He caught the other man's eyes from across the room, and nodded his head towards a side corridor.
A nod in response, and he left his place to meet his friend.
"It's a little loud in there."
"I know. You doing okay?"
"I'm fine." He was looking towards the ground.
"Wanna get away from the noise for a while?"
"Please." A grateful smile.
They left for the security office. When they got there, the pair settled down on the sofa. Larry, feeling slightly care-free this night, made a detour on his way to the sofa to rummage through his locker. He hid the item he had retrieved within his coat.
"What on Earth are you hiding, Larry?"
The security guard pulled out a bottle and presented it to the Egyptian.
"It's Vodka. Thought we could share it."
Ahkmenrah laughed. "That sounds like something teenagers of this century would do."
"Well, that's okay. You're technically eighteen, and I'm just being sociable."
The pharaoh laughed. "How much have you already had?"
"Someone - and no it wasn't me! - might've spiked the punch?" Larry hiccupped.
Ahk took the bottle from the other man, and opened the lid. He downed a mouthful of the clear liquid, and gasped as he felt the burn in his throat.
"Strong, huh?" Larry swiped the bottle from the man and took a large gulp.
"God I hate Vodka." Ahk looked at the drink. "Pass me the bottle please."
The pair finished the bottle while talking and joking, and Ahkmenrah was soon all over Larry - quite literally.
He was sitting in the night guard's lap, head against his shoulder, hand playing with the material of the uniform jacket.
"You're like a giant teddy bear." the Egyptian murmured, closing his eyes and revelling in the comfort of the man he was hugging.
"I feel like one." Larry laughed.
They stayed there for about an hour, but then made their way back to the party.
They danced together, acting drunken and stupid, and generally had a good time.
The others in the museum - who were much less drunk than the pair - thought it would be funny to put on a slow, romantic song.
In his drunken state, Larry asked Ahk to dance with him. The pharaoh - who hd rather strong feelings for the night guard - obviously said yes, and they swayed together to the song.
Jedediah and Octavius started chanting "KISS! KISS!" at the pair, and the rest of the museum inhabitants joined in.
Ahkmenrah, the alcohol making him act more boldly - for this type of situation - than usual, caved in to the demands, and captured the night guard's lips in a kiss. He wrapped his arms around the man's neck.
Larry, responded straight away. His own hands settled on the Egyptian's waist, which was useful when his legs nearly gave out underneath him.
When they - eventually - pulled away, everyone in the museum cheered for them.
Giant smiles were shared between the pair.
Ahkmenrah easily caught the other man's eyes, and nodded his head towards a side corridor.
A nod in response, and he left the warmth of the man's arms to meet his friend. Luckily, he was back within the man's arms almost seconds later.
"Gods, I love Vodka."
Larry grinned.