HEy guys here is the next update.
Enjoy the read.
Chapter Fifteen
Protector of the City
A few silent moments passed as the two girls waited for the information to come in. Alex was seating upon the railing of the hotel room, looking down toward the many cars that were passing bellow them and leading toward the highway. She glanced up toward Kaya who was inside the room upon her laptop.
From the look upon Kaya`s face, the girl couldn`t be older than she is now probably by a few years. The skills that she had shown when they fought against each other were pretty spot on, and her level of skills with her knife was probably even better stills. It made her wonder what kind of organization was Black Spade and if they were actually good guys training Assassins.
It made her curious.
"I can feel you staring Shadow Walker," Kaya spoke out bringing her back to reality.
She realized that she had been staring at the girl was she was lost in thought so Alex simply turned her attention away from her.
"Sorry, I didn`t mean to stare," she said.
Kaya looked at her from where she was seated before standing up and walking toward where she was seating. The Assassin had both of her arms crossed across her chest as her dark eyes observed the Conduit.
"Ask it," she said, "Your question."
Alex glanced at her.
"You…how long where you part of this…Black Spade thing?"
Kaya stared at her for a few moments before turning her eyes toward the city in front of her.
"I was born into it," she said, "Ever since I was a child, my place was to become an Assassin under the Grandmaster`s will."
"That must have been thought," Alex said with a frown.
Kaya glanced at her, "It`s not about whether it`s hard or easy. It`s your strength of will and conviction that decides whether you can become an Assassin or not."
Alex observed her for a few moments, "So…does that mean you…killed people before?"
Kaya gave her a glance.
"I have."
A silence fell between the two young women as they stared at each other. Kaya`s face was completely devoid of any emotions that showed what she was feeling inside and Alex was kind of impressed by it.
"Did they deserve it?"
"Depends on who you ask," Kaya answered her, "While your goals may be noble Shadow Walker. While we Assassin have honor, the Black Spade only goal is to further the Grandmaster`s plan for our future."
Suddenly a beep came from inside the room drawing their attention. The two girls made their way into the room and Kaya sat on her laptop again, already working upon the small room.
"What`s going on?" Alex asked.
"Your detective friend is using his phone," Kaya said, "Thanks to the bug you had placed in it, I get to listen to everything that is being said during that call."
Suddenly they could hear voice speaking from the laptop`s speakers.
"…by this morning," a female voice was saying, "The report is accurate."
"Okay," a male voice, Jackson`s Alex realized, "When was the last time they saw them?"
"This morning," the female voice told him, "The eyewitness account told police about Merlyn getting into his car along with his daughter and that person…they`ve been heading west."
Alex`s eyes were wide.
"Rebecca," she said softy.
Kaya glanced at her.
"You know who they are talking about?" she asked.
Alex nodded.
"It`s Rebecca and her Father. She was just with me this morning before her father called her home…she said that it was odd but I didn't think much of it…damn it, if only I had followed her then."
"Can`t you call her?" Kaya asked.
"No," Alex told her, "I don't have a cell phone…"
Kaya looked at her, surprised at what she said as she turned back toward the screen.
"She had taken both Merlyn and his daughter," she said, "She has chosen her next victims. When they`re dead I…"
"Wait…," Alex said, "What do you mean when they`re dead? You`re just going to let her kill them."
"I don't know how to track her," Kaya told him.
"I can," Alex said, "but for me to do that, I need to get to some places higher."
Alex approached her.
"Because I made contact with Rebecca, my Shadow`s power kind of…attached themselves to the person`s shadow," she said, "That`s how I was able to find you."
Kaya stared at her for a few moments.
"I wondered how you find me out considering that you knew nothing of where I lived nor where I was," she said, "Then use that power again. I`ll get my bike ready so we can head out immediately. If you want to save your friend then I will assist you and capture her."
Alex nodded at her before making way toward the window and jumping outward. Then, she instantly turned into shadows as she climbed up the wall of the building, all the way toward the top. She reformatted into her normal form again and walked toward the edge of the building.
C`mon, she thought, Let`s find you Rebecca and still be alive…
Her eyes instantly turned into darkness as the entire city in front of her was completely covered by darkness. Mass of shadow danced in the air across her as she glanced around the city, her eyes searching through the numerous city until a faint blue light appeared in her vision, standing out like a beacon…
She must be pretty far away then, she thought staring at it, I found you.
She jumped down from where she was standing, shadows appearing around her body as she fell toward the ground and she used them to stabilize herself in the air before landing down upon the roof a parked car.
A roaring noise drew her attention and a superbike was there, with Kaya seating upon the vehicle. She had sunglasses upon her face.
"You found her," Kaya said.
"Yes," Alex said, "West of here, let`s go."
Kaya nodded and after Alex got on the bike, she moved forward as the bike tore through the road aiming straight toward where Alex had directed them to go.
With Rebecca
The young girl had found herself strapped into a chair as soon as they had gotten to that location. The young woman was feeling her limbs losing their strength from where she was kept and beside her, her father, James Merlyn was in a similar state.
The lady who had taken them was tightening the ropes around their bodies, her weapons upon her body along with a quiver of arrows and a bow. Rebecca could find herself remembering the news she had heard about Amell Law getting killed by arrows…
"You killed Law didn`t you?" her father spoke out.
The woman turned her gaze toward him.
"Yes, I did," she said.
Then she turned her gaze back toward what she was doing.
"Then…you are going to kill us too aren`t you?" Merlyn said.
The woman gave him an amused look.
"If I was going to kill you and your daughter, I would have done so back at your house," she said, "No…the two of you aren`t my targets. All you are is bait."
"B…Bait?" Merlyn repeated, surprised.
The woman smiled.
"They are two people in this city that could get troublesome for me," she said, "And for my job here. If I don't take care of them now, then my boss will be quite angry with me so I decided to simply destroy them."
"Two people?"
"One of them is a Conduit," the woman said drawing Rebecca`s eyes, "She was the one present at your company the day it was overtaken by terrorists while the other is…someone else. I`m sure that the police already noticed that the two of you are missing and soon enough they will put out a search out for you, something I`m sure will draw the attention of these two. Considering their relationship at the explosion…they will surely be entertaining."
"It was you…," Rebecca said drawing the woman`s attention, "You caused that explosion at Tyler`s party."
"That`s right," she said.
Alex was right, she thought, someone was trying to kill Tyler`s father…but why?
"But why?" Rebecca said, "I don't understand why you`re doing this?"
The woman approached her. She raised her hand toward Rebecca`s face causing her to turn her head lightly at the touch of the woman`s finger upon her chin.
"I am an Assassin girl," she said, "It`s part of my contract to kill and get paid handsomely for it."
Then she turned her attention away from Becca instantly drawing her bow as well as an arrow before firing at where the sound came from. Then shadows grew everywhere around the place she had launched her attack.
"So you`ve come Conduit," the woman said.
Rebecca saw Alex standing across them with both of her hands, covered in shadows thought the young girl had a hood upon her head, shadowing her features completely. The Conduit looked up toward her as the darkness grew around her form.
"And I am not alone," she said.
The woman barely had time to move as another figure dropped right in front of her, dressed entirely in black. She pulled out two blades from within her clothes before she attacked causing Archer mistress to dodge her attack and jumping away from her and at the same time pulling another arrow and firing it straight toward the new arrival but she managed to block it with her sword.
"Free your friend Shadow Walker," the new arrival said, "I`ve got her."
Rebecca turned her gaze toward the Conduit that was approaching the two of them with her hands covered in darkness and could feel a little relief seeping through her form at the sight of her friend.
"Stay away from us you monster," Merlyn spoke out.
There goes the feeling.
Rebecca glanced at her father, shocked at what had came out of the man`s mouth and even Alex who was coming toward them stopped too probably surprised at what was happening.
"Dad…," she said.
"I don't know what you want from us but you`re not getting it," Merlyn continued, "I know you were in leagues with those terrorist who attacked my company."
"Dad stop it…," Rebecca started.
"No, I won`t stop it," Merlyn yelled, "I know what kind of people they are…if it wasn`t for them, all those people in Seattle wouldn`t be suffering because of their existence."
Kaya was fighting against the woman across her, her blades moving quickly at each of her strikes as the woman blocked them skillfully with her bow and even, having enough time to retaliate with her arrows as she shot toward her.
"To think the Black Spade would send a rookie like you after me," she said, "The Grandmaster`s judgment had really being slipping lately, sending someone like you a visit."
Kaya attacked with her blades again as the woman dodged every attack.
"I have come here to take your life for betraying the Code of the Black Spade," she said.
"The Code," the woman said with a light smirk, "To push away all value, to not desire anything made by man, to give your life and loyalty to the Grandmaster."
"You broke it," Kaya yelled charging forward with her blade meeting the bow, "You come to desire money."
The woman laughed as she continued to fight against her and a kick was launched into Kaya`s stomach, pushing her backward as she rolled backward but as soon as she was upon her feet she launched throwing stars at her enemy who had disappeared.
"The Grandmaster basically asked us to become his mindless soldiers," the woman`s voice echoed around Kaya, "I will not become a mindless soldiers."
Kaya glanced around herself as she slowly got back to her feet, glancing around herself.
"So you decide to choose to work for whoever sends you here," she said.
A blade appeared around her throat causing Kaya`s eyes to widen at how the veteran Assassin to sneak up on her without her even aware of it.
"That`s right," the woman smirked lightly as the blade made contact with Kaya`s skin, "Someone like you should have realized this was a trap, but that`s what I can expect from a rookie…I wonder, what makes you think that I will make such an obvious mistakes like this huh?"
"You were his most trusted member," Kaya said, "The Grandmaster trusted in you and you were in the names chosen to replace him...and you betray him for what…money?"
A dark chuckle came over the girl as the blade shone in the sun.
"That`s right," she said.
She moved her blade and blood flew through the air.
Alex stood in front of the dup for a moment. It was the same thing as before when she first revealed her powers to the people of that diner when she had revealed that she was a Conduit. The girl frowned to herself before approaching forward, ignoring Merlyn`s yelling at her for not touching his daughter.
She ripped off the ropes from Rebecca`s form.
"Release your father," she said, "and call the police, they are already looking for you two."
Alex could see that Rebecca wanted to say something to her but, there was no words coming out from the girl. Alex simply gave her a light smile, showing that she wasn't at fault before turning toward where she had seen Kaya gone and she instantly shadowed herself there and her eyes widened in shock at the sight of Kaya upon the ground and the female Assassin turned toward her.
"Oh…so you`re here Conduit?" she said showing the bloodied sword.
Alex`s entire body exploded into shadows as she charged straight toward the Assassin who attacked her but the blade simply went straight through the shadows her body had become. Alex then turned toward her and launched a blast straight toward the Assassin throwing her backward and landing upon the metal floor.
"Why do you protect them Conduit?" the Assassin asked as she stood back up, "You have all this power at your disposal, you should be just like that guy from Seattle."
Alex approached her and the Assassin launched a knife at Alex just as the girl launched her shadow blast at the woman causing a sudden shockwave to shake the room they were in as the Assassin was thrown backward into the wall and sliding down upon the ground, unmoving and unconscious.
"I could be," Alex said staring down at her, "I just chose not to."
The sounds of sirens started to echo around her, meaning the cops were here. Alex launched her shadow power toward the woman meaning that she was completely bound by the power.
Alex turned toward the voice, finding Kaya seated up, holding her throat as she was slowly getting to her feet. The wound around her neck was closing right in front of Alex`s eyes causing her to widen her eyes at the phenomenon.
"H…How did you…?"
Kaya picked up the unconscious Assassin.
"No time," she said, "We have to go, the cops are going to be all over the building."
Alex nodded and the duo made their way out of the place leaving it behind.
Port Angeles Hospital
"Are you okay?" the medic said as he was looking at her, "No wounds or anything?"
"Nothing," Rebecca said, "I wasn`t hurt…just some light bruising."
It had been a few hours since the hostage situation with the Assassin girl who had kidnapped them. The girl was seating in the doctor`s office with a light frown upon her features. She didn`t like to think of how her father had reacted to Alex`s presence. Despite the girl not wanting to harm them, her father had reacted so badly to the Conduit girl`s presence that it made her heart ache…
Thought, from what the cop had told them, they hadn`t found anyone in the old place, meaning that Alex had managed to escape before the cops arrived. At least, that`s something she can be grateful for. When the doctor signed her off, Rebecca walked out of the room and found her father talking to one of the detective. He was a younger man with dark brown hair and wearing a suit upon his body.
"…it was the same Bioterrorist from the incident at my company," the man was saying with, "Why wasn`t she caught?"
"Look Mr. Merlyn," the man answered, "Unless someone tell us exactly where she is hiding, we don't have any leads as to where we could find her. There is a lot of places in this city that she could hide."
The man looked a little mad but he turned his gaze toward her.
"Becca," he said.
The detective glanced at her too, then he turned toward the man.
"Why don't you go home and get some rest?" he asked, "You and your daughter have had a trying day."
"Yes, thank you for your suggestion Detective Jackson," Mr. Merlyn said.
Detective Jackson gave him a light nod before making his way down the corridor. Merlyn turned toward her with a smile.
"C`mon, let`s go home," he said.
Rebecca simply walked past him without saying a word.
Port Angeles Docks
It had been a few hours since the confrontation between the two Assassins and now, Alex had Kaya were at the docks of the city as they were loading the other woman into a boat. Kaya`s neck was completely healed despite the amount of blood that Alex had seen happening. She was sure that she was dead but somehow the girl was still alive.
"What`s going to happen to her?" Alex asked.
Kaya glanced at the woman the other two men were leading upon the boat.
"She will be tried by the Grandmaster and punished for her crimes," she said, "I must thank you for your aid in her capture, Shadow Walker."
"I have a name you know," Alex told her.
"And I am sure you do," Kaya told her, "it`s a sign of respect among the Black Spade to be given a proper name that describe who you are not what names the world know you as."
"So you have one too?" Alex said.
"Yes," Kaya said, "I`m Kaya, the Immortal."
Alex stared at her for a few moments.
"It had something to do with that healing ability you have?"
"Part of it," Kaya said, "Till we meet again."
She turned away from Alex and walked away from the shadow girl. Alex watched her get upon the boat before calling her out again, drawing the Assassin`s attention toward her.
"Are you…a Conduit like me?" she asked.
Kaya stared at her.
"Conduits are not the only people in this world with…strange abilities," she said.
With that she turned away from her as the boat glided out of the bay and into the darkness. Alex stood there for a while observing for a few moments before making her way back into the city and then dashing forward as her entire body becomes shadows.
Jackson was standing by his car as he pulled out a smoke to do so. It had been just as before during the problem at Merlyn. He had a light frown upon his features when a sound reached his ears as well as a breath of wind. The man turned toward where it came from, finding the Conduit girl seating on the roof above him with that same small smirk upon her features.
"Hey there," she greeted, "Great work in saving the Merlyn family detective."
"Something I am sure that you had a hand in," Jackson told her, "I`m guessing seeing you around is going to be a regular occurrence."
The Conduit girl smiled a little.
"You could say that," she said, "After all, this city is under my protection and soon enough, everyone will know that."
Jackson stared at her for a few moments.
"There is something you must know by the way if you`re planning to stay here," he started, "The Chief had contacted the D.U.P. ever since your battle against that other Conduit, they`re going to be arriving any days now."
The girl smiled lightly, "You sound like you`re worried about me."
Jackson let out a chuckle.
"Don't put yourself on a pedestal," he told her, "I`m worried about the city becoming another Seattle. If you think yourself as a protector of this city, you might want to think on what your actions have started."
The girl stayed silent for a moment, "You think I should turn myself in?"
Jackson took a drag upon his cigarette.
"What do you want to do?" he asked.
"I want to change this world`s view of Conduits," the girl said softly, "That`s what I want to do."
Jackson stared at her, a little surprised at the answer he had received.
"Good night, Jackson," she said standing up.
The girl turned toward him.
"You never told me your name," Jackson told her.
The ghost of a smile worked it`s way upon the girl`s lip from where she stood.
"I`m Shadow Walker," she said and then she jumped off the building.
Jackson approached the edge, seeing wisps of a dark mass disappear in the distance. He stood there observing for a few moments before taking a drag out of his cigarette.
"Shadow Walker," he repeated, before letting out a small snort, "That`s cute."
Hope you have enjoyed the read.
NExt Time: Good Karma, Bad Karma.
Jacques0 out.