"I went out walking under the stars.

I had given up on the sun and the warmth of days.

I went out walking under the Prussian blue of night

–and fell in love with the moon instead."

( ; Corporalofthedamned )

Their sun was too bright, too hot, too overbearing. It was not the sweet honey warmth she remembered. During the day, as she walked around the Glade with Newt, taking in the scenery, meeting some of the nicer Gladers and just ridding her disassembled mind of anything more than what was in the moment her olive colored skin became sticky, when she turned to Newt to ask if there was a way to wash off the sweat and remembered sullenly she couldn't talk she thought she was doomed to be a sweaty pig for the rest of the day, but instead Newt took into count her attempting to tell him something and leant down, pointing towards a patch of loose dirt by the gardens and immediately she knew what he was offering her.

She asked him through writing, she didn't even realize she had the ability to write; the prospect had her smiling with contentment. When he directed her to a small crystalline pool of water just outside the batch of trees he called the dead heads, she smiled once again thankfully. He bid her farewell for a moment, pronouncing to her as if reassuring her (she didn't need reassurance, she was fine) he'd be back soon enough, he was just going to grab some things. She waved him off, once again barely listening to a word he had said. When she knelt by the bank of the water, feeling the cool waves lap up against her fingertips she stared at her reflection, surprised and taken aback at what she saw staring back at her.

Eyes the color of copper wire, a sort of metallic brown and skin she knew to be olive like in complexion but totally void of any scars; she had a round face, sunken cheeks that her chin filled out quite well and her hair was the deepest of chestnut browns, braided over her shoulder with a small red ribbon wrapped around the tail of the braid. She wore a simple black long sleeved shirt that was made out of extremely thin material and brown shorts that hid her wide hips; underneath she knew she was wearing undergarments so there was no questioning that, her feet where simply clad in a pair of plain black running shoes. She figured she must have dressed herself before entering the box, because she liked what she saw. Through looking over herself more intensely, she found that the only reason she was surprised at her own reflection was because she wasn't ugly, nor was she gorgeous… she was plain, and she found she rather enjoyed the simplistic way she looked.

When Newt had returned, jogging towards her with a canteen of water and what she guessed where sandwiches in hand she was finished cleaning off her skin, and instead resorted to splashing her feet against the water, enjoying the feel and just enjoying the quiet that surrounded her; in the distance she could hear the many voices of Gladers, the shuffling and the bustle but it was muffled and she found she liked it that way. She still knew they were there so she wasn't alone, but she didn't have to interact. It was becoming her favorite place already, which was odd seeming she'd only been in the Glade for a couple hours.

After she had gulped down half the water in the canteen greedily, and began nibbling at the sandwich (Her stomach still a little queasy from being in the box only an hour or two before) Newt turned to her and began talking once again, obviously distracted.

"I have to go help Alby with some stuff, I want you to find Minho; Shank's probably back by now, and he will show ya' where you can sleep." Though she wanted to ask what Minho looked like, or where Minho was coming back from, or what Shank meant she knew there was no way to write all of it down fast enough when Newt looked pretty impatient and antsy enough as it was, so she just nodded her head and let him leave; she'd just have to figure it out on her own, and possibly sooner than later because as she turned back to her small pond after Newt had disappeared over the hill that separated the dead heads from the rest of the Glade she realized the sun was slowly crawling down the horizon.

When she made it back to the central area of the Glade, slowly but surely because she was really starting to enjoy the silence, she watched as everyone began to settle down, some pulling out of the benches by the run down shack in the far corner with plates and cups in hand, she made a mental note on that because that's probably where they all eat. Other's where already fast asleep, probably those guys who were hammering away at those walls today; and despite her observations she had no clue where to start looking for this so called Minho. She thought maybe if she could write something in the dirt, she could find Zart who Newt had introduced her to earlier as a Keeper and get him to help her out but thought against it as soon as she heard a gravelly voice she didn't recognize call from just behind her.

"Minho!" She cast a quick glance over her shoulder, seeing a boy cross the field, a little too far away for her to distinguish his features, he was waving frantically but in a stiff sort of way which she then figured he was pretty pissed, coming from his body language and all. Standing directly in front of him about three yards further away was another boy, bingo, she thought in her head, the smallest of triumphant smiles crawling its way up her features. This time around she didn't stop to ask herself what bingo was; instead she started to walk at a brisk pace towards the Glader known as Minho.

He looked a little worried with the angry boy coming in on his North side, and the new Glader girl coming in on his East, but other than his slightly confused expression he stayed where he was. The angry Glader got to him first, but that didn't stop her as she came right up to Minho, listening to their conversation as she approached.

"What do you want Gally?" Minho asked with such an exasperated tone that it was hard to believe he hadn't exaggerated it, as if he was used to people being angry at him. The angry boy who she now knew to be Gally huffed in response; and not the sort of cute, I'm frustrated huff but the I'm going to huff and puff and blow your house down, big bad wolf with scary sharp teeth kind of huff. As they continued arguing about the process of building some sort of extra building for the Glade she herself became lost in thought over the derivative of the expression she'd just used to describe Gally's reaction, for herself. She could remember the story clearly however she could not remember what is was called nor who had read it to her –it was a surreal experience to say the least.

"Hey… hey you!" She jumped at the sudden change in tone coming from Minho, he was addressing her now and for a moment she just stared at him, taking in his features. He was Asian, and she wondered how she knew that but the thought was just brushed off to the side; he was a little taller than her, maybe by a couple inches and he had square, not all that handsome but not too bad looking either features. Soon she broke into a polite smile after realizing she was being creepy and extended her hand out to him. Gally had disappeared farther up the field, obviously not patient enough to deal with a whole conversation with Minho. Minho grasped her hand in his, shaking it. "You're the new Greenie right? What's your name?" She opened her mouth to respond once again but then made a sort of laughing gesture, as if laughing at herself for being ridiculous once more; she knelt to the ground, grabbing a tiny stick that sat by her foot and wrote in the dirt a simple reply-

Don't have one yet, Newt said you could help me with sleeping arrangements?

Minho looked positively confused at first whilst reading the message she'd inlaid into the dirt, but soon came to the conclusion Newt had hours before and nodded his head briskly, turning around as he began to walk.

"Yeah, sure c'mon." and so she did follow him, having to step over sleeping boys as he lead her through the thick of the drifting figures, the moon was following behind the sun by now as if they were attached by a string and as she sun set, the moon rose and the last bit of light was disappearing with the transition; and then it happened.

An inhuman bang shook the whole Glade, it felt like an earthquake and it shook her off balance. A sort of screeching sound like stone on metal began to fill the entirety of the small rectangle area they were in; she instantly tensed in response, looking over to where she could see movement as she watched the splits in the tall stone walls cover themselves with… doors? Minho stood by her side, watching her intently as she witnessed it all with wide eyes, he only grinned in response.

"The doors close every night, Alby will explain more to you tomorrow on the tour." Nodding her head simply in response because Newt had told her the same thing, about how Alby would explain it all later. She only wondered why on Earth the doors would close. As she followed Minho the rest of the way to the slanted building she'd first seen upon entering the Glade she let her mind ponder this; there were two things doors where primarily used for, keeping things in and keeping things out; so which was which inside the all mighty Glade? For some strange reason, she really didn't want to know.

As they entered the front door the rest of the Gladers where filing in one by one, choosing spots on the floor, some on the stairs that led to an upper level of the wooden building and so on; most she noticed slept outside in the grass or in hammocks hanging by trees, but Minho led her straight to a private square on a loft type level of the rather deceivingly large building that looked like nothing but a ragged shack on the outside. In this small patch of room where two blankets and another smaller blanket hunched up in a makeshift pillow. Above her head was an open paned window that held the night sky perfectly, like a portrait.

She looked at Minho, eyebrows raised as if asking, all this for me?

He only snorted, nodding his head in response "A little over kill if you ask me, but the boss' orders must be followed. Get some sleep; you'll have to get up early tomorrow. See you Greenie." As Minho scooted his way down the ladder/stairs that led up to the small square of unsettling swaying loft, she laid down on the blanket, covering herself with the other and staring out at the sky upside down through the window. The stars winked at her, the moon hung in the sky like her own private lantern, and she wondered why she couldn't find any of the constellations she had bouncing around in her head in this particular night sky, however this not being her last thought of the night as she drifted off into a not so peaceful abyss it came to her.

My name is Duffy.

A/N: So most of you are probably thinking, what famous chick is named Duffy? Well, the irony is thick because I named my OC off of Oliva R. Duffy, one of the many Queens of the Silent Films; because Duffy is essentially a mute, and Oliva R. Duffy as an actress was never given a voice because of the age she lived in I thought it to be sort of fitting?