Chapter 4.
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Demon World.
"My Lord?" Shishinki bowed down to Inu no Taisho.
"What is it?!" Inu no Taisho spat out.
"I'm sorry to bother you my lord, but it's about Lord Sesshomaru..." Shishinki trailed off.
"Out with it!" Inu no Taisho yelled.
Shishinki flinched.
"Well you sent the spy you sent to keep an eye on Sesshomaru, reported that he's fallen in love with the princess."
Inu no Taisho silent for a moment then stood up.
"Shishinki, retrieve the princess, I want to speak with her."
Shishinki stood up and bowed once more. "Yes, my lord."
After that Shishinki and other demon left to go the human world.
Human World
Sesshomaru's POV.
As I laid on her bed with her in my arms, I didn't want to be anywhere else. She slept quietly and I could hear her heartbeats.
But I sensed something strange. I softly kissed her forehead and I slowly and quietly got up from her bed, so I wouldn't wake her up. I walked over to the shoji that was leading to the balcony. and looked out.
I saw a figure near the entrance of the forest and instantly I knew that was a demon. I looked back at Crystal and jumped off the balcony and headed towards the demon. He ran farther and father away from the castle, I tried to catch up but he was faster than me.
Crystal's POV.
I felt someone pick me up from my bed and carry me to my balcony. I slowly opened my eyes to see a stranger holding me.
My eyes shot open. "W-who are you and w-why are you doing this?!" I said in fear.
"My lord would like to speak with you." the man said.
"Please, let me go!" I screamed, starting to cry.
I struggled, trying to get out of his arms.
"If you want we can do this the hard way?" he said.
He threw me to the ground hard and I cried lod letting out more tears.
He then tied my hands together with a rope and threw me on his back.
"Please let me go!" I cried more, I tried kicking and pounding my tied hands to his back.
"If only I had something to cover that little mouth of yours with."
I kept struggling but it was no use. I looked around. I looked and sensed around my room but Lord Sesshomaru was not here. The stranger walked over to the balcony and was about to jump.
"Please don't jump you'll kill us both!" I cried more.
He chuckled a little.
"I guess he never told you who he was."
Who never told me what?
He jumped off the balcony and landed on his feet.
"I'm a demon, my lady" he said, as he smiled wickedly and his snake like tongue came out of his mouth.
"Please, let me go!" I said, frightened and crying even more.
I pounded as hard as I could.
"It's no use." he said as he carried me to the woods.
"Lord Sesshomaru!" I screamed as loud as I could.
Then the stranger hit me on the top of the head and darkness came upon me.
Sesshomaru's POV.
No matter how faster I run this demon runs faster. I stopped
"Lord Sesshomaru!" I heard Crystal's voice, shouting my name back at the castle.
Even though I was far way, I could see a figure holding a unconscious girl. It was Crystal! I started to run to them. As I got closer I recognized him it was Shishinki, one of my father's servants.
Oh no!
Crystal laid lifeless over his shoulder.
"Crystal!" I yelled.
Shishinki turned towards me and smirked.
"You failed." And then he vanished.
I stopped near the castle
"No." I whispered. "No!"
I punched the side of the castle, leaving a small hole. I started to open a portal. I was going to the demon world to get Crystal back. Even if it cost me my life I will have my precious angel in my arms and safe.
Crystal's POV.
I woke up shivering, I was lying in a cold damp cell. The walls were a light grey and the bars are dark beige, my cell was small and the outside huge. My head ached, as I got up. My dark blue nightgown was a bit dirty and wet. I sensed around to see if anyone was nearby. A man sat across my cell reading a scroll. He was dressed in a white kimono and hakama, armoured boots, long flowing sash, and grey spiked breastplates.
My vision was very blurry because I didn't have my brown glasses with me and I was starting to cry again. The man looked up and smiled as he rose from the chair.
"Your finally awake princess."
I looked up at him.
"Who are you?" I asked softly.
"I am the king of the demon world, Inu no Taisho."
I kept squinting at this man to try to see him clearly, only to see him have tan skin with one blue streak on each side of his face, white hair in a high ponytail. He was different from the man who took me from my home when remembered it frightened me.
"Can I go home, please?" I quietly begged.
He sighed and smirked. He closed his scroll and walked over to my cell.
"Your lucky your alive my son, Sesshomaru was supposed to kill you but I see he didn't which I'm very shocked he didn't listen to me. But you of course you can't go home, you are now my little pet." he said as he smirked.
"Lord Sesshomaru was going to kill me?" I said quietly. My lips quivered and tears started running down my face like a water fall. I tried to stop but I couldn't. I felt betrayed and horrified.
He looked down at me and grinned.
"He's a full dog demon of course like me, that's his job to kill people I sent him to kill you. You really thought he loved a weak human like you?" he hissed. "He was taking his time toying with you so he could have the satisfaction of killing you." he said as he laughed a little.
I didn't say anything as continued crying and quivering.
"I have to go princes, I will remember our little talk." he walked down a hallway.
I heard a heavy door slam. I fell down on cold floor and sat in the corner of my cell. I put hands to cover my face and cried softly. I had loved him, the only man I had ever loved and he was trying to kill me the whole time. I was going to die here and I actually felt ready to.
End of Chapter 4.
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