Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my story! Here we are with chapter two, and as promised, the name of the song that partly inspired this story. It is Halo, but not the Beyonce version, the version off of the movie If I Stay, with the vocal talents of Ane Brun featuring Linnea Olsson. The song is a softer, more intimate version of the original. In my opinion that is. If you guys feel that the Beyonce version better fits, that's perfectly fine with me! :)
Last chapters author's note was ridiculously long, and no doubt an eyesore to read! Ugh! Not another one of those! Well, not this chapter! I'm not gonna keep ya long this time. So enjoy this little work of mine, darlings. And again, thank you for reading!
I don't own any of the characters (save for my OC), all rights go to Marvel and all other references I make, those rights go to creators of said references. Thanks again guys!
Through My Darkest Night
"Remember those walls I built,
Well baby they're tumbling down,
And they didn't even put up a fight,
They didn't even make up a sound."
Steve sighed as he began to wake up from his peaceful sleep. His eyes opened as he stared at the ceiling in confusion: he hadn't dreamed about his-er-that woman. He hadn't even dreamed at all. The sunlight shone through the curtains in his living room. Oh, right. In his sleep fogged mind, he had forgotten about the woman whom had fallen from the sky like some sort of human star. A naked human star.
He felt a heavy weight in his chest as nervousness set in. Today he would wake her and figure out who she was before deciding what to do. Part of him hoped that perhaps she had decided to try some sort of naked skydiving course that was taught at night or something, the modern world was strange like that. Of course he knew that was impossible, but a man could still hope. As he looked down to check the time on the digital clock, another thing he had been forced to get used to, that normally rested on the television stand next to the television he never watched, he ended up looking into a sea of black curls. Black curls. The same black curls on the head of the woman he was trying to figure out what to do with. His reaction was a little slower because he had just woken up, but his reaction was just as strong nonetheless. He gasped in surprise and swore mentally, now faced with a new problem. As it turns out, nervousness wasn't the only weight on his chest.
Why in the hell was she laying on top of him?! She was supposed to be sleeping in his bed!
Once the initial shock wore off, he began to panic, wondering what to do. Carefully, he started to squirm, until he could roll of of the couch, out from underneath her, and onto the floor. A thump sounded upon impact, and he immediately shot up, only to find himself staring into a pair of emerald eyes. He was close enough to make out the silver specs that mixed in with the green, making her eyes all the more beautiful. Quickly, he found himself drowning in them, losing himself as they captivated them.
Suddenly, before he could lose himself any further, he jumped back, his butt hitting the coffee table in the process. She blinked at him at first, before sitting up, smiling cheerfully at him. Steve quickly realized then,
Naked. Still naked. Very naked.
"Clothes!" He shouted suddenly, making her eyes wide as she jumped slightly at his sudden outburst. "You need clothes. You have to put them on!"
He got up and took off into his bedroom, searching his neatly organized closet in an attempt to find something that would fit her. He quickly settled for a t-shirt with his shield on the front. He turned to go give them to her, nearly falling into the closet when he discovered that she was right behind him. She smiled and jumped up and down happily. Steve blushed as it made her assets bounce. He pushed her gently away from him.
He handed her the t-shirt. "Put this on." He begged, his eyes darting to hers, trying to keep them off her chest. He was a man for God's sake, a polite one, but the sight did give him an embarrassing reaction that he was in a hurry to hide. He could imagine Tony or Clint in the background yelling 'boobies!'
"Please, put this on."
She cocked her head off to the side, slightly confused before grabbing the shirt. She unfolded it and examined it for a moment, before she slipped it over her head, struggling to get it the rest of the way. Being a man of mercy when it was needed, Steve grabbed the bottom of the shirt and yanked it down. It was big enough on her to cover everything.
When at last her breasts and lower extremities were covered, he allowed himself a sigh of relief, ignoring the fact that he was slightly disappointed. He turned away and took a deep breath, trying to calm his pounding heart. Closing his eyes, he started to imagine images that disgusted him, and slowly felt that part of him recede. Thank the Lord, he didn't want things to be even more awkward between the two of them. As if it wasn't awkward enough already.
He turned back to discover once more that she was right behind him. Again, he gently pushed her away at arms length. "I'll go make breakfast. See if any of these-" he pointed to his sweatpants, "-fit you, and then come join me. Sit at the table, don't pop up behind me again like that, please." His heart probably couldn't take it.
She nodded slowly, indicating that she understood. Steve made his way out to his kitchen and began to make pancakes and eggs. He sighed and shook his head at the predicament he was in. She couldn't stay here, he had no way of taking care of her. He had missions that he went on for the newly remade S.H.I.E.L.D., not to mention his search for Bucky. He wouldn't be able to be around her all the time, and something told him she needed watching.
Steve reached for the coffee machine and started it up, sighing happily as the aroma of coffee spread around the room.
But what could he do with her? He couldn't alert Fury to her presence, or anyone he didn't trust for that matter. After all, she had fallen from the sky. With all the hype about aliens and Hydra going around, he didn't want to start something up again. Not to mention what they would do to her. He didn't know much about scientists and their experiments, but he knew that it wouldn't be good for her. Rubbing his forehead and determining that the eggs were almost done, he turned to grab a plate and froze. There she sat at the table, cross legged on one of the two chairs. She had her back against the wall, watching him quietly. She caught his eyes and smiled at him, as though she were simply overjoyed to see him. There went his heart again, pounding in his chest.
He swallowed thickly. "D-do you want coffee?" How long had she been sitting there? He hadn't even heard her come in!
She blinked blankly, before a perplexed look came upon her face. Steve determined that she hadn't understood him. "Coffee." He repeated. Same response. Blank, confused.
So he simply poured her a cup, adding milk and sugar as an afterthought. He normally drank his black, but she looked like a girl that might not like the bitter taste. He handed the cup to her. She sniffed the tan liquid. "Careful, it's hot." He warned. She nodded and took a small sip.
Immediately after, another smile broke out on her face. A grin that she turned on him. He blushed and whirled around, intent on finding that plate he had previously been searching for. He found it and put two of the eggs and two of the pancakes on it. He fixed the pancakes up with butter and syrup before handing her the plate with a fork. She accepted it and sat it on the table, sniffing it curiously. He fixed his own plate, then joined her on the opposite side of the table. He began to dig in.
She watched him momentarily, before she began to eat. Again, she smiled and eagerly ate.
"So-" Steve started awkwardly, not knowing what to say. He decided simply to start with the obvious question on his mind. "What's your name?"
She paused in her eating, then looked down to the table, her eyes sad. "M-my name's Steve!" He blurted, and she looked up at him and smiled. For some reason, he was relieved.
"Do ... you have a strange name that you're embarrassed about?"
She looked down again. Steve mentally slapped himself. "Can you understand what I'm saying?" If she was foreign, of course she wouldn't understand what he was saying! But she had understood him when he gave her clothes, and clearly by his sweatpants that she wore she understood his other instructions as well.
A nod. Yes. "Okay ..." He wracked his brain for what to say when it hit him. "Are you ... can you talk?" There it was again, that sad look. The one where she refused to meet his eyes. She shook her head.
Steve motioned to her food. "You can keep eating. Don't be sad ... it's alright. Can you write?" Her eyes widened and she looked up at him. She nodded enthusiastically. He stood quickly. "Perfect! Hang on, keep eating, I'll be right back!"
He quickly went to fetch paper and a pen. Rushing back out to her, he sat and offered them to her. "Your name?"She grabbed the pen and paper and wrote, before handing it back to him.
Snatching it quickly from her hand, with an apologetic glance her way for being so hasty, he looked at it. Her excited expression dropped when he frowned, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "I-I can't read this. It's not in one of the languages I can speak." It wasn't English. Or French. Or anything else he knew.
She winced as he looked up at her. His eyes widened as he recognized tears in her eyes. "NO! No no no ... don't cry!" He said quickly. Though he had been in modern times for quite a little while, he still didn't really know how to talk to girls other than Natasha or Maria. The woman sniffled her emerald eyes still sparkling with tears that hadn't quite fallen.
"It's okay." He reached across the table and patted her gently on the head, ruffling her hair. "It'll be alright, we'll think of something. I promise." It was amazing how easily that promise had come. Smiling at her, he tucked a strand of wild black curls behind her ear.
She smiled back.
Steve knew he was in deep then. He couldn't leave her now, he had made a promise. Now if only he knew how he was going to keep it ...
And that, ladies and gentleman, is chapter two! I hope you guys enjoyed the read, and I hope you guys will join me for chapter three! Thanks a bunch for reading!
Have a great day, my loves! OXOX Kitty ~