"… you have to increase the radius of the signal for this to work" said Hiccup to Hiro while pointing at the computer monitor, today, Hiccup was dressed in a dark green jacket with an exposed plain white undershirt, brown khaki pants hug his slender legs and dark brown boots complemented his attire, like always, his outfit sees to hug his slender yet muscular frame

"Got it, now, for the next step, installing the A.I." said Hiro who was very determined with his project, 3 monitors was in front of Hiro's peripheral view, his eyes bouncing from one monitor to the other, his fingers typing with flawless precision

"Hiro, from what I could see, I don't think you'd need an A.I. module for this to function" said a skeptical Hiccup while rubbing his chin with his finger

"Then how am I supposed to control the nanobots? I always put in an A.I. hive mind as an extension to my controls" complained Hiro

"An A.I. is too impractical and inefficient Hiro, we have to think of something else" replied Hiccup, the two are now in deep thoughts on how to best resolve the problem

Just then, a cough was heard, not a cough of someone sick, but a cough of someone trying to grab someone's attention, the two looked at the source, there, Tadashi was standing outside the garage's entrance with an unamused, irritated face with his arms crossed in a strict manner

""Uh… , hey bro, I was just …" said Hiro to Tadashi in a cumbersome tone

"Hiro, what did I just told you?" said Tadashi with a stern tone, cutting Hiro in midsentence

Hiro was now recalling the morning event and what transpired, just then, it dawned onto him

"Uhh, 11 o'clock?" replied Hiro, unsure with his answer

"Yes Hiro, 11 o'clock" said Tadashi, not leaving his gaze on Hiro's eyes

"Well, uh.. , you see.. , I was… " Hiro was now having trouble making coherent sentences as he knows that he's in trouble, Hiro knows that Saturday's are the busiest days in the week, him leaving his post and duty was not only a mistake, but he was letting his aunt and Tadashi down, the main reason why they're the only employees around is because their aunt prides herself that both of them are trust worthy, the same aunt that raised the and took them in

Hiro, now overwhelmed by guilt lowered his face

"I'm sorry" said Hiro with a sadden tone

Tadashi looked at Hiro and his face soften, one thing Tadashi never wants to see is a depressed Hiro, perhaps he was a little too rough on him, with a simple gesture, he nod his head on the direction of the café

"Well, I guess we'll have to continue this some other time, I'll call you later, bye Hiccup" said Hiro who was now walking away from Hiccup

"Bye" said Hiccup with a simple hand wave

With Hiro already on his way to the café, the garage was now silent, even with two people occupied, the atmosphere seems to radiate awkwardness

With a deep sigh, Tadashi was the first to break the silence

"Hiccup, mind telling me what're you're doing here?" asked Tadashi, it dawned onto him that his tone and his question was very impolite and rude, before he could fix his error, Hiccup answered his question

"Hiro called me, he said he wants my help" replied Hiccup

"Help him on what?" asked Tadashi with a curious tone

"With his latest project, he wants someone who could help him code the modules for his nanobots" replied Hiccup

Tadashi was taken aback at this, Hiro knows that programming was his forte, but Hiro instead picked Hiccup, a stranger they just met, Tadashi couldn't help the feeling of jealousy boiling inside him

"I…. see" said Tadashi, dismayed by the outcome

The room fell silent again and it began to secrete an aura of awkwardness, this time, Hiccup was the one who broke the silence

"Look, I'm really sorry for all of this, please don't be too hard on Hiro, he just wants to impress you" said Hiccup

Tadashi was actually touched by this, all this because Hiro wants Tadashi to be proud of him, Tadashi grew a small serene smile on his face

"Don't worry, I won't" said Tadashi while softly smiling at Hiccup

"So… I guess I should be heading out now huh?" said Hiccup with his usual awkward tone while rubbing the back of his head

Tadashi thought of it for a moment, Hiro should get all the help he should need, and as Tadashi would hate to admit it, Hiccup was amazing at programming, swallowing his pride for Hiro's sake was no easy feat Tadashi could perform

"Uhm, Hiccup, could I… get your number? I'll give you mine in return" said a nervous Tadashi

"Oh, uhh, sure, here" said Hiccup as he voiced out his numbers, Tadashi then returned the favor

"Well, I better go now, see you around Tadashi" said Hiccup with his signature adorkable smile

Instead of a verbal reply, Tadashi instead opted for a simple hand wave gesture, with that, Hiccup take his leave

With Hiccup gone, there's not much to do inside the garage, with this, Tadashi went back to the café to help around

- San Fransokyo: Downtown -

Hiccup has never been to a city before, especially something as big as San Fransokyo, probably because Berk was considered a provincial town that is isolated from the mainland of Greenland, Hiccup doesn't have any particular destination and opted to explore the city to familiarize himself, he began to compare Berk to San Fransokyo, there were so many people and so many skyscrapers, something he doesn't see back home, it was like a concrete jungle, buildings were littered everywhere, almost everything is coated in cement and concrete, on every street, there would be cars either waiting for the red light or being parked, it was also too noisy, too many ambient sounds making noises all at the same time

Hiccup's not going to lie, he's pretty scared being inside a city, he has read and watched news concerning crimes ranging from theft to murder, although Hiccup was no fool when it comes to scams, he's still doesn't let his guard down, but what if he gets lost? Or gets sick? Or ran out of money? Hiccup is know very concerned, he was all by himself now, nobody was going to take care of him but himself, and he doubts that Toothless can perform medical treatments for him

'No!' said Hiccup to himself mentally while aggressively shaking his head

'I'm 20 years old! I'm an adult now! I can do this!' exclaimed Hiccup mentally onto himself

'I mean, how hard can it really be? City folks always seems to know what they're doing, so if they can do it, so can I' with this, Hiccup grew more confident

As Hiccup was walking by the sidewalk and looking at the buildings, his eye spotted a mall, the mall was large and ravishing with greeneries and modern architecture articulating its overall aesthetics, Hiccup has never been to a mall before, probably because Berk only has a handful of small stores, with curiosity overcoming Hiccup, he selected his next destination; the mall

- San Fransokyo Mall –

The exterior did not disappoint as the inside of the structure was grandeur, it was a combination of modern design and nature all intertwined in one grand feat or artistry, fountains, plants, sky lights, tiles, decorative carpets, glass, it was all so new to the eyes of Hiccup, he couldn't help himself but be dumbstruck, elevators and escalators where all so common in this place, the height of the structure itself was monumental, with floors perceived by Hiccup as tall as a skyscraper and halls as wide as streets, from what Hiccup could say, this place is not a place for people who has no money

After Hiccup's initial expression of the mall, he continued to roam around the vast structure that is occupied by countless of people, he began to wander at the ground floor first, most of the stores were boutiques, jewelries, and other cosmetic superficial items, Hiccup visited some of them but strayed away once he saw the price tags

He proceeded to got to the top floors and explored, so far, he came across several food stations, more boutiques, a hardware store (he made a quick mental note to that), bookstores, the department store, arcades, the cinema area, fast food restaurants, more superficial cosmetics, fine dining restaurants, pet stores (again, he also made a quick mental note to that), electronic stores, toy stores, and other countless stores that seems to be a combination of the other stores

So far, Hiccup was exhausted and he hasn't explored the entire area, while walking, he spotted a bench 'finally!' exclaimed Hiccup mentally, with no time to waste, he increased his speed in fear that someone might take the spot, Hiccup sat down and began to think, he's never been to a place that's quite like this, he began to relax and appreciate the surroundings, people were leisurely walking, some were happily chatting with their companion, overall, the place was lively, before he could get up to continue his exploration, he membered something,

- Flashback: Berk -

"I'm so proud of you son! You're finally going to see the world! Just like what you've always wanted" said Hiccup's father; Stoick, a name derived from ancient Viking lore famous in Berk, a legendary chief who killed a dragon at his age of infancy

"Thanks dad! I can't believe it either!" said Hiccup excitedly while packing his clothes

"Make sure to bring more clothes son" said Hiccup's mother; Valka, a name that originated in ancient Viking culture whose story foretold a fierce woman who has an army of dragons at her disposal

"But mom!" whined Hiccup

"Hiccup's right love, there's no need to carry that much weight, look at him" said Stoick who gestured at Hiccup

"You just gestured to all of me!" whined Hiccup

"Fine" said Valka who was now grabbing her bag

"Here Hiccup, take this" said Valka, handing Hiccup a card

"A credit card?" asked Hiccup in an unsure tone

"if ye going to stay in this country for 6 months, then ye going to have to resupply" said Valka with her thick accent, giving his son her credit card

- Flashback ends -

"Ugh, I hate clothes shopping" Hiccup murmured to himself

Hiccup began to scout all potential shops that his taste would suit him, and eventually, he spotted one, it was a bit classy for his standard, but his love for jackets overpowered him, he began to look around, there were so many to choose from

'It's now or never' Hiccup began to pick clothes out from their respective racks and shelves, so far, he picked a brown formal jacket, a whitish polo shirt, a light reddish brown sweater vest, black jeans, and black boots

After the selection, he proceeded to go to the changing room, he set aside the clothes he chose on the side rack of the cubicle, he then began to undress, he took his jacket off and set it aside, then he removed his shirt, exposing his torso, from a stranger's perspective, Hiccup has a well-toned physique akin to that of a cat, slender yet powerful, his chest seems to be the most developed in his upper body as his pectorals are very visible even under clothes, his biceps are also visible and creates an illusion of being bigger whenever Hiccup either flex or picks up objects, his belly is well sculpted and appears to be as hard as a rock either though diet, exercise, or both, his hips are slender, a feature he got from his mother, he began to dress the clothes he chose, buttoning the polo shirt, wearing the sweater vest over the polo shirt, then the last, putting the brown formal jacket over

'At least it's almost done' Hiccup unbuttoned his belt and proceeded to remove his lower garments, he placed his lower attire on the same rack of his upper attire, one of the eye catching features a stranger may see is Hiccup's undergarments, not the undergarments itself but what is underneath it, his boxers seems to hug his manhood, more considerately, for someone like Hiccup, he seems to be packing more than meets the eye evidence to the swelling bulge his boxer produce, giving off the illusion that it's heavier compared to most, this may be a feature he inherited from his father's biology

The next striking feature would be far more visible than the former, where there would be two appendages, one stood out from the other, the left foot was by far the most eye catching feature Hiccup may possess, unlike the opposite that is composed of smooth, hairless, fair flesh, the other has no evidence of being made of flesh, for, it was made of materials composed of plastic and metal; a prosthetic leg, one that is as smooth as any man made material, it's color; a glistening greyish silver that reflects the lights from its surface, the design overall was human in shape, a physiology that has good dexterity and versatility, Hiccup paid it no mind as he was used to such a thing, for him, it comes all so natural, he may not be able to feel the sensation, but he has grown accustom to its company

Hiccup began to put on the lower garments, wearing first the black jeans, topping it off with his belt, last, putting on the black boots, so far, he doesn't seem to be struggling nor is in any difficulty whatsoever with wearing the lower attire, doing it as swiftly as any normal person would

Hiccup took a step back away from the cubicle's mirror to judge how his overall looks, Hiccup's not for one who harbors vanity, but for this once, he may make an exception, his taste is what people may call 'conservative', he's seen always with a jacket, be it with a hoodie or not, he grew attached to the style, it suits him, he doesn't know why, but perhaps it's because of the climate in his home, with one final look, he looked at the person in the mirror, a young man of 20 years of age who is 6 ft. tall, a messy, neck-length auburn hair with two braids on the right, wearing a brown formal jacket, a whitish polo shirt, a light reddish brown sweater vest, black jeans, and black boots, Hiccup may not be very knowledgeable with pop culture, but even he could say that he looks like what the city folks would call; a hipster, then again, if he looks good and feels good of what he's wearing, then there's really no problem at all

Hiccup has 'recycled' his former attire for the last 3 days now, from the airport, renting himself an apartment unit, to giving his form to register at S.F.I.T., so far, he admitted that he may have gotten lazy to wash his clothes, afraid of being embarrassed of the would be odor (if there's any) of his old clothes, he opted to wear the current one instead

With a satisfied smile, he gathered his old attire and exited the cubicle and onwards to the cashier

Hiccup arrived at the cashier, it was devoid of people save for the young black haired woman in the counter, paying no mind to any of the customers at all while she reads a magazine that hid her face

Seeing this, Hiccup really hopes that the woman would just drop the magazine, after a few seconds, Hiccup will now have to get her attention

"Uhm, excuse me, miss?" said Hiccup trying to get her attention to no avail, she seems to be more interested in the magazine than a potential customer

"Uhm, miss?" Hiccup asked again, this time, a little louder

"What!?" said the woman, she removed the magazine out of her field of vision not to accommodate the customer, but to see who is irritating her, but before she replies another protest, she saw who's she talking to

"Go Go?" said Hiccup not as a question but more as an obvious statement

"Hiccup? What are you doing here?" asked Go Go while setting aside the magazine

"Hehehe, I was about to ask you the same thing" said Hiccup while awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck

Before Go Go could reply, she managed to get an overall sight of Hiccup's appearance, if she didn't know Hiccup, she could have mistaken him for a young male model or just a really attractive rich kid, he was rather quite dashing, Go Go admitted to herself

"I.. uh… wow.. I-I mean, I work here, duh! You?" said Go Go rapidly between a flinch

"Just came here to buy something, I really need new clothes, and my mom would be pretty mad if I didn't get myself any 'souvenirs' while in another country" said Hiccup nonchalantly

"Oh, so, is that the one you're wearing be the one you're buying?" asked Go Go

"Uh, yeah" answered Hiccup

"Well okay then, give me a sec" said Go Go while grabbing a scanner and a security tag remover, she proceeded to walk over to Hiccup and unclipped the tags in Hiccup's new outfit, after scanning the outfit, the cash register immediately displayed the amount, Hiccup then gave her his credit card, and before then know it, the transaction is finished

"So we're you heading now?" asked Go Go, genuinely curious

"I don't know really, maybe do some more exploring? To tell you the truth, this is actually the first time I've ever been to a mall" answered Hiccup

"Woah! Really!? But you've heard of the internet right?" teased Go Go, both of them laughed at this

"Tell you what, meet me at the 5th floor at the food court, I'll give you a tour, my shift ends at 10 minutes, think you could wait?" said Go Go

"Sure! That would be great, thanks" replied Hiccup with a smile, the two then made their farewell with each other with Hiccup now walking away from the store with his shopping bag and Go Go continuing to read her magazine

Hiccup is currently on the 3rd floor, to get to the 5th floor, he has several choices, he could either pick the stairs, the escalator, or the elevator, he decided to choose the later since he hasn't used one before, Hiccup was becoming more embarrassed by the fact that he has never been to most of what life could offer, it's like he was a kid again, everything was so new, but that doesn't mean that he's ignorant to the outside world, most of the time back on Berk, he sometimes spend his leisure time watching T.V., of course, the program network was set to Europe, particularly, the U.K. network, the only knowledge Hiccup has on North America came from the news, pop culture, and movies that was got viral in Europe

Hiccup arrived at the elevator and entered, it was empty, Hiccup first observed the glass screen, it was a wonderful view, he can see below the people walking around, different shops with different designs, the fountains and plants that are decorated at the center and at the edge of the area, he can see the architecture of the construct, he was right, the mall was enormous, after a brief appreciation, he moved towards the floor selection console, he pressed the number 5 and the elevator proceeded to move upwards, he set himself beside the window while the elevator moves, but suddenly, the elevator stopped

'Well that was fast' Hiccup looked at the black screen display above the elevator door, it stated that it's still in the 4th floor, just then, the door slid open sideways, the person who entered was wide eyed when he saw Hiccup

"Honey? Wow, what a coincidence" said Hiccup

Honey was speechless, the first thing she did was looked at Hiccup from top to bottom, she blushed at this, she was right, clothes does makes a man, she didn't expected Hiccup to be this attractive

"Uhm, Honey?" asked Hiccup again trying to get her attention

"Oh, uhm wha-, I mean, it's so nice to see you here H-Hiccup! You look… you look.. wow…, I-I mean…" Honey wasn't giving Hiccup any comprehensible sentences, Honey was in panicked mode now, she knew that she messed up, she needed to redeem herself this time to make it up for all the times she has humiliated herself

'Okay, play it cool, you're a cool girl Honey, be a cool girl', with a deep sigh, she readied herself

"So Hiccup~, fancy meeting you here", said Honey with a fake confidence in her tone

"I could say the same thing to you, looks like you've been busy" said Hiccup while gesturing to Honey's numerous shopping bags

"Oh these? Yeah, a girl gotta have her everyday dose right?" said Honey, desperately trying to keep her façade of someone being cool

"Right" replied Hiccup, it was this then that it fell silent, Honey was now rapidly thinking of things to say in order for Hiccup to stay interested

"So where are you heading now?" asked Honey while leaning by the wall in an attempt to project an image of coolness

"Oh, I'm going to the food court, wanna come with me?" offered Hiccup

"Yes!" Honey replied quickly without a second to lose, her voice was loud, almost like a scream with a tone of desperation

"I-I mean, sure, if you want me to" said Honey, desperate to save herself before she makes a total love-struck fool of herself

"That's great, oh here, let me help you with those" said Hiccup while offering his hand to take several of Honey's shopping bags, Honey then handed them over to him, with perfect timing, the elevator's doors slid open, the two then exited the elevator and onwards to the hall where the food court would be located

The two were walking the wide hallways with, Hiccup and Honey doesn't seem to be talking with one another as Hiccup was content with the silence while Honey is planning elaborate scripts for her to tell

To say that Honey's comment of Hiccup being attractive was an understatement, whenever by passers walk them by, they would sneak glances towards Hiccup's form, several girls over the distance would trail their eyes on him, some where even taking pictures of Hiccup to be posted in the internet where they would ask the name of this young man, even some young men were glancing towards Hiccup, either through jealousy, admiration, or, something else…~

Finally, the two arrived at the food court, people were everywhere, most of the seats were taken, Hiccup then spotted an empty seat for two and gestured for Honey to said seats, the two of them went over towards the empty seats

"Wow, this place is huge" said Hiccup while looking at his surroundings, his tone mix with wonder and admiration

"Yeah, does your home have something like this?" asked Honey

"Sorta, but it's not very luxurious" replied Hiccup, the two then fell silent again and Honey was not liking this one bit, before she could ask another question that would make their conversation flowing again, Hiccup spoke first

"You wanna have ice cream? My treat" Hiccup offered

"Oh, uhh, no thank you Hiccup" said Honey politely, hiding her urge of really wanting one

"So what's your favorite flavor?" asked Hiccup

"Chocolate?" replied Honey with an unsure tone

"Great! Be right back" said Hiccup, he then sat up and ventured towards an ice cream stand, not long after, he was back, carrying with him two chocolate chip ice creams in a small bowl

"Here" said Hiccup to Honey with a smile, giving her her ice cream

"Wow, thank you Hiccup, wait, chocolate is your favorite too?" asked Honey, clearly happy with the outcome

"Yup" replied Hiccup, the two then proceeded to eat their ice cream, not long after, the two were frantically talking with one another, happily discussing different kinds of subjects, there was laughter most of the time, it was the first time that Hiccup and Honey truly bonded, with the two eating ice cream while excitedly talking with one another with several laughs squeezed in, they look like a happy couple from a stranger's perspective

Not long after, someone interrupted them by yelling Hiccup and Honey's names out loud, the two stopped talking and move their heads from the source of the sound out of curiosity, just then, Fred appeared and walked straight towards Hiccup while giving him several pats in the back

"Yo Hiccup, how've you been man?" said Fred, he picked up an unused chair and placed it beside the center of the table between Hiccup and Honey, not bothered by Honey's frown and annoyance

"Hey there Fred" said Hiccup, he glanced over to Fred's back and saw Wasabi and Go Go just behind him

"The whole gang is here?" asked Hiccup to no one in particular

"Yeah, we were actually already in the mall until Go Go gave us a call, she said that you were here and we should, like, totally hang out!" said Fred excitedly

Not a moment too soon, Go Go and Wasabi arrived at their table

"Sup Hiccup, you won't mind if I take this two along right?" asked Go Go, gesturing her thumbs to Fred and Wasabi

"Not at all, the more the merrier right?" replied Hiccup, just then Go Go turned her head and saw Honey sitting just in front of Hiccup

"Was I… interrupting something important?" asked Go Go, with this Honey eyes went wide as her face blushed

"N-No! No, you weren't interrupting anything hehehehe" said an embarrassed Honey, the group paid her no mind, Fred then continued his talk

"Anyways, there's this new horror movie that just came out and –"

"Ohhh no! No! We are not watching that!" said Wasabi, cutting Fred off midsentence

"Come on! It'd be epic, right Hiccup" said Fred to the group and to Hiccup which caused the groups attention to transfer onto Hiccup

"Uhh… to tell you the truth, I've never been to a cinema before" said an embarrassed Hiccup while rubbing the back of his head, his eyes are cast downwards to prevent any awkward glances

"Well that sums it up, so who's in?" said Go Go while raising her right arm, Fred followed the lead, next Honey, next Hiccup, the group then turned their gazes towards Wasabi

"Ugh… fine" said Wasabi who was the last to raise their arm

- The cinema -

The group just got inside the theatre after paying their tickets with Go Go asking for money from Wasabi (again)

Hiccup was again dumbstruck, it was enormous, seats were aligned between aisles which were decorated with velvet cloths, there were even seats above them, he was quite shocked that the place was clean, back in Berk, it was always littered with leftover snacks, wrappers, and sometimes, to adult movies, sticky white substances contained in a deflated balloon like plastic tube, Hiccup shivered at the memory

Not long after, Go Go found the perfect seats so that their field of vision would be at the center, the group then headed their way towards the group of seats that can be found at the center of the theatre, with this, they proceeded to sit down, but the matter to Honey is, the person she should be sitting with, she called unto Hiccup's name while pointing at a seat beside her, Hiccup saw her and proceeded to go over her seat, just as Honey could turn around her head around, Fred was now occupying her seat that was meant for Hiccup, shocked and not wanting to experience the same thing that happened before, she called unto Fred, but before Honey could voice out any comprehensible words, Fred cut her off midsentence by calling out Hiccup's name to sit by his side, which, Hiccup did so

Honey was dismayed by this and sneered at Fred who didn't know the wiser of Honey's current state, once Hiccup has settled in, Go Go took a seat by Hiccup's empty side with Wasabi following suit on Go Go's side, so the queue were, Wasabi, Go Go, Hiccup being at the center, Fred, and the last, Honey

The group chatted for a little bit while waiting for the movie to start, just then, Go Go had an idea

"Hey everybody!" said Go Go while getting her phone camera, the group had several selfies all together, ranging from stolen shots that captures how the group is having fun, pictures where they posed wacky poses, pictures of them as a group wearing a simple smile, and more hilarious and outlandish photos, for every photo, there was laughter and smiles

Before they know it, the movie was starting and everybody slowly fell silent as to not disturb the rest of the audience, the movie itself was terrifying to most, filled with jump scares, suspense soundtracks, and Wasabi's scream, the movie went on for a while, the group was focused on the screen, wide eyed, mouth agape, and frozen in place, it wasn't too long after the movie ended with a cliff hanger, the credits started rolling and the group finally let out a breath they didn't know they were holding, but just then, something happened to the credits, the letters were falling and next thing they knew, a jump scare popped out, everybody was so unguarded that they screamed from the initial shock, then finally, the real credit rolled in

Everybody slowly made their way towards the exit with the group still in the state of shock evidence from their wide eyes and small yet constant shivering, they huddled together in a brief silence, but before they know it, they were laughing at one another, teasing one another for their initial reaction (mostly Wasabi), and making jokes how sleep is for the weak

With sometime to spare, the group began to think of what to do next, Honey then came up with a suggestion; the amusement park, everybody seems to agree with this and proceeded to exit the cinema while giddily talking to one another, of course, with Honey's disastrous attempt at the movies, she needs to isolate Hiccup and herself, but as an added bonus, both Hiccup and Honey are now talking the same way they once were back at the food court, full of interest, energy, and laughter

- The amusement park -

Hiccup was at first confused towards their direction they were heading, the route doesn't seem to lead to the parking lot, it just leads to one of the exits of the mall, naturally, Hiccup thought that they were going to fetch something to ride on their way to the amusement park, it wasn't until then that the group has crossed the border of the sliding doors between the mall and the outside world that made Hiccup's eyes sparkle, here they were, outside the mall, and in front of them, an amusement park, the kind that Hiccup would see on theme parks like Disney Land, it was outrageously huge, filled with brimming colors, rides as tall as skyscrapers and as wide like a football stadium, 'How did I missed this?', Hiccup was still shocked, the place was beautiful and heavily radiated an aura of joy and happiness, various stands littered the park everywhere, from items such as balloons to funny looking hats

"This place is amazing" mumbled Hiccup under his breath while gazing the scene before him

"Come on!" yelled Go Go happily, as soon as she said that, the group excitedly ran towards the entrance

The first ride they got in was the rollercoaster, specially handpicked by Go Go, this time, Honey was prepared, she tugged Hiccup's arm and lead him to a cart for two, thankfully to her, Fred was on the front with Go Go by his side, right behind the duo is the cart of Honey and Hiccup, the last and going solo was Wasabi (who managed to take all the belts and strapped himself with them), with a loud ring, the carts began to move slowly, it followed the tracks which lead to an upward track, shaped into a very tall and narrow hill, before the cart could plunge downwards, it stopped at the tip, it was intentional as to build suspense and excitement to the riders, Fred and Go Go's arms were flailing to air while yelling to the top of their lungs, clearly excited for the rush they will experience, Hiccup and Honey were frantically laughing right now, excited for the upcoming event, while Wasabi was closing his eyes and was gripping his cart's handle bars hard, the cart was now slowly moving downwards to the tip, the passengers screaming with anticipation, and without a single warning, the carts immediately accelerated downwards, the wind blew to the passenger's faces with such force, the ride went into several zigzag, entered various tunnels, went up then rapidly descended downwards, did twirls and loops, became upside down, and circled itself in a spring shaped track

Several minutes later, the ride has come to an end and has slowed itself towards the passenger outpost, the group's hair were all backwards due to wind's current, Fred and Go Go were still screaming, clearly satisfied with their ride, Hiccup and Honey were laughing so hard, Wasabi was feeling a bit sick and has just excused himself

"You guys wanna ride the go carts?" asked Go Go towards the group

"I propose we head to the bump cars!" suggested Fred

"You know what, you guys go ahead, me and Hiccup have enough speed thrills for one day" said Honey politely

"Suit yourself, we'll meet at the food stands, see ya!" said Go Go, running off with Fred by her side

"So what do we do now?" asked Hiccup, Honey was looking around for anything that might interest them both until her eyes landed in a few game stands, she gesture to Hiccup to the stands and the two walked towards them

The game's objective was to pop the balloons that was several meters away from them, each balloons are color coded with the red being the highest score to win a top prize, to pop the balloons, participants are given a bow and 3 arrows

Honey wasn't very confident of her marksmanship skills and was beginning to doubt if this game would be fun for them, just then, Hiccup paid the man and took the bow and arrows, he closed his left eye and used his right eye as a focus point to his right arm, with confidence and expert precision, he shot the red balloon with pure accuracy, Honey was wide eyed at this, not losing a single second, Hiccup drew another arrow and with the same process as before, shot another red balloon, Hiccup didn't stopped, he drew the last arrow and strike the last red balloon, the overall action only took him 5 seconds, the man in charged at the stand was impressed and gave Hiccup his prize, a giant brown stuffed bear

Hiccup thank the man and gave the stuffed toy to Honey

"That was so cool" said Honey, her eyes wide as she was still impressed by Hiccup's flawless marksmanship

"Thanks" replied Hiccup while rubbing the back of his head

"Where'd you learn to do that!?" asked Honey

"When you grow up in a place that admires Vikings, you could learn a thing or two" answered Hiccup

The day was falling short and the night was fast approaching, Go Go and Fred were playing at the bump cars while Wasabi was playing at the arcade, it won't be long until they will be leaving, with one last ride, Honey was now searching for something they could do together, that was until Honey's attention was averted to Hiccup's

"I love ferries wheel" said Hiccup to no one in particular, he was looking at the San Fransokyo tourist ferries wheel, smiling, as if recalling a memory, it was the largest ferries wheel in the city, with not a moment to lose, Honey tugged Hiccups arm and lead him to the ferries wheel

The two boarded the capsule, eventually, the ferries wheel moved, Hiccup was truly enjoying the site of a city lit in the darkness, he could see the colors, the bright lights that accompanies streets, it was a sight to behold

"It's beautiful huh?" said Honey, not much of a question as for a statement

"I don't get to see cities that much, although, the stars back home does compensates to it" said Hiccup, still serenely smiling to the view

The two then had a conversation, asking question from what's it's like in the city or on Berk, some personal backgrounds, tales from their past, their interest, and more, the two were in deep conversation until the ferries wheel abruptly stopped, signaling that their ride is over

The two headed out of onwards to their designated rendezvous point, the group met up, each clearly satisfied with the days outcome, there were talking again, mostly about what transpired for the day, not long after, Fred's stomach growled, the group realized that they haven't eaten anything since the movies, not even a single snack

Wasabi suggested that they eat in a high class restaurant, as Wasabi sees in his friends eyes, none seems to be willing to pay the price, instead, he changed his suggestion to a pizza restaurant, the group's eyes seems to beamed at this

The group headed towards the parking lot, Hiccup and Honey put their shopping bags at the back of Wasabi's car before entering, like the worst of luck for Honey, Go Go is now in between her seat and Hiccup's seat, accepting her fate with a deep sigh, she entered the car, not a moment later, the ignition started and Wasabi drove to the mall's exit

- The pizza restaurant -

It was true of what day say; Time flies when you're having fun, the group's journey to the restaurant was filled with constant talking, joke, selfies, and music, before they know it, they have already arrived at the restaurant

Upon exiting the van, Hiccup took a look at the place, it was mainstream, an average pizzeria with two floors, the place seems to be filled with people but not enough to be considered full or overcrowded

The group then proceeded to enter the premise with their first priority; finding a table, the ground floor was brimming with activity, people seems to occupy the bigger tables due to their number, with this, the group moved on to the top floor, luckily, they spotted one that would support their neighbor, they proceeded to head to the empty table and settled themselves in

"So what it'd be you guys? My treat" said Fred, pointing to himself

"Cheese!" said Wasabi

"Pepperoni!" said Go Go

"Bacon" said Honey

"Anchovy" said Hiccup

The last one caught everybody's attention which caused them to go silent and stare at Hiccup, not most people has a liking for fish as toppings, for them, it was quite an oddity as they know that the topping has a smelly aroma and a not so likeable flavor

"O-Or, pepperoni, pepperoni is good too hehehe" said Hiccup awkwardly while rubbing the back of his head

With the group finally deciding what to order, they called unto the waiter's attention and proceeded to give their order, so far, they have ordered a big jug of ice tea, some chips and fries, mashed potatoes, and a large size pepperoni pizza

While waiting, the group proceeded to do what they normally do, talk, tell jokes, laugh, tell tales, and courtesy by Honey, have selfies, the group so far were enjoying themselves, their food arrived moments later and ate it with gusto, while munching their food, they kept talking with one another, Fred was the most active, with him talking while food was still in his mouth, of course, the selfies didn't stopped, Honey was the one who orchestrated the picture taking, taking stolen pictures of the group while eating, every moment where there was fun, she takes a picture of it, of course, most of her shots were focused on Hiccup

"Smile for the camera Hiccup!" said Honey giddily before she clicked her phone, the photo registered and it shows an eating Hiccup wearing a goofy smile that may look adorable to most, but Honey didn't stopped, she sneakily took pictures of Hiccup without his knowledge, so far, she took several facial reactions of Hiccup, to her, they were absolutely cute and adorable, from an expression of happiness, wonder, amusement, and confusion

Afterwards, their food was all but eaten, everybody was satisfied with their meal, but that didn't stop them to continue their talk, they decided to stay in the restaurant for a while before taking their leave, they proceeded to talk more, and again, take photos of the moment

The time now was 9:00 pm, it was Wasabi who first saw it through his phone, he immediately let everyone know that it was getting late, although the group was reluctant to abandon their great moments, but alas, they know too well that it is indeed getting late, with a disappointed sigh, the group began to stand to leave the building

As the night continues, the group has said their various goodbyes with one another, truly happy with the day's outcome

"I really enjoyed the day Hiccup" said Honey who was slightly blushing

"So did I" said Hiccup

Meanwhile, at the background, Go Go and Fred were fighting to who gets to sit at the front which, with this, Honey hastily made her way to the van

"Come on!" said Honey excitedly

The only answer Hiccup gave her was a simple shake in the head while smiling, refusing her offer, Honey was bewildered by this

"My place isn't very far from here, I think I'll just walk" said Hiccup

"You sure? We could drop you off at your place" offered Honey

"Thanks, but no thank you" replied Hiccup

"Oh come on! Please?" pleaded Honey, conjuring her cutest puppy eyes

Hiccup just rolled her eyes, lightly laughing at Honey's childish antics

"Fine" said Hiccup

Honey scooched over to the far left of the van as to give Hiccup room to sit beside her, just then, they heard a loud sigh coming from Go Go

"Fine!" said Go Go, clearly defeated in her argument with Fred, with that, she take her seat beside Honey, with this, Hiccup was forced to sit at the opposite side of the Van

'Grrrrrrr!' Honey was furious right now but she didn't let anyone show it, instead, she crossed her arms while wearing a frown on her face, perhaps the universe hates her

The ride took 6 minutes until the group was in front of a street that houses many apartments

"Well, this will be my stop" said Hiccup to the group, Wasabi stopped the car and Hiccup exited the vehicle, the group said their various farewell to Hiccup before leaving, with one final goodbye from the group, they drove off to the night

"Bye" said Hiccup softly to himself with a smile while lazily waving an arm at the distant van, and with that, he walked away from the area and unto his apartment

- Hamada residence -

It was 11 o'clock, Hiro has fallen asleep quite early, exhausted by the busy Saturday rush, after their work was done, he proceeded to give his projection another look to see what can be done and needs to be done, there was planning and trial and error involved, although Hiro has suggested to Tadashi countless of times to call Hiccup and ask for help, somehow, Tadashi doesn't seems to favor this idea and opted that he himself should help his brother

Their room was silent, save for the very soft breath Hiro was emulating from his slumber, their room was dark, except for Tadashi's area where there's a lamp, producing a slightly dim light, here, Tadashi was reading one of his books, this time, it was about medicine and its properties towards technology

Tadashi's phone vibrated, caught by the abrupt attention, he laid down his book and grabbed his phone, it was a notification from a social media site, he clicked, it was an album filled with pictures, but what stand out the most was that Hiccup was among them, clearly having a wonderful time with his friends, this actually gave Tadashi a bitter taste in his mouth, true, over the past days, he has been neglecting his friends and not joining their outings, replacing them with more time to complete Baymax

He flicked more to see the photos ranging from the mall, inside the theatre, the amusement park, and the pizzeria, they all look so… happy, was he being replaced? That thought actually had a pang in Tadashi's heart, clearly hurt if it was so, he moved to the photos to photos, imagining himself that he was the one who was in Hiccup's place, he flicked more pictures, most of the pictures seems to be Hiccup along with one or two of his friends, these made him jealous even more, he kept on flicking his phone, 'If only it wasn't a Saturday', but even Tadashi knows that with spare time, he would chose his project more than spend time with his friend

'Okay that does it! This Monday, I'll be spending more time with them, besides, Baymax is now in the testing phase, I guess it wouldn't hurt to skip some tests' Tadashi continued looking at the album until it was finished, but then, there was a new notification that popped out; he was tagged with text written over it:

[Wish you were here Tadashi Hamada]