightly uneasy, for a reason he couldn't define. The man seemed harmless. But then, anyone could seem harmless, couldn't they? Well, not Kenpachi. And not Komamura. Or Byakuya. Or Soi Fon. Or . . . um. Well, actually there were quite a few people who didn't seem harmless at all.

The golden eyes lit with recognition. "Ah, yes! We thought you would be coming." Szayel looked inordinately pleased. "For Hime-chan, hm?"

"Where is she?" Ichigo demanded.

"Who are you?" Rukia said at the same time.

Szayel tilted his head. "I already told you."

"No," she growled, pointing her zanpakutou at him. "Which are you?"

"Ah, you mean my rank?" He smiled down at her. "Like I told you, Szayelaporro Granz. Octava Espada."

Immediately, everyone was on guard.

"Szayel!" called a voice. Grimmjow was walking over to them, looking a bit annoyed. "What's up? You're taking a while . . ." His voice trailed off when he noticed the others, specifically Ichigo. "Oh, hey, Kurosaki."

Ichigo sputtered, "What-you-"

"Grimmjow," he reminded him.

"I know who you are!"

Grimmjow looked at him as if HE was the one being unreasonable. "Okay." He turned to Szayel. "Nnoitra noticed that you were taking a while to get back so I came to see why," he explained.

"Ah." The scientist smiled happily. "There was no need for concern, but I'm appreciative all the same." He looked at Ichigo admiringly. "I was just wondering about this one's hair . . ."

"What?" He looked back at him incredulously. "You're one to talk." Ichigo was feeling slightly like pulling said hair out. What was with this Espada? And Grimmjow! Where'd the maniacal laughter and the bloodlust go?

"I know," agreed the Arrancar, inspecting the orange strands. "Is that natural?"

Ichigo nearly choked, making a slightly wild gesture. "Yours is blue!"

"It's a very nice blue," Szayel said loyally.

"It's like water," Grimmjow explained, "it reflects the sky." He tried to keep it in, but when they all stared at him incredulously, he cracked up. Szayel began to laugh as well.

Did Grimmjow just joke? Ichigo wondered if he was going mad. Well, if it wasn't him, it was the rest of the world.

The blue-haired Espada's cackles lowered to chuckles and he wiped his eyes. "Your faces . . ."

Szayel smiled, placing a hand on his friend's back.

"The others are probably wondering what's taking so long," Grimmjow noted, still grinning.

"'Others'?" The Quincy spoke up.

"Yes, the rest of the Espada." Szayel gave a bright smile. "Would you like to meet them?"


"I'm sure you'll get along quite well. Come, they're not far at all!" Szayel set off without hearing their response, Grimmjow sauntering along beside him with one arm thrown around his narrow shoulders.

The Shinigamis and the humans (including one Quincy) exchanged glances and followed behind the two Espada.

All in all, it could have been worse. But then, they hadn't seen Aizen yet.


Aaand, here it is! The promised meeting of what I like to call the Strange Gang and the reArrancarnations.