1 month later…

Jack had half a mind to launch his phone across his office.

The incessant ringing almost had him going into another frost rage, the offices on his floor had only just sorted out the pipes he'd frozen last week after he'd gotten the final documents from Max which summarised the transfer of his 33.3% shares to Hans.

He had been avoiding phone calls for the past few weeks, not having a reason to speak to any of his so-called friends. Flynn was still angry with him, so was Rapunzel, Jack hadn't spoken to Max since the Arundel Enterprise shareholder meeting and the forms he'd sent over, Herc had gone M.I.A. and Jack didn't even want to get started on the ice queen.

He took a furious sigh, flipped his phone over, pressed answer on the unknown caller and put the phone to his ear. Letting out a gruff "What?" in response.

"Ah! Finally!" let out a chirpy familiar voice.

"I'm sorry I think you've got the wrong number"

"Jaaacckkk…" said the familiar voice, her drawl reminding him of Elsa's. He shook the thoughts from his mind and returned to the call.

"Saying my name won't tell me who you are"

"Alright grumpy" she scoffed, her voice still infuriatingly cheerful, a complete parallel of Jack's. "It's Anna"

"Anna?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing, he had to restrain himself from asking how her sister was.

"Elsa's sister? We met when you… never mind… you better get down here"

"Why what's happened?" he asked, his heart skipping a beat as his mind began to assume the worst.

"The baby's coming Jack! Your baby is coming!" she said giddily.

He didn't answer, unable to move.

"You still there?" she asked, an inflection of worry in her voice.

"Yeah, yeah…"

"Good, hurry up, you need to be here Frost" she said, then she hung up.

Jack sat motionless in his seat for probably around thirty seconds before he told the front desk to cancel all his meetings and called Gordon to bring the car around.

Jack got to the hospital 20 minutes later. Gordon had been stuck in traffic on North Boulevard, the main road which let into the city and was normally at peak rush-hour at 5 in the evening, so Jack had decided to cut his losses and had turned an hour walk into a 20-minute sprint as he'd ran to the hospital Rapunzel was at. He'd shed his jacket somewhere on the side of the road and his white shirt was completely drenched but he had made it.

He almost screamed at the nurse at the front desk when she'd asked him a million and one questions, but he finally got to the maternity ward waiting room where he found The Ugly Duckling thugs, a couple of Rapunzel's friends he recognized, and Anna. He beelined for her, catching her by surprise when he fell into the seat beside her.

"Jeeze Jack" she sighed, her had on her chest as she quickly composed herself. She picked the food magazine she's been reading off the floor and put it on the low coffee table in front of her. "You look… sweaty" she smiled.

He almost groaned at how much she had in common with her older sister, then he scanned the room, letting out a sigh of relief when he concluded she wasn't there.

The last time he'd seen Anna she'd been in hospital with an array of tubes surrounding her, bruises and cuts splattered across her skin and her half her limbs in oversized casts. A month later her leg and arms were still sporting the casts but she looked almost completely like her old self. Like soft rosy sunshine.

"Couldn't get a car in time. Has Rapunzel…?" he asked, knowing Anna would understand what he meant.

"No, not yet. Flynn's in there with her right now" Jack nodded, he wasn't upset he wasn't in the room with them, he wanted it to be a stress-free process for Rapunzel and he knew if he was in the room he'd increase the stress levels tenfold.

"How are you anyway? You look on the mend"

"I'm getting there" she said, patting her arm cast, "Elsa's been very… attentive"

Jack ignored the way his heart hammered, trying to calm it with re-runs of what went down the last time he'd seen her.

"Where is she anyway?" he asked nonchalantly.

"She's having a bit of trouble with the company. Besides, I think she decided it was best she not make an appearance where her presence wasn't welcome… by all parties involved" there was no doubt Elsa had told Anna at least something of what happened.

"Her and me both" he sighed, catching the sour grimace of one of the thugs sat a few seats away.

"I'm going to give you a bit of tough love now" Anna began, turning awkwardly in her seat to face him. "You need to stop being so pessimistic, and feeling like an intruder on a life you have every right to, even more so than Flynn. Both Rapunzel and you did a shitty thing, and even though people are going to try and hang that over your head you need to see the beauty that came from that one night. Your daughter, this tiny angel who will smile at you one day and make you think how this entire shit-show was worth it. She'll remind you that there will always be a spot for you, a role for you to play but it's up to you to decide whether you want a part in it"

Jack opened his mouth, about to say something to her when a middle-aged woman with short black hair interrupted them.

"Jack Frost?" she asked, her voice melodic. He nodded silently in response, caught off-guard. "We've got someone special who'd like to meet you" she smiled widely, gesturing for him to follow.

He stood up slowly, Anna giving him an encouraging thumbs-up before he left the waiting room. They walked down the hall to room A113 before the nurse stopped and turned.

"I know you're nervous, but just remember, she already knows you, better than you know yourself" then she pushed open the door and Jack walked in.

The room had an orange glow, not with artificial lights, but with the evening sun which poured in through the massive windows in the hospital skyrise. Anatomical posters were pasted across the pastel pink walls and a plastic cradle lay just to the side of a large bed.

Jack held his breath as he took in a pink-faced Rapunzel, her hair wild and her eyes tired, but it was all outshone by the look of complete happiness on her face as she looked to Flynn. He was perched on Rapunzel's side, his face bent down as he cooed with pride at a little bundle, parcel wrapped in a soft white blanket.

They both looked up as the door clicked shut, and where Jack thought he was going to be met with hostility, he instead, was greeted by his two greatest friends who seemed to momentarily forget past transgressions and beckoned him over.

With shaking hands, he walked to Flynn, letting his eyes travel down to the baby in Flynn's arms, she was turned to his chest, but as Jack got closer he could make out a tiny hand. That tiny hand had his heart hammering so loud in his chest he felt as if it was going to break-free.

Silently Flynn stood, and placed the baby into Jack's arms, arms Jack hadn't even realised he'd been holding out.

The first thing he noticed about her was how tiny she was. She sat neatly in the crook of his arm, nestled in like she planned to spend all eternity there. Jack wouldn't have minded.

He took a deep breath and looked down at his daughter, his heart ceasing all together as she lay peacefully in his arms. Her eyes squeezed shut and all pink, but with a tiny smile on her lips.

He looked down at her, speechless, because no words could describe how beautiful she was. He felt a warmth within his heart, which spread like liquid gold along his bones, to the tips of his fingers and toes which began to move something within him. Something he found he hadn't wanted to move since the day his sister was taken from his all those years ago. But looking down as his daughter he allowed her to see his soul where she vowed to remain forever.

"What's her name?" he asked quietly, blinking back the tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks.

Flynn put his hand on Jack's shoulder.

"Felicity" he announced.

It's all coming together! Hope you loved this chapter as much as I did.

Thank you to Furiyan and Melya for welcoming me back with open arms, and any new followers I hope you stay tuned :)

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