Hey Guys! Welcome. New story, new couple. I'm going to try and update my other stories soon. This is my new obsession couple.
A few things before we start. Oliver still owns Queens Consolidated, Felicity works in IT. Arrow is still involved with the story. Tommy is alive. Sarah is with the league. Laurel helps team Arrow as the canary from time to time. I'm creating a new villain. JAny questions let me know!
Felicity woke up to a warm body beside her. She smiled in content and opened her eyes too see Oliver sleeping soundly beside her. She moved to be closer to him, if that was even possible.
When in Oliver's sleep he wanted to protect her, he pulled her closer to him and she signed in pure utter happiness. She was so thankful for this moment. She knew her alarm was going to go off any second and she dreaded the moment. Felicity closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep. Last night was one of the longest nights she had in a while with team arrow.
She was talking them through an abandoned warehouse in the Glades. They were going after one of Guldanne's men who had just robbed a young girl.
Guidanne is the newest in the Arrow's troubles. He has hundreds of men running around town doing his work for him. Arrow had yet to discovered what his plan was but the team knew it was nothing good. All of the crimes were random and made no sense to Oliver or his team.
"Oliver, to your left"
Felicity lead them through the streets the fastest way she could. She watched all of them from inside the foundry on all her monitors. To say Felicity did nothing when they were out on a mission was an under statement. She had their backs every step of the way.
"Laurel. She's hiding beside those steps. She looks pretty beat up."
"Got it Felicity. I'll get her some help"
Felicity smiled as she turned her attention back to the screen to see Oliver and Roy meet a block from the warehouse. Diggle walked in behind her, she turned and smiled.
"I didn't hear you come in"
He smirked,
"I'm a sneaky guy"
She laughed and turned back to the screens.
"Boys take a right and you'll be there"
Roy's voice crackled through the head phone,
"Thanks Felicity"
She smiled as John took a seat beside her. She turned and looked at him, not really worried about the job they were about to do. It was one guy, who stole a purse. Oliver and Roy had dealt with worse.
She turned,
"How's the baby?"
John smiled,
"Amazing. I'll bring her around soon"
Felicity chewed her pen, and smiled,
"You better, do you want to go help them? I can talk you in"
He shook his head,
"I'm good. I think they have it covered. Trying to get rid of me?"
Felicity shook her head gently,
"Course not. I just thought you would want to be out there in the action. I mean it's boring down here. Well I don't find it boring, but I know a lot of you would. And I don't know"
Diggle chuckled and kissed Felicity's temple.
"I am never bored with you Felicity"
She smiled and turned the phone on speaker, so he could hear everything as he got up to get a drink. She watched as Roy entered the back of the warehouse, and Oliver was no where to be seen. Which wasn't unusual to her. He was good at not being seen. She hit the button to talk to them,
"Lost my eyes guys. Its all you"
Oliver's voice answered her,
"We shouldn't be long"
She smiled, as she listened to them talk back and forth on the line. The talking stopped and she assumed they were now in sight of the thief. Diggle sat beside her,
"You guys seem good"
She nodded absent mindedly,
"We are"
She smiled and looked over at him with her eyes as her chin rested on her hand. Diggle smiled. He was happy they both had stopped being so scared to admit how they felt and go for it. The moment was reuined when an unfimilar voice sounded on the line,
"Well, well. What do I owe the pleasure. The Arrow in my warehouse"
Oliver's voice was next,
"Gildanne, I presume"
"I like it when my plans fall in to place."
"You didn't really think I'm that desperate for money that I would still some girl's purse"
Diggle stood up,
Her eyes grew wide, and nodded.
"He tricked us"
"We need to see what's going on in there"
She typed on her keyboard as fast as she could. Shaking her head, defeated.
"I … just… I. Dig. There's no cameras"
"I'm going in"
"You can't. Whatever is going on in there, we can't. You'll be dead the minute you walk in"
"I can't just leave them in there"
She shrugged.
"Welcome to my life Dig"
She sat back on her chair, biting her nail. Listening. Waiting.
She heard, Oliver's bow pull back.
"Give me a reason not to put this arrow through you right now"
"Because, you can kill me but my plan? It's already started"
His voice gave Felicity's chills. It was gruff and stone cold, no emotion. Diggle was pacing behind her, listening for any clue that came out of his mouth.
"And you don't think I can stop that too?"
The man laughed,
"Doubtful, besides you are so careless. Do you not think I know exactly where that pretty blonde and body guard you have are right now? One wrong move and they are both dead."
Felicity stopped chewing on her nail, and looked at Diggle. He shook his head,
"He's lying"
But as he said it, we walked over to the gun cage and took one out. Felicity barely whispered in to the phone.
"Don't worry, we're fine"
She heard his bow tighten, if that was even possible.
"Don't touch them"
Oliver's voice was harsh and strong.
"This is between me and you, no one else"
"Is that why you brought along your red hooded side kick?"
They heard the noise of a body being tossed to the ground. Oliver's sharp breath was heard and the whoosh of an arrow followed quickly.
"Touch any of my people, and I promise you the next arrow won't just scratch you"
Felicity was too scared even breath. When the foundry door opened, she jumped and gasped a bit.
"Its okay, it's just me"
Laurel came down the stairs. Expecting to have everyone there, but instead she saw John holding a gun and Felicity looking scared as ever. She walked over and shrugged,
"Felicity what's going on?"
"It was a trap"
Her voice was so quiet, she didn't know if had actually been heard by anyone.
"What are we doing then?"
"We wait"
Diggle spoke up, and looked at Laurel.
"You haven't been down here long enough. We wait. Oliver will figure it out, he always does"
They all turned back to the phone when a gunshot was heard. Felicity's breath stuck in her throat. And then there was fighting. A lot of fighting. They saw people running from the building, desperately looking to see if it was Roy or Oliver.
Relief as Felicity saw two arrows break one of the windows at the top of the warehouse, and both men glide down the rope to the ground. Roy was first,
"We're coming home"
Felicity smiled, and Laurel responded first.
"Are you hurt?"
Roy replied in a cocky attitude,
"What do you think?"
Which caused Felicity to laugh. Diggle put down the gun and sighed. Felicity had followed them via camera the entire ride home, as they came down the stairs she was waiting. She grabbed Oliver in a hug before he got off the steps, Roy was the first one to say anything,
"I almost died too"
When Felicity's eyes opened again, the sun was higher in the sky. Oliver was still asleep beside her, she smiled and kissed his chest as she scratched his back. He hummed in response,
"Morning, I have to get up"
Oliver tightened his grip,
"No you don't"
She nodded, and smiled.
"I don't want to get fired"
"I'm the boss. I think you're safe"
She laughed,
God she loved the way he said her name. She could listen to it every second of everyday. She groaned as she pushed him away from her,
"I have to get up and so do you"
He shrugged and mumbled as his head hit the pillow,
"I own the company, I think I'm safe"
She laughed, and walked to the bathroom. She started brushing her teeth and turned to look at the man she loved laying in her bed. She smiled just thinking about their future. She then glanced at the clock,
Oliver jumped from the bed,
"What! What is it?"
"Why does my clock say it's 11:32 in the morning?"
He smirked and shrugged, sitting back on the bed,
"Couldn't tell you"
She gave him a look and put her tooth brush down, walking back over to him and straddling him, putting her hands on his cheeks.
He smiled,
"You looked so peaceful this morning, I couldn't wake you up"
She gently shook her head smiling,
"How am I going to explain that to them when I get to work"
"You don't have too"
She raised her eyebrow,
"I'm the boss, and I called in for both of us today"
Before she could say anything he kissed her. She melted into it, and pulled away slightly,
"We'll talk about this later"
He smirked and kissed her again, flipping them over in the bed.
Let me know what you think! Maybe a full story, maybe a one or two shot. Sorry if there's any mistakes!