What a great evening. Yato, Hiyori, Yukine, Kofuku and Daikoku left Bishamonten's shrine (or mansion, rather) delighted at the splendid company. Having put aside their differences and defeating almost all the phantoms in the city, they spent the evening celebrating their victory. There was much dancing, laughing, and of course, food.
Yato and Bishamonten becoming close allies was one of the many great things that happened over those three years. Yato, thanks to Hiyori and Yukine, gained hundreds of followers. He now had a real shrine of his own, and although it was just a two-bedroom shack, it was sure nice.
They reached the point where they had to separate. "Bye, Hiyorin! Bye, Yato-Chan!" Kofuku exclaimed in a sing-songy voice.
"BYE KOFUKU-CHAN!" Yato went in for a hug, but stopped when catching Daikoku's intimidating glare.
"Hiyori, can we come over tomorrow?" Yukine asked. "Will your parents be away?"
"Um.. yes!" Hiyori smiled. "Just don't raid the fridge again! That means YOU Yato!"
"Okay! God's honor!" Yato winked.
Waving goodbye to the others, Yato and Yukine went to their shrine.
"Aaah, a great night, right Yukine-kun?" Yato grabbed Yukine by the shoulder. "I think Bisha drank even more sake than the picnic! Hilarious!"
"Yeah!" He laughed. Yukine had a great time, but couldn't help feeling strange.
Minutes of silence passed as they walked to the shrine. It never seemed so far.
"..Something's bothering you, isn't it?" Yato asked. "I can feel it."
He was right. Yukine didn't know how to say it without hurting him. Yato could be sensitive sometimes.
"Yato... I've been your shinki for what... three years now?"
Yato nodded.
"And these last three years have been great. I've done so much and met so many new people." He smiled. And I'm a lot more okay with being.. dead."
"Good to hear, Yukine... so what's wrong?"
"I.. I don't know. It just feels weird, that i'll always be this age, and always be here." Yukine sighed. "Does it ever bother you that nothing changes?"
Yato stopped walking and thought. This could be bad, he thought. If Yukine keeps wondering, the ayakashi could enter his soul.
"Honestly Yukine, things have changed so much for me. I have human believers, a shrine and Bisha isn't trying to kill me anymore. That's as good of change as any, for a God."
"You know what I mean." Yukine's face grew determined. "What happens to people that don't become shiryou?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean 'you don't know'? You're a God, right?"
"There are different kinds of Gods. Me and Kofuku were created from a wish, and we don't know anything beyond the near and far shores... Other Gods may know more, but that's just a wild guess." Yato felt this wasn't helping Yukine, and he could only feel his emotions stronger.
"So they don't tell us anything."
"Now you're getting it!" Yato tried to joke, but Yukine was unaffected. "Look, I'll tell you anything I know, but I can't guarantee you'll like it."
"Anything?" Uh oh, I shouldn't have said that, thought Yato. Don't say it!
"Then... can you tell me where my family is? When I was alive? I just want to know if they're OK, and to tell them I'm OK, and..."
"Haven't we gone over this?" Yato said exasperatedly.
"Yeah, but that was three years ago. But I'm different now! I think I can handle it, if I just take each memory one piece at a time!"
Yato bristled, remembering a shinki of his, Sakura, who asked something similar. He can still remember killing her, after the karma ayakashi corrupted her soul. Coincidentally, tomorrow was the anniversary of her posthumous death. Never again... will I let that happen.
"No. It's too dangerous." They had arrived at the shrine.
"But Yato-!"
"Get some rest. We have a job tomorrow."
Yukine, defeated, slumped off to his bedroom. Yato's refusal felt like knives through his chest. Is this really... my whole life now? Is there nothing else? He threw himself on the futon, tears now freely flowing.
Yukine knew Yato would feel it, and he did. But Yato understood. He knew what it felt like... emptiness. Feeling like a nobody. Like when father made me kill people, he thought.
Hold on Yukine... You'll find the peace you want. Just give me time...