AN: This is my first fic, I was inspired by keacdragon's beautiful storys and if reading this, thank you! Its for you! =] I'd love feedback, I know my punctuation is insane and would also love a beta!
Thanks all for taking the time to read, I hope its atleast entertaining!
I also do not own Night at the Museum, its story/characters, or anything related to it.
7 Days & 7 Nights: Concerns, late awakenings, unforeseen consequences.
Larry sat up with a heart clenching jerk and full bodied gasp.
His internal clock instantly knew that his body had betrayed him, his gut told him he was late for work by at least an hour. Glancing at the bedside clock's dancing numbers confirmed this. It was 6:51 P.M., Monday night, his first shift in a week.
To make matters worse his phone was buzzing next to him showing 12 missed calls from the Information Desk's phone at the Museum of Natural history starting at 5:10 P.M, just after sunset.
He struggled to shake the sleep off, his mind tried to recall how he'd woken up so late.
He'd had the whole week off due to a specialty team of Egyptologists taking the tablet to California, along with Ahkmenrah, to perform tests to verify the conditions in which the exhibits were being displayed wasn't harming or degrading them in anyway.
Larry had been appalled by the idea at first, but Prof. McPhee had insisted he would be there the entire time to ensure that the up-most care was taken with both the priceless tablet, as well as the remains of the great Pharaoh. Larry had argued with him for about an hour before he felt assured that the other man felt as protective of the artifacts as Larry did. Prof McPhee at that time had also suggested that the other exhibits get a thorough cleaning, maintenance and repair done. He'd noticed that some of the wax exhibit's clothing were becoming aged and tattered and needed attention.
"I don't know, a whole week closed, what will we tell the public? And more importantly, what about the safety of the artifacts you're traveling with? Having two priceless pieces in one place is going to be hard to hide from the public and potential thieves." A lame excuse, but it was something.
Prof. McPhee paused in his actions of cleaning his desk before nodding. "Yes, I'm aware of the potential danger of thieves and have taken precautions. Either way, take the week off Larry. That's not a request. I am the Director of this Museum and I will see to the safety of its pieces. Besides, this is the best time to close the museum for a week, have the exhibits examined."
Larry opened his mouth to object and Prof. McPhee cut him off. "As for the public, tell them we're giving our exhibits a 'face-lift' and have a re-opening free entrance day the following Monday. The crowd will love the mystery of their new 'make-overs' and will flock to the Museum."
Without any valid argument, Larry fell silent. The intensity that Prof McPhee had promised Larry that the tablet and the mummy were being held safe had been very convincing. (In different campuses publically unknown, separated by two cities, and secured by local police officers). With a reluctant sigh he gave in and left the Directors office in defeat and a state of dread mixed with anxiety.
Later that night after Larry went straight to the Egyptian exhibit and waited for the sun t set. As the last of the day's sun rays filtered through the skylights Larry calmed himself outwardly as not to frighten or upset the Pharaoh first thing when he woke up. As soon as the sun had set the Guard pushed the stone slab off the tomb and gently lifted the lid to greet the Egyptian King.
He spent awhile telling Ahkmenrah about the conversation he's had with McPhee, the Egyptologists and his concerns. Ahk had smiled kindly and assuredly told Larry that he would be fine. Without the tablet he said he felt no waking thoughts and had compared it to a deep dreamless slumber.
"Honestly Larry" Ahk spoke softly, "I do grow tired at times…It has been so long since I've slept without the whispers of voices outside my tomb."
Larry paused and mulled that quiet confession over. Having been awaken night, after night for 4000 years to a tightly bound nightmare would have broken an average person. Larry always marveled at the kindness and good nature Ahk had. Even after knowingly being imprisoned by some of the current exhibits he still spoke kindhearted words to them every night.
A hand landing on Larry's shoulder had startled him out of his thought ravine, Ahk was saying something.
"I won't be awake for their, what was it…'Feline Scan'? I will not awaken unless within 100 yards of the tablet at sunset."
Larry struck by how young, and yet suddenly weary the Egyptian looked. Sighing he submitted to the young Pharaoh's weariness and convictions about the trip. And again, Larry convinced himself it would be alright.
When he announced it to the others they had been oddly accepting about the idea of a week off and looked forward to having new clothes and their paint touched up.
Afterwards on that following Sunday, the last day before the closure Larry had actually been thankful for the small break as well secretly he realized. He'd only been at the museum for about a month now, but he was still getting adjusted to the 7 day work week at this new unusual job. He took the week to get caught up on all of his errands and by Monday morning he was beat had simply fallen face forward on the bed the earlier that day and forgotten to set an alarm. With the sudden change in day shift to graveyard then a month later back to day for a week had killed his sleep rhythm.
Shaking the sleep from his mind he fumbled for his phone to answer the call, unfortunately he missed it by a second in the mist of trying to slide his thumb across the screen to answer it. Cursing he tabbed the phone harshly quickly redialing the number.
Something was wrong for whoever it was that called to have called that many times, he just knew it. As a dreadful feeling sunk into the pit of his stomach and made a home, he started to feel sick with worry.
Maybe he was wrong to let the tablet leave the museum, maybe there were repercussions for leaving the exhibits asleep without the tablet for a whole week..
It had been fifty-two years since it came to the museum and Larry was almost positive that it hadn't left for a whole day since then, let alone a week. As the line rang and rang on the other end, Larry's anxiety grew. He should have listened to his instincts and convinced Prof. McPhee to cancel the request from the Egyptologist.
Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.
The line suddenly exploded with sound as someone picked up.
"Hello?! Who is this, Gigantor?!"
It was Jedidiah sounding desperate. Larry took a deep breath to settle his nerves and remain calm so that he could sooth the miniature western man. "Jed, yes it's me! Thank you for answering, I'm so sorry I over slept, I'll be there as soon as I can!"
A thunderous bang crackled his phones speakers for a moment causing Larry to wince at the sudden tone. "What's wrong Jed? What's happening? What was that?"
"Gigantor, you've gotten get down here like yesterday! We've got huge problems, you gotta come help Ah-" Suddenly Larry couldn't make out the figurines voice as Rexy roared in the background which was followed by a hollow sounding scream. Eyes widening as Larry was pulling on his shoes his heart leapt and he yelled into the phone.
"Jed! JED! Jedidiah! Is that Ahkmenrah?!"
Nothing, the cowboy didn't answer, the only thing Larry could hear was the whole museum in a commotion creating white-noise.
"Jed, anyone! if you can hear me I'll be there in less than 10 minutes!"
As he climbed into his car his mind raced. Given Jed's 'Ah-' he was left to assume that something had happened to the Pharaoh, and he sickened at the thought of what happened to him while they had the Pharaoh's remains. He drove faster.
His car skidded to a stop in front of the museum's steps and Larry threw himself up the stairs and fumbled with his keys. He tried to look inside and cursed the new advertising posters that blocked the view of the museum threw the doors. He shoved his way through the rotating doors faster than they wanted to turn and burst into the Lobby. Larry was met with the loud sounds he'd heard over the phone echoing down the Museum halls disorienting him.
There was no one, not a single exhibit in sight, but Larry could hear the muffled sounds of commotion from deeper in the museum. He tried to discern the sound's direction but it was misleading as it bounced off the walls. He ran quickly down the hall to the only exhibit he knew would be there, The Easter Island Head. He slid down the hall as his polished shoes lost their purchase on the equally polished stone floor. As he rounded the corner his eyes landed on the statue and were relieved to see atleast one exhibit awake and in it's rightful place.
Larry ran up to the large head as fast as he could, "Hey Big Guy, what's going on? Where is everyone?"
"You Dum-Dum, you no Come-Come. People Run-Run to help Small-Ones."
Larry scoffed at the usual un-helpful response. He had just drawn a breath to both calm himself as well as to ask the head again when he heard a sharp screech.
Suddenly the small remote control SUV slid into view with the cordless phone in its cab with Jed and Octavious in the front seats looking upset. The tires left small black stripes on the granite as the tiny SUV braked hard. The duo ejected themselves from their seats and ran to meet Larry who had abandoned the Easter Island Head.
"Larry! You've got to come with us NOW its Ahkmenrah! We all woke up just like normal, a little stiff but otherwise fine! We went about our night assuming we'd see you eventually. But then about an hour after we woke up we noticed there was this echoing noise from somewhere."
He gasped for a breath and whipped a glanced in the direction they'd come from.
"We thought it was them dang cavemen, and you havin' it out over a fire. Or them civil war guys goin' at it over uniform changes. But it wasn't! It was so hard to hear the noise Larry, we tried to get help but no one would lis'en ta nuffin we were gon-dangit tryin-" Octavious cut the younger cowboy off with look distressed look as he grew more anxious and his accent grew thicker and thicker. Jed stopped his distraught ramblings with a start and Oct continued for him hurriedly getting to the point.
"My liege! You must rush! Someone seems to have sealed the Pharaoh's Sarcophagus with some sort of foreign technology and placed it within a new, magical stone tomb." Octavious paused for breath
"We cannot get to him due to his guardians, and they cannot reach him nor even hear his commands to free him! He cannot get out and is in the mists of a terrible fit!"
'No! Anything but that! Why out of all thing or people did it have to be that.' Larry thought as guilt and fear quickly filled him, his feet pounding on the polished stone as he ran through the museum to get to the Egyptian exhibit, stopping only long enough to scoop up the small miniatures carefully. As he got nearer, more and more exhibits started to appear lingering in the halls facing the King's tomb. Larry assumed that after the noise had become so loud it must have slowly attracted more and more exhibits until there was a tight mob like pack crowding the halls surrounding the Egyptian Room.
The deafening sound that Larry had hear over the phone was suddenly identified as the Pharaoh beating against the lid of his sarcophagus, which was causing the entire coffin to slam against the newly installed metal and glass encased tomb while the young man's screams with unadulterated terror reverberated off the walls of the sealed stone sarcophagus tomb. Somehow they must have made custom, thick pieces of glass that filled the missing pieces of stone. They were secured in place with thick steel rivets through a metal plate that lined the edges of the cracks.
Horrified Larry rushed forward, pushing his way through the crowd.
"Everyone Move! Clear a path NOW! MOVE!"
The other exhibits were talking anxiously as Larry pushed his way through forcefully and almost knocked over the former President Teddy in his rush.
Teddy steadied Larry as their eyes met Larry saw the same mortified look on the wax man's face.
"What's going on Teddy?! I'm so sorry I had no idea about the changes to the exhibit! Why hasn't anyone let him out?!"
"It's impossible son, they won't let us past them even if it's to free their charge!" He proved his point by stepping forward into the tomb only to have the Jackle Guards slam the points of their spears against the ground inches from Teddy's feet. The message was clear. They weren't going to let anyone even onto the black granite that floored the Egyptian exhibit, let alone to the Tomb where Larry could see the coffin slamming again its enclosure with force as the Pharaoh tried to escape his prison.
Larry tried to steady his shaking body and voice before turning back towards the crowd and motioning for Teddy to whistle loudly.
All the exhibits fell into silence in alarm at the sharp noise. Larry gently handed over Jed and Oct to Teddy before turning back to everyone.
"Alright! Everyone clear out! NOW! We'll come get everyone together and talk about this as soon as we've got his highness freed, and calmed down. Now GO!" Larry's voice rang with finalized authority and the exhibits began to nervously disperse while glancing back at the Egyptian exhibit.
When Teddy, Jed, Oct and Sacagawea were the only ones left and Larry dismissed them from his thoughts, and turned back to the Jackle Statues.
He had to get into that tomb. He had to make them understand he was there to help. Standing with the toes of his shoes a breath from the edge of the black stone that marked the Rooms threshold, he ignore the way the young pharaohs muffled screams prickled his eyes and gestured for the stone statues to come closer.
Kneeling down, spears still at the ready, they gestured in unison at him.
"Now listen to me guys, I know it's your job to protect him. To at all cost, never let tomb raiders in. But I'm not a tomb raider." He pulled his flashlight from his belt and held it up for them to see. "I'm a guardian, just like you. You have your spears, and I have this." The two statues remained unmoved.
Larry groaned in frustration before taking a sharp breath and looking the two giant Jackles in the eyes.
"I'm here to guard this museum, and everything in it, that includes you two. But, it's my job to guard him, just like it is for you. We're not any different in that way guys, so let me do my Job! Let me help him!"
He wasn't sure if they really understood him or if the inflection and hand gestures alone were getting his point across.
They both looked back at the the tomb, then back to Larry and he understood.
"I know you tried, you don't fit into his Personal Room." Their grip loosened on their spears. "And you can't free him with the spears without hurting him potentially. I can. Please! Let me help him!"
There was a long pause before both statues looked at each other. Larry wasn't sure if they felt so helpless they finally relented, or if they simply remembered he was the one who had originally freed the Pharaoh, but suddenly both stood up and stepped aside.
Larry didn't wait a second; he rushed forward towards the new sealed, temperature controlled Tomb and slammed his flashlight's head into the glass top, pounding as hard as he could to break the 2 inch think glass. As the glass finally began to crack and then shatter, so did Larry's heart as he heard the unmuffled, almost animalistic screams coming from within the sealed gold sarcophagus. Larry had to push the glass and his anguish aside to sit on the shaking coffin and be able to start pulling the 10 new securing pins that held the coffin locked tight. Using his flash light again he slammed the end against the locks over and over again busting each one off until he reached the 6th one.
His weight and the remaining 4 pins were not enough to hold in the Pharaoh. Without any warning the lid and Larry were thrown 20 feet from the stone tomb as the Pharaoh was freed from his prison.