Hi my name is Percy Jackson.
No scratch that.
Its Omega now
15,000 years ago ((15 years actually, 15,000 years is Chaos years)), after the big giant titan war with Gaea. I thought everything will be nice again but it didn't. After a week of the giant war, I found out the new camper, who came, turned out to be my half-brother. Now I would be happy that I have a new half-brother because I could help him with sword fighting, controlling water, etc, but he was one of those people that you think are nice but really are big jerks. He is a bigger jerk than Ares himself and that's saying a lot. At least Ares had a little kindness in himself which you don't see. His name was Austin.
A new camper coming to Camp Half-Blood? Cool. Chiron called me over to the Big House to see the new half-blood. I jogged over to Chiron as he was outside the building. He saw me and went inside. As I entered, I saw Chiron talking to a guy who is older than me wearing a normal Camp Half-Blood shirt and shorts with jet-black hair and pitch-black eyes, which almost startled me.
He faced me.
"Percy. I want you to show around this new camper. His named Austin."
He put his hand on the new guy's shoulder.
"Sure." I nodded. A thought came into my head like, this guy looks older than me, but how come he found out his godly parentage at a late age. Probably a child of a minor god.
"Great my boy. Teach him everything that goes in camp. I trust you." He walked, or maybe trotted, out of the room. I nodded my head to the exit of the Big House. "Come on. Let's explore camp." He nodded and followed me as we both walked out together.
I showed Austin all of Camp Half-Blood. The cabins, dining pavilion, the stables, etc, but I wanted to show him one more thing. He was silent on the tour and he just looked around. Examining everything for a while and then followed me. I kinda don't blame him to take in everything since he found he was a half-blood but hey, it took me a while to take in when I figured out I was a half-blood. I took Austin to the Fireworks Beach, where we would sometimes celebrate there.
"This is my favorite spot. The Fireworks Beach."
Austin looked over the water and smiled, looking at it with great admiration. He continued looking at it, but spoke.
"Thank you Percy, for the tour." I smiled at his response. I heard the conch shell in distance, signaling lunch.
"Hey no problem man. I'm gonna go hit the dining pavilion. Want to come?" He still stood there, motionless, couldn't take his eyes off the water.
"No its fine. I'll stay."
I would bug someone to come, but I was nice and hope to see him at the dining pavilion. It is his first time knowing he's a half-blood. I turned around and was about to walk away until i turned my head to still see him standing there. Jeez, what a weird dude.
I was in the dining pavilion. In the Poseidon's table. Alone. It made me think about stuff. It was five days after Austin came to camp. Everyone has been acting strangely ever since. Annabeth became distant, the Stolls kept pranking me nonstop, Clarisse just keep glaring at me, then looking away, Piper would just ignore me completely, and Jason. Jason and I would talk during breakfast, lunch, and dinner, because our tables are close to each other and we can sit on the edge of the seats and talk, but now when I try to talk to him, he thinks that I don't exist. Another thing that would go through my head is that Austin hasn't been claimed. My train of thoughts disappeared when Chiron came in.
"Half-Bloods. We have an announcement from a god."
My dad came in, Poseidon. Now half-bloods would freak out a little because a god wouldn't usually come without a message of important stuff.
"Heroes. After the great giant war. We will congratulate a hero that helped us all."
Hero? Don't you heroes? The prophecy of seven meant nothing to you? I mean I'm flattered but everybody helped and-my thought were once again interrupted because of Poseidon's next words.
"Applause for my son. Austin!"
Wait WHAT!? Everyone clapped for Austin as he was sitting on the Iris table. He has been claimed. Personally. He's my half-brother. Okay there has to be a mistake. He was never involved in the prophecy of seven, wasn't here during the giant war. He thought he was just a normal mortal doing stuff! He stood up and bowed with a smirk on his face. I stood up and looked at Poseidon.
Poseidon looked at me then frowned. His sea-green eyes grew darker at me the longer he looks at me.
"Just call me Lord Poseidon, Perseus."
I cringe at my full name.
"But Austin just came to Camp Half-Blood. He wasn't even the prophecy of the seven. I helped with the defeat of Gaea." Even though I know Leo did defeat her.
"Please boy. You don't have to be so greedy with the attention. Unlike you, your brother is humble."
Everyone was nodding with him, even Annabeth, Piper, and Jason! They didn't care that they were also involved in the war! I formed a fist. I looked at Annabeth who looked at me in disgust. Jason rolled his eyes and continued eating. Piper doing the same thing as Jason. I stormed out the mess hall and ran into my cabin. I sat down on my bed and ran my hand through my hair.
Why is everyone against me? I didn't anything wrong. Did I? This must've been my fault. Before those negative thoughts took over me, I thought of Austin. No. Austin must be involved in this. Everyone is becoming so weird when he came.
I kept thinking about Annabeth. So distant. Ignoring me when I pass by, doesn't pay a visit to my cabin, not even a hi or a hello or even say seaweed brain. Why Annabeth? I should go look for her. I need to know what's wrong.
I jumped off my bed and exit my cabin. I walked over to the Athena cabin, knocking on the door as her brother Malcolm answered. His blonde hair was messed up and was looking at me with pure hate, wishing he hadn't answered the door.
"What?" He spat out. He's nice guy and I sometimes talk to him when I'm bored, but I've never seen this side of him. He reminds me of Will Solace.
"Ummm..." I said, unsure what to say since I don't know how to deal with a pissed Malcolm. "Where's Annabeth?" His stormy, gray eyes went up and down at me. He crossed his arms then answered. "Fine. She's at the beach."
I nodded and gave him a small smile. "Thanks dude." He rolled his eyes, turn his body back into the cabin, and slam the cabin door right in front of my face. Again, Austin must be doing something.
I jogged to the Fireworks beach to see the one thing I wished I haven't. I was hoping it wasn't true. I hoped it was a bad dream, but it was a terrible reality. They didn't notice me as they were too busy talking.
"Oh my god. When are you going to dump him?" Austin
I prayed to Aphrodite it wasn't true. I prayed hoping this wasn't what I thought it was, but it was.
"Don't worry Austin. On Friday, I got everything planned on how to break up with him."
Aphrodite was playing with me. Why? The Fates are cruel. Another scene I wish I didn't see was them kissing. My anger, confused, and hurt feelings were turned into one unknown feeling. Out of rage, I controlled the water and splashed Austin and made him hit to a nearby tree. Annabeth shocked, on what happened, faced me.
"P-Percy!" She cried. I turned to her as I released the water back into the ocean. Her stormy, gray eyes were focusing at me, wondering why I did my action. "Why Annabeth? Why? Did he trust you with his Achilles heel? Did he remembered YOU when he lost his memory for eight months?" As I spoke, I got closer to her.
She stood up, shaking with fear. As I get closer to her, she backs away slowly. "Did he fall into Tartarus for YOU!?" I was face to face with her. "Why Annabeth? I trusted you."
Austin came back over with a scratched-up face and pushed me down to the ground. I landed on my back against the sand and stared into his dark eyes. "You want to go there?" I stood up and, before I could even do anything, at the exact time, my own father came out of the water and faced me. I was startled by the sudden intrusion and backed up.
His sea-green eyes turned gray for a moment and then returned to normal. "Percy! How dare you harm my favorite son?"
I was shocked by his words. Favorite son? I was speechless and was about to talk back until he spoke again.
"By doing this! I disown you as my son!"
Those words said enough. I ran out of there as fast as I can. I didn't look back. I didn't know how far I ran but I was in front of my cabin. I'm not wanted here. I can go live with mom and Paul. No, I shouldn't put them in danger. Camp Jupiter it is. After deciding where to go, I went into my cabin to get my stuff and head out.
I looked at my blue backpack I had on the floor. I was going to use it for a school year at Goode high school, but never mind. I picked it and opened it. Nothing. That's expected. I went through everything in my cabin to pack up some ambrosia, nectar, drachmas, and mortal money. I was going to travel to California okay! I can't take a boat cause Poseidon pissed. Obviously no plane, so the only logical thing is to travel by road. I hoped I had enough money.
I exit out my cabin and looked around. Campers who loved me now hated me. Good bye. I walked all the way to Thalia's tree. No glancing at the campers. Focus on what I am going to do. As I walked up to Thalia's tree I looked back one last time to see Camp Half-Blood and say good bye for good.
"Good bye. Hope you don't miss me." I mumbled. I sighed and walked out of the borders. Automatically I have been ambushed by a pack of hellhounds. Easy. I pulled out Riptide and uncapped it. They all jump at me simultaneously, but didn't land back to the ground. They were floating in the air.
"What the?" I mumbled.
I was about to walk towards it until a huge figure appeared in front of me. Seven feet tall, but a huge black cloak being warn. You couldn't see anything. No hands, no feet, not even a face!
"Percy." The figure stated. said the man with the low, deep voice. I still held Riptide in my hands and backed away from him a little. "Wh-who are you?" He chuckled at my response. "I am lord Chaos."
Chaos, that sounded familiar. Annabeth, no don't think about her, mentioned about that once. Chaos...wasn't he the one who created the universe? That's when realization hit me. I looked at the man with wide eyes. "Are you Chaos? I mean the creator of the universe Chaos?"
He chuckled once again at my response and nodded. "Yes. You're smart to figure that out." Yeah, smart. I think he said that to make me feel better. Annabeth, no stop thinking about her, says I'm a seaweed brain, STOP IT!
"I have an offer for you Percy Jackson." What would the creator universe want from me? "Well to answer your question-" I forgot that people like you can read my mind. He nodded once again. "Yes I can. Anyways, I have seen demigods like you that have been betrayed." Umm who are the demigods? "And I know that you are the most powerful half-blood alive-" Not answering my question. "So I would like for you to be my top commander for my 'Chaos army'."
I looked at him dumbfounded. "Why an army!?" I answered with amazement and shock. He cleared his throat and proceeded. "You shall not know, but I am giving you an opportunity to become top commander. You have amazing qualities and I will appreciate you my army." I kept thinking. Chaos, creator of the universe, chose ME as top commander.
"Wait a minute. What will I get?" "I will give a portion of my powers to you, giving you amazing power and strength that even all the Olympian gods can't beat you." Woah, that's kinda cool. "Also, I can bring back some dead friends for you. Even if they chose rebirth." The amazingness hit me so hard that I couldn't process this. "Th-that's awesome!" "So Percy Jackson. Do you accept my proposal?"