A/N. I would like to make note that this is not a story that contains any religious aspects. I am quite a happy atheist. However, when thinking of a title for this little diddy, I thought back to Veronica Mars talking about the magnet in the movie, and with the coming plot that I haven't really begun to deliver, it makes sense. So, please stay with me.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

August, 2013—Los Angeles, Noon.

The sun was high in the sky, streaking the street with beams of light, making Logan blink then squint. It winked off of Mercedes, Lexus's, and the Rolex on Dick's wrist. Suit jackets discarded on the backs of their chairs, sleeves to once crisp Armani shirts rolled to their elbows. No ties. The unofficial official uniform for trust funders trying to look grown up, and that they did something besides surf and party.

Dick still did a fair amount of both. Okay, let's not kid ourselves, he did a hella amount of both, but he did manage to get into the office a few times a week. Logan however, mostly just surfed. Booze cruises, frat parties and weekends in Mexico he couldn't remember were replaced with cocktail hours, business functions and galas. He considered himself too broken, too damaged to incredibly fucked up to actually walk into a church, the waves were as close as he got to serenity. Maybe it was the stained glass that kept him away.

"Yeah, yeah, I usually avoid buildings with stained glass."

"That's why you haven't come to visit."

"Man, did you even notice the waitress giving you 'fuck me' eyes?"

"Huh?" Logan asked, having been lost in memories from so long ago, he half wondered if they were real at all.

"Dude. The waitress. Giving you fuck me eyes and fuck me boobs and all but laying herself on the table and spreading her legs. You didn't see any of that?" Dick rolled his eyes, a bit put out that he couldn't make eye contact with the girl, who was so twitter patted over Logan.

Logan shrugged, and a small flush crept up his neck, not because of the girl's overtures, but due to the fact he had been caught up in his own head, reliving things that couldn't be fixed, solved or made right. So, he stares down at his mahi mahi tacos in a defeated manner. Dick rambles on about some chicks he had met the night previous so Logan tunes him out and begins to people watch.

The table behind Dick has two guys roughly his age sitting down, having what he can only assume is a conversation similar to the one he's pretending doesn't exist at his own table.

"So how was Chicago, Brent?" Trying Too Hard With His Highlights says to I'm Trendy Because I Wear Neon Color Shirts, also known as Brent.

"Man, August in Chicago is no joke. Talk about humid. I was worried to leave my hotel after dark, because of all of the gangs and drive bys."

Trying Too Hard gives Neon Shirts a quizzical look and sips his Pellegrino. "Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't The Langham on the river and overlooks the lake?"

"Dude. It's Chicago. Murder Capital of America." There was a pregnant pause as Brent knocks back his drink. The ice cubes clink half heartedly along the sides of the crystal tumbler. "I will say this for Chicago though. The chick we're hiring for security, total babe." Mr. Highlights makes a 'go on gesture'. " CM Mackenzie Security is top notch even if it's only been up and running for a few years. They have made quite a name and reputation for themselves. They have offices in New York, Chicago and Neptune. Each of the three partners holds one of the locations. It's rare they all come together for one project. With the money we're planning on sinking into their business, they made an exception. Two women, a blonde and a brunette and the one crazy ass looking Mexican guy. But the blonde? Fuck me running man, what I wouldn't have given to nail that." He makes a lewd gesture as to the blonde woman's physique, emphasizing her tiny waist.

"Two chicks are partners in a security firm?"

"Yeah. Apparently they are all from this area. The brunette is one of the best hackers in the business today. I walked in and felt like she already knew ever dirty secret I've ever had."

Logan cocks his head. It had to be just a coincidence. It was a well known fact that outside of business, Logan had shit luck. It's not like some amazing information was just going to fall into his lap.

"I asked her to stay in my room for a drink as her two partners were leaving." Brent leers, because you know, drink is codeword for sex. "She told me she had to get home to relieve her babysitter." Highlights snorts. "You know I don't bang moms."

Well there you have it folks. It couldn't be her. She wasn't a mom. Well, not really. Logan thinks. He is once again riddled by guilt.

"Yeah," Brent continues, "She was a super fox, but not even the hottest MILF is worth it. Too bad for you, Veronica Mars, because I would have rocked your fucking world."

Logan gasps and begins to choke. Dick began to thump his back. He hadn't heard all of the conversation Logan was listening in on, but he definitely heard that least bit, and he couldn't believe it. For once, because it happened so rarely these days, their thoughts were in sync.

She had the baby?

August 2013—Chicago 7:30 pm

Veronica watches the sun begin to finally make a descent. You can practically hear the humidity sizzle and burn off. It oppressive, but almost comforting. It's a cloak of security. People aren't that friendly when they have hair like Monica Gellar on her honeymoon. No one is sitting near anyone else if they can help it. Less small talk makes the hackles that are second nature to Veronica quiver and settle at her side, instead of rising to the occasion.

She watches a little girl in two high pigtails and shorts hop around the playground. It's not just any little girl though, it's her little girl. One that she never thought she would have, or want to have. Not until those two pink lines showed up on a home test. It was a pull, and intense ache to prove she could be better mother than her own was.

That exact moment her life changed. No longer was the desire to run around risking herself surging through her veins. The future she has meticulously planned out evaporated.

She was going to be someone's mother.

May 2007—Neptune (Day after Veronica votes S.3 e.20)

Her short although determined legs move at a fast pace to catch up with Logan and Dick as they walk through the Quad.

"Logan! Hey, wait up please!" Logan turns his head and spies Veronica trying to not actually run to catch up to him, he slows to a stop.

"What's up Buttercup?" Logan kind of slurs the words together. Clearly, the water bottle Dick has cluched in his hand isn't high quality H20.

"I kind of need to have an important talk with you. Could we perhaps take this somewhere else, you know, somewhere private?" Veronica looks to both sides of them, noticing the amount of people around, and clearly nervous.

"No can do Ronnie, Logan and I are going to head back to our place and plan out the rest of our trip. Our dudes trip. Meaning no dudettes. No Ronnies'…although that is kind of a dude name… I see what you did there with that. It suits you." Dick finishes, with a little smirk on his face, a little smirk, that if this was any other time Veronica would want to taze it right the hell off.

"Right. Well, as much as I don't want to interrupt a homoerotic testicle festival, I really need to talk to you Logan." She pauses looking into his eyes deliberately and quietly says; "Please."

"I wish I could quitchu." Dick says, with a horribly fake southern accent. "Listen Veronica. Logan finally pulled all of the Ronnie tentacles off of him. Don't pull him in again. He has a new girlfriend, one waaaaaaay less annoying than you, so just get over yourself."

"Dick." Logan warns, his voice makes it obvious that Dick should just shut the hell up. However, Dick felt he was on a roll, the booze giving him some machismo.

"You're doing the Polack now. We've kind of all seen that video, Mars."

Just thinking about the video makes Logan angry all over again. All of the sudden he just wants to hurt Veronica like she's hurt him over and over again. The rage swims though his veins and settles in his heart. The shriveled up, scarred little organ that beats to Veronica's name.

"What would you possibly have to say to me Veronica? The time for talking is over. Dick's right. We've both moved on this time."

"Well, we have something we DO need to discuss. About last month. After we talked in the library." Veronica mutters, a flush spreading across her cheeks and heading down her chest.

"What are you talking about, Veronica?" Logan's voice gets loud, attracting a few people to look their way.

Veronica is getting angry too. This is NOT the way she wanted this to happen. She can't help herself, it just kind of tears out of her mouth without her brain's permission.

"I'm just a little bit pregnant Logan, and I thought you should know!" The few people that had looked at them when Logan' voice started rising have become more in number, and a few even gasp when they hear Veronica's admission.

"Awesome for you. I'll congratulate Piz when I see him." Logan retorts, his heart shattering.

"It would be really hard for Stosh to get me pregnant when we've never had sex. However, if you can recall we had sex about a month ago."

"Are you that desperate to get after Logan's money, Veronica? Christ look at you, just like your mother." Dick throws the javelin, directly hitting his target.

"I don't want your money Logan. I just wanted to tell you, I thought you at least deserved to know."

"You should get an abortion." Logan whispers. Veronica sucks in an audible breath. Even Dick stops to stare at him. "If it really is mine. The kid wouldn't have a chance. God, could you imagine yourself as a mother? I sure as shit can't. You'd be a shitty drunk of a mother, just like yours. I don't want anything to do with this. Just get this taken care of!" Logan yells, breathing hard, chest trembling.

Veronica is shocked into silence, as the noise around them becomes cacouphanous as more people whisper and point. Some laugh and jeer. Her head is swimming in a sea of humiliation and a bitterness that she has never experienced previously. Before she can cover her feelings into a mask of indifference, Logan sees the abject anguish on her face as the tears roll down her cheeks. Before he can say anything else to fix the colossal mess he allowed himself to make once again, a small hand, fueled by embarrassment and heartache slams into his cheek, knocking his head to the side. The clear raised imprint of Veronica's hand pulsates on his face synced with his heart that wants to jump out of his chest.

"Fuck you Logan." Veronica bites off. She turns on her heel and walks away, head held high, even with all the people watching the show that just occurred in front of them. She doesn't give a backward glance. Logan and Dick just stand there. Logan can't even begin to fathom how horribly that went down. Smaller and smaller she appears as she keeps on going.

That was the last time Logan Echolls saw Veronica Mars.

A/N- This is just the prologue. I have a few things swimming in my head, and while I have never been able to keep a multiple fic going, I am determined to complete this. I would assume I am looking at a 10-12ish chapter story.