Hiro smiled as he grabbed his winnings from the pot. This was becoming way to easy. Bot fighting was just something that came so naturally to the boy. He never lost a match and word of his skill quickly spread throughout the underground of san Fransokyo. He was even given a title, "fighter." Hiro at first thought the name was pretty lame, but that's what people referred to him as. If you went up to someone and asked do you know a teen by the name of Hiro? You would get a questioning look and a threat to get lost. However if you went and asked if they knew Fighter their face would soon hold a grin. Everyone knew who Fighter was. It was to the point that Hiro gave up trying to tell people his real name.
Hiro had been on his own sense he was ten. His parents died in an accident and he had no other family. So he was sent to a foster home. He ran away and met up with the people that was now his new family. His "mom" a woman at the age of 24 named Gogo and a 16 year old girl named Alison. They lived together in an apartment near a small park. Hiro made money by bot fighting and Alison was an illegal street racer. Of course Gogo knew about what her two friends were up to and instead of scolding the two, she encouraged it. She was the one who taught Alison how to race in the first place.
Hiro was smart. Smarter than any 17 year old boy should be. If he wanted to he could run the underground. Without hesitation many would follow him. Hiro was more than just a bot fighter. To the people of the back alleyways and dark forgotten underbelly of the city, he was something to be feared and respected. While Hiro himself knew a little self defense, Gogo's job was that she was a street fighter. (Occasionally selling things on the black market for extra money.) she had been teaching the two to fight. And when you lived this kind of life it didn't hurt to know how to throw a punch or two. If Hiro ever got into too tight a spot, Gogo and Alison would be there to help fight his way out. So they had a reputation. And Hiro loved it.
Hiro yawned as he sat down on a bar stool at the fight club bar. Alison was next to him, typing away on her phone. "You're going to go insane from looking at that tiny screen all the time." Hiro joked. Alison didn't even bother to look up. "Your one to talk." She said back. Hiro laughed. It was so true. He was such a coding monkey, it wasn't even funny. Sometimes he would sit for hours or even days at his computer or desk trying make a new robot or invent something new.
There was a bot fight going on. One which bored Hiro to no end. Everything was so slow to him. Nothing could keep up with him and very rarely was he ever thrown off balance.
He soon become tired and tapped Alison on her shoulder. "Can we go?" He asked. Alison for the first time in the past hour looked up from her phone and nodded. She slipped her phone into her bag and slid off the stool.
As they walked to the exit people cleared a path for them. It was a funny sight seeing all these gang members, thugs and common criminals making way for a couple of teenagers.
When they made their way out into the alleyway, they walked over to Alison's beautiful white motorcycle. Alison had three but this one was by far her favorite. (And the most expensive.)
Hiro settled behind Alison, putting on his helmet which covered his face completely. Alison slipped on a similar one only hers was white to match her bike while Hiros was red.
She started the engine and the bike roared to life.
Just then the the all too familiar sound of police sirens blared in the distance. "Shit!" Alison cursed. "Hiro hold on this might get interesting." Hiro sighed. He really just wanted to go home and sleep but knowing Alison she would never give up the chance to challenge the police. "Is your face covered?" She asked. "Yes." Hiro said with annoyance.
Alison smiled as she raced out of the alley into the open streets nearly hitting a cop car. Said car immediately gave chase while two other cars block the entrance to the alley where the club was.
'Well there goes another place found out by the damn police.' Hiro thought. He was jostled out of his thought when Alison made a hard turn. Hiro yelp and grasped his friend tight. "Sorry." She quickly said before making another turn to the right. The car at this point had disappeared and the bike came to a stop. "That wasn't very fun." Hiro yawned. But then out of no where a police motorcycle came racing towards the pair. "You jinxed it!" Alison yelled. As fast as she could she started up the bike and drove down a narrow street with tons of garbage littering the path. Alison made her way through with little effort coming out into another wide street. To both of their surprise the cop on the bike made it through the maze of trash without falling. Hiro was now wide awake and was very much interested in the man on the motorcycle following behind them. Alison was having a fairly difficult time getting him off their tales and Hiro could tell she was slowly becoming frustrated. She was pulling every trick she knew in the book. Sharp turns, unsafe lane changes, everything! "Who the fuck is this guy?" She growled. Hiro didn't even register that she said anything, he just kept looking behind them. His eyes following the bike as they would turn a corner leaving the bike out of sight before coming back into view. Though Hiro could not see who was under the helmet he was having more fun than he had all night.
The cop bike was closing the distance between them and Hiro shook Alison with his now sweaty hands. "Alison!"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Time for something different." With that Alison turned up a one way street. Hiro heard the cop bike come to a screeching halt.
Cars honked as the two flowed in and out of the oncoming traffic. They were both lucky that the two of them and the bike were just small enough to squeeze in between the cars. Finally Alison made a sharp right into an alley, coming to a stop. Hiro smiled. 'That was interesting.' He thought to himself. He was just opening his mouth to say something when Alison cut him off. "If you ask if he's gone yet or say it was fun, you will walk the rest of the home." Hiro quickly shut his mouth after that.
The door swung open to their shared bedroom. Hiro was tired again and flopped down on his bed. "Who was that guy?" Hiro asked. Alison shook her head.
"You think I'd know?"
"He's good for a cop." Hiro tossed out.
"Yeah a little too good. I mean when's the last time there was a decent cop here?" It was true. For the most part the cops of san Fransokyo had little to know training when it came to people such as the two. Never before had they been so close to being caught and Hiro could tell that it shook Alison up. "You okay?" He asked as he moved to sit down on her bed across the room. Alison welcomed him and leaned her head on his shoulder. "He didn't learn to drive at a police academy, that for sure." She said. "He knew almost all of my moves. The street moves anyways." Hiro patted her on the shoulder as a sign of comfort. Alison was like a little sister to him. They did everything together. It worried him to see her this was.
It startled the both of them when the door opened and Gogo stepped in. "Where the fucking hell have you two been? The cops shut down one of the clubs, it's all over the news and they're everywhere!" She exclaimed.
"We couldn't come straight home. We were being chased by one." Hiro explained. Gogo's face softened as she walked over to the two. "Are you two alright? Alice you look a little shaken up?" Alison didn't feel like answering and looked to Hiro for the explanation. Gogo looked to him with curiosity.
"This one cop that chased us...he was...different."
"What do you mean by different? He's just a cop he should of been easy to lose! Especially for you!" She pointed a finger at Alison.
"No!" Hiro started "he was different. He knew his way around a bike. He was on our tale and nearly caught us." Gogo ran this through her head for a moment.
"You are going to practice with me tomorrow." She said to Alison. "And you, lay low for a bit." She said to Hiro. The two teens nodded and Gogo left them alone.