-hokage's office-

"Now, before we begin. I have heard some... romours lately. Anyone care to explain." An aged old man said sitting behind a desk.

"There is a romour about the... boy, become a monster as of late. I believe we should execute him before he turns on us." Said one of the minor jonin, before two ANBU appeared at his flanks and disappeared with him in a poof of smoke.

"Well im am surprised that naruto-kun's bloodline spread so quickly." Said the old hokage as he turned to the other jonin. "Well... lets begin."

Upon listening to six teams failed, while the sixth team was put into the hospital with minor injuries and several snake bites.

"Team seven barely passed, the only one worthy of being taught is the one who can go toe to toe with a jonin... several jonin." Kakashi said as he shivered at the beatings his clones had experience.

"Bet it was Uchiha-sama. Only an elite could mach a skilled jonin." Said Ebisu with a smirk.

"And you will lose that bet, Uzumaki-san has awoke a bloodline that makes him ridiculously strong, unstoppable, and unbreakable. I seen him break through the granite stone maze jutsu like paper, and shurgged off a kunai to the neck and the thing shattered like brittle glass." Said kakasji as he dropped into a chrouching form while rocking back and foreth. "That boy is a Juggernaut. Nothing can stop him... nothing can stop him... nothing can stop him."

Everyone was looking at kakashi with some form of concern, There a man that could stand on par with most jonin, looing like a man with an extrem case of PTS.

"Haha, so naru-chan kicked you ass uh? I feel proud to say i taught him mostly everything he knows." A purple haired S. Jonin said as she loomed over the terrified mess of kakashi.

"May we proceed?" Asked the hokage as he drummed his fingers on the table, listening to how other teams have either passed or failed.

That was until they heared a noise that seemed to be coming towards them.


Half the outside wall was destroyed as a hulking brute came tumbling through.

"Hey! What the hell was that for?!" Yelled a muscled blond, before a hand phassd through the floor and dragged him under. "Oh.. for the love of-"

Hokage and jonin watched in confusion like shock at watching a man being pulled under the floor. Leaving no damage but fro. The sounds of of it the large man was being beaten by the unknown assailant.

"Kakashi-kun... was that naruto just now?" The hokage asked with a small sweat drop, only for it to grow almost as big as his head at the confirmation he got from the one eyed jonin.

"Alright, Anbu. Kakashi come with me." Order the old man as they left.

-village park-

"What the hell is your deal!?" Naruto yelled as this girl was able give so much difficultly as she seemed to ac like a ghost. Every punch he made passed right through her. Hell the only reason he flew into the hokage's pffice was that he tackled her only for her to phase through his arms as he flew into the biulding.

"What's my deal!? You are marko! I thought you were locked up!" Yelled kitty as she stood across from him.

"Marko?... oooh you my ancestor Cain Marko." Said naruto as he lowered his gaurd as he scratched the back of his neck. "I am his descendent Naruto Uzumaki. And like before you can call me Juggernaut. By the way that was a mean punch you have... since not many could harm me. But still pretty damn good."

But the moment was ruined as the hokage, four anbu, and kakashi appeared around them. With sarutobi and kakashi stood beside naruto and the anbu around kitty. Turning to the old hokage, naruto gained a smile and waved.

"Hey old man, hey kakashi-sensei!" Naruto said cheerfully.

"Naruto are you alright?" Sarutobi asked as he looled between naruto and the girl.

"Uh, oh I'm fine. Just having... a sparing match with with kitty-chan here. And i guess i kinda went overboard with it. Still trying to master this bloodline. Hehe" naruto said as he laughed nervously. "Hey old man, could i talk to you... alone, kitty and i have some... private matters to discuss."

"My office is a mess after your... spar. So will meet at your apartment. That is, if it is not a mess." Said sarutobi as pinched the bridge of his nose to ward off the oncoming headache. Naruto's and Kitty's silence told him that his hopeful guess was wrong. "Tora, would you please go ahead of us and fix naruto-kun's apartment."

With a silent nod, the tiger themed mask anbu left leaving behind the innocent/guilty duo teens, and his kage, fellow teammates and kakashi.

"Alright kakashi, you may leave. Naruto-kun, you and your... friend will accompany me back to your place. And would you please stop causing mindless damage to the village." The kakge pleaded.

"Cant promise that gramps." Naruto with is arms behind his head, he was kinda glad he switched out of his armor, while it was good for missions walking around in armor did make it unconfortable at times. But now wearing a black shirt with an orange swirl pattern on the chest, along with a rust orange jeans and black boots. What he didnt know was he was catching the eye of a certain phase-shifter.

-naruto's fixed apartment.-

Sitting around a table that was grown from the floorboards was kind of weird for naruto, but for kitty it was like Xavier's school for the gifted all over again.

"Alright we are alone now, the only one who will know of it are the people in this room." Said sarutobi as he sat at the table, his grandfatherly appearance turned to harden veteran "Now, explain."

It was naruto who spoke first using his years of experience with the old man to explain what had happen.

"She started!" Naruto yelled as he pointed to Kitty, who recoiled in shock at the childish way of casting blame. "He time traveled from her time, the time of great, great, (skip six thousand years of greats) great gandpa Cain Marko. And i as soon as I, introduced my self and also said she could all me Juggernaut, whe punches me in the face fallowed by a kicked to wee'naru, tama-ichi, and tama-ni. After that it i chased her to ask her qhy she did that and i went for a tackle, i tackled her and the next thing i know me and her are sailing over half of konoha and she did this weird thing and ghosted through me and i landed in your office and she some how ghosted me through the floor and chased her down until you found us at the park."

Now kitty was kind of impressed at how the blond was able to simplify what had happen in a short report. Though she was a little put off by how he still managed to cast blame onto herself.

"You know what naruto... i give up... it seems like everytime i try and find a way to predict your actions. You just put weeks, if not months of planing to a useless pile of scrap. As of now Miss Pryde will be staying here with you. And any further trouble will be delt in some manner. Miss Pryde, i apologize in advance. But seeing as you have no shinobi affiliation, you will be stuck with naruto until further notice both as protection for your self, and as upunishment for the blond brat." the hokage said as he cast a glare to naruto for ruining his office.

"Aaaah come on! Why do i have to a babysitter?!" Naruro whined as he gelt like he was treated as a child.

"You are not the babysitter naruto." "I'm not?" "No, naruto. She is your babysitter. Miss Pryde, naruto is a handful, suspect the unsuspect with him." The aged hokage said as he tuned out naruto's shouts of injustice, and bidded Kitty a good evening.

Naruto just sat there ticked that he was treated like a small child, him the unstoppable, the unbreakable, the unyeilding juggernaut treated like a helpless child. He gave a small childish glare to the girl sitting to his left with her jaw sitting snuggly on the floor.

"This... this is unjustly not fair!" Kitty yelled as she stomped her foot down in frustation, before turnig to her right. "Dont give me that look."

"This is going to be a looooong~ punishment." Naruto said in depression with his head sgging, with kitty mirrioring his action.

"This is sooo not how i wanted to spend my time traveling jounry." Kitty said throwing her arms in the air. "This is worse then the time kurt and i was sick, and were ported all over bayville."

"Dont know, dont care." Naruto said as he got up from his seat, and walked to his bedroom.

"Just were the hell am i gonna sleep!" Her answer came in the form of naruto walking out of his room with a pillow and blacket, and walking to the couch.

"The bed is yours." Naruto said as he laid down. "Bathroom is on the left."

- six weeks later -

Naruto and kitty stood before the hokage's desk with team 7, while team 7 stood silently waiting for their previous mission's pay and for anoher mission; naruto restlessly stood some what still as these D-rank missions were a waste of naruto's and kitty's powers and abilities.

"Hey old man! I want a real mission not these... glorified chores that the people of this village are just to lazy to do themselves!" Naruto said while losing control of his power and grew in size now standing half a foot taller than kakashi.

"As much as i totally like dont like it, naruto-kun here, has a point." Kitty said while she gave naruto the honourific she only did it as a reflex after staying with him for so long and picking up speech habits. "Where i come from, after the first week of something this we would have had done something exciting. My first ever mission was when my team and i had to fight his ancestor, the first Juggernaut!"

(I know it was her first mission, just twicking it nust a bit.)

Pointing to naruto, who in turned just yawned and stretched as he was getting really restless at not being able to go all out on an enemy.

"I am far more like skilled then the duck haired kid, standing next to the one eyed pervert." Kitty said as he redirected her finger to point at sasuke and Kakashi.

Sarutobi thought for a moment then remembered if naruto could push kakashi to use more than 85% of his actual skill set. And if kitty couls give naruto just as hard as time, as he gave kakashi. He was sure a C-rank mission would be plausibly safe for the client.

"Very well miss pryde. Iruka-kun would you please show Mr. Tazuna in, would you please." Srutobi said as looked to the scared chuunin, quickly opened the door for a raggity dressed man, who had been drink... scratch that. Who is drink as he walked in.

"This is what I'm paying you for? The only one that looks capable is that one there." He said pointing to were team 7 stood.

"Hn, see even the low class, can see the elite shines above the rest." Sasuke said as he puffed out his chest.

"Eh? What ya'talkin 'bout. I was pointing ti that muscled giant standing beside the girl." Tazuna said as he pointed iut naruto who was directly behind sasuke, and standing infront of the hokage's desk. "That boy there lokks like a bloody Ox. The rest of you look like fodder to me."

Gaining the ire of the uchiha who attempted to attack the man, if not for the large hand the gripped his head and turned him so he could see naruto, who bent down to eye level.

"Listen uke-chan, you cost me this mission... and i swear by all that is above and below the sun, i will pop your head like an over ripe grape. Understand?" Naruto asked as he applied enough pressure to sasuke's skull to get his message across. Getting a fast and restrained nod. Naruto's grim face broke into a wide smile. "Good now turn to the man and apologize to the nice man who has hired us and ask for forgiveness."

Letting go of the pest's head, sasuke muttered his apology and ask for forgiveness, and for sasuke it had felt like something inside him died. (A/N: his pride.)

"Good, now team 7 and Miss Pryde will escort you back to your village Mr. Tazuna." Said sarutobi as he smiled, but his smile instantly dropped when he turned to naruto. "Naruto, you better behave. Or i will make it so you can never have ramen again. Do you hear me?"

Seeing the pale face of naruto was satisfying, but the sinsister smile that replaced it terrified him.

"Do that and i will never tell you thw secret of beating paper work." Naruto said as his KI flared and took the form of a mountainous man and behind him was a montrous fox.

Now it wss sarutobi's turn to pale, he knew naruto would steal ramen to state his addiction. He on the other hand couls only put it off for so long.

Before he could bargin with the young juggernaut, he watched as naruto and kitty sank i to the floor, while scaring the bridge builder, it was the look on naruto's face as he sunk beneath the floorboards that made the old hokage feel like he just played with fire and got burned.

"Hokage-sama, would you like me to get the aloe vera cream? Because you just burned!" Said the coyote masked anbu in the corner.

"Tell Konton*, would you like to see your next pay cheque?" Sarutobi said while using the anbu's actaul name.

"Im fired, arent I?" Konton said with his head hanging down in shame.

"No, just a warring."


Konton TL: chaos, also how my name is pronounced in japanese, kolton. Although there are two ways to say it. Konton or Koruton. Though koruton sounds like carlton we pronounced.

Well hope you enjoyed.