Disclaimer: I do not own any characters.

Syaoran's POV

I hadn't exactly figured out how on Earth I was going to get the only woman in the castle who despised being around me to at least engage in adult conversation. Maybe she's a lesbian... I mean that has to be the only reason why she's practically scared of me being in contact with her in anyway.. Even if I'm joking about that, it would sure answer a lot of my questions. I looked up at the mirror at the top of my bed still deep in thought. I closed my eyes hoping it would somehow organize the clutter that woman pushed through my mind.

*KNOCK* *KNOCK* I turned my head towards the door seeing my mother.

"Syaoran? Have you given Princess Sakura the tour of the castle?" she asked walking towards me. I shook my head no, and simply sat up to face my mother.

"Haven't you heard?" I asked scratching the back of my neck. She looked at me in confusion.

"Hmm.. Ok so she thinks I'm a pervert, because I slept in Feimei's old room last night- Before I finished my sentence I shot a look at my mother's baffled expression.

"Nobody told me she was staying in Feimei's old room..." I said shrugging off her look of disappointment.

"I'm sure that an apology from you will suffice.. have you apologized?" she asked.

"Mother... She poured ice cold water on me... I mean even if I was willing to apologize to her, I don't know if she would even accept it.." I said knowing that an apology was out of the question in my eyes.

"Then you must take her out to keep her mind off your foolish behavior.." she answered. Good to know even my own mother thinks all of this was my fault. I sighed seeing her turn around and shoot me a serious look.

"Today, Syaoran.. No excuses. I will inform her..." She said in a gentle yet firm voice before leaving my room.

Sakura's POV

I washed myself off in possibly the most beautiful bathroom I'd ever been in. There were cherub statues on each corner of the room and next to my the tub there was a statue of a dragon that poured water into the tub when you pressed the nozzle. I wrapped my hair into one of the guest egyptian cotton towels in the bathroom and put on my pink silk bathrobe. I sighed heading towards the wondrous view off the balcony.


"Come in.." I said looking towards the door. It was Queen Yelan Li gracing the entrance of my doorway. I smiled walking towards her.

"Sakura.. My dear I would really like to apologize for Syaoran's behavior. I heard there was somewhat of a confusion last night?" She said with an apologetic stare.

"Well, Queen Yelan it's fine, he just startled me, I'm sure it was an honest mistake..." I said fighting back the truth in the back of my throat.

"Syaoran will apologize to you in person of course, and I've arranged for him to take you out as an apology. I'd really love it if you two got to finally be acqainted with eachother..." She said proposing this highly unlikely idea of me and her son being friends in the near future. I knew that in rejecting her idea of me and Pervy going out somewhere, it would be rude on my part, seeing as I am staying in her castle for the whole summer.

"I would enjoy that..." I said in my fake cheery voice.

"I'm happy to hear that..." She said hugging me before she left.

To be truthful, maybe I was being a little mean to this prince that I really know nothing about. I mean I know I've always been this way, but for some reason crossing paths with this one gives me a bad feeling. I brushed my honey brown locks, and had Tomoyo braid my hair for me.

"Sakura.. I actually made this for Queen Feimei, but she was too tall for this dress, I thought it would look wonderful on you please try it on?" Tomoyo said pulling out this beautiful emerald green gown, with white lace dancing along the skirt. She helped me put it on, and I had to say it looked astonishing.

"This dress definitely helps bring out your green eyes.." Tomoyo gushed fluffing the dress.

"I love it Tomoyo, thank you... But isn't this a little much, I mean something as beautiful as this shouldn't be wasted on me going out with Prince Demon?" I asked looking at the mirror. Tomoyo gasped hearing the phrase I had called Syaoran. I chuckled seeing her reaction.

"Sorry, I just feel the prince of this kingdom reminds me of an overconfident little boy..." I said seeing her laugh a bit.

"You know Sakura, for as long as I've been serving here he's always been like that, but to be honest not one female that graces his presence thinks of him in the way you do. They say he's charming, and physically attractive." Tomoyo said giving me a tube of lipstick from the drawer.

"Charming? I guess the women he's surrounded with are completely ravished by his supposed good looks, that they don't take the time to see the monster-like being he is inside." I snorted.

"I'm sorry if I'm sounding a bit one-sided, but I've met so many like Syaoran, but would it kill one prince to actually grasp my interest not just through my eyes?" I asked. She flashed me a smile gave me a quick hug then left.


"Come in.. " I called standing up from my vanity chair. As I walked towards the door I saw Syaoran dressed up, suddenly walking towards me with a bouquet of flowers. He smiled looking at me as if we had never met.

"Sakura... I just wanted to start over..." He said pushing the flowers towards me.

"Cherry Blossoms?" I asked stepping back.

"I mean it's very fitting seeing as you're name means cherry blossom.." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

It was as if his aura changed... Like two different people held captive in the same physical form.

"To be honest I'm allergic to them so, give them to one of the other princesses drooling for your attention..." I said walking past him and out the door in the hallway.

"What's your problem?" He asked grabbing my hand to turn me towards him.

"I'm allergic to them... I don't know what else to tell you.. Now out of respect for your mother you're supposed to take me somewhere right? Now why don't we just pretend that we went somewhere and that's that?" I said in possibly the most distant voice I could maneuver. He merely smirked.

"You are the sexiest girl I think I have ever met..." He said, seeing my face turn red in that instant. I knew he'd been angry about that remark, but for some reason he controlled his temper to turn the attitude around.

"Different...Yes... but you're attitude makes you unique... I don't think I've ever come across a woman quite like you..." He said softly. I closed my eyes and looked away.

"Trust me minus the sexy part the feeling is mutual.." I snapped back walking towards the stairs.

"So about the whole pretending to hang out.. to be honest we can't , but only because my mother insisted on me taking you somewhere to apologize for my rude behavior from before." He said grabbing my arm as we headed downstairs. I rolled my eyes knowing that if Queen Yelan were to know that mine and Syaoran's date hadn't happened I'd be in the hot pot. Why was he being so nice all of a sudden..hmmm

Syaoran's POV

Seeing her shove the flowers back in my face really pissed me off, but what really threw me to the deep end was when she said we could pretend we went out. I mean was I really that horrible to even have an evening out with? Whatever either way, seeing her blush when I complimented her might've just been the best part of our relationship yet. I grabbed her by the arm, and lead her down the stairs and out the front palace doors. I helped her up on our most beautiful carriage, and followed her in. Then the carriage driver lead us out of the kingdom. I had told him to take us to the beach that was a good hour away from the kingdom. I mean, romantic picnic of the sort.. I looked at her as her emerald- green eyes flashed with curiosity as to where we were headed.

"Are you nervous?" I asked putting my hand on her lap. She shot me a dirty look and pushed my hand away. I chuckled

"Nervous? You mean anxious to get this day over with..." She said rolling her eyes.

"Can you at least try to get to know me?" I asked showing a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"Know you? To be honest you are like every other man I have met. So you're nothing new..." She said coldly.

"A little cold... if I hadn't known better you sound heartbroken... Are you sure I've never slept with you?" I joked.

"Very funny.. I'm sure all the women you've slept with still flock you despite your personality.." She shot back. Getting angry with this woman... would be pointless if I'm trying to get her to like me let alone love me.

"They do... I mean in my opinion maybe it's my performance in bed that keeps them coming back ... literally..." I said grinning seeing her blush again and turn away to the window.

"You're really cute when you blush when I say things like that... Are you a virgin?" I blurted out. I definitely must have struck a nerve.. She turned her head from the window to me and her eyes softened. She got up and kneeled in front of me...What the hell? My heart started to beat faster than usual. She put her soft hands on my thighs, and pulled herself so close to my face. She looked straight into my eyes as if she changed her mind about me...I closed my eyes trying to think about puppies... or something else trying to get parts of me to calm down... She turned my face to the right and when I thought she was going to start kissing my neck...

"Seeing as I find men like you despicable.. Guess you'll never know..." She whispered into my ear, before making her way back into her seat. I sat there trying to fix my pants. My face was red from embarrassment. This woman.. was such a little tease... She grinned seeing my expression, then continued to look away. Fucking bitch... I could feel my anger rise, and confusion follow.. Ok so maybe I may have underestimated this woman...

"Only person that's ever frustrated me like that..." I said laughing the whole thing off.

"Well I guess if you were around someone who was constant in truth, you wouldn't be the way you are..." She simply answered.

"Listen.. You don't know me so don't sit there-

"Prince Syaoran, future heir of one of the most powerful kingdoms in the world. Future wife, possibly not, because he chooses to conquer all women in his bed... and unfaithful men like him will never be happy with one woman to fulfill his physical, lustful desires. With a snap of his fingers, women fly left and right.. But will he ever be satisfied with all the meaningless relationships that crowd his heart... or lack there-of?" She said glaring at me with those intense green eyes.

Am I really that transparent? Of all the women I have encountered this woman is definitely a challenge... Maybe it will take a little more than sweet words to seduce this intelligent human being...

OK guys that's all for now... I hope you all liked it. :)