Places for Breathing

Timeline: AU to 1X04 "Going Rogue". What if Cisco had been fired by Wells after finding out he created the cold gun.
Rating: R (language, violence, sexual situations)
Authors Note: Through this story, there will be a lot of different ships occurring, I believe sexuality is fluid and especially with the chemistry. There will be gay and straight couples, I will not list them because it will take away from the plot and I will not take requests.
Summary: The silver lining starts to tarnish.

can see your inner motive
When you wear it on your face
Indesposed to the world
You won't let yourself be saved
Your the hand that spins my revolver around
When you push me away
-Spin, Revis

"Ay, qué rico," Cisco moaned, "Lisa…"

She giggled from around his hips, her lips brushing by his bellybutton. His breath caught. She continued up his body, quickly zoning in on his mouth. She captured his lips with hers, and gave him a deep, slow kiss. When they broke apart, they took a second to catch their breath.

"I love it when you speak Spanish," Lisa said, her voice a throaty purr. "Turns me on."

He grinned. "Quiero más?"


"Ven aquí," he growled.

Cisco wriggled down and tugged at her leg until she straddled his face. Turning his head, he nipped at the inside of her thigh. He enjoyed hearing her surprised gasp turn into a long moan as he slid his tongue across her.

He couldn't think of a better way to spend his morning.

Barry yawned as he came into StarLab, feeling sleepy after his long night out with Cisco. An erotic moan suddenly filled the air. His eyes widened and his feet stopped. He was about to turn around and leave when he bumped into Caitlin. So it wasn't her and Wells, like he had thought.

"Uh-uh, did you..?" he stuttered. For some reason it was hard to look her in the eye, and even harder to try and say 'did you just moan like that?'.

Caitlin shook her head. "No, I heard it too. It's why I came over. If Ha- Doctor Wells did what I think he did, I'm going to be upset."

Barry bit his lip and followed Caitlin as she stormed into the lab. "Doctor Wells!" She snapped, tone filled with annoyance as she came up behind him. "Oh my God! What have you done!?"

On the screen before him, Barry could see two people going at it. A woman threw back her head as she writhed against someone beneath her. He knew it had to be Lisa and Cisco, from the dark hand working its way up the woman's body.

"I've had his home under surveillance, with good reason. I need to know if I can truly trust him. Now that I know he is not home alone, I need to know who she is."

"I could have asked him!" Caitlin snapped, slapping her hand over the monitor.

Barry couldn't believe Wells would be so invasive, but then again, he also could. "I could have told you!"

"I know," Wells replied, "but I do not know this woman, and I do not trust her. I have my suspicions about her and I'm going to see if I'm right."

Caitlin sighed. "You're always right," she muttered, her eyes dropping to the floor.

Barry watched as Wells placed his hand on hers and ran his thumb across the top of her hand. "I just want to be sure he's safe. I want him back, but I need to know that his associates are trustworthy."

"I wouldn't consider that an associate. I would consider that a fuck buddy." Caitlin stated bluntly as the moans continued to fill the air.

A squeak left Barry as he tried not to express any emotions at the moment. Both heads turned to look at him. Caitlin was about to open her mouth when an alarm sounded.

"Looks like I have my answer…" Wells murmured, then sighed with disappointment. "This is what I was afraid of. Lisa...Starr, as she calls herself, is not who she appears. Her real last name is Snart. As in Leonard Snart's half sister. It seems Detective Snart's first wife left when Leonard was 5. Lisa was born that year, and it seems a woman was coerced into an affair so he wouldn't arrest her. The complaint was dropped and the woman died after Lisa's birth. It seems the children were bounced between their father and grandfather until they were ages 11 and 16 when their grandfather passed. Much like her brother, she was a victim of their father's abuse. No arrest records, but over 30 hospitalizations for physical and psychological reasons. She's going to use Cisco to get more weapons, I fear."

Barry grabbed his phone and immediately texted Cisco:


Given he was still under Lisa, there was no immediate answer. But Lisa's sudden cry of ecstasy showed them that their activities were just about over. They could hear her panting for air, Cisco speaking Spanish, and her laughing in reply.

"What is he saying? Or do I want to know?" Barry inquired.

Wells shook his head. "Nothing you need to hear. But Cisco needs to get away from her before her brother finds out."

Cisco lay blissfully under Lisa, her warm flesh lulling him to sleep. She had her head resting on his chest, palms flat against his skin. Occasionally it would tap out his heartbeat or trace lines up and down his skin.

He heard his phone buzz and reached for it. Lifting it up he could see a billion messages from Barry and one from Caitlin. Caitlin's simply stated. "SHE IS A SNART."

Peering down at her blonde hair, he arched his brow and dropped the phone back down on the bed. Staying in denial for a bit longer was just fine by him. Apparently the universe (or his friends, mostly his friends) didn't want him to. When it buzzed again, he glanced to see it saying 'ABORT! ABORT! THIS IS A SNART!'. Sighing he finally found his voice.


She lifted her head, looking into his face. She licked her lush lips and placed a soft kiss to his chest.

"Hmm?" He tried to push down another surge of lust and almost failed.

"What's your real last name?" Trying not to sound suspicious he quickly added, "If we want to mass market any of your designs, we'd need your name."

"You're so full of shit, so you're lucky you're cute," she told him, her tone short. "It's Snart."

"As in Leonard Snart."

She nodded. "And?" Her voice innocent.

"He threatened me and my friends. And I kinda threatened him in return, and I have something he...wants..."

The smile remained on her lips, it was chilling. "Mmm hmmm." Cisco began to edge away from her as she didn't appear to deny any knowledge. "What?" Her tone was light like nothing was wrong.

Cisco sighed, digging his hand through his hair. His mind was racing between the fact he had a Snart in his bed, and the fact she was doing this as a mission for her brother. But, above all else, she was hot. Shallow as it was, he was torn.

"God, I'm such an idiot!" He groaned. "Someone like you and someone like me? I should have known right from start!"

Lisa shook her head, lolling in the bed for a moment more. Then she let out a growl as she sat up, apparently done acting.

"Cisco, I'll cut to the chase, this was originally a set up. Len saw you and told me to introduce myself. Len wants me to use you. Seduce you, have you let your guard down so I can find his precious cold gun but guess what? I'm not a tool for my brother. He wants to get the guns back, he can seduce you."

"Why are you telling me this? And I would never be swayed by your brother. Besides the fact he tried to kill my friend, he's not my type."

"Because he's a man?" Lisa teased, dodging his inquiry.

Cisco shook his head and sighed. "No, because that would remind me of someone else I knew...a pretentious little prick. He was cold, like your brother. If a dude hit on me, so be it, but those personalities are a huge turn off."

Lisa arched her brows. "Oh're too…"

"Naive?" he offered.

He was surprised when she came around the bed and hugged him. "A little," she admitted with a nod.

He let out a self deprecating chuckle and buried his face against her bare breasts. "I've been told. So what do you want from me? Besides that ring and I assume you want your skates back. Are you gonna tie me up and rob me?"

Lisa huffed. "Please, I know you're not that stupid to let me do that now or to leave the guns here. So besides my skates and my ring, nothing. I mean, you're a good lay so if you'd want to continue that, I wouldn't be against it. After all, right now my choices for relief are limited to you, Mick and Len. I'm not into psychopaths, though he's fun to mess with, or my brother."

"I take it that you're not a fan of Flowers in the Attic?" Cisco asked lightly and to his surprise, she smiled cruelly.

"No." Her hand dropped between them and grabbed him. He gasped, whole body stiffening as he grip became tight. It wasn't friendly and on the verge of being painful. "Do not joke about that again. Len is all I have and I will not have people even talk about us that way."

Through gritted teeth he snarked, "Touchy subject?"

Her eyes grew wide. "Even though I literally have you by the balls, you sass me?" She asked incredulously.

"Yeah, well, it's a nervous habit. My mouth tends to get me in trouble." He whimpered as her grip loosened and began to gently rub the flesh she had been squeezing. Soon the pain was turning to pleasure and she slowed her movements. "Jesus..."

She nuzzled his face affectionately. Cisco tensed, unsure what she was going to do or say next. Could be something nice, or it could be a headbutt.

"You're lucky you're so talented with your mouth and mind. We need you, so I won't hurt you. But I warn you, I'm not as nice as I appear, Cisco. I had a hard life that fucked me up in ways you cannot imagine. Save yourself now and don't fall in love with me."

"The feeling is mutual. I mean, I'm a catch. I'm smart, I'm attractive." She laughed, body shaking against him. "Quit laughing, after all you had sex with me and you enjoyed it."

"That may be true but," she tried to stop her snickering. "You think I could fall in love with you?"

Cisco smiled. "Let me dream, ok?"

She steered him backwards towards the bed and pounced on him. "If you insist."

"Okay, are you pleased now, Doctor Wells?" Caitlin asked.

The older man sighed. "No. Maybe if this were Leonard Snart making a grand speech of not using him. From all the intel I've gathered on him, he's true to his word and has rules he goes by. For the most part he has upheld them. I see Lisa isn't as trustworthy as her brother."

"I'm sure Cisco will not appreciate us stalking him. How about I just flat out ask him what happened today and see if it matches. If it does, stop with the camera, if it doesn't, they stay. Does that work for everyone?" Caitlin asked.

Wells nodded, but Barry shrugged. "I feel bad enough seeing this but what makes you think Cisco will tell you what he's been doing? Especially if it comes to sex?"

Caitlin just stared. "Besides the fact I'm his doctor, Cisco and I are very close. When Ronnie was here we were practically a threesome."

"They were. I was always curious if on your wedding day Cisco would hold his peace or not," Wells mused softly.

Barry expected Caitlin to get upset but she didn't, instead she seemed to drift for a moment and smiled softly. "Me too..."

"Mr. Allen, do you know what they mean by a ring? It's a little early for a proposal, is it not?" Wells asked, changing the topic.

Caught like a deer in the headlights, Barry swallowed. "Uh, no?" Wells crossed his arms, unconvinced. "It's for self defense, a ring that can spray mace. Nothing like the cold gun, I promise. It's for her safety."

Wells frowned. "Why hide it in a ring when you can just buy a small can? They make ones that go on keyrings."

"I don't know, you'd have to meet with her! It's her idea."

"And the skates?"

Barry shrugged. "No clue, honestly. But you know Cisco, he's gotta tinker with everything he gets his hands on."

"True, but the last thing I need is a Snart to have more weapons that can be used against you."

"I don't think skates or mace will do much against me," Barry replied. "Look, if you want to keep an eye on him, just bring him back. If you won't, let him live his life. We all know he would never do anything to intentionally hurt me. In the meantime, if he's banging Lisa Snart for fun, let him, I mean he's lucky she seems to like him. That means there's one Snart not out to get him."

Wells sighed, running his hand through his hair. "Forgive me if I am not as trusting as you."

Barry opened his mouth to speak when his phone rang. It was Joe, which meant he has a crime scene to go to. "Duty calls." He told them and bolted, finding a body reduced to ash.