I have a poll once again on my profile so please check it out before you get reading this chapter. You may find it entertaining to say the least. Whichever question wins in popularity will be answered on the next chapters of my stories. Do note you can vote TWICE on the poll if you find yourselves torn between two choices.

Hey guys! Next installment here of the Warring Factions! I will be slimming down my chapters as of now because of my busy schedule, and I want to update often. Expect 5-7k chapters regularly for now. Please understand that this does not affect the story's plot. I will continue to progress the story the way I planned to, just covering less events every update. I apologize if you are disappointed with this change.

If you have not checked out my latest story (Tokonosu Cold Case) please check it out! Its a pre-outbreak setting involving the East Police Station and its law enforcers (SYOC).

Chapter 9: Picking Up the Pieces

Yuuki's Place

Brandon's eyes fluttered open. He saw the sun's vibrant rays strewn across the ceiling, and that's when he remembered last night with Yuuki. His heart skipped a beat and he quickly looked down on his chest. Yuuki's semi-clothed sleeping form was there, snoring softly as she remained asleep. He smiled and silently thanked yesterday was not a dream. He kissed her head tenderly, catching a vanilla aroma emitted from her hair. It was beautiful, and so was she.

Yuuki stirred awake as her head wiped across Brandon's chest groggily. With her slender right hand she wiped the mysterious "sand" from her eyes and looked up at Brandon with her vibrant amber eyes. Her expression was a timeless confusion slowly transforming into a panicked realization. The dream where she thought was only a dream, turned into a reality she was not ready to face.

"Good morning Yuu-" Brandon began.

Yuuki quickly scrambled away and fell onto the floor along with a groaning thud. The fall appeared to not faze her as she reeled away from Brandon. Alarmed, Brandon rose up and quickly tried to calm her down with a barrage of soothing words meant to withdraw her fear and bring back the joy she possessed the night before. She chose to ignore the words and seal the soothing harmony away from her mind. She knew he meant well, and he was not going to attack her. Her fear was something much more complex in depth but yet so simple by context, she was afraid.

It was only yesterday that her brother lost control and battered Brandon for simply interfering with their "beloved" reunion. If Jun was to ever find out that the two shared an embarrassing moment like the previous night, furthered fueled by Brandon spending the night holding her...there was no telling what Jun would do. That unknown quickly instilled enough fear into Yuuki for her to realize how foolish she was for allowing Brandon in like she did.

"I'm sorry Brandon...I should have never drawn you in like I did last night..." Yuuki began to cry.

"Yuuki what are you talking about?" Brandon asked gently. He was confused why she was upset.

Between sobs Yuuki tried to reply but was overwhelmed with emotion to the point where she was unable to string cohesive words. She could only shake her head and further delve into recession from Brandon.

"Just calm down Yu-" Brandon soothed as he approached her.

Yuuki attempted to avoid Brandon by running across the room. In her delusional fear she failed to notice the coffee table and crashed into it. From the floor she groaned as she reoriented herself and spotted the wine bottle she kept in her cupboard beside her. She picked up the glass bottle and inspected its contents. Only a few maroon droplets were left inside the vessel which was a gift from the seller when she first moved in. Yuuki never opened the bottle nor planned to, and seeing it now she slowly began to piece together a story of her imagining from last night.

Brandon began to fear she hurt herself after watching her remain silent with only inaudible shaking persisting as a form of communication. He reached out to her and grabbed her forearms while still positioned behind her. Yuuki allowed herself to be raised from the ground and steadied herself after regaining her footing.

"What's this?" Yuuki asked calmly.

Brandon peered over her shoulder and focused on the object in her hands. His eyes widened as his head surged with sudden images flashing from the previous night with Yuuki. Her amber eyes were narrowed at him as she interpreted his reaction to the glass bottle. Despite her calm demeanor her heart was smashing against the walls of her rib cage hoping to escape the prison. Her stomach contracted as the acids inside formed a pit and became a weight that sat restless. Brandon's reactions were enough to confirm her suspicions surrounding the glass bottle.

"I can't believe you took advantage of me Brandon..." Yuuki began to sob.

At this time Brandon came to realize through the memories he regained what conclusion Yuuki reached on her own. "Please listen Yu-"

"Forget it! How can a marry a man after being defiled like this?!"

"Its not what you think." Brandon tried to reason.

"Oh it isn't now? I can't remember anything after kissing you last night and then I wake up in your arms and find this empty wine bottle on the floor, which by the way was stored in my cabinet, and its not supposed to be what it obviously is!?"

"Just listen to me for a second Yuuki. Yes we did drink the bottle bu-"

"Exactly." Yuuki said coldly. Her eyes blurred as she tried to contain her tears.

Before Brandon could retort she turned around and headed for the door in a fleeting escape.

"Yuuki wait!" Brandon shouted.

He chased her after image through the front door. He spotted her halfway down the road running full speed. He sighed and sat down on her stairs. He knew nothing would be achieved if he somehow managed to catch her at this time, so he would wait for her to return and hopefully then convince her she was mistaken.

Above him the sun cast a fiery glare as its intense rays scorched Brandon's clothes. The wind was dry and offered no relief from the withering heat, but still Brandon remained on the steps, diligent in his actions for he knew Yuuki would return...

Humanity Tower Site

It was a week after the explosion of Humanity Tower and only an estimated quarter of the debris was removed from the community. Everyone inside the Founder's community were assigned shifts to help with the clean-up project. There were many objections to this enlistment and fights between the Sentinels and civilians were rising. The fear of another attack by the Regals loomed over the community and tensions have never been higher.

Eric lifted a chunk of cement and handed it off to Ayame who was next to him. She then handed it off to the person next to her and prepared to receive another piece of debris. The train method they implemented proved to be very effective for removing the debris from their community. By creating a "train" by having everyone line up from the gates to the explosion site they were able to clear out areas quickly. However, the method was not perfect. At times people would grow weary and hurt themselves while trying to handle debris handed to them.

Eric knew the clean-up project would take another month at least before the site would be cleared and new buildings could be constructed. No matter how much reconstruction the community produced it would never replace their personal losses. Parents, grandparents, visitors to the tower, so much was lost in the explosion. He just had to look into their eyes and every ounce of pain would be there, an array of ranging emotions fueling the mind. The Sentinel's recruitment reports showed they tripled the recruit count from last month within this week alone. They wanted revenge, and they wanted it now.

Ayame looked over at Eric, she knew where his mind was at. "Motivation fueled by hatred is useless if we want to keep everyone safe. This hatred will only cause rash actions on the battlefield, and more sorrow...what will you do, Sir?"

Eric remained silent for a moment before answering. "This suffering cannot be relieved by kind words and soulful music Ayame...we will strike back at the Regals in order to reclaim our dignity and bury our loved ones with their blood. That will be how we destroy this hatred that's plaguing everyone."

Ayame sighed. "I was afraid it would be something like that."

"Don't be afraid. Just be ready to lead your comrades when I call on you." Eric ordered.

Ayame nodded. "Always at the ready Sir."

Down the human train a familiar pair were also helping out while engaged into another ethical debate. These "altercations" have become somewhat famous around the community following the explosion of Humanity Tower. Many speculated it was attributed to the lowered morale of the Founder population as the reason why these random and usually nonsensical arguments brought life to the community.

"You senseless barbarian! You handed me that excessive heap on purpose!" Yuuji excused.

Felix glanced over at him with his ever-lasting bored expression. "Did not."

"A fiend and a liar! That portion of concrete is at least a twentieth smaller than this one you just handed me." Yuuji argued.

"I think you are just an exaggerator." Felix said dryly.

His comment earned a few laughs among the other Founders next to the pair. Yuuji's glasses turned to face everyone who began to laugh as his face turned crimson.

"Y-you planned all of this...Is that what you write in your childish notepad these days?!" He asked in a shaking tone.

"Nope. I just need my head for that one." Felix teased.

Now everyone began to laugh even harder and Yuuji screamed. He slapped his face and sunk in despair.

"I have been bested by a child..."

"Now that's just cold." Felix mocked.


"Hey! You two quit your theatrics and focus on your jobs!" Ayame ordered.

"Sure." Felix responded in his bored tone.

Ayame glared for a half-second before turning back to assist everyone.

"She's the Co-commander Felix! You need to adjust your tone when you address her." Yuuji scolded.

Felix turned back to his friend and replied with honest eyes, "I did though."

Yuuji face-palmed. He was almost positive no one could decipher Felix's tone or expression, including himself despite the longevity of their friendship. The two have been close friends ever since Yuuji was first introduced to Felix when he was still recovering.


Eric gestured his hand towards the bored-looking male with the palest blonde hair Yuuji ever witnessed. A blotch of messy hair covered the front while a small ponytail stuck out from behind his neck. The man's eyes had a certain tint that made his green marble eyes appear dull. Yuuji was mystified by the stranger's appearance.

"This is Felix Read. I want you to watch over him and help him get acquainted around here." Eric asked.

Yuuji nodded. "I am Yuuji Okatami, pleasure is mine." He stuck his hand out.

Felix grabbed it and they both shook in rhythm . Yuuji inwardly sneered, Felix seemed like a easy pawn to manipulate. With his newbie status Yuuji could easily use him to commit crimes without fear of persecution.

'Now I can extra food rations from Ayame today..." Yuuji thought merrily.

Eric left the two and returned to the Sentinel Headquarters. Felix and Yuuji watched his body dipped into the shifting crowd in silence. Yuuji turned to Felix and found him sniffing the air. Yuuji stared at him with a confused expression and realized why Eric dumped him off with him, the guy was a total weirdo.

Felix spoke up suddenly. "Is that molten steel I smell?"

Yuuji was shocked. "You can smell that far away?" He asked.

"Was I right?"

"Well there is a set of buildings where weapons and other metalwork are crafted, but its on the other side of the community. At that distance I find it almost inconceivable to imagine you can actually smell that far away."

"Sounds about right then." Felix mumbled.

'This guy is a complete nutcase...but that just means it will be easier to pin the blame on him' Yuuji thought.

"Anyways Felix let me show you where you can get your meals."

Felix offered no reaction and simply looked at Yuuji. His green orbs peered inside Yuuji's mind for a moment. Yuuji began to feel nervous, it felt like Felix was dissecting him and examining every compartment locked away inside his soul. There was no escape, no way to nullify the anxious feeling that was flooding his veins. Felix reduced Yuuji's confidence to a window he could look through and understand with a single glance.

"Sounds good." Felix stated.

Yuuji inwardly sighed a breathe of relief. The man was unimaginably intimidating...

Indeed the pair's first conversation was unorthodox in every practical way Yuuji would contend. However, that never stopped him from bonding with Felix over the months of triumph for the Founders. Together they witnessed many changes that served as critical reform for the small community. Restoring the cafe and having basic utilities provided proved to lower food poisoning for the population by allowing individuals trained in culinary arts to have a functional workplace where they could properly prepare produce for everyone.

After the kitchen's resurrection emphasis was placed on the security of their community. Eric proposed the concept of a military force who would be fully-trained with strategic tactics and entrusted to serve the community and protect every life inside its territory. In turn they would also have a smaller division dedicated to patrolling the streets and ensure order was kept within the territory as well. Yuuji attended the initial hearings along with Felix and offered his support for Eric's concept.

During these months Yuuji spent with Felix he began to understand how complex Felix was. Past his average-looking appearance and bored expression the man was constantly assessing the situation around him. He understood what certain actions may cause and knew how to place himself into an advantageous position while drawing little attention. He also mastered the art of sarcasm and innocence to the point he could craft both together, which drove Yuuji crazy during their conversations. It was past rationalism and logic.

Yuuji came to view Felix as an equal and abandoned his original plan to manipulate him to achieve his original goals. Felix could simply not be manipulated and maybe even manage to turn the tables completely around if placed into the scenario. The uncertainty told Yuuji to prey on other members of the community he knew would provide as easy victims, rather than take his chances. Yuuji valued logic above all else, and it never failed him.

Yuuji glanced down at his gold Rolex wristwatch. Only another hour of their shift remained before they were released for the rest of the day. The heat was beginning to evaporate every ounce of motivation and energy everyone working had. Yuuji was positive Eric would be forced to release everyone before more disputes were raised. With all the reported "incidents" occurring this past week he would have no choice.

As Yuuji predicted Eric made the announcement thirty minutes later. Ayame closed the announcement by thanking everyone for their continued support. A murmur of grumbles retorted her statement, and that was all the community offered them. With the explosion at Humanity Tower many lives were lost, some of those lives were the only family other Founders had inside the walls. Then while these "orphans" mourn the security force issues shifts to everyone expecting them to show up and shovel out their last connection to those lost family members.

Felix understood this animosity with a sophistication far superior to Yuuji. Through his dull eyes splotches of pain decorated a vast canvas already torn and withered from the wraith of their existence. Humanity itself was dragged down prior to the senseless destruction of Humanity Tower, a catalyst to breed this hatred, and now the plague was becoming realized inside every Founder forced into this tragedy. It was not Eric's battle alone, no matter how much he desired it to be. Everyone inherited this war after the tower's destruction.

"There will be a rebuttal." Felix stated softly. It was an announcement he meant for everyone to hear, but he knew the voice would be louder from Eric.

Mikiel's Home

Mikiel was granted home-stay following the tragedy of Humanity Tower after being discovered passed out. He awoke two days after the event inside the infirmary with several make-shift IV stabbed into his arms. A nearby nurse noticed his movement from across the room and hurried over to assist him. She informed him what happened and how long he was inside his unresponsive state. After the nurse reoriented Mikiel she called for the doctor to evaluate his condition.

Following a series of clinical tests Mikiel was released two hours later on the condition he took a few days to rest. The doctor told him before he left that he would personally inform the Round Table of his absence. Mikiel thanked him and departed from the clinic heading towards his apartment. His head was still throbbing, a byproduct of his collapse from two days ago. The nurse mentioned he would feel fuzzy for a couple days until his body settled back into a routine.

Even after two days of recovery spent in his bed-sheets, Mikiel was still feeling woozy. Inside his brain compartment the sense of urgency tugged on his memories and was constantly dragging a certain event to light. The feeling would never cease its relentless assault on his mind and caused Mikiel to enter a certain delirious state. Reality released its grip on his bed frame and drifted away leaving Mikiel prey to the darkness that swooped in on his vulnerable condition.

There was a bleeding image where a portrait of Mikiel was punctured from behind by a shadowy figure obscured from recognition. Mikiel clenched his chest in response and tried to suppress the image without success. The shadowy figure released its weapon from the portrait and began to hum a soothing tune. The pitch of the voice sounded familiar to Mikiel, somewhere deep in his memory he knew the voice.

Another voice emerged into the vision, different from the singing tone. It was more gruff in nature and often raised into a violent pitch as if it was angry.

"I saved the...now we can never have relations...savages." The voice laughed. It drowned out at certain times causing Mikiel to miss some words.

The singing voice stopped abruptly and responded. "I held up my end...deal now...just keep making things...will be square...Raze darling."

Mikiel's breath sucked up into his chest the moment he heard it. The voice was unmistakably Janet's, but what exactly was she saying to this Raze? He pondered this question for a few more moments until his delirious state collapsed suddenly like a house of cards. A sudden reemergence of a hidden memory sprouted from the shadows and blossomed.

Mikiel's Memory

There was deafening explosions and gunshots rocking the buildings as Mikiel tried to escape the war zone. His chest felt every concussion, every quake, and every decibel of ear-bleeding sound as he raced through the alley in a blinded retreat. He kept his ears covered with both his hands and plowed through the smoke, choking on the dust particles clinging to his throat. His eyes rang out in stress, pulsing violently and begging for remedy.

A nearby wall exploded and launched Mikiel forward into a brick building. He had no time to brace himself and smacked the building head-first, causing his vision to swirl. Small black dots began to slowly fill in his bleak vision as the world around him dialed down to an eerie silence. Mikiel rolled onto his back and tried to suckle himself any air he could manage from Mother Nature's breast.

Gradually Mikiel regained his conscious and pushed the black dots away from his field of vision. With a groan he raised himself back onto his feet with the assistance of the brick wall. He located his Stryker Strykezone 350 Crossbow and picked it up off the ground. After a quick inspection it appeared the weapon sustained only minor damages that would not impede with the weapon's functions. Satisfied with his father's prized weapon remaining intact Mikiel rekindled his retreat.

The gunshots continued to pierce the peace of the community as Mikiel stumbled down the alley. A figure suddenly dashed across the alley and ducked into a building. Mikiel stopped dead in his tracks and cautiously peered down the corridor of buildings, awaiting for the figure to a few moments he decided to investigate the mysterious figure.

Mikiel stalked towards the building with his crossbow drawn tightly into his shoulder. His usually dull green eyes were replaced with an intensive focus set on the building. He reached the rustic building he witnessed the figure duck into and found a shattered window on the outside. He braced his back onto the wall and carefully peered through the window.

He saw a short raven-clad character hugging another unfamiliar person while a third armored individual laughed. A light broke through the building and shone on the character's head, revealing a familiar orange pony-tail. Mikiel tried to recall where he saw this person before, but failed to recollect the memory.

The armored individual began to laugh and cheered, "I saved the Regals! Now we can never have relations with these savages!"

The shorter figure replied, "I held up my end of our deal now. Just keep making things interesting and we'll be square Raze darling."

"Oh I will Janet. I wish you would join us back at my place, I have very many interesting things we could do."

"Maybe later, I have more things I need to attend here. So many girls I still need to devour."

The pony-tailed figure broke the embrace, revealing a bloodied dagger in her right hand. She quickly turned around and headed towards Mikiel, unaware she was being watched. Upon seeing her face Mikiel immediately recalled her being the woman he bumped into the previous week. He tore his eyes away from the window and raced to get out of sight in case Janet spotted him upon exiting the building.

He took cover behind the wall and peered over towards the window expecting Janet to appear. After a few moments of nothing he began to wonder where she could've went. He glanced around but still saw no signs of her.

'Maybe she choose to stay in there?' He wondered.

Suddenly his head was struck by blunt object causing his head to whiplash, effectively knocking him out...

After recalling the memory that persisted to remain hidden Mikiel came to a frightening realization. His realization became a reality when his eyes traveled towards his doorway and spotted the same figure from his memory. In his doorway Janet stood with a smug smile. Her gorgeous orange hair fell down over her yellow sports bra. A tight pair of navy shorts revealed her enticing slender legs. She had a gleaming black dagger in her left hand. It appeared to be dripping wet as if it was dipped into some sort of liquid beforehand.

"I heard you weren't feeling well Miki so I decided to drop by. Sorry for the intrusion." She said sweetly.

She approached the bed and ran her fingers across the oak frame. Mikiel reached over to his nightstand where he kept his crossbow and gripped the handle. In one swift motion he swung over back onto his back and took aim where Janet was standing. However, no one was there now and Mikiel momentarily pondered where she went until he felt something wet against his neck.

"No need to be up in arms over a small girl like me Miki. What could I possibly do to you?" She teased.

"It seems you came to finish the job." Mikiel said dryly.

"Hardly so, I came here to inform you of your new duties now that you belong to me." Janet stated.

"Yea I don't think so. I despise bullies trying to force others to do their dirty work." Mikiel retorted harshly.

Janet snickered and stuck her fingers down his throat, causing a sudden rush of nausea to overtake him. Mikiel tried to fight her but found himself feeling weakened suddenly.

"Feeling weak Miki? See you ingested a single drop of my signature poison just now when you forced me to do this disgusting service for you."

Janet removed her hand from Mikiel's throat and walked to the front of the bed. Her cold grey eyes watched Mikiel carefully, then she reached down and left a sheet of paper by his feet.

"Follow those instructions and keep your mouth shut. If you do that I promise you won't die an agonizing death by my blade." She turned around and proceeded to leave the room.

"Oh, and if you go to anyone about what you saw a couple days ago...just know I will introduce you to Hell before I send you there myself." She threatened over her shoulder in that fake sweet voice she possessed.

Mikiel tried to argue but her poison drained him entirely and made it impossible for him to retort. After a few moments of excruciating pain he gave up and and closed his eyes. The more he struggled the faster the poison would spread, and possibly kill him. Given Janet's warning he suspected the amount she introduced into his body was not lethal. But now what will he do?

Round Table

"We must fight!" Knight Hemsworth argued.

"I believe our focus should be on protecting the communi-"

"Your weakness is that you're a coward Knight Luim!" Hemsworth bashed.

"Knight Hemsworth that's enough of your insults!" Knight Hargo roared.

"Why is it that you two would rather allow this deliberate offense come to pass instead of bringing justice to those guilty?" Knight Hemsworth asked.

Some of the other knights began to murmur in agreement with Hemsworth's perspective. The majority felt like a swift retaliation was warranted for the massacre of their community. Knight Hargo continued to sweat profusely throughout the meeting as the arguments became louder and more personal. It was obvious every member of the Round Table was infuriated over the Regal's swift attack, and they all wanted justice. The issue became on how they would proceed to avenge themselves, and Knight Hemsworth along with Knight Lium led the debate into a battleground of politics.

"What we allow is this chosen table to make the best decision for this community by engaging in respectful debates to come to a decision together." Knight Lium retorted.

Hemsworth snorted, "Ever since you made that one motion months ago you been rather overly confident...Lium."

"That insult is exactly what I was referring to when I said respectful." Knight Lium said plainly.

"When you start displaying respect for our fallen comrades I will begin to respect you as a Knight of this table!" Hemsworth spat.

Knight Lium slammed her fists onto the table and rose to her feet. "How dare you question my loyalty to this community! I do want to avenge their senseless deaths but acting now is not the time to do so!"

Hemsworth rose to his feet. "Allowing them to escape while we dig out our dead is what you call loyalty? Sounds like you are just running away from the problem if you ask me, little girl!"

Knight Lium's face screwed into a terrifying snarl as she opened her mouth to respond, however Knight Hargo quickly intervened once again.

"Shut up, both of you! I am sick of your constant bickering today, just give it a rest. Now we need to come to a decision today because we have an increasing number of rioting taking place everywhere in the community. Every day more people are getting injured during these outbursts and the threat of a revolution is brewing. Our Sentinels have been threatened by numerous rioters of a 'New Age' coming or some other nonsense, but if it is true then that can be catastrophic." Knight Hargo huffed.

"I stand by what I said. We need to track down that Regal squad and bring them back here to be publicly executed." Hemsworth stated.

Knight Lium looked disgusted but offered no retort. "I remain unconvinced that immediate action will benefit our people at this time. After we recover from the damages sustained from the bombing we should respond to the Regal attack.

Knight Hargo nodded to both of them. He gazed around the table and its members before calling for the final vote of their meeting.

"Now, those who vote we take action immediately please raise your hands."

A large number of hands were raised.

"Now those who vote we should wait until we launch an attack, please raise your hands at this time."

Only his and Knight Lium's hand rose in support for the option. He glanced over at Knight Lium who appeared to be on the breaking point. He closed his eyes and announced the final ruling of their meeting.

"Tomorrow at one-thirty in the afternoon we will meet with Eric to discuss strategies. That will be all for today, meeting...adjourned." He voiced the last word as calmly as he could. His emotions were beginning to crack through his calm demeanor.

"Excellent my brothers, now we will avenge our community!" Knight Hemsworth celebrated with the other members as they walked towards the exit.

Knight Lium laid her head onto the table and began to sob. Hargo remained stoic as he listened to her grieving. He understood that nothing he offered now would soothe her pain. She felt personally responsible for the lives that would be lost in this retaliation, and after all the lives lost at Humanity Tower she was not mentally prepared for another tragedy.

"I'm sorry Lium. The decision will stand...tomorrow we prepare for war."

Please Review! :)

Author's Notes

How many failed "end-of-story" wrap-ups have I attempted so far with Warring Factions? Well I am trying one more because I absolutely love sharing my ideas and chatting with my readers. I enjoy getting to know your thoughts and concerns as well, and so with this wrap-up I call "Author's Notes" I will devote it to my personal emotions I have on the chapter. I encourage you guys to send me a PM with any question you want answered, like "Why did you kill Bob the Zombie? He was already dead you idiot!" just as an example. I will answer it in the following chapter to the best of my ability, minus any spoilers of course.


I took some time with this chapter because I wanted to really focus on the paragraph shaping and utilize more vocabulary. To me it comes much more naturally then dialogue, and I am forever envious of writers who demonstrate such a compelling ability to orchestrate verbal exchanges between two characters and make it look so natural. Your wizardry is beyond me, but awesome job.

The Brandon/Yuuki scene is included despite indulging further into their story and instead focusing on the Founder's aftermath because I wanted to create an actual anxious feeling within the reader. My vision is the period of waiting for the follow-up chapter will be akin to Brandon's anxious wait for Yuuki to return. We all know how long a minute takes to pass when we are waiting anxiously for something to occur.