HI guys, sorry for the extremely long wait. I'm gonna change the genre to this story a little bit and add romance to it. Though I'm not sure who to place Kasumi with. Maybe a Kasumi x Harem (Many different guys), Kasumi x Zoro , Kasumi x Sanji or even Zoro x Kasumi x Sanji. Not sure yet, but I really like Sanji but I also do like Zoro, so let me know what you guys thin on that.
Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know what you guys think.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own One Piece, nor do I own any of the characters with the exception on Kasumi. XX
Chapter 7 A murderous plan, one big cat fight and a new crew-mate?
Kasumi's P.O.V.
"Assassinate is such an ugly word!" I heard Clahador speak, my eyes narrowing at his words, his voice still held that uptight personality in it but he seemed like he was correcting the person he was talking to.
"Ah! Yeah! Accident! We'll call it an accident! Isn't that right, Captain Kuro?" Jango said, my narrowed eyes widening in shock. Captain Kuro? This guy was actually a pirate? That explains things more now, no way was he an actual butler.
"Captain Kuro… I gave that name three years ago, don't call me that name again! You are the Captain now." Kuro said, possibly sounding angry? Or just annoyed. Either way, I didn't believe him.
"Hey, what are those two talking about?" Luffy said suddenly, bluntly pointing at the two men we were spying on.
"You heard them yourself, why are you asking me? I think I heard the name Captain Kuro somewhere…." Usopp said, looking upset.
"Not surprised that you may have heard about him." I spoke up, feeling bored, both boys looked at me.
"You know him?" Usopp asked, curious and a little annoyed as if I was hiding the truth from him.
"Not personally no. I read the newspaper a lot, I've seen articles about him. He's know for his careful planning before he commits to each of his jobs, such as robberies and plundering. Then I've also heard rumours that he got caught by marines, which probably was just a cover story if this is him." I explained, my eyes looking back the men on the beach.
"I still remember that day… It simply shocked me..." Jango said, seeming to go into his deep thoughts.
"Hmm?" Kuro hummed.
"You said you were going to give up being a pirate, and made me Captain! Everyone thinks that Captain Kuro has been executed by the marines! But actually, you hid in this little village, and told us to come here in three years time!" Jango said, confirming my words, he paused as he sat down on a nearby rock. "Before, when I worked with you, there was always a lot of "Benefits" that's the only reason I worked with you! I can get a good share this time right?"
"Yes! If you succeed, you'll get your share!" Kuro said, looking annoyed but didn't make a move towards his comrade.
"Good! Leave that girl to me!" Jango said, pointing to himself.
"Killing her is not enough… You have to make sure it looks like an accident!" Kuro ordered. I will admit, he was being smart about how to do the 'assassination', but there was one flaw in it. We had heard him, he has witnesses to this conversation, though down side, one of us three is known in this village as a liar, so there'd be a high chance nobody would believe us. Kuro turned to study Jango further. "It looks like you're not ready yet!"
"Shut up! I'm completely ready! When you send the signal, we'll charge into the village and kill the Ojou-sama, simple as that! Then you can openly claim her inheritance." Jango explained, tell us the plan unknowingly.
"I wonder if your Mom actually gave you a brain! I have no relation to her family, how can there be inheritance for me?" Kuro asked.
"We can work on it!" Jango said, seeming to be relaxed, Kuro though looked more annoyed as he openly glare at the guy.
"It's no use! The most important part is…. Before you kill her, you have to hypnotize her…. And make her write my name into the will! 'I will leave all my wealth to my butler, Clahador.'!" Kuro ordered, I watched as Usopp finally understood the gravity of this situation, his eyes widened in alarm, I turned to look back at Kuro when he continued to speak. "This way, I can openly claim her wealth! I've spent three years getting everyone to trust me, and as soon as she writes the will, no one will suspect me!"
"Just for this you spent three years being a butler..? If I were you, I would have just robbed them straight on!" Jango said.
"If I had done that, I'd still be an outlaw, and the marines would still be chasing me! This plan can get me tons of money, plus I won't have the marines chasing me. I like using my head to find a peaceful way to settle things!" Kuro said, smirking as he points to his head. Jango started to laugh, but I didn't think it was out of amusement, more sadistic.
"Hahahahaha! Peaceful way to settle things? You mean murdering her entire family is a peaceful way?" Jango asked incredulously.
"Hey! What entire family? Kaya's parents died naturally! That was outside my plans!" Kuro explained, looking less annoyed, but did look exhausted from explaining things.
"Whatever, let's not argue over this. Anyway, you just need to send the signal! Our ship has been anchored close by… For almost a week! They can't hold back any longer..." Jango said, probably referring to the remainder of the crew.
"Horrible… I've heard a horrible plan..." Usopp said sweating in panic.
"Hey! What's going on? That doesn't look good!" Luffy said calmly and with a straight face, I felt myself wonder why I followed this idiot, but then I had to remind myself he was my little Brother. I sighed. I could also tell that Usopp was panicking and he was practically in shock over Luffy. It wasn't long after that did Luffy stand up.
"Luffy?" I asked sitting up but still low enough to be 'hiding'.
"Don't stand up! They'll see you!" Usopp lightly scolded, not seeming to notice the expression on my Brother's face, one that to me indicates 'trouble', which normally leads to more work for me to clean up or stop. But I wasn't going to, only because I bet, as always, he was purely following instinct.
"HEY! YOU TWO! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THE OJOU-SAMA!" Luffy yelled and rather loudly too, enough that I cringed a little at the volume. I barely saw Usopp pale, paused from reaching out to Luffy, before I saw the two men look our way. Crap.
"You idiot! They'll see you! Hide! They'll kill you!" Usopp said, panic mode in full show.
"It's a bit late for that now." I said calmly, not moving an inch from my spot, my eyes not leaving Kuro.
"Huh?" Usopp asked, looking at me.
"Oh… It's Usopp-Kun…." Kuro said calmly, not seeming phased, even though he did seem surprised that we were even here.
"YAAAAAAH! HE SAW ME!" Usopp screamed in terror.
"Did you… Hear anything?" Kuro asked, looking angry.
"We heard everything!" Luffy said bluntly, I would have laughed but this wasn't the right situation.
"HEY!" Usopp yelled, looking at Luffy with exceedingly large eyes. I sighed, got up and walked towards one of the many surrounding trees. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?"
"To find a comfortable place to relax..." I answered Usopp calmly, sitting down at the base before closing my eyes. I chose to stop paying any attention but didn't fall asleep, wanting to meditate. I trusted that we'd be ok for the time being, despite what was happening. While I was in this state, I barely heard the commotion, I heard a bit more over dramatic screaming from Usopp, but I knew that Luffy wouldn't truly put us in a proper dangerous situation, that is, intentionally.
"HEY! HEY, YOU! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" I heard Usopp yell, then a few moments later, I heard Usopp scream in terror as he ran, so I allowed myself to briefly pay attention once again.
"You sure it's ok? Plus I'm sure I saw a third person with those two." I heard Jango speak.
"Don't worry, my plan won't be affected. And I don't see anyone else." Kuro said calmly, making me smirk. Good, they didn't see me.
15 minutes later
I been waiting for a while, still meditating when I heard a few footsteps. I opened my eye to see the three kids, Nami and Zoro looking down at me.
"Oh. Zoro, Nami, you're here." I said getting up, before stretching.
"What happened? We saw Usopp running into the village in full panic, seemed scared. And where's Luffy?" Nami asked, looking a little worried. I walked over the cliff side and looked down and saw Luffy asleep on the floor in a very awkward position.
"It seems another pirate crew is here, and they plan on killing Kaya-San." I said before jumping down to stand by Luffy, before nudging him with my foot. "Oi, Lu, Wake up!"
"Ugh, mmmh!" Luffy moaned, slowly moving into a more comfortable sitting position, only just being joined by our friends. I explained in full on the situation.
"Pretty much, yes." I answer the three kids, frowning a little at their scared faces.
"That's what the guy said there's no doubt about it." Luffy said.
"Oh yeah, why were you sleeping over there anyways? Kasumi, do you know?"
"Hmm.. I remember I was on top of the cliff..." Luffy said, confused.
"Jango must of hypnotised you. I stopped paying attention at the end. I see that was a small mistake." I said, only to get hit in the back of the head by an angry Nami a second later.
"YA THINK!?" Nami yeah angrily.
"Sorry..." I mumbled, I saw Nami nod before turning to the three kids, who was talking amongst themselves, but I think Nami was listening to them despite her anger towards me.
"So, that's why your Captain ran to the village in such a hurry to warn them! Well that's good, you guys are the first to know, you should escape while you can! It'll be too late when the pirates get here!" Nami spoke, smile at the three. It was then the three kids spoke amongst themselves again.
"Yeah! Then we should run away"
"Yes! Pack up our important stuff!"
"My allowance money, and snacks…. And my model ship.."
"GOTTA HURRY!" and with that they ran off towards their homes.
"Oh no!" Luffy said suddenly, making us look towards him.
"What now?" Zoro asked.
"We haven't bought our meat yet! Even the butcher will soon run away!" Luffy exclaimed, making me sigh.
"Wrong thing to worry about Luffy." I said, I then looked in the direction of the village.
"Is everything alright Kassie-Chan?" Nami asked worried.
"It's nothing, we should get back to the village." I said, looking towards my crew mates and it wasn't long did we start heading back. Eventually we ran into Usopp, who looked like he was close to tears, or had just finished crying, though along the way we found Carrot, Onion and Pepper, and they just followed us, despite their previous decision.
"Hey! Hi everybody!" Usopp greeted us, took a minute, looked at Luffy then… "EEEH! HOW CAN YOU STILL BE ALIVE?"
"Still alive? I just woke up." Luffy said, confused having not realised he had fallen off a cliff.
"He was asleep the whole time." Pepper paused then spoke up again. "Captain! We heard about the pirates! We've got to warn everyone!"
"Warn… Everyone..?" Usopp spoke hesitantly, my eye narrowed while I looked at him. I was right, he already tried and failed, no wonder he was a little upset, but I suppose this was partially his fault for always lying. Even though I did feel bad for the guy. I saw his try to hide his arm behind his back, he was injured. I sighed quietly. "WAHAHAHAHA! What pirates..?"
"Usopp.." I mumbled, feeling bad for him.
"Just like all the other times, of course it was just a lie! I was just having my revenge on that butler, by making up stories about him being a pirate!" Usopp said, in fake joy.
"Hmm?" Luffy seemed confused, it was then that the three kids started speaking, upset.
"What!? It was just a lie?"
"Man! I thought something big was going to happen!"
"Even Straw-Hat Niichan and Kasumi Neechan helped Captain Usopp lie to us!"
"Captain shouldn't make up lies just because of this. That's not honourable!"
"Yeah, I feel the same way!"
"Me too! No matter how mean that butler is… Captain, I never thought you would make up lies to hurt others." And with that, they left, heading home. I watched them before we turned to look at Usopp, who walked back towards the shore. Someday, I'm gonna refuse going back and forth constantly. Either way, we followed him silently and soon we were sate the beach again, stood around Usopp as he was sat on one of the rocks.
"Usopp, tell us what happened." I commanded softly.
"Because I used to lie all the time… No one believes word I say now! Even so… The fact that those pirates are going to attack, is the truth right? They're definitely going to attack in the morning but no one believes me! They all think tomorrow will just be another peaceful day…" He paused to take a breath.
"SINCE EVERYONE THAT THINKS I'M A LIAR I'LL PROTECT THIS VILLAGE MYSELF AND PREVENT THE PIRATES ATTACKING! IN ORDER TO PROTECT THE VILLAGE, THEN THIS WILL JUST BECOME ONE OF MY LIES!" Usopp screamed out suddenly, a burst of confidence, while me, Luffy, Zoro and Nami stood there surprised by the outburst.
"Although they.. Fired guns at me… and they chased after me with broomsticks… here… in the village where I grew up! I love this village! I want to protect everyone… How can I just watch.. Everyone get killed.." Usopp said, covering his face with his hands, crying. I smiled, no matter what they did, they gad someone who was loyal and caring who was willing to protect them. Me and Luffy shared glances, nodding to each other. I slipped over to one side and silently summoned a few bandages.
"You are a pretty good guy, you lied to your crew so that you can do this alone..." Zoro commented, smirking.
"Okay! I'm definitely going to butt-in this one!" Luffy said, an angry expression on his face as he started to stretch, while I sat down next to Usopp.
"But first things first, all their treasure is mine!" Nami said.
"What…?" Usopp looked up, surprised and confused at the same time. "You guys… are willing to fight with me?! Why..?"
"That should be an obvious answer." I said gently grabbing his arm and started cleaning the wound, followed by wrapping it up in the bandages.
"Because the enemies out-number you!" Luffy said, looking at Usopp.
"You have the words 'I'm scared' written all over your face." Zoro said bluntly.
"IDIOTS! ME? SCARED? SO WHAT IF THEY OUT-NUMBER ME!? THEY CAN'T COMPETE WITH ME! I'M CAPTAIN USOPP! IN MY VEINS FLOWS THE BLOOD OF A COURAGEOUS WARRIOR!" Usopp yelled, only to start shaking afterwards, while we just looked at him.
"Stop shaking! Stop it! Stop it!" Usopp spoke to himself, but he didn't seem to notice we could hear him as he started hitting his shaking legs before looking up to see we were watching him. "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS LOOKING AT!? THEY'RE CAPTAIN KURO'S FLEET! OF COURSE I'M SCARED! I DON'T NEED YOUR SYMPATHY! GO AWAY! NOW!"
"We're not sympathizing for you!" Zoro said.
"But rather we're commending you for having courage." I said, continuing for Zoro, feeling that was what he was going to say.
"Why else would we risk our own live?" Luffy said, gritting his teeth together.
"Plus it gives us a chance to beat up that ass hole!" I said angrily, punching my fists together. I could then see tears starting to brim in Usopp's eyes, my me smirk.
"You… You guys…. I'm so touched!" Usopp said, pausing before getting himself together. "They're going to attack from this shore. Because this is the only way into the village, there's only one slope the rest is just cliffs! This means, as long as we guard this slope with our lives, the village won't be harmed!"
"Sounds easy!" Luffy said, placing his hand on top of his head as if to rub the back of it.
"Easier said than done… What are you guys good at?" Usopp asked.
"YOU HAVE TO FIGHT TOO!" We yelled at Usopp as soon as he went to turn around to hide.
"We're gonna need a plan to slow them down though, as much as I know we can take them, we need a precaution in case some get passed us." I said, thinking.
"What do you have in mind, Kasumi-Nee?" Luffy asked, only for me to smirk, clapping my hands together, then slammed them down on the floor, summoning three barrels. "Barrels?"
"Barrels of slippery oil. This will make it hard for anyone trying to get up." I explained before opening them up and the kicking them over, successfully covering the entire slope.
"Nice one!" Nami exclaimed, smiling.
"WOW! THAT WAS AMAZING!" Usopp yelled in surprise, looking at what I did with large eyes.
"Great thinking Kasumi-Nee!" Luffy praised, pumping his fists in the air, while Zoro just smirked.
"We've sprayed a massive amount of oil here! Now those bastards won't be ably to get up this slope. This id the most effective way to battle them! No matter what, we guard this slope with our lives," Usopp spoke.
"Just don't fall down there yourself! Or else you're screwed!" Nami said.
"Yep!" Luffy said, sitting down.
"Luff, that was mostly aimed at you." I said, before sighing at sitting next to him, mostly to stop him if he got to close to the oil. I yawned but stayed awake in order to wait, and we sat there all night and soon we see the sunrise.
"Don't worry! I have a lot of confidence in myself! The sun is up!" Usopp exclaimed.
"Where are they.. It's already morning..." Luffy said, and I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.
"You don't suppose they slept in?" Zoro asked, looking at Usopp.
"Something doesn't feel right. That Jango guy said he had his ship docked for a week, so there could be a chance they can come from a different direction. I'm gonna go check it out!" I said before turning to run towards the other side of the island, where I could start hearing noises of men yelling. I stopped at the top of the slope to see a huge ship and a big crew running with swords and axes. I saw Usopp come running before he could start shoot, I was running towards the when, punching and kicking as I ran past them, most flying back, some managed to pass me.
"You bitch! You pay for this!" One yelled, only for him to get shot, I smirked.
"There's someone else here!" A guy yelled.
"You are.." I heard Jango speak, but Usopp interrupted.
"I'M CAPTAIN USOPP! I'VE BEEN WAITING HERE FOR YOU GUYS! I'VE MADE ALL PREPARATIONS! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE, THEN RETREAT AT ONCE!" Usopp yelled in hopes to scare them, making me sigh, he's not wrong but he made his 'preparations' on the wrong side of this island. He's an idiot.
"You're the one… Who overheard our plans and I'll assume your friend also heard if she was the one to first arrive. What do you both want?" Jango asked.
"I'M WARNING YOU! I HAVE 1 MILLION CREWMEN WAITING TO KILL YOU ALL!" Usopp yelled, making me look up at him. Did he really think that lie would work? He should make it more realistic, saying he had 50 men instead.
"Only an idiot would fall for that..." One of the pirates said, I couldn't agree more….
"WHAT!? 100 MILLION CREWMEN?! SO… SO MANY!" Jango yelled, making everyone look at him. Ok, maybe one person believed him. Idiot.
"Don't believe him..."
"Do you think we're 2 years old?"
"Yes, actually, I do think that!" I say loudly, making many glare at me.
"You bastard, how dare you lie to me..." Jango said with gritted teeth.
"Captain Jango! Good news!" One of the many pirate's yelled.
"What! You found food?!" Jango exclaimed, perking up.
"Not food! We ground treasure on that weird boat over there! It's quite a lot… Probably worth 4 million… No, 5 million Beli!" The pirate spoke, making me look up in shock.
"OI! THAT AIN'T YOURS!" I yelled running over to stop them only for someone to punch me away. I looked up to see a tall man standing over me. He had spiky brown hair, forest green eyes, I could tell he was heavily muscled under his clothing. I spat out a bit of blood before jumping back.
"THAT IS MY TREASURE! BUT I CAN GIVE IT TO YOU!" Usopp yelled, making me look up at him. I looked at him in shock. Nami is gonna kill him if she heard him say that.
"Idiot… Of course we're going to take the treasure! But, we don't have to retreat!" Jango said before bring out the two disks he used on the three kids from earlier and started swing it left and right. "Look at this… After I say '1, 2, Jango', you will let us pass! One, two, Jang..."
"YOU IDIOT!" I heard Nami yell, hitting Usopp with her bo staff. Probably heard him from earlier.
"Well you heard the lady, put that treasure back where you found it." I said getting up and hitting the guy from before, making him go flying, and I took the chance to run towards the guy who was holding Nami's treasure. Only to get stopped again by the bastard.
"Where do you think you're going, little miss?" The guy said as he ran in front of me, successfully blocking my way.
"To take back what is rightfully ours." I answered, as if the answer should be the most obvious thing in the world.
"Oh no you don't." He said, smirking.
"And who are you to stop me..?" I asked, gritting my teeth in annoyance.
"Jack, member of the Black Cat crew. And you are?" Jack spoke, wow, a little bit polite but still a bastard.
"Monkey D Kasumi." I said simply.
"Well, it is certainly nice to meet you, Kasumi-San" Jack said before he punched me, causing me to go flying way back into the cliff side.
"You are strong. No bother I do love a challenge." I said.
"KASUMI-CHAN! ARE YOU OKAY!?" Nami yelled.
"YEAH! STAY AWAY, I'LL TAKE CARE OF THIS GUY!" I yelled back, my eyes not leaving Jack's figure.
"Why would I bother fighting you? You're a weak little girl." Jack said cockily, smirking rather smugly.
"Oh don't worry, I'll give you a challenge." I promised, before charging towards him, fists ready, he blocked it, grabbed my wrist threw me over his shoulder and throwing me on the floor roughly. I groaned but them smirked, summoning a sword.
"You're an alchemist?" He asks.
"Yeah, I am." I say before swinging, which he barely dodges. I gritted my teeth and kept trying to hit him but each time he dodges, and this soon leads to a chase as he jumps up so that he was on top of the cliff, where I quickly followed, only for him to disappear into the forest. I sighed. "If I didn't know better, I would think you were a coward for running."
"And yet, you are not entering the forest after me. I'd say you would be the coward for not joining me." I heard him speak. I walked in, looking around as I did, I heard a leaf move, I turned to look but saw nothing. So this guy was a master of stealth or was he just fast? Then I turned again, only to jump out of the way quickly, barely dodging the punch that was aimed at me, what? He was holding a few throwing daggers in his hands, making them look like claws. I'm dead if he gets a hit.
"Running away?" Jack taunted, disappearing again. I growled, I need to go to an open space, but he seems smart enough to not be lured away. Which means, I need to find another way to beat him. Then an idea came to mind, but I groaned at the idea. I waited, looking around as I did so. "Giving up?"
"You wish, you ugly jackass." I taunted, then I saw him come at me, ready to punch me, he struck, I caught it, blades going right through my right hand, but I held on using my full strength.
"Ha! I got you!" Jack smirked smugly for a second before realising I wasn't in any pain, nor could he escape from my grasp. "Huh? What's going on?"
"That cocky attitude got you in trouble. That's what." I said before kneeing him in the nuts before headbutting him in the face, breaking his nose.
"ARRGHH!" He yelled as I released him, and watched as he fell to the floor. Now it was my turn to smirk, before I let my eyes wonder to his knives and picked them up to study them.
"Ooh, these are mice, great craftsmanship. Don't mind if I do!" I said, storing them away, before going to pick up the sword that I had dropped (When did I?).
"YOU BITSCH!" He yelled, clutching his broken nose in his hands tightly.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't speak Jackass language, please speak up further." I said pointing my sword at his face, the blade merely inches away from his eyes. His eyes widened.
"You wouldn't kill me, would you?" Jack asks, seeming scared.
"Probably not." I said getting rid of the sword, briefly turned to make him loose his guard, and turned back quickly, kicking him in his face, successfully knocking him out. I run back to where I left Nami and Usopp only to see them in trouble. I see Usopp on the floor when I saw a guy running to stab him with a sword only to get hit by Nami. I saw a guy trying to come at her from behind soon afterwards.
"NAMI! WATCH OUT!" I yelled running to help.
"DAMN GIRL!" The pirate yelled, making Nami turn around and using her bo staff, she blocked it but unfortunately the force was too strong so she went flying back, fortunately, I caught her just in time and took the blown of the rock side for her. I coughed up a bit of blood at that and felt dazed.
"You..." I heard Usopp say, worried and surprised.
"Kassie-Chan, you're hurt. Are you alright? Can you hear me?" I heard Nami speak, sounding worried.
"Yeah… Just give me… A minute..." I spoke dazedly, trying to breath. I think I took one too many hits, and I'm feeling exhausted.
"Might as well kill these three!" I heard one of these pirates speak, I gritted my teeth, trying to shake away the pain.
"TO THE VILLAGE!" The crew yelled, running past us.
"Wait… You.. Bastards..." Usopp said, trying to get up, before grabbing one of the many pirates that was run past. "WAIT! DON'T ATTACK THE VILLAGE!"
"You're so annoying!" The pirate yelled, kicking Usopp off of him.
"I BEG YOU! PLEASE…. PLEASE DON'T KILL THE VILLAGERS!" Usopp yelled desperately, but it was only seconds later did they all come flying back, from either being punched or sliced, I smirked at seeing two familiar faces on top of the slope.
"What took you guys so long?" Me and Nami say at the same time, as I slowly got up onto my feet.
"What took us so long?" Zoro asked, seeming angry.
"How should I know! Right now I just want to kick some ass!" Luffy said, seeming to be just as angry as Zoro.
"NAMI! HOW DARE YOU KICK ME!" Zoro yelled.
"USOPP YOU IDIOT! YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME WHICH WAY NORTH IS!" Luffy yelled. That idiot, how was Usopp supposed to tell you that.
"Who are those guys..?" Jango asked, standing amongst the men that were unconscious on the ground. I watched as Luffy and Zoro walking down to join us.
"I didn't know you guys were this strong..." Usopp said, sitting up slowly.
"Of course!" Luffy answered.
"You're late..What took you so long?" Nami asks, looking towards the two, only for Zoro to glare at her.
"I couldn't help it" Better one person fall down than both of us!" Nami explained, and I couldn't but wonder what happened.
"It was your fault for running so fast!" Usopp said.
"I WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP YOU!" Luffy yelled, but his glare lessened just a tiny bit.
"Hey! You idiots! Don't tell me you guys are finished just from one blow from those fools?" I heard Jango speak, but I knew he was talking to his crewmen.
"AH! They're still alive! They're pretty tough!" Luffy acknowledged, frowning down at our enemy.
"Listen! We don't have time to waste here! Since the opponent is strong, we must be stronger.." Jango said, facing his mean, and started swinging his disks. "Come! Look at me pendulum. After I say '1, 2, Jango' you guys will become stronger! Your wounds will heal! And you will become much stronger than before!"
"What's that guy doing?" Luffy asked, staring intently to the disk. Uh-Oh, I have a bad idea about this. I back away from Luffy slowly.
"I dunno..." Usopp said.
"He's using hypnotism! He's trying to make them think they're stronger!" I explained, making Nami and Zoro look at me.
"This is absurd! And why are you backing up?" Nami asks.
"Instead of asking questions, just do the same thing. Trust me on this." I said, my eyes not leaving Luffy.
"One… Two.. JANGO!" I heard Jango yell, then I heard a lot of screams and crashes.
"NO WAY!? THEY WERE STILL SHAKY JUST A WHILE AGO!" Nami exclaimed. Another crash, my eyes still didn't leave Luffy.
"HE CRUSHED THE WALL… HOW DID THEY GAIN SO MUCH STRENGTH!?" Zoro exclaimed, and if even even he got this surprised, that made me more concerned about Luffy.
"GO..! KILL THOSE PESTS!" Jango ordered, pointing at us.
"OOOOOHH!" The crew screamed, running at us, weapons drawn. And despite my worry for Luffy, I got myself ready to fight.
"Nami, Usopp, you two hurry and go up slope! We'll take care of this..." I said, Nami nodded, going to help Usopp up the hill.
"Hey! Luffy!" Zoro said, waited a second for the reply, but then turned to our captain when we got nothing from him. "Luffy!?"
"YEEEEEAAAAAAHHH!" Luffy screamed, fists in the air.
"WAIT! YOU KNEW!?" Nami and Zoro yelled at me.
"He's my brother, of course I'm gonna notice if something id wrong with him!" I exclaimed, calming down.
"EH!?" Jango exclaimed in surprise.
"He's not your average idiot… Got hypnotized so easily.." I said before Luffy charged towards our opponent.
"HEY! LUFFY!" Zoro yelled.
"GOMU GOMU GATLING GUN!" Luffy yelled, punching every member of Jango's crew.
"UWAAAAH!" The crew yelled as they flew back, losing consciousness.
"His arms..." Usopp said, surprised.
"OOOOOOOOOOOH!" Luffy screamed running further down the beach, causing the remaining amount of the crew to run away or dodge, but Luffy kept running, ignoring them.
"What's he doing…?" I asked, but didn't get a reply, everyone else was wondering the same thing. We watched as Luffy ran to the ship that belonged to the Black Cat's crew and grabbed a hold of the bow.
"What's he doing!?"
"GO! LUFFY!" Nami yelled as we watched Luffy rip the bow away from the main part of the ship. I smirked.
"OOOH!" Luffy yelled, successfully holding it, before turning to our opponent.
"NO! WAIT!" That when Luffy started to swing the bow around. "HE'S TRYING THE KILL US! CAPTAIN! HELP US!"
"I don't think he even realizes how stupid this looks, does he? Any of them?" I said.
"Agreed." Nami, Zoro and Usopp answered.
"I'LL SAY '1, 2, JANGO', AND YOU WILL FALL ASLEEP! ONE… TWO…. JANGO!" Jango yelled, using his hypnotism once again, aiming it only at Luffy. Luffy then calmed down and fell asleep, causing him to fall to the ground, problem is though, the bow went with him since he was holding it, so it fell on top of him, along with any of Jango's crew that may have been in the way, which also barely missed Jango himself.
"Damn kid… Ruined our whole plan… If Captain Kuro sees this… He will kill everybody here!" Jango said, glaring at Luffy, while sweating. It seemed he may be either scared of Kuro or he was worrying that he wouldn't get his share in their bargain?
"I think they're finished now!" Nami said, while sitting on the grass next to Usopp, who was panicking over Luffy.
"Hey.. His head is squashed under the ship bow!" Usopp said, trying to reason with us.
"Don't worry! He won't die from that! Besides, I'm his sister, do you really think I'd let him die with a say in it?" I said, looking towards the sniper.
"First worry about yourself! You're bleeding!" Zoro said, smirking at Usopp.
"HEY BUCHI! COME LOOK! OUR SHIP'S HEAD IS WRECKED!" a voice yelled suddenly, catching our attention.
"WHAT!? WRECKED? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN!?" A second voice, Buchi? Yelled.
"Oh.. That voice…." One of the pirates spoke up. "It's the ship's guards, the Nyaban Brothers!"
"Nyaban Brothers?" I muttered, curious, getting up to have a better look.
"Looks like there's still something on that ship..." Zoro said, joining me.
"Oh yeah, we still have… 'Those two'…!" Jango said smirking.
"What's going to come out now…?" Zoro asks.
"I dunno, but we need to prepare for a fight." I said calmly.
"Heh heh… You'll all be killed..." One of the crewmembers said.
"COME DOWN… NYABAN BROTHERS!" Jango yelled, and it was a minute later did I see two guys jump off the broken ship. Two very odd looking men. "Hello, Nyaban Brothers."
"Captain, you called for us?" The skinny looking one said.
"What's up?" The bigger of the two said, his voice. Buchi.
"What are they?" Nami asks.
"Wow… Jumping from so high… They're like cats..." Usopp commented.
"Buchi, Sham… We couldn't pass through this slope… Because those guys are blocking our way! Now go and destroy them!" Jango ordered, looking at the two, but pointing at us.
"WHAT?! HOW CAN WE…. BUCHI, WE CAN'T BEAT THEM..." Sham yelled, seems he was a coward, and here I was worried we actually were in trouble.
"YEAH! THOSE GUYS LOOK REALLY STRONG!" Buchi commented, at least they knew how to compliment us.
"What's going on? Aren't they good?" Usopp asked, confused.
"I don't know..." Zoro answered, just as confused as the rest of us.
"They both seem scared..." Nami commented.
"We're just… The ship's watchmen!" Sham exclaimed, shrugging his shoulders.
"Yeah! We don't want to participate in these kind of battles!" Buchi said, copying Sham's actions.
"SHAM! GO NOW!" Jango yelled.
"EH!? WHY ME!?" Sham yelled, clutching his head.
"GO!" Jango yelled.
"OKAY! I'M GOING" Sham yelled run towards us.
"What's going on? Aren't they supposed to be strong? Why are they making those cowards fight?" Nami asks.
"What can you do to me with those claws…?" Zoro asked tauntingly. "If you don't stop now, I'll attack you."
"Don't think that's…." I went to say it would work, this coward no longer seems scared.
"Just you? You can't kill me..." Sham said.
"Am I invisible. I am present aren't I?" I asked, pointing to myself. But then Sham's claws grew longer and seemed to go sharper.
"WHAT!?" Zoro exclaimed, blocking the swipe attack, and by the force of the attack it caused Zoro to use both hands. "You.."
"You must be thinking… That I'm just a coward?" Sham said before jumping back. "I WAS JUST PRETENDING TO BE A COWARD. IF I DIDN'T, THEN YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LEFT YOUR GUARD DOWN!"
"So he was was just acting scared?!" Usopp exclaimed, I looked to Zoro, saw something was missing, took a look at Sham and my eyes widened.
"ZORO!? YOU KATANAS!" I yelled, which caused Zoro to look down at his waist.
"EH… WHERE DID THEY GO!" Zoro yelled before looking around.
"You look like you might have few skills! But you underestimated me, Sham of the Nyaban Brothers. What? Are you missing something? I don't know where they went." Sham said.
"That bastard..." I growled, then I noticed that Zoro paled, like he saw a ghost. I couldn't read him, couldn't see what he was feeling. I know that Zoro was unhappy but I can't tell if he was sad or angry. Maybe both? Either way, I didn't like seeing him like this.
"Oh no, that guy took Zoro's katanas! Kassie-Chan, is there anything you can do?" Nami spoke, her eyes wondering from Sham to me.
"I'd love nothing more than to help Zoro here but I think this is something Zoro needs to do himself." I said sorrowfully.
"Give me back my katanas…!" Zoro says, his voice void of emotion, darker than normal.
"Give them back? Isn't you katana already in your hand?" Sham asks, before grabbing the two katanas from his back.
"Ohright, before the battle starts… I should.." Sham paused, throwing the two katanas away roughly. "Get this junk out of the way."
"Shit..." I said teleporting to the bottom of the slope, catching the two katanas before they got dirty. They were Zoro's treasure, and if this is all I could do to help him, then so be it. I looked up to my friend. "Don't worry, I've got them, you take care of that bastard."
"Hmph. Okay… Now that better… They're still out of my way.." Sham said, turning back to face Zoro, who was charging at him,
"Don't treat others' katanas… With disrespect!" Zoro exclaimed, before slashing Sham with a one sword styled attack. One he passed Sham, he ran to me.
"Kasumi!" Zoro called, but I could see Sham, run after Zoro.
"ZORO, BEHIND YOU!" I yelled, eyes wide, placing the Katanas down gently.
"Did you think you actually cut me just now?" Sham said, landing on top of Zoro way before he could reach me. "Too bad… I have a very thin waist!"
"WHAT?!" We yelled, now that I have a better look. This stripped himself from his coat to show that he indeed had a tiny waist.
"THANKS CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!" I yelled back angrily, fed up with the background commentary.
"GO, BUCHI! IT'S YOUR TURN!" Sham yelled, as he slammed Zoro further down onto the ground and I see Buchi start running.
"Okay! Got it, Sham!" Buchi called back before jumping into the air.
"CAT TECHNIQUE! BUCHI'S…" Buchi yelled as he started falling towards Zoro, feet really to land on Zoro's head. I started running to save him.
"Drop KI..." Buchi never got far as I jumped and kicked him away, while holding Sham's collar, causing him to fly off of Zoro. Once I landed, I threw Sham over to Buchi roughly.
"Ugh… T.. Thanks.." Zoro groaned as he felt himself get released.
"Don't worry about it. Can you still fight?" I asked.
"Very strong. But judging on how the big guy was attacking, that would have turned out as a strong attack too." Nami replied
"Damn… He got away! Why did that girl but in?!" Sham spoke, gritting his teeth as he got up.
"You should hold him down properly, Sham!" Buchi accused and scolded.
"Huh.." Buchi turned to look at us, realization kicked in. "Sorry, Sorry."
"This time I won't let him escape!" Sham said.
"Of course, while I'll deal with this puny girl." Buchi said, making me feel annoyed. I may be tiny compared to him, but I was strong than he was.
"I'm not used to fighting with one katana, but I have no choice." Zoro said, I would've grabbed his other two for him but they were currently behind our opponents.
"Well you have me to cover your back, I give you the extra support if you need it." I said.
"Ah, thanks." Zoro said.
"Looks like they've picked their opponents. Leave fatso to me. Okay?" I said smirking when I saw Buchi get annoyed by the 'nickname'.
"Got it!" Zoro replied.
"LET'S DO IT! BUCHI!" Sham yelled.
"LET'S GIVE IT TO THEM SHAM!" Buchi yelled
"CAT ATTACK!" They both yelled, trying to swipe us both with the claws, while both screaming 'Scratch' over and over with each swipe. Zoro was blocking the attacks while I was just dodging.
"OH NO! ZORO AND KASUMI CAN'T HANDLE THEM!" I heard Nami yell, a second later, she yelled again. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
"I'M GONNA HELP THEM! EAT THIS! 'NAMARIIBOSHI'!" Usopp yelled, I barely got the chance to look, but I saw Usopp aiming his slingshot at the two Brothers. That idiot. I saw the bullet, and dived to take the shot.
"ARGH!" I yelled in pain as the bullet hit my left shoulder.
"Kasumi!" Zoro exclaimed in shock. "Why did you do that!?"
"They're distracted!" The Nyaban Brothers said, going to attack but before they could get me, Zoro blocked them, protecting me.
"HOW COULD YOU HIT HER!?" Nami yelled.
"No… NO…! SHE DELIBERATELY BLOCKED IT WITH HER BODY!" Usopp yelled, just as surprised as Nami.
"SHE DID THAT?!" Nami yelled, looking back at me. I took a small breath before glaring up at the two.
"USOPP, BAKA! DO YOU WANT TO DIE!?" I yelled, causing Nami's and Usopp's eyes to go wide. I turned back towards the fight, and punched Buchi away from Zoro, lessening the pressure away from my friend. It was then did I notice that Zoro was struggling.
"Hold on for a few more seconds Zoro. I'll go get your other katanas." I said running to get them, only to get stopped by Buchi. I gritted my teeth but then my eyes widened.
"NAMI!" I yelled, eyes wide as I noticed the navigator running down the slope.
"What's she doing..?!" Zoro exclaimed, I tried again to help Nami, but got blocked again by Buchi. I saw Jango approach Nami, who had just picked up the Katanas, only to get sliced down by Jango.
"NAMI! DAMN IT YOU BASTARD!" I yelled punching Buchi before running down the slope to help the girl. But before I reached them, Jango froze. I knew he went to intervene, went to stop me, but now the guy was shaking in fear as he was looking to the top of the slope.
"… Ah…..! I… I… I CAN EXPLAIN…!" Jango stuttered, making me turn to have a look. My eyes widened. Crap.
"Cap.. Cap.. Captain.. Kuro..! We… We're done for.." The pirates spoke, all of them pale in fear. The expression on Kuro's face was murderously dark, and I could understand the fear that was on our opponents faces. I almost felt bad for them. Almost.
"It has been pretty long since dawn. I was wondering why the plan wasn't carried out..." Kuro said pausing. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!"
"Wow, somebody is pissed. Heh, looks like the fun part is just starting." I said, smirking.
"I didn't expect you to be help up by these kids.. The Black Cat pirate fleet has been reduced to a truly sad state… ISN'T THAT RIGHT, JANGO?!" Kuro said, yelling the last part out angrily.
"But… But… That day, you said that we could let that kid go… Cause' he couldn't affect our plans!" Jango said, trying to reason with his Captain.
"Yes, I did say that… So what?! HE indeed still cannot affect our plans, I expected that he would come after us… I just didn't expect your uselessness! I don't want any more excuses!" Kuro spoke venomously, glaring at his 'comrades'.
"That was a bit harsh..." I commented quietly under my breath.
"You said we're useless..?!" Sham said, looking at Kuro.
"Don't look down on us, Captain Kuro..." Buchi said, partially scared but also seemed sad in his own way.
"Indeed, you were very powerful. But that's in the past.." Sham said, growing his claw's out even more than before. I stood in front of Nami, protecting her just in case.
"Nami, stay behind me." I ordered, I only got a nod from the girl.
"What are you trying to say?" Kuro asks, looking at Sham now.
"HEY! SHUT UP, BUCHI! SHAM!" Jango yelled.
"that was three years ago…! You've been pampering yourself in this village! But we've never stopped our attacks!" Sham said.
"We've attacked quite a lot of villages… And sank many ships…!" Buchi said, and I suddenly felt myself getting disgusted at the two. I knew these were pirates and they don't care but that's just low. I wondered how many people died because of them.
"Internal conflict..?!" Usopp commented as he watched from the cliff side.
"IT'S A FACT THAT THEY ARE OUR STRONGEST TEAM..." It seems the whole Black Cat pirate crew are getting some confidence, some possibly siding with the Nyaban Brothers, who I noticed, started charging at Kuro with the intent to kill.
"INSTEAD OF BEING KILLED BY YOU SILENTLY, WE MIGHT AS WELL KILL YOU FIRST!" Sham yelled before they struck, only for Kuro disappear and the reappear a few feet behind them.
"So fast..!" I exclaimed in surprise. Was not expecting that, but wait a minute, if he had that skill why did he let me punch him yesterday. Was it to keep up with his act in front of Kaya, or did I really catch him off guard?
"Who did you say.. You were going to kill?" He said, and it only just then did I notice his weapon. Is was a bunch of swords, attached to gloves, which he was wearing, making it look like he had huge claws.
"… WHEN DID HE GET BEHIND THEM…?!" Usopp yelled on surprise.
"AH… IT'S.. IT'S THE 'SILENT STEP'!" The crew yelled, seeming to be scared again.
"What a weird looking weapon..." Zoro commented.
"Stay on guard. If he that fast, he'll be stronger than these other guys." I said. As I watched the brothers turn around.
"HE'S BEHIND US?!" They yelled, only for Kuro to have disappeared again. My eyes widened. This guy was good, and will be difficult to beat.
"Huh? Dis.. Disappeared!?"
"You're right.." Kuro said reappearing with both arms around the Nyaban Brothers shoulders, taking them both by surprise, and with a dark looking expression on his face. "I really don't feel too active."
"So.. So fast.." Buchi stuttered, as the two Brothers started sweating in fear, tears leaking out of their eyes.
"You're also right, that I'm no longer your Captain… I am only the 'client' in this plan! A client who will kill if the plan fails!" Kuro threatened, hold out two blades to the Brother's necks. I gritted my teeth together, this guy made it look easy, while me and Zoro were struggling.
"This is the first time I see the Nyaban Brother get caught…!" One of the pirates said.
"What are you still hoping for..? His 'Silent Step'.. Is a soundless moving technique. Even if he faces 50 assassins, he can still kill them all silently… We can't escape from his plans. Plus… When I met up with him, he sent a shiver down my spine when I saw that he still kept that 'Habit', in order to avoid scratching himself with his 'Cat's Claws'. He picked up that habit of pushing up his glasses up… This proves that he hasn't forgotten how to fight…!" Jango explained. That explains it, but then again, time doesn't make you forget thing fully, the skill will always be there even if it stay dormant for a while.
"OUCH!" I heard Buchi yell and I noticed that Kuro was pressing the blade hard enough to break the skin a little on Buchi's neck.
"After three quiet years… It seems that I've become more generous.. I give you five minutes, if you can't settle this in five minutes… None will escape my wrath.. I'll kill all of you..." Kuro threatened before finally letting go of the two brothers.
"FIVE MINUTES!" The Nyaban Brothers said. Crap.
"Five minutes!? With five minutes, we can settle this!" Jango said, paused for a second. "THEM! WE CAN FINISH OFF THEM! WE CAN GET UP THE SLOPE!"
"NO PROBLEM! WE CAN TAKE CARE OF THEM IN FIVE SECONDS!" Sham yelled as they both started running. I quickly grabbed Zoro's katanas.
"ZORO!" I yelled, throwing them to him.
"AND YET YOU GOT THEM BACK!" I yelled back.
"Thanks." He said, but made no move to unsheathe them.
"Shouldn't you go help him?" Nami asks.
"And leave you here surrounded by the enemy while you're injured and defenceless? What kind of Vice-Captain would I be if I left you in danger? Besides, I trust that he'll be fine now that he has all the katanas back." I said, not turning away from watching Zoro. But then I saw a familiar figure in the distance, I picked up Nami and jumped away just seconds before an explosion hit where we had been seconds ago.
"What the hell? What just happened? And thanks Kassie-Chan." Nami asked as I gently placed her back down. I notice part of her clothing was ripped due to that attack. "Ah! My clothes!"
"Here, use my coat to cover up." I sighed, taking of my jacket and placed it over her shoulders before ripping my gloves off due to the point of hiding my hands no longer.
"T..Thanks Kas.. Your arm!" Nami started to thank me but upon seeing my metal arm, she covered her mouth with her hands, shocked.
"No wonder you could handle my attack earlier..." Jack commented, appearing out of the dust that he created, not standing in our previous location.
"I must admit, you seem to be doing ok since our fight. Come for another round?" I said before we charged at each other, this time I expected it, he threw a punch nut I dodged and hit his stomach, which made him double over, then like before, I headbutted him hard, getting his forehead this time. While he was dazed, I swiped his legs from under him, then punched his face again into the ground causing a huge crack to appear from underneath him. I saw he was unconscious again. "Wow he sure is weak. I think he caught me off guard earlier if I beat him this quickly."
"Hmm?" I heard Jango say, making me turn to see Nami running towards were Luffy was sound asleep. It was about time that idiot rejoined us.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, SLY LITTLE GIRL! DIE!" Jango yelled, throwing the disk in Nami's direction. I started running.
"EVERYONE IS FIGHTING WITH WOUNDS AND THIS GUY JUST SLEEPS!" Nami yells before stepping on Luffy's head. "WAKE UP!"
"NAMI! LOOK OUT! DUCK!" Both me and Zoro yell to her in hopes to get her to dodge.
"I'LL SPLIT YOU IN TWO!" Jango yelled, just as I teleported myself in between Nami and the flying disk.
"WAS THAT YOU, NAMI!? HOW DARE YOU STEP ON MY FACE..." Luffy woke up, yelling at Nami but then he turned, just as the blade hit my back, cutting in deep but stopped part of the way through. I coughed up blood.
"Glad… Too see you're awake… Beat these ass holes... For me would ya?.. Thanks..." I say weakly before falling, though I briefly noticed the horror on both Nami's and Luffy's faces.
"KASUMI!" I heard everyone scream before my vision went dark.
Kasumi's Dream
"I'm finished Mommy. Can I go to the study to finish ready my book?" I asked Mommy, looking up at her from the dining table, I just finished eating my dinner.
"Why not help me clean up first, and maybe I may join you?" Mommy said smiling at me.
"Ok!" I said, jumping off of my chair and running over to help with the dishes. "Mommy?"
"Yes Sweetheart?" Mommy said, looking at me as she cleaned a plate before handing it too me.
"How long do you reckon it'll take me to learn Alchemy?" I asked her, which seemed to take her by surprise. She then seemed to have a look of deep thought as it took her a short while to answer that.
"It will probably take you a long time, but it varies for everyone. It took your Father several years to fully master it, but then again you took to it quicker than he did. Where you are at now, it took him half a year, for you two months, that's 4 months quicker than him." Mommy said, sounding proud.
"Does that mean I'm better than him!?" I spoke, feeling confident. This made Mommy laugh.
"No, not yet. But I bet one day you'll surpass him. I truly believe you will. I just hope on that day, I'll be there to see it." Mommy said before handing me the last dish to dry.
"Just you wait! I'll will definitely beat Dad at it." I grinned before I heard an explosion in the far distance. "WHAT WAS THAT!?"
"I don't know sweetie, just stay inside the house and I'll go find out." Mommy said before rushing outside. I quickly ran to the study and grabbed my Alchemy book, quickly drew a transmutation circle but using my new technique in storing the book safely in a space of my soul, a spell allowing me carry objects like a bag, but using my soul. I heard Mommy re-enter the house, and so I ran to her.
"What's happening?" I asked.
"I don't know, everyone seems scared of something, but not sure what." She answers, hugging me. I looked outside the window and was shocked to what I saw. Homes and shopa could be seen burning, the roofs were on fire which soon encased the entire building and the fire spread from one building to another. People were running towards the other side of the Island, most the men were yelling.
"HURRY! GET THE CHILDREN TO SAFETY!" A man yelled, both me and Mommy were surprised by this but it wasn't long did Mommy pick me up and started to run.
"Mommy, what's happening? What's going on?" I asked, genuinely confused by all the screaming, all fire and them running. But it wasn't long that I see a lot of men, men that I never saw before, most carrying swords, while some of them were holding guns. Those men were shouting and pointing in their general direction.
"KILL THE ADULTS! WE DON'T NEED THEM, JUST TAKE THE KIDS!" They were yelling and by that sentence, I then quickly understood it all and tears pricked the corners of my eyes, I felt scared.
"Mommy, I'm scared!" I cried, hugging her neck.
"I know, Sweetie. But don't worry, things will be okay." Mommy spoke as she ran but just after saying that, a gunshot was heard and soon we were both falling to the ground, my Mommy dropping me by accident. When I looked at my Mommy, I noticed a lot of blood coming from her back and grew even more scared.
"M-Mommy! Mommy!" I cried, shaking her a little.
"Sweetie, listen to me. You're a good girl and I need you to run and don't look back, please. And whatever you do. DON'T tell anyone about what you can do, never reveal that you can use alchemy unless you truly trust them with your life. Now go, hurry! I love you!" Mommy spoke desperately, I could see in her eyes that she was hoping that i can at least get away safely, tears in her own eyes seeing me looking scared and helpless, seeing the pain and suffering in my eyes.
I cried and yet I still ended up running away, not looking back, because if I did, I would see Mommy die, and then I heard it, the gunshot, which signalled that it was done, that Mommy was gone. I could hear men running after me, but I didn't stop running but I soon tripped over my own feet feet and that's when things went worse.
The men caught up to me, grabbed me and took me with them, I tried the squirm out of their grasp, tried to fight back, all while screaming at them. It wasn't that they got fed up with trying to carry me like this and I could tell by their expressions I felt someone hit me in the back of the head, and my world went dark.
End of dream
I groaned. I felt pain, I felt stiff. I thought to myself. Why did I have to have that dream? That day of all times? Why? BUT then I remember my current situation, so I slowly and painfully sat up. My eyes widened, what happened while I was out? I saw a massive crater on the beach, with Zoro and Buchi at the centre of it, Usopp on the floor bleeding more than the last I saw him, Nami no where to be seen and Luffy standing to one side watching Zoro's fight, though he was stood between me and the fight as if protecting me.
"USOPP PIRATE GROUP!" I heard Usopp scream. I only just then noticed the three kids on the cliff side, their own little weapons in their hands, and I then spotted Kaya on top of the slope. I must be really out of it if I'm only just spotting them.
"Yes Captain!" I heard them call back.
"I.. TOLD YOU… WE WON'T RUN!" Carrot yelled.
"WE WILL DESTROY YOUR ENEMIES!" Onion yelled. I sighed, standing up, only to sway. I took a breath, trying to steady myself.
"YES… YES, CAPTAIN!" I watched as the three kids run to Kaya, but then I noticed Jack, who was becoming a pest, was also awake and running at them, this time with a sword.
"Fuck.." I muttered before teleporting in front of Kaya and the kids, summoned a sword and blocked the attack. Before kicking Jack back down the slope. "KIDS! GET OUT OF HERE, TAKE KAYA-SAN AND GO!"
"KASUMI!" Everyone yelled in shock. "WHEN DID YOU WAKE UP!?"
"Just now actually." I answered simply as I watched the kids leave with Kaya.
"Where can you run to?!" Jango asks before throwing his disks again, but this time I was more prepared, I jumped in the way, before catching the disk with my right hand.
"Not this time you ass hole!" I exclaimed.
"SPECIAL TECHNIQUE, NAMARIIBOSHI!" I heard Usopp yell before I see the bullet hit Jango in the back, causing him to fall face first into the ground. "HEHEHEH! Serves you right!"
"Nice one!" I praised before seeing Jack run back at me, which I gave him a bored look. "Aren't you finished yet?"
"Not in the slightest!" He yelled, I sighed quickly swapping my sword for a sledgehammer and giving it a quickly swing, hit Jack and caused him to go flying into their ship, causing an explosion.
"Now he should be done. I must have broken every bone in his body with that hit." I said before feeling dizzy before falling back, hitting the floor.
"Kasumi!" I heard Usopp call out to me.
"Yeah!?" I called back.
"Are you alright?!" He asked.
"Yeah, just dizzy and exhausted. But I'll be be fine." I said, sitting up before standing again, Luffy came up to me and placed an arm around his shoulder.
"Kasumi-Nee, let me take care of the rest." Luffy said, unusually serious yet calm. I was reluctant but I nodded. He helped me over to a tree and sat me down at the base.
"Wait, where's Jango?! Did I just let him slip past me?!" I exclaimed, just realising my error standing back up.
"Don't..!" Luffy said, but it was too late, I was running in the direction I saw the kids and Kaya run.
"SORRY LUFF, I'll TAKE CARE OF THIS!" I yelled before running after Jango, hoping that I wasn't too late. I saw many tree cut down a long the way, and grew more worried the further I went. Then I heard him.
"BRATS! WHERE ARE YOU?! DON'T THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY!" I heard Jango yell. I ran quicker, only to run into the four that I was looking for.
"Found you!" I said.
"Kasumi-San? Should you really be fighting in your condition?" Kaya asked, worried as she looked at me.
"Don't worry about me, I need to get you four somewhere safe." I said.
"BUT HE'S COMING!" The kids yell.
"And he'll find us quicker if you yell like that!" I said, somewhat angry, though it wasn't aimed at them. I them gently picked up Kaya bridal style and started running. "Come on! We need to move, hurry!"
"RIGHT!" They yelled before quickly following, but it wasn't long did I feel Kaya starting to have difficulty with her breathing.
"Kaya-San, calm down." I said calmly, but then noticed she seemed sick, so I placed her down at the base of one of the many trees.
"Oh no! She looks really sick!" Carrot said, panicking.
"What?! Hang in there Kaya-San!" Pepper said.
"We must take her to a doctor!" Carrot said.
"Idiot, we're running for our lives now!" Pepper yelled.
"But it's too dangerous to let her go on!" Onion said.
"Would you three calm down! Have you forgotten I'm also here!?" I said, making the three look at me.
"But Kasumi Neechan, you're badly injured, how can you possibly continue any further?" They asked, before turning back to have a conversation between the three of them.
"All Right, then… We'll have to make a decision, Usopp Pirate Group!" Pepper said, I sighed.
"Okay!" Onion agreed
"We're gonna fight.." Carrot said.
"No you're not.. Stay with Kaya-San." I ordered standing up.
"WHY!?" They yelled.
"Because he's here." I said simply, as Jango came into view.
"UWAAAAAAHHHH!" The kids screamed.
"There you are." Jango said, only to get punched really hard into a tree.
"You four go, I've got him." I said, feeling annoyed, before kicking him away. I saw them leave, Kaya slowly following them, despite having a hard time.
"You bitch… When I say '1, 2, Jango' you'll fall asleep!" Jango said, swinging that pendulum left and right.
"Cut that shit out!" I said, punching him again, making him fly back and when I went to check he was knocked out. It was then did I hey running footsteps to see Zoro and Usopp running in my direction.
"Oh? You took care of him. That's good." Zoro said.
"But where are the kids and Kaya?" Usopp asks, worried. I looked towards a bush, and the four came out of hiding.
"How is Luffy? What's happening now?" I asked, looking at Zoro and Usopp.
"He's fine, should be fighting Kuro at the moment. Probably finished the fight right about now." Zoro said, I nodded before heading back to the north shore. When I arrived back, Luffy was lying on the floor and Nami was sat next to him. I hung back a little.
"I guess you can't even stand up after being cut so many time. Why did you get so mad earlier?" Nami asks, looking down at our Captain.
"I don't like them. They're wrong..!" Luffy said, sounding really serious.
"What are you talking about..? It's obviously because they're pirates." Nami says, handing Luffy's hat back. Since when did Nami have his hat? He never lets anyone touch his hat. Except for me.
"I want meat." Luffy said, completely off topic.
".. You..." Nami said, with a bored expression.
"Pfft! Trust you to want that after a big fight!" I said joining them.
"Kasumi-Chan!" Nami said, looking at me. "Are you okay now?"
"Exhausted and still in pain but I'll live." I said, sitting on the other side of Luffy, who sat up. You alright there Luff?"
He pulled me into a hug. "Don't scare me like that! I was so worried after you collapsed."
"Sorry Luff, I'll try to be more careful." I said, smiling as I hugged him back.
"THANK YOU! IT'S ALL THANKS TO YOU!" I heard Usopp speak, causing us to turn our heads, too exhausted to fully turn. I also see Zoro walking down before sitting not too far from us. "If it weren't for you guys.. The village couldn't have been protected."
"What are you saying? If you hadn't done anything, I wouldn't have either." Zoro said.
"Same here." Me and Luffy said.
"That doesn't matter, I was able to get the treasure." Nami said, and that's when I noticed she had a bag of treasure on her lap. How the hell did I miss that?
"In light of this, there's a decision I've made.." Usopp said.
"Huh?" We asked but all Usopp did was turn around and walk off, we didn't follow, just watched him. We stayed here for a couple hours, just resting before we getting up. Both me and Nami went to our little boat and changed clothes, though I had Nami's help bandage me up a bit.
"You gonna tell me what happened?" Nami asks.
"About what?" I said.
"Your arm, what happened?" Nami asks, looking at my robotic arm and just remembered that I just gave her my jacket.
"It was a long time ago. I saved a friend from dying but it cost me my arm. I'm not really gonna go into full details, but that sums it up really." I said, grinning as I put on a t-shirt that had cute little paw prints on.
"How old were you?" Nami asks.
"I think I was 7 or 8 years old when it happened, I try to forget my past, so don't worry about it." I said, partially lying, but it seems she accepted the answer.
"That's still quite young for such an injury though." Nami said, frowning.
"Yeah but I don't like to dwell on the past. Why are you suddenly interested in getting to know me?" I asked.
"Just curious, plus were are travelling together and are getting to know each other. Problem?" Nami says, shrugging.
"No, no. Just thought you were avoiding the topic before, that's all." I said, just as I was finished getting ready.
"Here. Your jacket. Thanks for lending it to me. Though I'm surprised to see you hand it to me, you never take it off." Nami commented, as I put it back on.
"Like Luffy's hat, this jacket is my treasure. But I trust you enough to hang on to it." I said as we started to walk towards the boys who were waiting for us, though I could tell Luffy was getting impatient.
"Who gave it to you?" Nami asked, looking at me as she walked beside me. I smiled softly thinking about the person, then gave Nami a sly smirk.
"Secret." I said just as we joined the boys. "Let's go get some food."
30 minutes later
The four of us we sat at one of the many tables in the cafe, I watched in amusement as Luffy stuck his hand in his mouth, he had been choking on something. His fault for throwing food down his throat too quickly to see what he was grabbing.
"Phew.. I got it!" Luffy exclaimed, pulling out a large fish bone.
"Idiot, you need to be careful with fish." I said from my place across from him.
"Yeah, you throat isn't trained enough to handle fish bones." Zoro said, who was sat next to the idiot.
"If you eat a fish, this is what usually remains." Nami explains from next to me, holding up a fish carcass with her hand.
"Well, we had our meal, we should get going." Zoro said.
"You're right." Luffy said grinning wit a fish bone dangling from his mouth. Just then the cafe door opened and Kaya walked in, she looked around before spotting us.
"Oh, so this is where you guys are.." Kaya said, walking towards us with a smile on her face.
"HEY Ojouen-Sama." Luffy greeted, we all smiled as she came to stand next to our table.
"How are you feeling? Shouldn't you be in bed resting?" I asked, feeling concerned.
"I'm feeling much better, and no. I've been sick like this for a year, ever since I lost my parents that day… Usopp-San encouraged me. That's why I can't be so weak now. Anyway, I heard that you guys needed a ship!" Kaya said, making us perk up.
"A ship! You're gonna give us one?" Luffy said excitedly, and with that we paid and followed Kaya, who led us down to one of the shorelines, where we saw Kaya's companion, the good one who was stood in front of a ship, not huge but it was a very decent size and one that we definitely needed. It had two sails, one smaller that the other and at the bow it had the head of a sheep.
"Hey.." Zoro commented.
"A Caravel!" Nami exclaimed excitedly.
"WOW!" Luffy exclaimed, I could practically see stars in his eyes.
"I've been waiting for you.. It's slightly old style but I designed it myself. It's a caravel and it uses a staysail… The controls are in the back. It's called 'Going Merry'!" Meri explained, I listened intently, properly taking my responsibilities as Vice-Captain seriously this time. "So it is you who defeated the Black Cat Pirates with Usopp-Kun. I thought you'd be a little bigger..."
"We can really take this!?" Luffy exclaimed.
"Yes, I insist." Kaya said. Meri walked up to Luffy, but I stopped him, knowing what his intention.
"You can explain the steering system to me, I'm the Vice-Captain and am most likely the one to remember." I said, making Meri nod.
"I will explain the steering system, first of all in order to adjust the yards in relation to the crew garnet.." Meri went on a full lecture on how to handle the ship.
"This is a cool ship!" Luffy said excitedly.
"I had everything you would need for a voyage loaded on the ship." Kaya said, and I knew Luffy had good intentions, but he'll say it wrong, to a ran over, covered his mouth and smiled at Kaya.
"Thank you ever so much for going through all the trouble." I said, bowing, while making sure Luffy also bowed.
"It's not trouble at all." Kaya said, smiling.
"WAAAAH! STOP ME PLEASE!" I heard Usopp scream, and we turn to see him rolling down the hill wearing a huge backpack and it looked like he was going way too fast.
"Usopp-San!" Kaya exclaimed worriedly, as Usopp continued to scream.
"What's he doing?" Luffy asked.
"I think we need to stop him… If he keeps on going like that, he'll hit the ship." Zoro said, before he and Luffy lifted a leg, and using their feet, stopped Usopp. Though unfortunately, their feet hot Usopp's face.
"Th… Thank you..." Usopp stuttered.
"No problem." Both Zoro and Luffy said, before we helped him up, before we climbed onto our ship to give these too some privacy, even if we could still hear them.
"So you are going to the sea… Usopp-San..?" Kaya asks, looking at Usopp, she was smiling but I could tell she was between happy and sad.
"Yeah, I have to go before I change my mind. Please don't stop me." Usopp said, looking determined.
"I won't.. I figured that you might do this, It really makes me sad though." Kaya said.
"Next time I come to this village, I'll tell you adventure stories that are more unbelievable than lies." Usopp said, smiling.
"Thank you. I look forward to it." Kaya said, then Usopp turned to us.
"Well, safe voyage guys! Hope to see you again somewhere!" Usopp said, making me frown slightly.
"Why?" Luffy asked, making me smile.
"Huh, why? Sheesh.. You're such a cold hearted man… We're both going to be pirates now, so we might meet again on the high seas." Usopp said.
"What are you talking about.. Hurry up and get on board!" Zoro growled, seeming to be impatient, while I laughed.
"What?" Usopp asked confused.
"But Usopp, you are already our and friend companion, aren't you? Hurry up and get on!" I said, grinning.
"Wha.." Usopp exclaimed in surprise before it finally seemed to click what we were telling him. "I.. I'M THE CAPTAIN RIGHT!?"
"NO WAY! I'M THE CAPTAIN!" Luffy yelled, annoyed but I just ended up laughing, a long with Zoro and Nami. It wasn't long we were saying goodbye to Kaya and Meri before we were sailing off. Once we were a short distance away and Nami had us on course, I got us some drinks and snacks, I handed them out to everyone.
"TO A NEW SHIP AND A NEW CREW MEMBER! CHEERS!" We yelled happily, hitting out glasses together before chugging the drinks down.
Now it truly felt like our adventure began.
Hope you guys enjoyed that, took me a couple of days to complete. Please review, I love reading them and I may ask any questions you have for me.
Thanks for reading, and I will see you in the next chapter!
Doomedbex :)