The Final Battle Part Two

I don't own Digimon or Ben 10

"GOLDEN ARMOUR ENERGISE!" Daisuke shouted and the Omnitrix glowed bright gold and Veemon glowed bright gold as well making Vilgax and Ultimate Humungousaur look at him.

"VEEMON GOLDEN ARMOUR DIGIVOLVE TOO...MAGNAMON!" he shouted as he turned into the golden armoured, Royal Knight of Miracles.

"Remember me?" Magnamon asked Vilgax who was shocked. "You know what happens next," he said jumping at Vilgax.

"Who is that?" Ultimate Humungousaur asked confused.

"That is Magnamon the golden armoured form of Veemon, and he's gonna kick Vilgax's butt and yours," Daisuke told her.

"Magna Punch!" Magnamon shouted as he punched Vilgax in the face sending him skidding back and a shockwave emanated from the punch.

"Insolent fool. Destroy them!" Vilgax shouted at the drones surrounding everyone who all began to fire at Magnamon in an attempt to stop the Royal Knight who chuckled as the energy bolts hit his armour and bounced off.

"You can't win Motomiya, you've got no one left to help you," Ultimate Humungousaur said walking up to Daisuke.

"Wrong!" both heard a voice as Derrick and Max flew in with jetpacks and fired blasters at Ultimate Humungousaur making her back up before she growled and her hands turned into Gatling guns and she fired rockets at the Plumbers who flew out of the way. Derrick then freed Jun, Ben, Kevin and Gwen and Ben's Diamondhead arm turned into a mace and he swung it sending some drones flying and Kevin's arms turned into hammers and he started smashing up drones as well. Max then landed and pulled out a book.

"My spell book?" Ben asked him.

"I found the page for the spell," Max answered as Gwen took the book from Max. The drones then began to fire at Daisuke who ducked and ran for cover she jumped behind a rock but unfortunately her left arm wasn't quick enough and a stray laser blasted the Omnitrix causing it to shatter into pieces and her three Digi-eggs appeared in front of her.

"NO!" Daisuke screamed in shock and she picked up the dial of the Omnitrix which was all that remained and Kevin and Ben started to hold their heads in pain.

"Kevin, Ben!" Gwen shouted worried and Daisuke looked over worried as well before both saw Kevin's skin return to normal and Ben shrunk in size and he also turned back to normal.

"I'm normal," Ben said looking at his hands and he also saw he was only in his boxers and he blushed embarrassed as did Kevin. "And in my boxers," he said.

"Join the club," Kevin said holding his head. Meanwhile Ultimate Humungousaur was trying to dodge all the laser blasts being fired from Vilgax's drones at her but her large bulky body made her a easy target and she was blasted several times making her collapse and she lost consciousness and she turned back into her human form, Daisuke saw this and she ran towards the unconscious Albedo avoiding the drones fire.

"Hopefully this works. Ultimatrix, decouple Ultimatrix Command Code: 000 - Release Coupling - 0," she said and a second later the Ultimatrix beeped.

"Voice recognized, Decoupling Ultimatrix," it said in Daisuke's voice and it detached itself from Albedo's left arm and Daisuke picked it up, she then ran towards the others as Ben held the book in his hands.

"Let's see if I still got it," he said.

"Magnamon give us some cover!" Daisuke shouted at her partner who nodded.

"Magna Blast!" he shouted firing golden beams of energy towards the drones causing a big explosion and he turned into Veemon and fell to the ground but Daisuke caught him.

"Abeo Exorior," Ben chanted and a dome of mana surrounded everyone and they teleported away and landed in the RV. "Oh yeah, I still got it," he cheered as Max drove off.

"Where are we going?" Kevin asked.

"Away from Vilgax for now, he's got an army. We're the planets last hope, the next time we meet him it's gonna be on our terms," Max answered.

"So what's the plan Motomiya?" Kevin asked her.

"Plan!? What plan didn't you notice, my Omnitrix is destroyed I've got nothing!" Daisuke shouted.

"You've still got your whining," Kevin said.

"Stop this thing Max! Stop it!" Daisuke shouted and the RV stopped and Daisuke ran out with the Ultimatrix, Omnitrix dial and her digi-eggs into the rain.

"Dai come back, Dai!" Ben shouted but she kept running.

"She ran off," Gwen said shocked.

"So, we're trying to save the world that's not a job for quitters," Kevin said.

"She never quit on you," Ben snapped.

"Easy kids, let's not turn on each other," Max said.

"I'm not..." Ben said.

"Dai just need time to herself," Veemon said.

"That's the last thing she needs right now," Ben replied. Meanwhile Daisuke was sitting on a tree stump in the rain when Ben wearing one of his old shirts walked up to her with Daisuke's jacket. "You're soaked," he said making Daisuke look at him and he held out her jacket.

"I don't deserve that, that's a hero's jacket," she said taking it and she threw it away and it landed on a rock and Ben sighed before he made a dome of mana above the two of them.

"How many times have you helped people?" he asked her.

"Lots," Daisuke answered. "But I had the Omnitrix or you guys to help out," Daisuke answered.

"And remember when the Omnitrix never worked right?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, what's your point?" she asked him.

"It's not the tool, it's the man. Or in this case the woman," Ben answered smiling at her and she smiled slightly.

"But without the Omnitrix we don't have a chance," Daisuke said sadly and Ben walked off with the dome over his head.

"We're counting on you Dai, the whole world is," he said before walking back to the RV and Daisuke walked past her jacket as lightning cracked and thunder roared.

"Azmuth help me! Please! So I can help them," Daisuke said looking at the sky.

"Someone call my name?" Daisuke turned to see Azmuth standing on a branch level with her. "The Omnitrix was never intended for you, it was intended for your uncle or your father, two of the greatest Plumbers in the Milky Way Galaxy," he said.

"But I found it," Daisuke said.

"An accident," Azmuth replied. "Your DNA was a close enough match to Derrick's that it allowed you to put it on," he explained.

"Why didn't you take it from me?" Daisuke asked him.

"At first I wanted to, but your uncle convinced me not to. He said you had the seeds of greatness," Azmuth answered.

"He said that?" Daisuke asked smiling.

"At first I thought I had made a mistake. Your immaturity made a bad impression when we first met," Azmuth told her and Daisuke frowned. "But then I witnessed your growth, your bravery, courage and use of the Omnitrix in ways I could never have imagined. Me the smartest being in three galaxies," Azmuth said.

"I thought it was five," Daisuke said.

"The last two are arguable," Azmuth informed her as he looked into the sky. "Lovely weather on this world," he said smiling.

"So what is this Ultimatrix for?" Daisuke asked him.

"When I first created the Omnitrix it was to understand all the beings of the universe but here on earth one thing amazed me every time. It was how humans evolve as time moved forward for them. That's when I thought of the idea to evolve all the aliens in the Omnitrix. Originally it was supposed to be an upgrade for you after I completed it but as you know Albedo stole it and planned to use it to return to his Galvan form," Azmuth explained.

"I see but what good will it do now. The Omnitrix is destroyed and all that's left is the dial," Daisuke said holding up the dial of the Omnitrix. Azmuth then rubbed his chin before he gasped realising something.

"Maybe not. Let's head back to the others," he said and Daisuke nodded and Azmuth jumped onto her shoulder and both headed back to the Rust Bucket and soon everyone stood around Azmuth as he took the dial of the Ultimatrix off and he re-wired the Omnitrix dial into it. "With a little re-wiring and a bit of Galvan tech I believe the Omnitrix dial, which had all the alien samples stored in it, will work with this gauntlet giving it the upgrade I hoped to give to you, Daisuke," he said and Daisuke nodded and Azmuth put the Omnitrix dial into the Ultimatrix and it beeped and Daisuke's voice was heard.

"Omnitrix upgrade successful. Master control reactivated and all 35 unlocked alien species are available," it said.

"Good it worked now all you have to do Daisuke is use your Golden Radiance power to refuse your Digi-eggs with your new and improved Ultimatrix," Azmuth told her and Daisuke nodded and she held the gauntlet and it glowed bright gold as did the Digi-eggs and it changed colours to gold, orange and blue with the three crests appearing around the dial. Daisuke then slipped the Ultimatrix onto her left wrist as the changes finished and it refitted to her arm.

"Thanks Azmuth," she said.

"Until we meet again," Azmuth said vanishing in a flash of light.

"Now what do we do?" Ben asked.

"The Plumbers will arrive in ten days at the most," Max answered.

"We don't have that long, there might not be a planet left to save," Kevin said.

"Well lucky for you, I've got a plan," Daisuke said with a smile. Meanwhile above Earth in Vilgax's ship, Albedo was restrained and behind Vilgax who was looking down at the planet below.

"It's going to be glorious Albedo," he told her.

"Forgive me if I don't break out into applause," Albedo replied.

"Of all the worlds I've conquered this one will be the sweetest," Vilgax said as a flash of light appeared behind him.

"There's an old Earth saying Vilgax, don't count your chickens before they hatch," Daisuke said and Vilgax turned around.

"The Tennyson and Motomiya family and their pet juvenile delinquent," he said.

"Juvenile? I'm going to be eighteen a year from next Tuesday," Kevin said.

"Your birthday's next week and you didn't tell me?" Gwen asked.

"It's no big deal," Kevin answered.

"I don't have time to pick out a present," Gwen said.

"Can you two talk about this later please? This lovey dovey stuff is sicking," Albedo from behind them said gagging.

"And I wouldn't worry about that if I were you girl, you all won't live to see the day," Vilgax said.

"That's the longest you've spent without hearing a death threat," Daisuke mocked him.

"You mock me even now Motomiya, your bravery is commendable but I do doubt your intelligence," Vilgax said as dozens of drones walked out and surrounded Daisuke and the others. "What will you do Motomiya? Your Omnitrix is destroyed and you and your friends are outnumbered," he told her.

"Yes the Omnitrix is destroyed, but...I think this is a fine replacement," Daisuke said showing Vilgax the Ultimatrix and she was enveloped in a bright flash of gold light and she turned into Swampfire. "Oh yeah, I'm back!" she exclaimed throwing a fireball at Vilgax sending him flying and he rolled across the ground.

"No! I won't lose to you children, not again!" he shouted standing up and he pressed some buttons on the console before Derrick fired a blaster at him but he blocked with the Shield of Ziegal. "Too late Motomiya, our course is already set," he said before he smashed the control console.

"What did you do?" Derrick asked him.

"I can't conquer the Earth but I can punish you, this ship is locked on a collision course with Bellwood," he explained.

"This ship has a fusion drive and when it hits," Gwen said.

"The explosion will wipe out our home town and everything within a hundred miles," Kevin said.

"The auxiliary controls, we can steer the ship away," Ben said.

"Perhaps, but you will have to get through me first," Vilgax told the group.

"I'm fine with that," Kevin said as he absorbed some metal from the floor and his body was covered in it.

"Same here," Ben said his hands glowing with mana as did Gwen's and Veemon cracked his knuckles. Derrick and Max nodded as they ran at Vilgax and fired their blasters at him and he blocked with the Shield of Ziegal when Veemon ran up and rammed his head into his stomach, Ben and Gwen then threw mana discs at Vilgax but he blocked with his shield and Swampfire ran up to Albedo with Jun.

"What're you doing?" she asked.

"I ask myself that every day," Swampfire answered as Albedo's shackles opened and she fell to the ground. "This ship is going to crash into the planet, my advice get out of here now!" she shouted and Albedo ran off. Swampfire then ran towards Vilgax and punched him sending him flying. "Gwen, you Max, dad and Jun get to the control room and turn this ship around," she said before looking at Ben, Veemon and Kevin. "I'm gonna need some help you guys, got my back?" she asked them.

"We got each others," Kevin answered and Ben and Veemon nodded. Swampfire then threw seeds towards Vilgax and vines shot out of the ground and wrapped around him trapping him, Kevin ran up and he punched Vilgax several times and Veemon ran up and jumped and rammed his head at Vilgax again and Vilgax's eyes glowed.

"Uh oh," Veemon said as he and Kevin were hit by energy blasts from Vilgax's eyes and so were Swampfire and Ben and Vilgax fired energy beams from his eyes and the vines were cut.

"Free!" he shouted. As the battle continued the ship was re-entering the Earth's atmosphere and Max, Derrick, Jun and Gwen were in the control room.

"This is worse than I thought we're already in re-entry," Derrick said meanwhile Swampfire rolled across the ground when Vilgax charged and punched her into the air before he punched her again sending her into the wall.

"You're losing Motomiya," Vilgax told her.

"Maybe so, but the new rig comes with some extras," Swampfire said slapping the Ultimatrix symbol on her chest and it gained four spikes and Swampfire was enveloped in a gold flash of light and she turned into a humanoid tree instead of a walking plant like what Swampfire was, her body was dark brown in colour, and now had three blue gooey shells containing an organic, blue coloured gel-like solution on her arms and a large one on her back, she also had a smaller pod on her front, through which her face could be seen and her body was composed of petrified wood. "Ultimate Swampfire!" she shouted and Vilgax ran towards her but she held her hands out and a massive blast of superheated blue and white fire shot out at Vilgax sending him flying back in a massive explosion. "What do you say Vilgax, want to go another round?" she asked him.

"We're running out of time," Jun said in the control room.

"The ship is going too fast to turn it around, but we can angle it away from the city and ditch it into the ocean," Max said.

"Where's the ocean?" Gwen asked.

"Aim for the blue bit!" Derrick answered. Ultimate Swampfire held her hand up and fired some blue goo at Vilgax which split into small balls and they exploded around Vilgax and when the smoke cleared he collapsed.

"All hands we're about to make an emergency landing, repeat all hands abandon ship!" Jun's voice came over the loudspeaker, Vilgax roared and he punched Ultimate Swampfire sending her flying back and she hit the ground just as the spaceship slammed into the water and it began to sink down towards an abyss and the pressure began to crack the hull of the ship and water poured in.

"We're taking on a lot of water," Kevin said.

"Get the others and get out of here, I'll handle Vilgax!" Ultimate Swampfire shouted and Ben, Kevin and Veemon ran off.

"Fire isn't so useful now that we are in my element," Vilgax said.

"A sinking ship is your element that explains so much," Ultimate Swampfire said as the glass began to crack.

"Joke while you can; now you face the true form of Vilgax!" Vilgax shouted as he fired energy blasts from his eyes at the glass and it shattered flooding the whole ship with water and Vilgax swam down into the water and Ultimate Swampfire saw several flashes of light and she used her fire to propel herself out of the water when she saw a large green tentacle shoot up and grab her and pulled her down into the water where she saw Vilgax had now transformed into a massive squid like creature with numerous rows of sharp teeth, he was about to swallow Ultimate Swampfire when she was enveloped in a flash of gold light and vanished. Meanwhile on the surface of the ocean a sphere of mana surfaced with Ben, Gwen, Kevin, Veemon, Jun, Max and Derrick inside it.

"We did it, we saved Bellwood," Kevin said.

"But what about Dai? She's still down there?" Jun asked.

"She'll be up here once she's finished stomping Vilgax's butt," Ben said.

"Not that simple, Vilgax's ship has a fusion drive it can still..." Derrick said as a massive mushroom cloud burst out of the water sending massive waves of water out which pushed the sphere of mana down below the water before it surfaced again.

"Dai," Ben said worried before he and the others saw Jetray shoot out of the water and she flew down and Gwen lowered half of the sphere and she dropped in and turned back into Daisuke.

"Whoa, the Ultimatrix is going to take some getting used to," she said and Ben, Veemon, Jun, Gwen, Max, Derrick and Kevin hugged her when everyone looked at Kevin and Daisuke smiled at him.

"Good to see ya," he said and Daisuke smiled.

"What happened to Vilgax?" Gwen asked.

"I didn't see him get out, but he's survived worse," Daisuke answered.

"And if he comes back?" Kevin asked.

"If he does then its Hero Time!" Daisuke answered making the others smile at her.

The end

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