Authors Note: HEYO! XD Please tell me what you think; I would love to know XD I own nothing and no one.

Please, please review XD

ALSO: I'm going along with what everyone else says Stiles' first name is, and I made up his middle name XD


"Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."

Franklin P. Jones

Stiles' POV

I stared at the note in my hands for a good five minutes, double and triple checking that it was actually Derek's handwriting.

Hell, I even compared it to a note Derek wrote the other day!

But it matched. It was Derek's writing. No one in the Pack had written it, it had actually been the Big Bad Alpha himself. And he had actually named his stuffed toy fox Loki. Loki was the kind of name I would give something – like a dog... I never would have thought Derek Hale, of all people, would have done something like that...

Then again, I never thought Derek Hale was the older kid at the Sheriff's station all those years ago, or the kind of person to kiss nerdy teens like me. Looks like Sourwolf was just full of surprises.

I had sat up after a while of staring at the note, placing it on my bed in front of me, picking up the toy fox instead. It was a cute little thing, unlike most fox toys you see around in the shops... It actually looked like a fox cub, the way it was made. I thought it strange how a werewolf had a fox cub toy – I mean, how many werewolves would you expect to have a cuddly toy, full stop, let alone a fox one...

Leaning back against my headboard, I grabbed Bunny from my side table, putting him next to Loki. I couldn't really help but smile slightly. I mean, it just looked so strange – a fox and a bunny.

Predator and prey.

Then I couldn't help but laugh because of how accurate that was.

Shaking my head slightly, I knew I had to make a decision. Did I forgive Derek, or did I not. Did I give him a second chance?

To be honest, I didn't think I could.

Ok, so I totally could!

Literally, ten minutes after I decided that I wasn't going to give the guy a chance, I grabbed my phone, scrolling through my contacts until I got to Sourwolf. I looked at Loki and Bunny for a second – still next to each other – before I hit the call button.

Of course, I never thought I'd hear Derek's phone ringing from outside of my window...

Looking towards the glass thing, I frowned slightly as Derek slipped in a little sheepishly. It would have been funny had this happened differently.

"I wanted to see if you would forgive me." he muttered, staring at the ground with his hands in his pockets.

"You know, if I wasn't still kind of pissed at you, I would say that is, literally, the cutest thing someone has ever said – and we know Isaac!" I told him, turning on my bed to fully face him. "That's some achievement."

Derek shuffled in place slightly, as if not knowing what to do with himself. Usually, it was me that had that problem, whilst Derek seemed to be the master of making himself at home. Sighing, I told him to just sit down already, so the Alpha wolf took a seat on my desk chair, wheeling it a little closer – but not too close.

Derek glanced at the stuffed animals on my bed, a small sad smile on his face once he clocked them. But he didn't say anything.

Neither of us said anything.

For once, I didn't want to be the one to break the silence.

So, I sat there. Waiting for Derek to do that. He wanted the second chance, so he could work for it.

"I never wanted to tell you to leave." Derek started after a short while. "I don't know why I did, but I regretted it as soon as I said it... But then you were gone."

I stayed quiet for once, trying my hardest not to interrupt. I wanted to see where this would go, see if this would actually help him in anyway shape or form... At that moment, if could go either way.

"Ever since I was four, I always thought that my wolf could talk to me...the adults thought it was 'cute', Laura always said it didn't work like that... As I grew older, I realised it was something that only seemed to be happening with me." Derek confessed. "After you left, my wolf made sure I knew exactly how he felt about the situation, as if I didn't feel bad enough – yelling at me inside my head, pacing around and growling as it berated me for chasing off and upsetting our Mate. He was so loud that I didn't really take any notice of Lydia yelling at me."

I, pretty much, did a double take as soon as Derek had said the words 'our Mate'. I mean, I had done research and that was something that had come up...I just thought it was one of those things that were absolute bullshit.

Obviously not.

Derek seemed to notice this, nodding slightly.

"I kind of knew ever since you ran back to your dad, after giving me Bunny. It physically hurt to go to New York because of that." he told me. "I really am sorry... But I can understand if you want me to leave."

I swear, he looked like an honest to God kick puppy, it was not fair! I mean, if he had dog ears, they would have dropped and he would have these really wide little puppy eyes that would make a woman's ovaries explode.

Oh, who was I kidding, Derek had the same affect!

But how could he possibly look like he did, yet still be like that? I couldn't understand it, so I voiced it.

"Ok, this isn't fair; how can you be this hot and this adorable?! Like, I just want to wrap you up in a blanket like a burrito and hug you right now. You are not allowed to be this hot and this adorable!" I groaned, falling onto my back on my bed. "I swear you cheat! It has to be some kind of werewolf power, you being so adorable whilst being so hot!"

Turning my head to look at him, I could see that Derek was confused, a small frown pulling at his face. Rolling my eyes, I turned onto my side, raising an eyebrow at the wolf.

"You're lucky that I'm a sucker for hot and adorable werewolves with dark hair, green eyes, who wear a leather jackets and drive a Camaro." I told him, imagining his ears picking up with how he reacted. "But just know that you better do a good job at making this up to me, Sourwolf."

And let me tell you, he did a really good job at making it up to me.


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