Notes: Last chapter of this little piece... I hope you liked it. It was rather silly and fluffy, but my stuff is generally fairly fluffy. Anyway... back to the serious stuff. I'm hoping to hold back my next idea for this trio until after I get through at least the series 5 rewrite part of my other series. Then I've got a huge story arc idea for these guys. But I'm not going to dwell on it even in my mind too much or I'll never get through the other story!

Chapter Seven – Saturday

After the disaster of the night before, everyone decided to just spend Saturday lounging by the pool. Strax, of course, just stood by stiffly and scowled at Clara every time she splashed him.

They were discussing which restaurant they might all go to for supper, when Alex walked into the pool room, following the beeping of his sonic. He didn't even seem to notice that any of them were there as he circled the room, staring at his beloved device.

From another door, Evander entered, doing the same thing. They bumped into each other and looked up, startled out of their thoughts. Both Doctors looked around and glared at one another suddenly.

"Where is she?" Alex asked his husband.

"I thought she was with you," Evander replied.

Before anyone had a chance to respond to that train of thought, Rose burst through the doors that led to the outside patio and shouted, "Run!"

Everyone in the room heeded that warning as they followed the Time Lords out of the room and back to the TARDIS. They were followed closely by a troop of rather upset looking Judoon and didn't stop until the doors were shut tightly behind them.

"So much for dinner plans," Sarah Jane said exasperatedly.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that! Plenty of other places to go for dinner," Alex countered as he assisted his spouses in piloting their magnificent ship.

"With everything that's happened this week, I think I could use a bit of a break. Do you three think you can manage to get me home without too much trouble?" Sarah Jane asked.

"Of course we can, Sarah Jane. Best check on that boy of yours. It was Luke, right?" Rose reassured the older woman.

"Yes, well, he's away at school just now, but there are a few other friends in the neighbourhood that keep me busy enough as well," she replied with a fond smile.

"Not a problem. We'll get everyone back home, safe and sound. And we won't blow any holes in the universe while we're at it... today," Evander announced confidently.