To answer a review: It's centered because it helps me focus. I'm really sorry if you don't like it.

James Potter sighed as he went into his house. Dumbledore thought he was still a mindless drone but he remembered all of a sudden. Lucius Malfoy had blasted him in to a tree and he'd hit his head. Maybe that had jolted his memory. He closed his eyes and reached out for his son. He pictured his house his home and where it was hoping beyond hope that it would get through. He hadn't been sure his last message had gotten through. He wanted to see his son. His baby. He opened his eyes as his door opened. He turned to see Severus Snape.

"Hello." James smirked, "How is our son?"

"Wanting his 'other daddy'. " Severus replied, "I came to get you. Pack everything you're not coming back. "James flicked his wand and things began packing " i'm telling you now don't expect us to pick up where we left off, James. Black is my mate."

"That's fine." James nodded, "I always thought you two belonged together but I had to get you out of my system. "

Severus scoffed.

"He's found his mate." Severus stated, "Lucius Malfoy. "

"I can't say I'm happy about that." James shrank everything and held out his hand. "Lets go."

"Not yet." Severus lead the man outside. Death Eaters were waiting. "Destroy it all. Make it look good. "

They nodded. Lucius was among them and nodded to James .

Harry sat on his own thrown next to Tom's . His feet kicking as he drew . The thrown was huge he could lay down and not have to curl up. He'd fit perfectly. It was also raised off the ground. He looked up as Severus appeared. He ran to the man with him.

"Go back!" he ordered Severus as he climbed into the new man's arms. "Luc is in trouble again. Bumbles is not happy. "

"Alright I'm going."

"Wait, take the wolves with you!"

Severus chuckled and patted his son's head and called for Fenrir and Remus.

"Hello, other daddy." Harry said looking at the man "You are home now."

"Yes I am." James smiled at his son. "I'm sorry it took me so long to come back to you, Harry."

"It's okay now, other daddy." Harry shook his head. "I'm a Prince did you know that?"

"No, I didn't " James chuckled, "You're my Prince but how else are you a Prince?"

"Gran Snape's maiden name was Prince. " Harry laughed, "So I'm a Prince."

James laughed. He had to admit that was a good one. He never would have thought of that answer. His little son told him to sit in the thrown so he did and Harry began catching him up on his life this far. A life that had James wanting to kill Albus. At one point Harry froze and began bawling. Sirius burst into the room and quickly picked him up and began trying to calm him.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked, Death Eaters were entering holding their heads. Harry was crying in their heads as well as out. "You sent the wolves with them didn't you?"

"Bumbles is there!" Harry bawled, "He hit daddy with a spell that I don't know! Daddy isn't moving!"

The wards shimmered and Severus arrived with one of the wolves who had a gnash on his back. James , Sirius and Harry were there in a flash.

"Calm down, Harry." James chuckled, "I can't believe you've never seen a stunning spell before. " He waved his wand and Severus began moving. "Jumped the gun with the port key there, my friend."

"No, I didn't ." the wolf replied, "Albus was set to use the Killing Curse..."

Severus grunted as he suddenly had a distraught 11 year old clinging to him. He sighed and rubbed the boy's back hugging him.

"I was told to get out because of my injury so I brought Severus back with me. The curse just missed us."

"Thank you, Adion." Tom nodded, "Is there need for us to send more?"

"No, the Ministry showed up. They seemed rather torn on who to help though."

The others returned victorious and without loss. Harry was very pleased about that. Remus had taken him and given him to Lucius and grabbed James and locked him in a searing kiss.

Harry blinked and watched his head cocked to one side. Lucius then pushed his head down into his shoulder so he couldn't see. He smirked to himself so now his little mate had four daddy's and he had five great wizard's who were more powerful than him who would curse him at a drop of a hat if he hurt the boy currently in his arms.

Severus cleared his throat while Sirius laughed. He cleared it again. Finally, he just cast a spell that pushed them apart. They both looked around blushing. Fenrir wasn't happy and was growling. He knew that Remus was his mate so how could he be that man's mate too? Unless... He growled again.

"Calm down." Remus sighed, "Quit growling. What's wrong with you?"

"You are mine!" Fenrir growled, "MINE!"

"No , I''m not." Remus frowned, "I'm James' . "

Fenrir growled and grabbed Remus roughly. He sniffed him. This was HIS mate! HIS!

"Let me go!"

JAmes blasted Fenrir away from Remus his temper already raising.

"Lucius, please remove Harry right now."

Lucius nodded and carried Harry out of the room he didn't want to see this anyway. He tried to calm the child in his arms who was currently shaking.

I couldn't decide weather I want Remus to be with James or Fenrir so I decided he'll get both. That doesn't mean it's not going to get violent at some point.

Sorry, it took so long to get the chapter out. I'm working on Chapters for all of my stories right now but I will come back to this one as soon as i can.

Hope you enjoy!

Thank you all for reading!