Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. I just wish I did.

Beta: rukxichi.15. Thank you for all your hard work. J

Challenge: Okay, so I GOT MY FIRST CHALLANGE! How exciting :-D By Lawrence Helmbain, to make a fic like my story "Changing the Future through Memories" for the Bleach fandom. So here is me trying. I hope you'll all like it, I hope I don't disappoint. ;-)

Now as always:




Episode and other text (everything in bold is from the episode – though keep in mind I used a mix of both manga and anime texts for this chapter!)

Thank you all for your lovely reviews!

Chapter 2

The sky is blue over where the Kurosaki family walked,Isshin Kurosakienthusiastically blowing a whistle to keep the walking rhythm.

"Boy, this hill is really steep." Complained Yuzu.

Ichigo sighed in relieve as the next scene opened immediately, not giving the bell-haired man even the time to get up.

"Is it? It doesn't bother me." Said Karin simply.

"Hang in there, Yuzu! Don't give up! Dad is on your side!" Yelled Isshin from behind them. Both girls turned around to see their father walking on his hands instead of his feet.

Ichigo covered his eyes with his hand and sighed at the silliness of his old man.

Next to him Urahara giggled and tried to cover hi smile with his fan.

"Look! Hey, look at daddy! He's climbing the hill while standing on his hands!"

"See? Ignore him, Yuzu! If you pay attention to guys like him, it will only encourage them."

"How naive." Isshin's eyes glinted. "Even if you ignore me, I'm automatically encouraged! Run! My deathblow: Father's Slide!" He accelerated and slid on his side between the two girls.

"Dear Lord, what kind of father is that?!" asked Rukia surprised while smiling a bit. She had studied Ichigo intently during the break, which seemed to displease the redhead next to her. Not that she noticed Renji, she still wondered what was so special about that human that she would give him some of her powers.

"Be gone to the ends of the earth!" yelled Karin as she delivers a kick to his face that sends him rolling down the steep hill past Ichigo. "Now's our chance. Let's go."

Ichigo puts a hand over his eyes to shade them. "Boy, it's only June, but it sure is hot today. It was June 17 that day too, but what a difference."

Ichigo's breath hitched. So it was that day again… Another anniversary. But why would that be of any importance to these people?

"What's so special about the 17th of June?" asked Matsumoto confused.

Ichigo either didn't hear her or ignored her, because he didn't answer.

"Oh, someone else is here." He heard Karin say.

"You're right." Said Yuzu. "I wonder if she's here to visit a grave too."

"Huh? But she's waving."

Ichigo's mouth fell open as he recognized Rukia.

"What the hell are you doing there!?" asked Ichigo shocked.

"How the hell should I know!" yelled the girl back.

"Ichigo, do you know her?"

"No! I don't know her! Not at all! If I say I don't know her, I don't!" He panicked slightly while doing a weird and nervous dance. "There's something familiar about her I remember now! She's a classmate from middle school! It's all coming back to me! Oh, boy! I feel so nostalgic. I think I want to talk to her all alone, right now! And so, I'll go and have a talk with her. You two go ahead and visit Mom's grave!"

"Nice, that won't make them suspicious at all." Smiled Shinji.

Ishida snorted.

He ran off up the hill, grabbing Rukia's arm and literally pulling her into the grove of trees.

"Ichigo!" yelled Yuzu. "What?"

Karin raised an eyebrow and chuckled suggestively.

"Karin, what do you mean by that?" asked Yuzu confused.

"Nothing, just that it seems he's finally reached that age…"

"Huh? What do you mean? Karin, wait a minute!"

The scene changed, showing Ichigo and Rukia standing on a path between the trees.

"Why the heck did you follow me here?" burst Ichigo.

"Idiot! What if a Hollow appears when I'm not around?"

"Why would I need to stay around you?" asked Rukia.

"I'm not sure how far in the future this is, but maybe your powers haven't come back yet…" suggested Yoruichi.

"What does that have to do with me?" asked Ichigo frowning.

Yoruichi sighed. "Obviously if Rukia doesn't have her powers back, you still have them. She probably convinced you to do her work for her."

"Hey! Don't make me sound like a slacker!" yelled Rukia indignantly.

Ichigo smirked slightly. "Don't you worry, kid, I'll help you out."

She spluttered.

"I mean if you're gonna follow me, be more discreet!"

"Well, pardon me. I didn't think of it."

"What are you mad about?" asked Ichigo puzzled.

"I'm not really mad." She crossed her arms. "'Killed'. That's what you said about your mother, right?"

"Your mother was killed?" asked Ukitake softly.

Ichigo ignored him, not feeling like answering.

"I didn't say that."

"Who killed her?"

"I never said that. Forget it." Replied Ichigo stubbornly.

"You said you've been able to see spirits ever since you can remember, didn't you? Then, answer one question. The one who killed your mother, wasn't it a Hollow? There is that possibility. If your spiritual capabilities were such that you were able to see souls since you were so little, the Hollow that came after you may have killed your mother by mistake-!"

"I can't take this anymore!" he yelled frustrated. "You've got to be kidding me. As far as you're concerned, Hollows are responsible for everything. There was never anything funny about it, but when you give that as a reason for it there isn't anything that's less funny! Sorry to disappoint you, but you're way off base. It wasn't a Hollow or anything. The one who killed my mom was me." And with that he runs off.

"Hey, Ichigo!"

"That seems a bit harsh, I'm sure she means well." Tried Ukitake again. He had changed seats between memories to sit closer to the orange haired teenager. Kyouraku off course, had followed his example.

"I wonder what happened to make the kid think he was the one who murdered her." Muttered the man next to him.

The scene changed showing the Kurosaki Family Tomb stone. Karin stood before it, praying with a gentle smile on her face.

"It's been a while, Mom. Have you been well? Well, if you're dead, there's no being well or not, I guess. We're all doing great - me, Yuzu, and Ichigo, too."

She turned towards her twin, who was crying softly before their mother's grave.

"Quit crying, already, Yuzu. You do this every year. We're eleven already this year, we're grown-ups."

"I know I know that, but-" replied the girl.

"Now, now, now! Cheer up! It's time now for our annual "Kurosaki Family Headstone Dominoes Tournament"! A full two and a half hours of tombstone toppling-" Isshin was doing a very weird dance as he announced this.

Ukitake hid a smile behind his hand. Kyouraku didn't hide his amusement.

"God, he hasn't changed a bit." Muttered Hitsugaya while he tried to rub an impending headache away.

"Why don't you go and start your life over from scratch?!" yelled Karin as she kicked her father in the face.

The scene changed.

A young orange haired boy was shown. He was standing in the rain at the side of the street, getting splashed by a passing car.

"Oh! Oh my what a mean truck driver." The woman next to him was holding an umbrella. She bend down to gently wipe his face with a handkerchief. "Are you all right? I'm sorry.
Let's switch places. I'll walk on the road side."

"Is this a memory?" asked Orihime softly.

Ichigo nodded.

"She's very pretty." Smiled the girl.

"She was wonderful."

"It is getting a bit confusing though." Said the girl as she held her chin in though. "We're watching a memory while watching the future…"

"It's okay." Said the boy. "I'm wearing a raincoat, so I'm all right. I'll protect you from stuff like what just happened."

"My, how reliable .But no I can't let you take the road side so long as you can't beat Tatsuki!"

"I won a point from her last time." Protested young Ichigo.

"There, you're all cleaned up. Hm, let's go!"

"Huh? Mom, can I hold your hand?"

"Of course."

"Mama's boy." Muttered Renji angrily, not liking how Rukia smiled at the cute scene.

Ichigo didn't hear him, he was busy staring at his mother.

They continued walking.

"Huh? What's that girl doing?" The young boy saw a girl standing a bit of the road, next to the river.

Back then, I still couldn't tell the difference between humans who were living and those who were dead.

"Wait a minute, Mom!"

"Ichigo? No, Ichigo!" she called after him as he ran towards the girl.

She ran after him.

Yuzu and Karin were shown, still standing before the grave of their mother. Karin looked uneasy, almost scared.

Ichigo frowned. Karin had very good instincts.

"What's wrong? Karin? What's the matter?" asked Yuzu concerned.

"Where's Dad?" asked the raven haired girl with a troubled look on her face.

"He said he was going to have a talk with the priest."

"That good for nothing!" she cursed as she saw something approach them.

"Karin?" Yuzu could vaguely see a huge invisible shape coming towards them.

"What the hell is that!" swore Ichigo loudly.

"A hollow." Identified Urahara quietly. "It seems this is seen from your sister Yuzu's perspective."

"I didn't know she could see them." Ichigo frowned. "Sure she told me she always gets chills as a ghost is near, but this…"

"It must be frightening, knowing that there is something out there, but unable to actually see it."

"Yuzu! Run!"

"Oh, no! Karin!" Karin fell to the ground, as if something big had was stepping on her.

Urahara grabbed Ichigo's shoulder as the teen jumped up in rage and yanked him back into his seat.

"There is nothing you can do for your sisters at this moment." The man tried to calm him down. Ichigo glared at him, but the shopkeeper didn't let him go, so he was unable to leave.

Not that he had figured out where he was going to go… Since you know, he still didn't know where he was.

"No! Don't come near!"

"Karin! Karin! What's going on?!" Something wrapped around Yuzu's neck and lifted her in the air.


Ichigo cursed again, loudly.

Renji rolled his eyes. Really, the teen needed to learn to calm down. Or take a chill pill.

The scene changed again. Ichigo and Rukia were running side by side.

"What did he mean by "serious crime"?" asked Ichigo.

"What did who mean? And what serious crime?" asked Ichigo.

"Well, I have no idea who, but I think I know what you mean by serious crime." Started Ukitake to explain. He looked a bit worried for the girl. "It's against the laws of Soul Society to lend Shinigami powers to living humans."

Ichigo frowned. "That's stupid."

All Shinigami turned towards him, most looked disapproving.

"I mean, I understand why you have such a law, but can't exceptions be made in life or death situations?"

Byakuya Kuchiki snorted. "Don't even try to understand, foolish boy."

Ichigo bristled.

"Don't worry about my problems now! We've got to save your family first!" retorted Rukia.

"Aren't you going to ask me anything about my mother?"

"If I do, will you answer me? It's your problem, a deep, deep problem. I have no way of asking you about it. No good way of asking you without tracking mud into your heart.
That's why I'll wait. When you're ready to talk, tell me about it I'll wait until then."

Ichigo glanced at the girl, only to see her looking back at him. They watched each other for a few seconds. Maybe she was worth getting to know…

They arrived at the scene.

AHollowwas about to eat Yuzu as Ichigo appears. He cut off the tentacle choking her before the Hollow could swallow her. Cutting off the arm holding down Karin, Ichigo took his two sisters away from the Hollow.

He gently put his unconscious sister down.

"I've been waiting for you, Soul Reaper."

"Karin! That bastard! What's going on? Why you-!" He suddenly noticed a Human-like figure in front of the Hollow. "You're the one who was at the riverbank, aren't you? Six years ago! So what are you doing here?!"

"Six years ago? Ichigo, don't tell me!" asked Rukia shocked.

"Yeah I tried to help her back then. But when I realized it, she was gone and my mom was - My mom was…"

"Oh no." whispered Ichigo horrified. Did this mean his mother had been killed by a hollow?

"Six years ago, huh? I don't remember things so long ago. I see. This is very interesting." Replied the ghost.

Ishida looked at his classmate from the corner of his eyes. The orange haired by looked furious at the screen. He could relate. Seemed they did have something in common; both had lost a loved one at the hands of hollows.

Ripping in half, the ghost became a tentacle-like limb which, taking the shape of a lure, connects to the top of the Hollow. As Ichigo looked on in shock as he realized the ghost was really a part of the Hollow.

"Grand Fisher! That's his code name. He hides himself and gives the lure that grows out of his head a human appearance. And when he finds those who are able to see it. In other words, those who have high spiritual energy he attacks them and increases his own power. For over fifty years, this Hollow has defied Soul Reapers like us. And his favorite is women." Explained Rukia who recognized the hollow.

"Grand Fisher? Interesting." muttered the creepy clown guy.

"Which means my mom was … I see."

"You survived even after seeing me. What a lucky kid." Mocked the hollow. "Perhaps at first I intended to devour you for your high spiritual energy. However women always seem more delicious."

"Why that-! Haven't seen a Hollow so disgusting in a long time." Rukia sneered.

Jumping into the air, an angry Ichigo swung hisZanpakutōdown on Grand Fisher, who dodged his attack by jumping into the air as well.

"Don't be so careless, you idiot! Ichigo!"

"You're one bastard I'll never forgive!"

"I understand you are angry, but you don't have to ignore me!" yelled the girl annoyed.

Grand Fisher stretched his arm out to attack Ichigo. As Ichigo tried to block the attack with his Zanpakutō, the force of the blow is too much for him, and he was sent flying back. Regaining his footing, Ichigo jumped back to fight Grand Fisher, who, launching his growing hair, began strangling Ichigo.

"Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself and burn! Tear out your own throat! Binding Spell 9: Strike!"

Rukia tries to use aKidō, with a good degree of success this time; but it is only temporary.

"At least your Kido still works." Tried Renji to reassure his friend.

"Yeah." She sighed. She really didn't like feeling helpless like that.

The Hollow retaliates.

"Do not interfere!" he yelled as he cut off the hair enveloping him.

"Rude." The girl muttered while crossing her arms and glaring at him.

They charged each other again.

"Didn't I say that this is careless, boy?!" roared the hollow. "Diving at your enemy's chest like this without a plan!"

Byakuya snorted.

Ichigo felt shocked as the hollow stopped his sword with his hand. His fingers wrapped around the blade.

"See, you suddenly hesitated." Mocked the beast. "That's what carelessness is!"

Ichigo could only watch in shock as the nails on the hollow's fingers grew, and grew, until they pierced his chest.

He grimaced. That would hurt, he was so not looking forward to this.

Ukitake gripped the armrests of his chair. That boy reminded him too much of Kaien. He just hoped he wouldn't have to watch Ichigo ass well.

He fell to his knees as the hollow let him go. He was panting harshly from the pain, only keeping upright because of his Zanpakutō, which he had stabbed in the ground.

"Carelessness, such carelessness." Said the hollow, with blood dripping from his claws.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Sneered Soifon.

"Agreeing with a hollow now?" grinned Shinji. "My my, who would have thought."

She huffed.

"With short-lived passion, you discard your companion, you dive at your enemy's chest. This is how you will be controlled by me."

Ichigo glared at him, face covered in blood from a cut he had received earlier just above his eye.

"And killed without giving me a single sword wound."

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" yelled the young Shinigami. "I'll defeat you! Even if my arms and legs are ripped off. I swear I will defeat you!" he got up and swung his Zanpakutō.

Soifon snorted. Arrogant boy.

"That's why you shall die." Grinned Grand Fisher. "You're young, therefore you're easy to anger. You're angry, therefore your heart is shaken. And so your heart is shaken, therefore your blade is dull."

He brought his lure back out, transforming it back into the girl he had seen the night his mother had gotten killed. He squeezed the head of the 'human girl'. As he removed his hand, the face of the "human girl" changed to that of Ichigo's mother.

"It's over boy! You're way too young to fight me!"

A close-up was shown of Ichigo's face as he gasped. Frowning with wide eyes at what looked to be his mother.

"That is low, even for a hollow." Muttered Shinji. "Stupid bastard."

"Hehe, you're surprised. I did say that I don't remember as far back as 6 years. Why is it that I could create your mother's body like this? You have to know the reason, right? That's what your face is saying!"

"You-" snarled Ichigo.

"You didn't realize? When I attacked you I only used this hand." He waved. "With these claws, I looked into your memories! With this hand," he raised his left hand, "I peek into my enemy's memories and then, with this hand, "he raised the other hand, "I created a thing similar to that. Even the most cold-blooded Soul Reaper has one person whom he can never kill. That is a certainty. By learning who that person is, I have been able to defy every Soul Reaper 'til now. And for you, this person is the one. Isn't that right, Ichigo."

"Damn!" he cursed as his mother finished that sentence, only speaking his name.

"What's wrong?" cooed the hollow. "Just by having your name called you already can't move. Can you draw your sword against this woman?"

"Why you-! Do you realize what you're doing? Don't you dare bring my mom's image out to a place like this!" he snarled.

The lure was brought in front of him and started talking at it looked him in the eyes.

"You must not, Ichigo. Put down your sword. Don't hurt your mother. Please."

Grand Fisher used Ichigo's stunned silence to stab its hand right through the lure and into Ichigo.

"Didn't I tell you? Anger will dull your sword. It will be over with the next blow, kid. But I'II say this much for you. Among those I have encountered, you were the youngest, and the most rash and the weakest Soul Reaper! Heheheheh-!"

He was cut off abruptly as Ichigo stabbed his Zanpakutō into his shoulder.

"I finally … caught you." Muttered Ichigo. "Anger can dull the blade, huh? That maybe so. But you know, Grand Fisher. You've made one mistake. To defeat a bastard like you that dulled blade is enough! It's over, Fisher! So let's pay respect. Out of all those I've encountered, you were the oldest, the filthiest, and the most irritating hollow of all!"

He swung his sword, still stuck in the hollow and tore out his arm and part of his body.

"Nice." Grinned Kenpatchi bloodthirsty.

"Yeah! Go Itchi!" cheered the pink-haired girl who sat on his shoulder.

Grand Fisher started screeching.

"My arm! My arm! My body is…!"

He planted his sword in the ground to help him keep upright. Ichigo coughed up a bit of blood. It started raining…

"I hate rain." Muttered Rukia is he bit her lip in worry.


He looked away from the hollow, who now laid on the ground in pain.

"Yo, you're late. I've already cleaned it all up." He grinned at Rukia.

"Fool." She smiled. "The one who said not to interfere was you."

"Oh yeah? Hehe."

Rukia's eyes widened. "Behind you, Ichigo!"

He barely dodged the tentacle that was shot past his face. It reattached itself to the lure and seemed to draw the main body towards it.

"Wha…?" asked Rukia shocked.

"What is happening?" asked Orihime confused.

The lure seemed to absorb the rest of the hollow.

"Hehe, Boy, you asked me when you first saw my form if the lure was a part of me? In other words, you asked; 'Are you the real body?' I'll answer that question. The answer is no! Both are the real body!" while the face stayed the same, the body grew. A hole appeared in the chest and Grand Fisher's hands appeared. It was like someone had taken his mother's head and stuck it on top of a hollow body.

"That is disturbing." Ishida sneered disgusted.

"If one part is injured, then I jump to the other! And with me now in this body… there's no way you can hit me!"

"You-" snarled Ichigo as he tried to stand up again.

"Wait! Ichigo! Stop! That's enough."

"Hehe, that's right, stop it! A beast with developed vision is always controlled by that vision! Yes, even though you know who I am on the inside, you can't cut me while I'm in your mother's form! And, even if you cut me, you can't follow me in that state!"

The hollow jumped high and disappeared in the trees.


"Will you stop it already?" frowned Renji. "He's gone and you're in no condition to chase him."

Ichigo glared at him. He really didn't like it that the monster who had killed his mother had gotten away.

"Ichigo! Enough already! Neither of you can fight any more. The battle is over!"

"Not yet! He's still not dead! I still—"

"Ichigo!" he fell forward into her arms, unconscious. "You lived, Ichigo Thank you."

Ichigo ran his hand through his hair as he sighed.

"Well, that's over." Commented the redhead with tattoos as he stretched.

Ichigo grit his teeth. Damn, these people were was too laidback! He had just found out his family would be under attack in less than a few hours. He needed to get back home to protect them! He got up from his chair, only for the blond guy next to him to grab his arm and dragged him back down.

"Calm down, Ichi-chan." He grinned. "No need to rush out of here."

"There is nothing you can do for your family at this moment." Commented the cat next to him. "We've been transported to a place where time doesn't have any effect. Meaning that while we're here, time in the real world stands still."

"So, you see, nothing to worry about." Urahara grinned.

He glared as the blond let go of him, and crossed his arms. He wasn't sure if he believed that, but no one else seemed to make a big deal out of it. No one seemed to be in a hurry to leave.

Well, dead people never seemed to be in a hurry. And wasn't that just strange. Apart from Orihime, Chad and Ishida, he was the only one not dead in the room! Sure, he was used to seeing a ghost here and there, but never this much in one room. And they didn't look like the ghosts he had gotten used to seeing. Usually they were transparent, these people were solid.


So what do you people think? Should I still continue?

And are there special parts you want me to include in these memories?

Updates on this story will be slow! I'll warn you, my other story 'Changing the Future through Memories' gets priority. For those of you who don't know, it's my Naruto time travel/memories watching fic. Go check it out!

Let me know in a review ;-)