A/N: I do apologize for the long wait for the few who have been waiting on the update. It's been a real challenge to get inspired and to overcome writer's block. I do hope it's coming back to me, I hope you enjoy and I will try to be better. xx

As Pam drove home, she replayed what had happened between her and Tara over and over in her head. She cranked the music to drown out the confusing thoughts that plagued her mind; it didn't help. Her thoughts instantly went back to Tara, her hard-ass boss. It took her about 45 minutes to get to her real home. At least three days out of the week she would stay the night at the bar. It was easier when she wanted to have a night out drinking with Jess or when she had to attend meetings about the bar.

Pam instantly removed her boots as she walked through the door. She sighed feeling instant relief once her feet hit the cold hardwood floor as she walked through her sleek condo. One of the joys of living alone meant Pam could undress whenever and wherever she wanted. By the time she made it to her bedroom, she was only wearing a black lingerie set. She sat on the side of her King-sized bed as her fingers gently massaged her scalp; lost in thought. The text was genuinely getting to her because it was unexpected, and she wasn't 100% sure she was reading the situation correctly. Pam was accustomed to Tara being a bitch to her always while at work; this was uncharted territory. Before she knew it, 30 minutes had passed, and she was still in her underwear. She walked over to her Cherrywood dresser and pulled out a pair of oversized pajama pants along with a black hoodie. Pam made anything she wore look sexy. Her pants hung just below her hipbones exposing her tight abs; just a little bit. She made sure to always look her best for work wearing designer clothes and shoes, but when she got home, that was her time to relax. She didn't let the posh things change her in any way. Deep down she was an ordinary woman who valued the simple things even though she was wealthy.

After getting dressed, she went back downstairs to the living room and flopped down in her favorite leather chair. She brought her knees to her chest getting more comfortable as she turned on Netflix; one of her favorite past times. It helped her distress and take her mind off the many things that plagued her mind in a single day, but not today. She couldn't stop thinking of a certain raven-haired beauty. She grabbed her work bag and pulled out her Mac laptop along with a stack of ungraded Art critiques essays from her 9th-grade class.

As she graded the essays, it kept her mind occupied with something other than Tara for a couple of hours; 5 to be exact. It was after midnight. The television screen had frozen with a message asking if she wanted to continue watching. That message had been on the screen for some time, but she had just noticed it. Pam shut down her laptop and put everything back into her bag for tomorrow. Before she went upstairs, she performed her nightly routine to make sure her home was secure. She turned on the light above the stove, and it was only then that she realized she hadn't eaten dinner. "Too late now," she mumbled to herself as she ascended the stairs to go to bed. Once she entered her room, she walked to the dresser and pulled out a pair of boxers and a tank top to change into; which was her favorite type of sleepwear. Once she was dressed, she went into the restroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. Her thoughts were still on Tara, unfortunately. What would have normally taken her 5 minutes to complete turned into 15 minutes. Once she was done, she stared at her reflection in the mirror; flawless. Satisfied and changed, she set her alarm on her phone for 5:45am before she climbed in bed. As soon as she turned off her lamp and pulled the covers up over her body, her phone 'buzzed.' It was after midnight, and she had no idea who was texting her. Pam was a little annoyed; all she wanted to do was sleep away everything that had happened today. "This better not be Jess," she voiced out loud even though she was alone. When she unlocked her phone, she saw a name that she didn't expect.

(Tara): Ms. DeBeaufort, are you awake? (12:40am)

Pam looked at the screen in shock. She couldn't believe Tara; her principal was texting her; especially at this time of night. All that went through Pam's mind was is this a typical beginning of a random sexting conversation. She thought for a split second if she should even respond. She could always respond in the morning faking as if she didn't see it until then. Throwing caution to the wind, she began to type.

(Pam): I just got in bed…why are you texting me so late? (12:41am)

She held her breath as she waited for a response. Fifteen minutes had passed, and she was already drifting off to sleep when her phone 'buzzed' again. She opened the message and read with tired eyes.

(Tara): I wanted you to know that I'm looking forward to working closely with you. (12:56am)

Pam may have been tired, but she was lucid enough to know that Tara could have told her that at work and not in an after-midnight text message.

(Pam): Well, seeing as I didn't ask for the opportunity… thanks, I guess. (12:57am)

Pam's text dripped with sarcasm. She wanted to see what type of response she would get from the message.

(Tara): It doesn't matter if you asked for it or not…I chose you because you're a very hard worker and I know we'll get along very well (12:58am)

Pam read the message in disbelief. "This woman is nuts," she voiced to herself as she typed her message out with some heat behind it.

(Pam): So, I'm a hard worker…yet you criticize my teaching and question my integrity constantly when it comes to the artwork I choose to show my students in MY classroom! I'm sorry, but I find that hard to believe. You seem only to tolerate me, and that's fine. I feel the same way. So, I would appreciate you not lying to me or insulting my intelligence by pretending us working together will be a great thing. (1:00am)

After she sent her message, she slammed her phone down; almost cracking it. She was annoyed and done with the conversation, but Tara had other ideas. It was way past both women's bedtimes, but they were having this conversation now; there was no turning back.

(Tara): One thing you will learn about me is I don't lie. I am your boss, as it's my job to be tough on my teachers…to push them. I will admit that maybe I shouldn't have questioned your judgment and for that…I do apologize. But, I meant what I said…you are very hardworking, and I can't wait for us to work together on this project. (1:02am)

Pam read the message and was a bit pleased. She got an apology from Tara, but that still didn't answer the question as to why she was texting her so late. Again, this whole conversation could have been conducted at school; during a reasonable hour.

(Pam): Well, thank you for that. I do appreciate it, but why are you texting me so late? Is there something else you need? (1:03am)

Pam was pushing it, but she needed to get down to the real reason she decided to text her.

(Tara): Honestly Ms. DeBeaufort, you were on my mind for some reason after our conversation in my office (1:05am)

Pam let out a loud chuckle as she laid in bed. She shook her head with a grin on her face as she replied; pushing the boundaries.

(Pam): So you're thinking about me late at night huh? ;) (1:06am)

She instantly covered her eyes in regret once she sent the message; that damn winking emoji! It seemed like an eternity waiting for her to respond; then her phone 'buzzed.'

(Tara): Ms. DeBeaufort, are you flirting with me? and to answer your question…..Well, you already know the answer. (1:10am)

Yes, she knew that Tara had been thinking about her, but she wasn't sure to what extent. Even Pam herself had been confused with thoughts of their entire encounter in her office. She responded honestly, but cautiously.

(Pam): To tell you the truth, I don't know. Our encounters have been strange. (1:12am)

Pam only wanted the truth behind their encounters and this late-night text. Tara was indeed a hard nut to crack. Also, honestly, she didn't know if she wanted to crack it just yet. Pam was getting anxious with each reply. All she wanted was to turn off her brain and sleep. As soon as she was about to close her eyes, her phone 'buzzed' once more.

(Tara): I'm sorry for messaging you so late….it was a mistake. Rest well (1:20am)

Pam didn't have the energy to keep this conversation going, so it ended with Tara's message and seconds later she was fast asleep.

The next morning Pam was tired as hell. Tara's impromptu texts had kept her up way past her bedtime. Despite getting little to no sleep, Pam walked into school dressed to perfection. She wore white linen pants, a blue button-down shirt, and black 3-inch boots…deciding not to wear her signature 6-inch shoes. Gold jewelry accentuated the whole outfit. Forgoing her contacts, she wore her brown Jimmy Choo frames, because the lack of sleep caused her eyes to irritate. Armed with a Venti Starbucks coffee with two shots of espresso, her drink of choice, she was ready for the day ahead.

Pam walked into her classroom slinging all her belongings on the desk. She was not in the best mood, because of a certain someone. As she sat down in her chair, she took a sip of her coffee as her thoughts went to the night before or earlier that morning to be more specific. Pam glanced down at her watch and remembered she had a morning staff meeting at 8:00am. Just as she was about to leave, Jess came through the door. "Morning," she said in her normal cheery tone. "Don't forget we have a meeting." "I know," Pam answered flatly. "I'm on my way there now; we can walk together." Both women walked to the conference room ready for the boring morning meeting. Not many words were spoken between them once they made it to their destination; they took two seats in the back. Jess was preoccupied with some papers while Pam looked through her phone at messages from last night.

As she focused on the messages, Ms. Thornton walked in. She was dressed in all black from head to toe; her pencil skirt hugged her shapely hips perfectly. Her hair hung and bounced over her toned shoulders with each stride she took in her 6-inch red bottom pumps. She oozed sex even when she wasn't trying to. She reached the podium and began greeting the staff. "Good morning everyone," Ms. Thornton said with a stern/raspy voice. When she spoke, she commanded the room, and everyone knew it; especially Pam. While she spoke, Pam was fixated on Tara's blood red painted lips, beautiful with teeth and her tongue. Her thoughts then roamed to what she could do with that tongue. Jess elbowed Pam in the arm which brought her out of her daydream. "Earth to Pam," Jess whispered. "Why are you eyeing Principal Thornton like a piece of meat?" Pam didn't have an answer; she just ignored the question as if Jess asked her nothing. Ms. Thornton was still speaking from the podium when Pam refocused and tried to pay attention. "Alright, as you all know we have to do our yearly sexual harassment training, so I figured we would go ahead and get it out of the way so that we can go home after school," Tara spoked as some of the teachers cheered. They would gladly sit through this boredom if it meant they could leave once school was over and all the students were gone. "I take it that we agree then," Ms. Thornton said displaying her megawatt smile. As she took her seat, a school district representative took her place and began her presentation. Pam was already bored, and they weren't even 10 minutes into the meeting. As she scrolled through Pinterest getting ideas for her next vacation destination her phone 'vibrated.'

(Tara): You should be paying attention Ms. DeBeaufort. (8:05am)

Pam looked up from her phone and was met with brown eyes looking at her briefly before she turned back giving her attention back to the presenter. She was a bit caught off guard. Ms. Thornton had the nerve to tell her to pay attention to the speaker all the while she was sending her cryptic text messages late at night; the irony.

(Pam): You have some nerve; you should be the one listening to the topic at hand! (8:07am)

Pam watched as Ms. Thornton received the message. She wanted to see the expression on her face. To Pam's surprise, she smirked as she read it and began typing out her reply.

(Tara): Lol, well if my memory serves me correctly, you were the one sending winking emoji's asking if I was flirting with you? (8:08am)

As Pam's phone 'vibrated,' she looked down and read the message. If she were honest with herself, every time she got a response she felt a sense of excitement. Pam knew Ms. Thornton had a point, but she crossed the line by texting her so late; deep down, Pam didn't mind at all that she did.

(Pam): Well I may have sent it, but you were the one messaging me first saying you were thinking about me. LATE at night, I might add…And I still didn't get a straight answer from you on WHY!

Pam watched once again while her message was delivered and read. To the other staff it looked as if she was checking emails, but if they only knew she was engaged in conversation with another teacher; some might call that inappropriate. Pam watched as Tara looked at her phone for several moments before she pressed a button and laid it face down on the table. Pam was annoyed tremendously. Getting an answer out of her boss was like pulling teeth. As she sat aggravated, there were about 10 more minutes left before the meeting was over and her first class would begin arriving. She decided to excuse herself from the conference room and run to the restroom. That double shot of espresso was coming back to haunt her bladder.

Pam walked out of the bathroom stall, and there stood Ms. Thornton typing away on her phone before she looked up. "Hello Ms. DeBeaufort," she spoke. The way her name dripped from her tongue was as smooth as silk. Pam was shocked, to say the least as she looked at her. As she snapped back to reality, she walked past her to the sink to wash her hands. "Ms. Thornton," Pam voiced sternly. With that, Tara turned to stand behind the woman meeting her eyes through the mirror. Pam could feel the heat radiating from her but, she tried her best not to react. They both stood at equal height although Pam knew that she was the taller one. Tara reached both hands around the counter trapping Pam. She leaned closer being careful not press her body into Pam's back as she whispered in her ear. "Shouldn't you be in the meeting?" Pam's eyes closed automatically at this intrusion of her personal space. She feels a flutter in her abdomen as it slowly travels lower manifesting itself into wetness between her legs. Willing herself to open her eyes and not moan, she sees Ms. Thornton starring back at her with a certain gleam in her eyes; could it be lust? Pam is having an inner battle now. She knows she should tell her boss to move, but she also wishes she would move closer and press up against her; grinding into her ass. Shaking her head to clear the clouds, Pam steps from between Tara's grasp. "Ms. Thornton, what do you want?" Pam asked annoyed, yet extremely turned on. Tara smirked because she knew exactly what type of effect she had on the other woman. She would bet money that her actions had ruined the young woman's' panties at that moment. "I just came to check to see why you left the meeting is all," Tara answered casually. Pam sensed the woman was indeed lying and she couldn't hold her tongue on the matter. "Oh, cut the crap, we only had 10 minutes left, and I came in here to use the restroom." Stalking closer to Ms. Thornton, Pam called her bluff. Merely inches from her face Pam asked her again but in a breathy tone. "What do you want?" Tara looked down at Pam's plump lips; her eyes were darting from her lips to her eyes. Tara was having a battle of will within. She wanted to crash her lips into hers; push her tongue deep inside her mouth swallowing her moans, but she couldn't. Tara stepped back clearing her throat and automatically ran her hands down the sides of her form-fitting skirt. She repeated the same lie as before, but this time she was a tad bit nervous with her response. "I was checking to see why you left the meeting." Pam stepped away visibly smirking as she walked to the door to leave. "Sure, you were Ms. Thornton." Tara was left standing in the restroom looking at her flawless appearance. "What the fuck are you doing Tara," she whispered to herself as she ran her hands through her long black hair. She composed herself and stepped confidently out of the restroom making her way back to her office, forgetting what had just happened.

Pam made it back to her class with a few minutes to spare before her class arrived. As she sat to catch her breath, she felt her panties slightly move, and with that, she determined that they were wet; soaked more like it. Her brief encounter with Ms. Thornton would be the cause of her discomfort in class. It also doesn't help that they rub against her already sensitive clit with every move she makes. Today was going to be a long day.