They moved down the empty streets, Kushina's arms wrapped around her son as they tried to reach home. Naruto and Kushina were frigid as the weather smashed against the pair. Both of their shaking became violent as they finally made it to the apartment.

Once inside they stumbled over. "My kami, Naruto." Kushina said, worried.

"Mom." Naruto said, or strained to say, hard to form words. She put a hand against his cheek, and the touch of his skin was subzero.

She knew how ice-covered he was, ignoring her own cold. "You're freezing, we need to get you warm. Where is your bathroom?" she said, worried about her son.

"It's down the hall, mom." She clutched his hand and led him without question, lumbering up to the pitch black room. Traveling down the hall, Naruto let himself be dragged into the bathroom, once inside his mother flipped on the light switch. The light flashing as she scurried over to the shower and turned it on. Trying the water, once the heat was right she grabbed Naruto again and directed him further near the tub.

"What are we doing?" He tried to ask, still frozen.

"Just do what I say." Kushina declared. She was in full mother mode, not waiting for anything. She needed her son to acquire warmth. Without a word she tugged at his shirt and managed with some difficulty to pull it off over his head, tossing it. Once off, his strong muscular chest and six pack came into view for her, smooth muscles from long hours of training. Kushina's body shivered in delight, quickly shacking her mind at just the thought.

Then she dropped down and struggled with his pants but managed to wrench them down his legs. With his clothes off she was content, she stood back up, seeing Naruto dressed merely in a pair of boxers. Without a word Kushina pulled off her own clothes and threw them, to rest on the floor. Now only in tight pink bra and panties straining against her body, trying to release. Grabbing his hand and pulling him in to the shower. She enfolded her body around her son's icy form and directed him towards the hot water. Stumbling in, once under the heat the two groaned as the water splashed against them, hot water scorching them.

Kushina body wrapped around him. The pair kept their bodies together, feeling their heat being drawn together, drew up by their bodies. Kushina smiled as she hugged her child, enjoying his naked warmth. The son she finally found, the son she loved. Yet she knew she had a job to do. Slowly, Naruto began to come back to himself. She helped to wake him up from the cold. Her body likewise pressed against his taut buttocks and couldn't ignore his impossible muscles. Her arms, wrapped around his midsection and tightened. As a result he felt her full breasts pressing tighter against his back. He couldn't help but feel her full naked breasts press against his body with superb softness.

Once together she worked warmth back to her son. She began to lightly move her hands along Naruto's muscular back. With effort squeezing and rubbing his body, she massaged his frozen skin, urging warmth and life into them. Slowly but surely she worked her way down his muscular body. Every muscle was rubbed by his mother with care. She then directed him around in the small shower. Once around he embraced his mother again. His mother pulled him much closer, their bodies pressed to the other.

She rubbed his sides, massaged his stomach with effort unable to keep from admiring his muscles he had built up over the last ten years of vicious training. She dropped down on one knee to run her hands up and down his raw thighs. Kushina then stood up and hugged Naruto again. Her warm eyes looked into his, seeing growing alertness there. Naruto no longer a frozen piece of ice. "Are you alright, Naruto?" she asked again as she reached up to cup his chin.

"I am feeling better, thanks to you mom."

"Naruto." she said, smiling, feeling sudden tears at the edges of her eyes.

With his mind no longer frozen he looked down between them. Instantly his eyes grew wide seeing for the first time his mother's massive, all most naked breasts pressed hard against his chest. Completely bare, Naruto's eyes were glued to her. The redhead's cleavage drew his eyes like a magnet. In a second Naruto felt his dick rising. His penis, began expand much to quickly. His shaft didn't appear to care that the female body against him was his mother. All the while she hadn't noticed his growing erection yet, just the way he was gazing at her breasts.

"I was so worried, Naruto." Kushina admonished as her fingers thread through Naruto's hair, loving the feel of her son. Naruto tried to focus on something else, but her soft full breasts were impossible to ignore. He forced himself to meet her gaze no matter what. His eyes met hers and he saw love in them. The woman he never met, the woman who was always on his mind. His mother was simply stunning. She was amazingly gorgeous, something which was frustrating and exciting for Naruto. Now it was obscuring things. He had never been this close to his mother and his mind was playing tricks on him. He tried to think of something, anything else, yet she hugged him tighter, which just underlined the size and softness of her giant bosom.

Kushina didn't let go pressing closer. As she did this, his boxers shifted around and his thick shaft started to grow out of his boxers. Before he could say anything, his mother straightened closer to him. His hardening fourteen inch penis was nudged upward, stuck between her tummy and his.

Instantly her eyes grew wide, looking down to see his massive dick erect. Kushina felt her face turn bright red as she saw a cock unlike anything she could comprehend, and it belonged to her son. "Um." Naruto didn't know what to say, at a loss for words. He should have been under shame and embarrassment, but instead the warm naked skin of his mother's smooth belly against the bare skin of his hardening dick worked to only harden him more.

Kushina knew she needed to say something as fast as possible. "It's okay honey, it's a normal reaction for a young man your age." Kushina stumbled to say, trying to hide her blush. Her eyes fixated on his hot, throbbing member as her own body was as well answering to her son's unintentional arousal. She couldn't help it, the last time she had been this close to a solid man was sixteen years. And now she was clutching her naked, muscular sixteen year old son. She felt a trembling in her belly she hadn't felt in so long and a hotness between her legs that was not motherly. A mix of disgrace and stimulation sent pings of arousal down her spine. Her body didn't seem to care that the strong frame belonged to her son. The thoughts only intensified as her nipples were hardening.

Trying to think of something fast Naruto blurted out, "You're beautiful, mom." Naruto said wishing he didn't. He honestly didn't know what to say. "I, I,"

So many thoughts flashed through her head at once yet she looked anywhere but in her son's face. "It's ok, honey." she said. On sudden instinct, she released his shoulders and reached amid his legs knowing to calm herself. Her fingers found her son's huge penis. And then with some problem she tried to tuck him away behind his boxers once more. With some trouble she resorted to pull down his boxers and pull them back up to cover the fourteen inch shaft.

"I think you've recovered." Kushina said, avoiding his eyes. She gently detached herself from her son's embrace. "Finish your shower and get warm." She turned and stepped out of the shower.
"I'll wait for you in your room." Kushina left the bathroom leaving Naruto in the shower.

Kushina found herself pulling on her clothes alone, her face bright red. She desperately tried to focus on anything other than her son. Only, the thoughts of him remained. Mainly the thought of him naked, she simply couldn't shake it from her mind.