Part 1

Riding the elevator down to the ground floor coming from Christian's office. I am so glad that's over. I can't believe Kate and her inappropriate questions. That question keeps repeating in my head how could she even write down such a question at all. (Mr Grey are you gay?) Ahg! At that moment I wish for the earth to swallow me completely. I finally reached the ground floor and when I reached the front desk to hand back my visitors badge, I thought about what he said about the internship program. Hmm… I have handed out my CV everywhere I can think of, I just might take him up on his offer. I asked front desk to point me to the HR department and find it quite easily.

They hand me an applications and I filled it out and from my phone I e-mailed them my CV I have in my draft box. Why would I possibly want to work here for? This is not even what I want to do at all. Maybe I am just pushing my luck a little yet I have this huge student loan I want to start pay off. I finally reach Kate's car and drove back to Portland. Thinking about Grey and how smart he look and somehow in the way he talked in the interview it's as if he was always speaking in a double meaning.

Then he somehow sounded that he could have a sad side to him at the same time. But what was that? Why am I even thinking about him at all? He is completely in another galaxy not even in the same universe. Yet his manner of speaking and his mouth. Oh that mouth of his was mesmerizing. I finally hit the I-5 and I floor Kate's care. I got home with time to spare to get a shift in at Clayton's. Kate bugged me over and over with her silly questions; how he was, what I think of him or what was it like to even speak to him. All I could tell her was how some of her questions were completely inappropriate and that she even sends me there without a short biography about him. She apologises like thirty times and then started to work on the article while I change for work.

At Clayton's I got to work on restocking shelves giving me way too much time with my own thoughts. What is about Christian Grey that is so appealing and mesmerizing at the same time? He really is seriously hot and I haven't thought that he would be so young. I thought I would face like a fifty-something that might be sarcastic and so arrogant. Not young and yummy Christian. Hmm… Damn it! Stop it Ana and concentrate on your work at hand. I shook my head to mentally clear my head and got back to work.

After my shift I head home to find that Kate was busy listening to the recorded interview. I made us both a sandwich and got to work on finishing my essay and started studying for my finals. At midnight I was done and would actually start to dream in words. That's how much I studied. The rest of my week skipped by in a rather steady passé. It was Thursday and I was checking stoke numbers on the computer to see if they match our entry log, when a figure at the counter caught my eye. I looked up and right into the familiar stormy gray eyes I have been dreaming about since my interview with him.

'Mr Grey?' I asked surprise.

'Miss Steele, fancy meeting you here. Do you work here?' He asked not taking his eyes off me.

'Yes, sir for the past four years. What can I help you with?'

'I am in need of some cable ties.'

'We stock various lengths it's in the electrical aisle.'

'Lead the way Miss Steele.' I walked to the cable ties and showed him the various lengths we stock. What is he going to do with these anyway? He really doesn't look like the handy man type of guy. He picked the length he wanted, then stood up again.

'Anything else Mr Grey?'

'Duck type.' Duck type to do what with, kidnap someone with the stuff you already have. I shook the dark thoughts out of my mind and held up the two sizes we do stock and he picked the wider of the two.

'Anything else, sir?'

'Yes, I would like some rope.'

'We have various types of rope, which would you like more.'

'I'd like five yards of the filament rope please.' I measure it and cut it with my Stanley knife. Luckily I didn't cut some of my fingers off in the process. He asked me what else I would recommend and I suggest a coverall. I rang everything up for him.

'So how is the article coming along?' He asked and clearly trying to prolong his visit.

'Well I'm not writing it Miss Kavanagh is writing it and it is coming together quite well. The only thing she is upset about is that she doesn't have any original photos of you.'

'Well I'm in Portland until Friday. Here is my card it has my cell number on it. Give me a call and we can arrange something. Just one thing you have to call before ten in the morning.'

'Thank you. Will that be all, Mr Grey?'

'Yes, thank you.' He replied and hand me his credit card from his wallet. I place all the things he bought in a bag for him. I just placed the last item in a bag when a male voice called my name from the front door of the store. It's Paul, Mr Clayton's kid brother, home for his birthday this weekend.

'Please excuse me Mr Grey.' I walked over to Paul.

'Hi, Paul. Your home early for your brother's birthday.'

'Yeah, I wanted to surprise them.' He said and gave me a quite hug. He rushed off to the back office to go surprise his family. I returned to the counter and gave Christian his credit card back.

'Sorry about that, sir.' He looks so, distant as he pressed his lips in a hard line. He looks in a way mad.

'Well just let me know about the photo shoot.'

'Of course.' He walked to the front door of the shop and I followed him out.

'Oh, and Miss Steele, I'm really glad you did the interview instead of Miss Kavanagh.' He left me with that parting word. I stared after him as he turned and smiled at me as he swing his purchased items bag over his shoulder and strolled off. What the heck was that all about? Why was he even here? He have enough money to hire help to decorate the grand canyon then he do it himself. Come on Ana snap out of it. I gave Kate call to talk about a photo shoot. She was over the moon about the idea of having a photo shoot. Now I have to call Christian to arrange the time for the shoot tomorrow. He was so delighted to hear from me.

Everything is all set up for the photo shoot tomorrow morning. I later got home and Kate was busy putting the finishing touches on the article. I just went straight to my room and thought of Christian as I tried to study. I finally pushed all thoughts of Christian to the back of my mind and concentrate on my studies. I was still on my bed studying when I fell asleep dreaming of a sexy man with gray eyes and unruly copper colour hair. It was after two AM and I was tossing and turning thinking only of Christian mysterious Grey. Great I bet I will look just great in the morning with this little sleep. It was around four in the morning when I fell asleep again just to be woken by Kate in a panic not knowing what to wear to the photo shoot.

'Kate? Just wear whatever.'

'You really still don't get it, Ana. We are facing a billionaire in a few hours and we have to dress accordingly. Come up-up-up. You need to get ready yourself.'

'He is just a normal guy, the fact that he have a ton of cash should not be even a factor, Kate.'

'Come you can wear something of mine.'

'Kate?' I complained with a yawn.

'Come up you go.' She dragged me out of bed and into the bathroom. I took a shower and was hauled off to Kate's room where I was squeezed into a mini skirt and a flattering blouse, with my own black boots. Kate pin my hair up and done my make-up.

'You know I don't get it why you are doing all this. We will only going to see him for a few minutes anyway.'

'Presentation is everything my dear. He must be taken by you, since he came all the way to see you at Clayton's. Although it is kind of creepy that he knew where you work.' Kate sure has a point there. How did he know where I work? This is getting really strange. I can't remember filling it in on my application. Oh, shit I haven't told Kate yet I have applied to his internship program yet. Yet it is none of her business is it. I was powdered and puffed and ready to go and so was Kate, we picked up Jose and his friend that will be helping with the lighting today. James I think it was? The manager of the Heathman hotel upgraded our booked suit to one of the halls of the hotel and Jose and James started to set up all their equipment.

'Go on call him and tell him we are ready for him in the hall.' Bossy Kate told me and obeyed her calling orders. I gave him a call and he was already on his way towards us. They entered and he really took my breath away with his gracious movements. He really is so poise. We locked eyes and a genuine smile broke out on his handsome model like face. We shook hands and I introduced Kate and the rest of the crew to him. I can just stand back and admire him from the corner of the big hall. I stood next to mister buzz cut that came in with Christian. He was clearly security by the way he observed the room. Christian and I ever so often locked eyes and I just couldn't look away at all.

I can feel his eyes scanning me from head to toe. What is his deal and why me? I really don't get it. He can date supermodels from some exotic country like Brazil or Italy. Why Ana from nowhere on her way to nowhere? Trying to get a white collar job, to repay my huge dept I'm in, from the student loan I have. My phone rang and it was his office. His head of the HR department they want me to come in for a face to face interview. I told Suzann the head of the HR department, that I can only see them once my finals are done which will be in a weeks time.

So we set up an interview for the following Monday. She was happy to move it to the following Monday. So Monday morning at 10AM I have an interview. I return back to the photo shoot. Kate was real bossy throughout this whole photo shoot. I started to feel faint I haven't had breakfast and all this much Christian in the room makes for a heady mixture. After the shoot he wanted to see me out in the hall.

'Are you busy now Miss Steel?' He asked when we reached the hallway.

'Well I have to drive everyone back to campus and I have finals to study for.' He chuckle mocking me in my awkwardness. Jerk.

' Taylor can take them. We have a 4X4 he can even take all the equipment. I would really like to have coffee with you Miss Steele?'

'Oh. That would be nice.' Anything to prolong our time together would be nice.


'Let me just swap cars with Kate.'

'I'll arrange with Taylor to take everyone back to campus.'

'Thank you.' I bounce back to where Kate was and asked her to swap cars, and briefly told her that he wants to have coffee with me and I don't even like coffee at all. She warned me that there is something about him she can't quite put her finger on that he is wrong for me. What is her problem? Someone like me, what does she even mean? With everything sorted Christian and I head for the elevators. He took my hand and we stroll inside the elevator when it arrives.

A young couple jumped apart when we entered making Christian and me grin at them as we stand and wait for the elevator to arrive on the lobby floor. The elevator doors open and again he took my hand as we head out towards the street and he didn't seem like he want to let go of my hands so we head for the side door instead of the revolting doors. We turn right and walked down four blocks to the coffee shop. I'm walking in public with mysterious Mr Grey holding my hand. Wow! I would have never thought that something like this would ever happen to me. We enter the coffee shop and with him holding the door for me like a proper gentleman I walked in ahead of him.

'What would you like?'

'English breakfast tea, baggie out. Please.'

'No coffee?'

'No, Christian I'm not big on coffee.'

'Very well. Anything to eat?'

'No thank you.'

'Surely you must be hungry?' He insisted. Actually I am but not when you are in the vicinity Grey.

'No, I'm good.'

'Very well, why don't you get us a table while I get out stuff.'

'Okay.' I got us a table and strangely I can't really picture him standing in line at a normal shop to be helped. I am sure he has staff that usually do this kind of things for him, like Taylor his buzz cut bodyguard. He returned and placed the tray on our table with our stuff on it. He placed my tea pot and a saucer with my tea bag on the side with an additional cup and saucer in front of me and he sat down with his coffee and blueberry muffin. I must remember not to stare at his distracting mouth no matter what.

'So penny for your thoughts?' I feel myself go bright red as I try to get my wayward thoughts under some sort of control. I settle on making my tea the way I like it, to distract myself from rudely staring at him. I look up at him and right into his gray eyes.

'So your thoughts Miss Steele?'

'This is my favourite tea.' Really my brain to mouth filler is clearly broken. I can't believe I just answered the silliest way known to man. Ahg! Earth swallow me now. Christian look at me and frowned, clearly trying to figure me out somehow.

'I like my tea black and weak.' I continued, nervously. Why am I even nerves? This is all just so silly.

'I see. So tell me is he your boyfriend?'


'The photographer?' I laughed at the thought of Jose being my boyfriend.

'No, Mr Grey. He is not my boyfriend. I have never really had any form of a boyfriend since I started college. There was one in high school but he died in a bad car accident just after his 18th birthday. If you must know Jose is more like the brother I never had.'

'Huh, I see and the boy that hugged you yesterday at the store?'

'Oh, Paul he is the owners kid brother. He asked me out like a million times whenever he is home from Princeton but I always just feel so weird to date the bosses brother and I always turn him down. Why do you ask?'

'You really nervous around men.' Wow… where is he going with this? I looked down at my knotted fingers in my lap. 'What?'

'I just find you very intimidating.'

'Well you should find me intimidating.' He nod's at me. 'You're very honest. Please don't look down. I like to see your face.' I looked up at him and he gave me an encouraging smile. 'It gives me some sort of clue what you might be thinking.' He breathes. 'You're very mysterious, Miss Steele.'

Really, mysterious me? How did I manage that?

'There is really nothing mysterious about me at all.'

'Well I think you very self-contained .' He murmured. 'Except when you blush, of course , which is often. I just wish I knew what you are blushing about.' He breathed as he pop a small piece of muffin into his mouth.

'Do you always make such personal observations?' I asked taking a sip of my tea.

'I haven't realised that I have. Did I offend you in some way?' He sounded surprised somehow.

'No.' I looked at him and answered truthfully.


'But you're very high handed, yourself Mr Grey.' He raise his eyebrows at me, while he continue to eat his muffin.

'I'm used to getting my way Anastasia.' He murmured. 'In all things.'

'I don't doubt that at all.' I looked at him while he stared back at me. Taking in all his lovely features. The curves of his lips, the straightness of his nose, his alluring eyes. Those same eyes that made me lose sleep last night and I felt myself blush again. Damn it, why does all my emotions have to show on my face.

'Why haven't you asked me to call you by your name?' I asked taking the last sip of my tea and pour me the last cup from the tea pot. He studied me as he finish, his muffin, whipping his hands on the paper napkin.

'The only people that call me by my given name is my family and very few of my close friends. That is how I like it.' He seems intrigue with me somehow.

'Are you an only child Miss Steele?'

'Yes.' Where did that question come from?

'Please tell me about your parents?'

'Why it's really a dull story.'


'My mother Carla lives in Georgia with her new husband, Bob and my stepfather lives in Montesano.'

'Your father?'

'My father died when I was just a baby.'

'I'm sorry.' He said, and a strange troubled look crosses his face. What is it? Yet deep inside I think he knows what it feels like to lose a parent early in his life. It might explain why he was adopted. Focus Steele.

'I don't really remember him at all.'

'And your mother remarried?' I snorted at the question. He even had a bigger question mark on his face as he studied my face now.

'You could say that.' He frowns deepen while staring at me.

'You don't really give much away, Miss Steele.'

'Neither are you.'

'Miss Steele you interviewed once before and I can remember some probing questions then.' He spoke with a struggling straight face. Shit he remembered "that" question. I don't think I will ever live that down.

'My mom Carla is a great warm wonderful person. She really is an incurable romantic. She's currently on her fourth husband.' He just looked at me while sipping his coffee. 'I miss her very much. I might fly home for a weekend soon, if I don't find a job in Seattle soon. She has Bob now. So I just hope he can keep a better eye on her then I did, when her harebrained schemes don't go as planned.' I smiled fondly. I haven't seen my mother in a year. I look up and right at his mouth, I really shouldn't look at his mouth.

'Do you get along with your stepfather?'

'Of course. I grew up with him. He really is the only father I know.'

'And what is he like?' He asked sitting forward in his chair playing with my free hand. My heart is in my throat at the contact.

'Ray? Well he is… taciturn.'

'That's it, no elaboration at all?' He asked surprised. What does Christian want my life's story?

'Taciturn like his stepdaughter.' Grey prompted.

'Very well, he likes soccer- European soccer especially- and bowling, fly-fishing and making furniture. He is a carpenter by trade and also ex-army.'

'And you lived with him?'

'Yes. My mom met husband number three when I was fifteen. I stayed with Ray.' It looks more like he doesn't understand.

'You didn't want to live with your mom?' he asked.

'Husband number three lived in Texas. My home was in Montesano. And… you know, my mom was newly married.' I stopped talking, besides mom never really talked about husband number three at all.

'Okay, tell me about your parents,' I asked to change the firing questions at me, back at him. He just look uncomfortable with my question but answer anyway.

'My dad is a lawyer and my mother is a paediatrician. They live here in Seattle.'

'What do your siblings do?'

'Elliot's in construction and my little sister Mia is in Paris, studying cookery under some renowned French chef.' His eyes cloud over with irritation. It's clear he doesn't want to elaborate on his family at all. But somehow spoke fondly of his little sister.

'I hear Paris is really lovely,' I murmured.

'It is. Have you ever been?' He asked drinking some of his remaining coffee. I just shook my head from side to side.

'No, I have never really left continual USA. But it is really London I would like to visit more than anything.'

'Why, London?'

'Well, I would like to visit all the places where all my favourite authors got their inspiration from, like the Bronte sister, Shakespeare, Jane Austin and of course Thomas Hardy. Just to name a few.' He nodded his head and finishes his coffee. He sat back in his chair, his hands on his thighs just looking at me. What on earth is he thinking?

'What are you doing tomorrow evening?'

'Working and Studying. Why?'

'I would like to have dinner with you, tomorrow night. Are you really going to study on a Friday evening?'

'I have to, our finals start Monday and we finish on that same Friday.'

'Okay, what about next Friday then?'

'I don't know? Why do you have such a fascination towards me, Mr Grey? Why me, I am really a very dull person.' I just blurted it out. Did I really just say that out loud? He looked at me real puzzled.

'Why do you ask such a question Miss Steele? You really don't see yourself very clearly, do you?'

'I just don't understand. You can have any other woman out there, like super models or something. Why Ana Steele the literature student with a huge student loan and now only trying to find her place in the world. Why me?'

'Very well, you're young I give you that. But to be completely honest with you I have never in all my life, have I ever felt so strongly about anyone then the way I feel towards you Anastasia. You're beautiful and charming, have a bit of a smart mouth but over all wonderful to be around. You clearly are old before your time by the way you speak of caring for your mother all your life. Yet I really want to get to know you better.' His words took my breath away. Christian Grey thinks I'm beautiful. Wow! Good going Ana, my inner goddess jumped on her sofa.

'Very well then, next Friday then.'

'Good. We'll go to Seattle for the evening.'

'Oh, okay.' Seattle cool. He looked at his watch and that reminds me I have to get back I still have to study. He looked back up at me. I finish my second cup of tea.

'I should get back I have to study still and be at work by two.'

'Of course.' He stood held out his hand for me and I took it we strolled back to the Heathman hotel. I was about to cross the road since the little green man flash for us to cross when a cyclist came from the wrong direction in the road right towards me.

'Shit Ana!' Christian yelled and pulled me from the road backwards and I trip backwards and into his arms. I felt faint by the quick action, I nearly did pass out. Slowly he let me back on my feet, his arms are around me. And in all of my heads spinning, all I can think about was please just kiss me. He just cupped my face as we stare at each other, on the sidewalk.

'Are you okay, Miss Steele?'

'Yes, thanks to you.' I said and step out of his arms.

'Are you sure? You can come lay down in my suite.'

'I'm perfectly fine. I really need to get back. I don't want Kate to worry.'

'Very well.' After that we waited for the new green man to say to us we can go. We continued our walk down the sidewalk to the basement parking lot. Christian and I parted ways by the parking lot entrance. He even wished me well for my exams.


I got home and Kate finished her article with the photos taken today.

'Hey. How was coffee with Christian?'

'Interesting. Quite frankly I can't see why he is even interested in dull old me?'

'Ana I have told you a million times, you're a babe. When are you going to except that?' She spoke leaning against my room door while I change for work. 'I have finished the article. Want to read it?'

'Sure.' I smiled at her and we head to the dining table where she has been working on the article for a long time. 'Oh, one of the places I send my CV to called me back this morning. I have to be in Seattle the Monday after our exams.'

'Ana that is wonderful. Which company?'

'I can't remember but, I have their e-mail on my phone though.' I just had to change the subject.

'Coming back to mister mysterious how was he?'

'He was great. He wants to have dinner next Friday.'

'Really? Well- well, watch out world Ana Steele is on a roll.' She spoke in one of her funny voices and made us both giggle like high school cheerleaders. My inner goddess was doing very happy cartwheels all over the living room. I skim over the article and it is really good.

'This is really great Kate. Great work.'


'Well I'm off. See you tonight.'

'Okay, drive safe.'

'Will do. Bye.'

At Clayton's store I got to work helping early DIY families to get their weekend shopping done early before the other weekend crowd's stream in. It was around six PM when the last customers left and we could start to restock the shelves and it gave me way too much time with my own thoughts. I replay our whole coffee morning in my head. Some of the things I said I really wish I haven't at all. I got back later that evening and just dove into my studies. The whole week, I only came out of my room to go to work or going to the bathroom. Other then that I studied my butt off. I don't think 'Thomas Hardy' knew himself this well.


I finish my very last question with fifteen minutes to spare. I wrote the last word of my very last test of my college career. I looked over at Kate she was still busy her pen moving frantically. I sat back and wonder what Kate had me do last night. She waxed, shave and pluck away any form of hair on my body. She even waxed me "there". You know. It was painful at first but near the end I got use to it.

So I am officially hairless. I started to feel happy that I am finally done with college. Feel like the smiling Cheshire cat in the new 'Alice in wonderland' because the old one just freaked me out to much. Kate finished and looked over at me with the same kind of smile. Afterward we head home and automatically went into celebration mode. Jose my photographer friend, burst into our apartment with a bottle of champagne in his hand.

'I have excellent news.' He smiled like a fool.

'What is it?' I asked returning his smile.

'Portland's Gallery have agreed to display all my photos.'

'That is wonderful! Congratulations.' I jumped up and gave him a hug and thenKate. I got some cheese and cracker bread from the kitchen while Kate got some glasses. Jose opened the bottle of bubbly for us and pour us all full glasses while we sat on the living room floor drinking and eating cheese and crackers. After my second glass I started to feel a little heady. So I stop drinking. Jose later left and I got ready for my date with Mr mysterious Grey. He picked me up at six thirty PM and we head towards what look like under cover parking.

Christian took my hand and we head into an elevator and we head towards the roof of the parking garage. On top is a heliport, with a huge helicopter with Christian's company logo on the side. This is surely misuse of company property. I had on a black skirt with a powder pink blouse on and high heels Kate insisted I wear.

I was just so nervous about the shoes, that I might trip over my own two feet, I even fell into his office for crying out loud. He spoke to an old timer and yet this old man deserve the Grey respectful treatment while his other employees only which will be me soon as well just receive, the at most edited versions of his conversations. I wonder how poor Taylor copes with his clipped way of speaking. What is he going to fly us to Seattle himself?

'Come now, I'll get you strapped in.' Chrirstian helped me into the front seat of the helicopter and strapped me in. 'I really like this harness.' He spoke over the wind on the roof. My heart is in my mouth, I never thought we will be flying to Seattle. He got in at the pilots side of the helicopter and strap himself in and started to flip all sorts of switches and knobs. The rotating blades started to spin around and makes a really loud noise. Christian point to the headphones so I put it on.

'Here we go, are you ready?'

'Are you sure you know what you are doing?'

'I have been a pilot for the past four years Miss Steele, you don't need to worry and beside this is one of the safest helicopter models on the market today. Don't worry we'll be great.'

'Okay.' He radioed into the control tower and after a few minutes we took off higher and higher as Portland got all smaller below us and then we start moving forward towards Seattle. The sun is already a third of the way set as we flew into the direction of the sun. The setting sun with the combination of the clouds it painted a lovely orange and coral coloured landscape.

'Pretty amazing isn't it?'

'Yes it is. Do you impress all, the woman like this, with come fly in my helicopter?' He smiled at me and I melt.

'No Anastasia, you're the first.'

'Oh. It really is pretty up here.'

'Indeed it is Miss Steele.' We fell silent as he steered us to Seattle. I can hear we are entering Seattle airspace and they communicated with him and he responded. We are starting to move closer and closer towards the tall buildings and a panic started to grip my heart as we flew so close to some of them. Ten minutes later he landed the helicopter on the roof a building that had the writing Escala on the roof and we touchdown on the helipad. He power down the blades and release me from the caging harness.

'Come, we are here.' He said and got out walking around to my side and helped me out of the helicopter. With his arm around my shoulders we head down a short flight of stairs and into a waiting elevator. He punched in a code in the key pad and the elevator starts to move down. The moment the elevator started moving he punch in a second code and the elevator came to a halt on a floor below the roof. The doors slide open, and we step into the most breathtaking penthouse.

There's a Madonna and child in the foyer and through the double glass doors there is the largest single room I have ever seen. On my left is tall dining room table with at least sixteen chairs around it. On my right is a high tech kitchen all white with cupboards with no handles and a breakfast bar that seat six people easily. Then off in the far corner is a beautiful shiny full scale grand piano and off to the side is a large U shape white couch facing a fancy fire place that is gas lit. On the large wall behind me, it's filled with all manner of exquisite and clearly expensive painting. It make the room seems more like an art gallery then a home for one single man. I looked over at Christian and he was examining me closely.

'So what do you think?' He asked taking my jacket for me.

'It's exquisite Christian. The paintings really brings something else to this huge room.'

'Yes it does. Would you like something to drink?'

'Yes please.'

'White wine okay?'

'Sure.' He stroll over to the kitchen and pull out a bottle of white wine from the cellar fridge and pour us both a glass of wine. He hand me a glass and started to pull all sorts of cheeses and a French loaf from the fridge and placing it on a large plate with small bunches of grapes in the middle.

'Please help yourself. You must be hungry.'

'Thank you,' and I ate two slices of French loaf with a delicious matured cheddar cheese on it. In combination with the white wine it was great.

'Why I am here Christian?'

'I have a proposal for you Miss Steele. Wait here I be right back.' I nod my head and took another sip of my wine. I feel so out of place in this huge fancy room as I look around the room. I now only notice the glass wall leading to a balcony overlooking greater Seattle down below. It really is a breath taking view from up here with all the building lights on. Ten minutes later he returned with two separate bundles of documents. What is all this?

'Here this is a NDA. In other words it's a none disclosure agreement stating that you cannot talk about us to anyone.'

'Not even Kate?'

'Not anyone.' He made it clear with burning eyes.

'Very well. I briefly read it and signed it.'

'Are you sure you understand what you just signed Miss Steele?'

'Well what you fail to understand Mr Grey. Is whatever we do or don't do, will only stay between us. I won't even speak to nosy Kate about us. Frankly it's none of anyone's business.'

'Point well made Miss Steele.' He grin and took a sip of his wine. I sign the second document that was the same as the first and stick it in my purse.

'This is the actual contract I want you to go through on your own time. Please read it properly and if you have any questions please feel free to ask me.' I just nod my head. I read the first page. My eyes froze on the words dominate and submissive. What the heck is he playing at? I look up at him.

'What is it?' He asked looking curious.

'What is this Christian? Are you some sort of sadist?'

'No Anastasia I am a dominate. You surely have heard of the terms before I am sure.'

'No I have not.'

'Come I want to show you my play room.' What, is he serious? He stood holding out his hand for me to take it.

'You want to play on your Xbox?'

'No Miss Steele no Playstation or Xbox. Come I'll show you.' We head up a flight of stairs to a second floor and came to a complete stop at a white door. He pulled a key from his pant pocket and unlocks the door and turn on the light in the room. The walls of the room is an ox blood, soft pleasant lighting filled the room, and the furniture in the room shocked me to my core.

It's like I stepped into time locked bubble that was locked in the time of the Elizabethan era with wooden crosses bolted to the wall with cuffs on it, a padded wooden bench, a large solid wood table, carabiners all over the ceiling. A largre then a normal king size bed and a red leather chesterfield couch facing the bed. On the opposite walls are whips, riding crops, funny floppy looking pom-poms and a rather large chest of drawers. I finally turned back to face Christian and I know he is trying to figure out what I was thinking. I don't know myself what to make of all of this. I blink and stare at this beautiful man I had dreams about for the past week.

'Say something please?' He is almost begging.

'Do you use this room very often?'


'How many?'


'Just woman, or men to?'

'Men are really not my scene, Anastasia.'

'So you want to do this with me?'

'Yes, Miss Steele more then I have ever wanted to, in my entire life.'


'Because it will please me very much if you do.'

'I don't understand why me?'

'I don't know Anastasia but there is just something about you that I can stay away from.' That surely is a bomb he just dropped. He can't stay away from me, WOW. You go Steele.

'Come I can't concentrate with you in this room let's go talk about this in the living room.'

'Oh, okay.' What in the hell have I stepped into here tonight. He wants me to please him. Deep down I know that is exactly what I want to do. So even if I sign this darn ten page contract I get the chance to see him right? We sit back down on the couch.

'So what do you think?'

'You want to use your riding crops on me?'

'Yes, among other things, Miss Steele. This contract in none in forcible, but it is all you need to know. What my limits are and I need to know what your limits are?'


'Yes, Anastasia I need to know your pain level and you need to know mine.' What the f? This is way too much information for one evening, I feel faint. 'So what is it?'


'Your pain limit.' He prompted.

'I don't know. I have never done this before.'

'I knew you were inexperience when I invited you here, Miss Steele. But you surely must have some idea.'

'Sorry I do not. I was not even beaten as a child so I really have no idea.'

'Okay, you must surely know when you have sex what things you liked or don't like to do.' I squrem in my seat looking at my knotted fingers on my lap.

'Sorry I won't know either about that.'

'What? You haven't had sex before?' I shook my head and he turn as white as a sheet. 'Just tell me how you have avoided sex all your live, Miss Steele.'

'I guess I never really met the right person, yet.'

'I can't understand that a man have not swept you off your feet you, your 21 almost 22. Your young and so beautiful.' He babbles on and I inwardly jump for joy that Christian Grey thinks I am beautiful. Score one for Ana. I tried to hide my smile as I look at my fingers on my lap.

'Have you ever been kissed before?'

'Of course I have been.' Feeling a bit offended by his question.

'Then I showed you all this. Oh, my god forgive me.' He spoke and fell silent as he look at me and I could not look away. 'Come we are going to rectify your situation.' What? I am a situation now? I can just never keep up with him at all.

'Ana for us to have any form of a relationship we have to make this work and this one is a meets to an end I can only see to make it work.' What Christian Grey want to sleep with me. Yet my whole body screams at me that this is why I came here tonight in the first place. 'Look it is all up to you, I don't want to push my luck here. If you want to go the helicopter is on standby to take you back whenever you want.'

'I don't want to go, unless you want me to go.' I really do want to leave at all.

'Of course not, I really love having you here.' He stares at me. 'So what will it be Miss Steele?' He held out is hand to me. I took it without even thinking twice. We head to his room and close the door behind us. The lights are off and the only light that is coming into the room is from the city as the glass wall on one side of the room that leads to another balcony. He shrug out of his jacket and lay it on the chair next to the door. The rest of the evening went by in a rather slow pleasurable passé. I am no longer a virgin and I gave it to this wonderful man sleeping beside me. My whole body ache in stiffness. I fell asleep again. Most of the weekend was like that. The more we do 'it' the more I want to do 'it' with him.


Sunday evening Christian dropped me off at my apartment on campus. The whole weekend went on into instant reply in my mind and as I lay on my silly double bed thinking about how gentle and sweet Christian was all weekend. He told me to think about the contract and to give him a call if I have done some research on some of the topics on the contract. As he puts it, I need to know all the facts and what I am getting myself into. I borrow Kate's laptop and started to do some of the research in wikipidia and I was even more shocked to the core and I learned so much in the process, then I reread the contract like five times before I started to make notes of what I would like and what I won't even consider.

Some of the things he has in his appendix sections I researched and reread most of the thing over just to make sure I understand the function of each of the point stated here in his written contract. It was about four in the morning when I whip out my research history from Kate's laptop and lay it back on the dining room table. I head to the bathroom took a shower then went to bed. I lay in the dark, staring at the ceiling thinking about a zillion things. Christian has too many of a complicated sides to him. I fell asleep and at seven AM, I am up and writing out all the points I would like to do and won't even consider on a separate piece of paper.

I signed the contract and then sealed it all in a big envelope. I got ready wash my hair, done my make-up and got into a slim figure hugging black cocktail slash office dress. I curled my hair and then with a delicate golden necklace around my neck, I head out to my little old Wanda and head towards Seattle. I hit the I-5 and traffic got more hectic the closer I get to Seattle. At ten AM prompt I step in at Grey Enterprise Holdings HR department and Suzann came to fetch me for my interview. I hand her another copy of my CV.

We head to her office and to my surprise the other person in Suzann's office is Christian's very own secretary Andrea, I think her name was. She smiled politely at me and we shook hands. The position is for a personal PA for Christian himself. They started to question me about everything and how far I am willing to go as working here at GEH. I told them I would scrub the floors as well if it's any form of learning. They were clearly happy with all my answers. They look at each other and nod their heads in unison.

'When can you start Miss Steele?'

'In two weeks. I'm moving from Portland to Seattle.'

'Very well. Welcome to the Grey Enterprises Holdings family.'

'Thank you so much, and thank you for the opportunity to work here.'

'You're welcome. If you like we can show you around a little.' Andrea offered.

'Thank you that would be nice.' Suzanna hand me my job description and I glance at it and then stick it in my purse. In my other hand I have the big brown envelope with Christian's signed contract into. We reached the familiar top floor and Andrea and I step out of the elevator and she showed me my work station.

'It will be nice to have some great company. It sometime can get quite dull when Mr Grey is out having meeting all over the city and the phones does ring quite a bit yet you get your quite days and all your work is up to date and having you working with me will be a nice change. Christian clearly is in his office having a meeting. Andrea was still showing me around and where what is and how the procedures work when clients come up here and how Mr Grey like his coffee, and his stuff done. She was still showing me round when Christian's office door flew open and I pay him no mind as I feel his eyes on my back.

'Come along let me introduce you to the big boss you will work closely with.'

'Okay.' I turned and followed her towards where Christian stood frozen on one spot.

'Mr Grey. This is Miss Anastasia Steele your new personal PA.' He stuck out his hand and a mysterious grin spread over his face. I took hold of his hand and yes that electric charge between us is there. The past weekend flash through my mind and my cheeks heat up.

'Nice to finally meet you Mr Grey. I have heard so much about you.' I tried very hard to play it cool in front of Andrea.

'Nice to meet you as well Miss Steele. Would you like to step into my office for a few minutes?'

'Sure.' Andrea backed off and Christian closed the door behind him. His face changed he look more pissed off then Friday evening.

'Please take a seat Anastasia. Why haven't you told me you applied to my internship program?'

'At first I thought it was a bad idea. Yet I was desperate to get a job and then Suzann phone me the day of the photo shoot and we set up the interview for this morning.' He sat at the edge of his desk looking at me arms cross over his chest. He nod his head.

'Well I am glad you took me up on my offer in the end. Have you done the research on the contract I gave you?'

'Yes, I have. Here, this is for you.' I hand him the large brown envelope. He opened it and pull out the contract and gaze at it and when he came to the last page his mouth drop open in surprise and just stare at me.

'You signed it.'

'Yes, after I memorized the whole contract after the sixth time I read it and write my one notes that should be on a separate piece of paper in there. He pull it out and read it three times.

'Fair enough Miss Steele, all these are very valid points. I will redraft a new contract which you can resign with all the points you want to take away and put in this weekend.'

'Very well. Is there anything else sir?'

'Yes, when do you officially start here?'

'In two weeks.'


'Kate and I we are moving to Seattle this week and I would like to fly out to Georgia for a few days to go see my mother, I haven't seen her in a year. I really miss her.'

'When were you going to tell me this?'

'I didn't know I have to since I will be with you every weekend. Or did I read the contract wrong somehow.'

'No you didn't. So you will be back by the weekend then.'

'Of course. I don't want to violate our agreement, Mr Grey.'

'I think you are going to fit in here just great.' He smiled at me and I can't help but smile back at him. It started to rain.

'I should go, I have still some packing to do and work at the hardware store to do today.'

'Let me show you out.' He said and showed me out to the elevator down to where my old car was parked.

'This is what you are driving?' He looked at my precious old Wanda like she should be in a junk yard.

'Yes, she's a very loyal safe old lady. My stepfather, Ray bought her for me when I started college to get around.'

'I think we can do better, Ana surely.' I can see the wheels in his head spinning in over drive.

'Please don't go there where you are going. I can't except a car from you Christian.'

'We'll see. I just want you safe baby. Please let me splash out a little on you.' I just grin at him and shook my head as I look at Wanda's keys in my hand. He tilted my head back up so I would look into his eyes.

'Please.' He pleaded.

'As you wish master.' I spoke as I smile up at him and his mouth drop open for the second time. I am kind of please that I can somehow effect him on some level.

'Good girl. Now for god sake please drive safe. The roads are wet.'

'I will. See you Friday.'

'Oh yes, before I forget. Here.' He hand me a card with two codes on it. 'This one is for the garage and this one is for the elevator to my penthouse at Escala.'

'Thank you.'

'You're welcome. Bye.' He helped me into my car close my door and ran back to his building out of now heavy down pour. I pull away and head back to the interstate, heading back to Portland. Even with the rain aside I made good time back to Portland. I text Christian letting him know I am safely home. I pack one box then head to Clayton's for my third last shift. I had a stupid grin on my face I just couldn't shake it. I am going to see Christian mysterious Grey every single day. Oh what a really yummy thought. At eight in the evening I head home and joined Kate in the packing. Tomorrow is our graduation and mom and Bob can't make it.

Bob torn some ligaments in his foot and he is hopping around like a bunny. But Ray will be here. Kate already wrote her Valedictorian speech for tomorrow and she went over it and asked me how it sounds and I told it's great from start to finish. I told her I got a job a PA at big company and she was just happy for me. Kate and her whole family will be going on Holiday to Barbados for two weeks leaving me alone in our new apartment in Seattle. Everything was already pack up in boxes and we only had out the bare essentials.

We finally went to bed and as for me I fell asleep real quickly and dreamed of me being tied up on Christian's cross and he would slap me with a riding crop on all the sensitive spots on my body and before I knew it I was panting and dripping with need. He kept on his play and my breathing hitched a bit and I came in his hand as he cup my sex with his hand. I jolt awake and I came in my sleep I was so out of breath. How can I dream of 'that'? Is that how it will be? If so I really wish to do that again. Oh great I will look just very peachy tomorrow with this less sleep. I got up and took a shower then got back into bed and fell back asleep, happy dreamlessly.

Kate was already gone to prepare for her speech. My wonderful father arrived and was all smiles as we haven't saw each other in a long while. I was already dress and ready to leave. I'm wearing a halter neck grey sliver'ish dress with matching shoes. Since Ray and I have time to spare I made us some tea.

'So are you girls all packed?'

'Yes, the movers will be here real early tomorrow morning.'

'Good. Thanks for helping us move daddy.'

'You're welcome honey. This way I can see where you are moving to and also help out.' I just smiled at the only man I know as my father. I might as well tell him now before someone takes him by surprise later.


'Yes, Annie?'

'I have to mention, that I have met someone.'

'Really? That is wonderful. I hope he is treating you right sweetheart?'

'Yes, he is.'

'What is his name?'

'Christian Grey.' Ray just nod his head as he finish his tea. I looked at him as I also down the last of my tea.

'If he starts to hurt you honey, you just tell me okay.' Oh daddy if only you know. Yet in the way he punishes I kind of like it, but what girl will tell that to her father's face.

'I will daddy. I promise. Come now or we will be late.' I said and loop my arm through Ray's as we head out to his car. He wants to take me for lunch after the ceremony. We arrive and the gym is already crammed. Ray took his seat with the other parents on the bleachers and I took my seat right in the middle of two friends talking. The students start to take up their seats and the hall fill quickly. At exactly eleven AM the ceremony started and all the faculty members and deans walked out on stage along with Kate and… nnooo! Christian Grey. What- what on earth is he doing here. They all took their seat and my cheeks heat up like a beacon. He is searching the crowd for me. The two girls on either side of me started to talk about him. And in a way I feel real anger and jealousy towards them for speaking about him so matter-of-factly.

'Do you think he is seeing anyone?' The girl on my left ask the girl on my right. I just couldn't take it anymore so I jumped in- in their conversation.

'Yes, as a matter of fact I do think he is seeing someone. I interviewed him for the school paper and he told me off the record that he is seeing someone.'

'Oh. So how was he?'

'Very sarcastic and intimidating and poise.' And an amazing lover. He really is god in the sack and can read a woman's body better then she can, oh and his lips. Oh, god those lips. I flash again as the images flash through my mind. His eyes finally met mine and yes even from this distance I can feel our pull towards each other. He had a slight grin on his face and I only notice now that he is wearing that grey tie he tied me up with our first night together in his room. The one that leaves really sexy leafy imprint on your wrists.

I rubbed my wrists at the memory. He got to the podium and started his speech. All I could do is stare from afar at him and I could not look away. His mouth was like the alluring flame and I was the moth on my way going to get burned. Well I made a choice and I have to live with it. Just the thought of it is making me squeamish. Then we start to file in long rows to receive our degrees. When it was my turn I smiled at him, shook his hand and pose with my degree holder for a photo with him.

'Congratulation, Miss Steele. I am very proud of you.'

'Thank you.'

'Come back stage afterwards.'

'Okay.' I said and walked on so not to stop the flow of the ceremony and yet another hour went by agonizingly slow and finally the ceremony was concluded. After the ceremony Christian asked Kate to fetch me. I told Ray I will meet him outside in ten minutes. Kate showed me to the back of the stage area that looks like an old dressing room or is it a locker room I do not know.

'Thank you Miss Kavanagh.' She smiled then gave me a hug.

'Ana see you for a drink in the tent later.'

'Sure. Can you grab Ray while you are heading that why please.'

'Sure, but don't take too long okay.'

'Okay. Thanks.' Christian close the door and lock it.

'I just wanted to say in person, Congratulations on your achievement, Anastasia.'

'Thank you. Are you saying for drinks?'

'Maybe? Why?'

'I would like you to meet my stepfather. He is also helping us move tomorrow along with Jose.'

'The photographer?' Oh, no he is angry again. His moods really change in a millisecond.

'Yes. I have told you this I see him more as a brother nothing more. I promise.'

'Oh, Anastasia. It's you I trusts it is him I don't trust.'

'Hey, I can handle myself. If he tries anything you'll be the first to know okay.'

'Fine. Come I want you to meet my brother.'

'Really? Elliot is here?' He smiles at me as he step closer running his thumb over my bottom lip.'

'Yes, he was in the area and he decided to tag along.'

'Oh, how nice of him.' I spoke and took Christian's out stretched hand and we head back down the hall we came. Just outside the gym door Elliot was waiting with Kate. Kate was batting her eye lashes at him like a fool and he was clearly enjoying her flattery ways. Wow, I've seen Kate catch countless guys before but I have never seen her this intense. We approach them and Kate move to Elliot's side.

'Elliot this is Anastasia Steele. Anastasia my brother Elliot Grey.' We shook hands.

'It is so nice to finally meet you, I have heard so much about you.' I blather on to break the building awkward silence.

'All good things I hope.' He smile and I knew I like him already. 'This is Kate Kavanagh.'

'We have all met before. Kate and Anastasia are roommates.'

'Oh, cool.' Elliot spoke looking between me and Kate.

'Come along now, we are in need of some drinks.' Christian spoke before anyone else could speak the first thing that would come to mind. As we enter the tent Kate pulled Elliot away to talk some more and Christian and I looked for Ray. Ray looks so lost in this huge crowd of people. We walked over to Ray and some more introductions between Ray and Christian. A waiter came round with a tray filled with white wine. The men talked and found fishing as a great topic I felt like the third wheel so I went to search for Kate but found her parents and Ethan, Kate's brother instead. Kate is a no show, I think she is working her Kavanagh magic on Elliot. It made me giggle.

'Hey, Ana. Congratulations!' Ethan said and spin me around in the air. Ethan? Please put me down, jealous Christian might see.

'Thanks.' I spoke as Ethan kept an arm around my waist as we all exchange pleasantries with Kate's parents. I said my goodbyes and told them they must all enjoy their holiday in Barbados. Walking back to Christian and Ray. We all had another drink. We talked about this and that, when the student paper and the Portland herald showed up and asked for a picture of Christian, I stepped aside but Christian with his quick swift moves pulled me to his side and held me there around my waist.

'Thank you Mr Grey, and…' The photographers prompted.

'Anastasia Steele.' Christian told them.

'Thank you Miss Steele.' The photographer said and they both walked off. Ray left to go to the rest room.

'You look lovely in this dress, Miss Steele.' I just blush as I look up at him. He ran his soft manicured hands up and down my bare back. 'I get to touch your flawless skin. I really like that. The colour of your dress suits you well.'

'Th-thank you.'

'Wow, Miss Steele are you accepting a compliment?'

'I guess I am. This colour recently became my favourite.' His eyes dance with humour. His hands are on my hips. I saw his tie was on skew and I reached up and straighten it for him.

'I love this tie.' I smiled up at him as I rest my hands on his upper arms.

'Really, it recently became one of my favourite ones.'

'Oh, and why is that?' I asked just joking around. He cock his head to one side and gave me his all American boy smile. Wow I have never seen this smile on his face before. It really suite him. He pull me closer and kissed my hairline as his nose was in my hair as he inhale. I for one got the benefit of his intoxicating scent as well. I wrap my arms around his waist. This is so nice, I can stand like this forever. Unfortunately we can't Ray joined us again, with Kate hanging on Elliot's arm in tow behind Ray. She looks over the moon happy. Ray wanted to get going and I really didn't want to let go of Christian. Yet I know we have to and he probably also have things to do. Elliot and Kate said their hello's and then disappeared again. Before we left, Christian cup my face in his hands then planted a feather light kiss on my lips.

'Please take good care of my baby girl, Christian.' Ray spoke to Christian in more like a warning.

'I fully intend to Mr Steele.' They shook hands and Ray and I walked off.

'Laters baby.' Christian said as Ray and I walked away. I looked back briefly and smiled at him. Ray took me to a nice place in town for lunch and after we caught up, not that Ray talked a lot it was mostly me just filling him in on everything. I told him about my PA job but was very vague on the where, and that I wanted to visit mom next week before I start my job the week after. He thought it was a good idea that I go see mom, and was happy for me that I found a job so quickly out of college. We ate then head home. Dad was stacking our boxes closer to the front door making it easier for us to move them and then there was a knock at the door. I answer it and as I open it I looked right into knee numbing familiar gray eyes. A smile broke out over his face as he saw me. Dad walk up behind me.

'Christian, come on in son.' Dad said as they shake hands again.

'Thank you.' Wow dad you must feel honoured, his please and thank you's are kind of rear.

'What are you doing here? I thought you are working?' I close the door behind him.

'Yeah I finished up early. I brought champagne to celebrate.'

'Oh that is so nice. Sorry we just have tea cups out the other glasses are packed away.'

'Tea cups are perfect.' Christian murmured and started to open the bottle without spilling a drop. Dad and Christian talked and dad nod his head as they both looked back at me in the kitchen. Christian pour us each a cup and when we were on our second cup, Christian was the one that broke the silence.

'Ana, I have a graduation gift for you.'

'Christian, I thought I told you it was not necessary.'

'Please I wanted to and by speaking to your nice understanding father here, he gave his full heartedly consent.' I glare up at him. We all head out side and right in front of our apartment I saw a blood red Audi A1 with a yellow bow on the roof. My jaw drop open and I looked between Christian who was having his playful grin on his face then over at Ray with a warm smile on his.

'You bought me a car?!'

'Yes. I really hope you like it baby.' He hand me the keys.

'Thank you so much.' I said and gave him a hug around his waist. Looking up at him he gave me a swift kiss then showed me to my new car. He showed me where everything is and how things work. This nice new car smell. Hmm… Ray sat in the driver's seat, just looking at everything. Then guys will be guys no matter how old or young they might be as they pop the bonnet of my new car. While Ray admire the engine, Christian showed me to the trunk of my car. Inside was three large boxes all pretty wrapped in pink shiny paper with bows around them.

'I thought you might like these since you start to work for me soon and you might need this to do your work on.'

'Christian? The car was more than enough. You really didn't have to go this far.'

'Please I really wanted to give you all these things. Please except them.'

'As you wish master.' I whisper and I could hear him gasp at my words. He closed his eyes and absorb my words.

'Good girl. You haven't told me your father is helping you move.'

'Yeah it was only a last minute thing. He wants to see where we are moving to.'

'Okay that is understandable. I really wanted to spent this evening with you alone, Ana and now…' He trailed off looking over at my father.

'I'm really sorry.' I look at my hands then my shoes. He later lifts my chin.

'It's all alright Miss Steele. Maybe when tomorrow night we can have dinner at my place, in Seattle.'

'Sounds good. Ray is only helping to move there and unload then he will head back home by the afternoon.'

'Very well, so tomorrow night then.'

'Yes, tomorrow. Thank you once again for all my wonderful gifts. I really truly love them all but I love you more.' He gasp at my words, then a dark clouded look cross his eyes and shook his head. What? What did I said that makes him look so gloomy after I just told him I love him. He pulls me into his arms and then a little tighter as he in hale the smell of my hair. My ear is against his chest and his heart beat's all steadily.

'Well I have to go Taylor is waiting. We are heading back to Seattle now.'

'Oh, please drive safe.' He lean forward and kissed my forehead. He close the lid of the trunk of my new car. Ray walked over to us and they shook hands saying their farewell's to each other. Then he was off. What was that all about? In a way I kind of felt hurt that he couldn't accept my love. I bite down my tears and then plastered a fake smile on my face for Ray's sake. After my shower I packed the last of my things. Got Ray settled on the sleeper couch in the living room. Kate has still not returned from her families celebrations.

I wonder how she and Elliot were getting along. It was about twelve AM when I heard her come in, my door was a jar and I saw her and Elliot sneaking into her room. Oh, now I get it. She had a quick lunch with dear old family and then she caught up with Elliot and now he is here with her. They were all over each other as they fell into her room and shut the door. I snuck out press my ear up against the door. Oh, yeah they are really up to no good in there. Ray didn't even woke up he is snoring through this whole scene. It made me laugh at him a little. I walked back to my room and crawl back into bed and fell asleep. Goodness what an extra long day.

The next morning we were all up early. Jose was even here by seven. I asked him if he could drive Wanda to Seattle for me. Jose was willing to do it for me. I checked my phone and Christian send me a message letting me know they just arrived back in Seattle themselves and that he can't wait to see me, tonight. The movers arrived and within two hours our whole apartment were packed up and we were all on the road. I switched on the radio in my new car as we all drove in a convoy towards Seattle. There was already a CD in the CD player. I press play and it's clearly songs I heard Christian listen to. Wow, a Christian Grey mix tape now there is something I haven't thought of.

It sure is special coming from him Mr Mysterious. There's songs of Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Classical music, an Opera piece. What wonderful sounds these woman's voice make together. Then to my surprise Snow Patrol. My favourite band and Kings of Leon. His taste in music is really so huge. After a few hours we got closer to Seattle and we hit traffic. Finally we reached our building and we all worked hard to get the moving truck unloaded and now with everything in our new place we just need to get the boxes in the right rooms and start to settle in.

Ray was very impressed with our new apartment. Ray helped to unpack the whole Kitchen and then he and Jose were on their way back. I text Christian, I just want him to know we are officially in Seattle and very busy settling in. I got my room settled next then hear my phone chime letting me know that I have a new text. It only said; "I am glad. Escala at seven PM." I replied ; "As you wish master." Then hit the send button. I smiled as I continue to unpack. Elliot later came round and the work almost immutably seized. My room is now all unpacked and perfectly organized.

The three wrapped gift Christian gave me yesterday lay on my bed. I looked up at the clock on my night stand it was only three in the afternoon. I open the biggest one fist and it was a fancy apple laptop, the second larges I opened and it was a ipad and lastly the smallest. It the latest Blackberry cell phone. All these technology, it's a little overwhelming. I got all my new toys plugged in to charge and fire up my mean looking laptop. There was a note on the keypad of my laptop. Login password and my new e-mail address with password. I login to my e-mail account and there was an e-mail already in the inbox.

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Your New Computer

Date: 27 May 2015, 14:25PM

To: Anastasia Steele

I hope you all had a safe trip from Portland.

See you tonight Miss Steele.

Escala 19:00PM.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

From: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Thanks

Date: 27 May 2015, 15:30 PM

To: Christian Grey.

Yes we all arrived here safely. The important rooms are all unpacked and settled in already.

Your brother is here and well he and Kate are inseparable. Hehehe…

See you tonight at seven.


After that the e-mails were quite and I got to unpack my things in the bathroom. Wow the sounds, coming from Kate's bedroom. Am I that loud, if I am I surely need to turn it down a notch or two. I worked quickly and then took a nice hot shower and washed and washed my hair. Feeling really clean and shaven from head to toe I head into my room to set down drying my hair. I am really glad my hairdryer is loud now it cancels out the noise Kate and Elliot are making. I rolled some hot rollers in my hairs as I set out to get dressed for tonight. I settled on my new mini skirt with stockings and a nice gray blouse with high heels.

I've done my make-up and then set out to grab two slices of pizza we had left over from last night. I ate it and washed it down with the last of the milk. That was good. I head back to my room. Took my hot rollers out of my hair and comb it through with my fingers let the curls fall down my back. My new phone was fully charged I took my sim card from my old phone and insert it in my new phone. I through my new phone, keys and a two hair ties in my handbag then with a jacket over my arms I head out to my new car.

I drove the six blocks to Escala and punch in the number he gave me for the basement parking lot. The gate opened and I drove in and parked where he told me to park my new car. I stepped into the elevator and punch in the code for the penthouse. The elevator starts moving and I quickly check my lipstick and my hair before I reach the top floor. The elevator reached the top floor and the doors open to the familiar foyer. Taylor was waiting for me.

'Miss Steele. Good evening. Mr Grey is waiting for you. This way please.'

'Evening Taylor. How are you?' I spoke a little to him as we walk through the double glass doors.

'I am well thank you for asking ma'am. '

'Good I am glad.' He showed me to the great room where Christian was on his phone looking out over greater Seattle down below. With his one hand in his pant pocket. Taylor disappear after he showed me to where Christian was. I sat my handbag on the couch and wait for him to finish his call. He still didn't notice that I was in the room. He was talking to someone call Ros. They are talking big figures on one of their project they must be busy with. I just sat back and listened to their conversation. It was about twenty minutes later when he turned around and saw me sitting on the couch staring at him with a genuine smile on my face for him. He looks really surprised by me being here. He finally end his call and slip his phone into his pants pocket.

'Evening Mr Grey.'

'Miss Steele, evening. How long have you been sitting here?'

'Oh, for a little over twenty minutes. So how is the Tokyo project coming along?' I spoke with a smile.

'It lagging and the sellers just can't come to a point with what they want. It's tiresome.' He sat down as he gave a little sigh. 'So how did the moving go?'

'It went well, we are almost completely settled till Elliot showed up.'

'What? Really Elliot and Kate?' He scuff at the thought.

'Yes, they were real loud last night and I left earlier then I should because they were at it again when I left them at our new apartment.'

'I see, hens you being here already.'

'Yes, sorry if I intruded earlier then I should have.'

'None-sense, you never intrude Anastasia. You are always welcome here.'

'Thank you.'

'Would you like something to drink?'

'Yes, please.'

'Come you must be hungry to.'

'Yeah a little.' He walked to the kitchen and poured us some nice cold wine and got our dinner from the oven. We sat and ate talking about this and that. He started to tell me what they are currently working on and their project. Soon we are taking more work related things and how he would like his things to be done. By the end of the evening I had a full on, one on one training session with my boss slash lover about work. It felt strange to be working for my dom at the office and then weekend I will obey him even further here. Yet I know I have to separate my personal life from my work live with him. I think it just might be harder for him with me this close to him.

He wants me to too go everywhere he goes and be his right hand woman, as you may. It was nearly eleven PM when I left his place heading back to my new apartment. When I turn a corner and saw in my review mirror a car was following me. His headlights shine in my mirror so I can't make out the car or licence plate. It looks like he wants to climb into the trunk of my car that is how close he is driving behind me. Panic took a hold of me and I drove faster and he kept up. I text Christian telling him someone is following me.

He called and told me to take the long way home. I manoeuvred between the buildings and find a crowded parking lot and wait till the car drive past. I did what he told me and it was really tricky to shake this guy. Finally without warning I found a basement parking lot with two exits and I dart in there and out the other end and I finally found a mini mall with some cars parked there with movie goers and parked my car, turned off my lights and dunk so it looks like no one was in the car. I saw the car drove by slowly searching for me.

'Ana, you still there?' Christian's voice made me jump. My breath is racing because of the adrenaline racing through my veins.

'Yes. He just drove by. He didn't even notice my car.' I sounded so breathy as I spoke to him.

'Are you okay now?'

'Yes, well I think I will be in a minute.'

'It must be the paparazzi. It is the only logic I can think of. Someone must have read the paper today with our picture in it.'

'You really think so?'

'I am only speculating here, why would anyone want to follow you Anastasia. Think about it.'

'Yeah, I guess you might be right. Okay I am going home now.'

'Let me know once you arrived safely there.'

'I will. Thanks again.'

'You're welcome, Miss Steele.' We hung up and I pull out of my spot and head to my apartment I got lost once but found my way quickly. I park my car in our building basement parking and took the elevator the three floors to our new apartment. As I walked the short distance to my apartment, I gave Christian a call letting him know I'm home safely. I unlock the door and Kate and Elliot lay on the couch watching some TV.

'Ana! Where have you been?' Kate jumps up and ran over to me.

'Oh, I had dinner at Christian's place then I had to race away for my life as someone was following me.'

'What?' Elliot and Kate yelled in unison.

'Could you see who it was at least?'

'No. But it was pretty intense for a moment.'

'I will say so.' Kate put her arm around me.

'But I out skilled him somehow and I'm hiding in a crowded parking lot.'

'Clever thinking Ana. Come I will make you some tea to calm your nerves.'

'Thank you.' We all had tea and after tea I just went to bed. I lay down on my pillow staring at the ceiling. I think I am going to love my new job, the things I will be doing and we might even go overseas. I have to go to the office of home affairs to apply for my passport if we are going to travel far. Tomorrow then, I thought as I got dressed in my sweats and climb into bed and instantly fell asleep.

The following day I started to unpack the box in the living room and that woke Kate as well. She helped and finally the living areas of our apartment was completely unpacked. After that I got dressed in jeans, a comfy t-shirt and sneaker and set out to the office of home affairs the lines were not long and I was quickly helped and handed a receipt and told to come and collect it in two weeks. After that I found a wonderful second hand bookstore at the water front and browse the rows and rows of wonderful books, not to mention cheep second hand books. At the corner of the bookstore I found a wonderful little coffee shop and sat down reading my new books with a cup of yummy tea.

I look up and it was pouring outside. I saw the clock on the wall and I couldn't believe the time. I grab my new books and head out to my new car driving back to my new home. Kate was already packed for her trip with her family. I offered her to drive her to the airport. I arrived and we immediately left for the Seattle international airport. It was a long teary goodbye. She can sometimes drive me crazy yet, I am going to miss her so much. Elliot showed up and to my surprise was going with her. I gave him a hug and he jogged off with his bags to the gate Kate has just went through.

I like him already. He is really the opposite of his dark and twisty brother. I feel a little jealous towards Kate as I walk back to my car. Feeling a little paranoid after last night, I drove zig zag through the streets back to our apartment. In a way driving like this make me memorize the street of Seattle a little more. Back at home I walked across the street to the market place. I bought some groceries and head back home. Dinner for one, here I come. I sat in front of the TV and ate my dinner. After dinner I cleaned up and fire up my laptop. Christian send me a couple of e-mails.

He wants me to retype him a document and send it back to him. He even attached the document with the changes. So I got to work on that and mail it back to him. I even checked that the spelling was correct. I called him and asked him if the document was correct and he was pleased with it and then he got another call and had to cut ours short. Mom send me a e-mail and I set out to reply to her mail. I told her I will be visiting next week from Monday to Thursday. She replied almost immediately and so excited that I will be visiting them in Georgia. Her mail made me smile as I reread her mail. There were was a buzz at my door and to my surprise it was Christian. With a huge bunch of white roses and a bottle of champagne.

'Good evening Miss Steele.'

'Christian, I'll buzz you in.' I press the button and waited five minutes and then open the front door. 'What are you doing here?'

'I thought I came around to bring you a nice house warming gift.' He hand me the white roses and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

'Thanks they are really lovely. Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat, if you like.'

'No Anastasia, I'm not hungry. I have already ate, Mrs Jones made dinner.'

'Mrs Jones?'

'Yes, my house keeper at Escala.'

'Ah.' I grabbed a couple of glasses from the kitchen and walked back to where he stood by the dining room.

'Where is Miss Kavanagh?'

'On her plane heading to Barbados for two weeks along with Elliot.'

'What? Elliot went with her?'

'Yes, I ran into him when I dropped Kate off at the airport earlier.'

'I see. So will you be okay by yourself in this apartment for two weeks?'

'Yes, I can manage just fine on my own. Last year they went to Belgium over the summer and it was longer then just two weeks, and I managed just fine without her.' He nod his head and pour us some fancy champagne. We clink glassed and set out to drink it. We sat down on the couch. Silence stretched on and on.

'So what brings you here tonight Mr Grey?'

'I really wanted to see you.'

'Oh, well it is nice to see you to.' He smiled at me and pulled me closer to him. Soon we are engaged in passionate kissing. He lay me down as he keep on kissing me. Our breathes hitch and his hands are all over me. He pin my hands above my head in vice like grip in his one hand. His hands dip in under my clothes and my skin soon starts to heat up. He pulled a tie from his jean pocket and ties my hands together. The other end of his tie, he knot around the couch leg making sure I can't move. I just stare at him as his hands work their magic. Keep still Ana. I repeated over and over in my head. That was what he told me the first night we slept together.

'Good girl.' He breathed, as his hands dip into my pants as his hands move down to cup my sex. He played with the wetness he found there and before I could think he slide one of his fingers inside me. I gasp at his assault. He moves his finger over and over and I feel the delicious pull deep down in my groin as I begin to build. He later pulled my shirt over my eyes with only my mouth and nose sticking out. He lean down to kiss me as he kept moving his finger again and again. Before I could come in his hand he pulls his finger out of me and pop it in his mouth.

'Hmm… you are such a fine delicacy Miss Steele.' He got to work on my jeans and panties. I was still just feeling what he was doing since I can't see him I have to go by touch. He pulled my shoes, socks, jeans and panties off. I heard the sound of his belt and zipper being released and then the tore of foil as he clearly rolled on a condom on his great length. He positioned me on the couch and later felt him lean down and started to lick me down there. It was exquisite. I wanted to move but knew better then to move my hip. It just intensify the whole experience just more.

'Okay Anastasia I am going to take you know.' He spoke and I could feel him hover over me as his body heat warmed my body. He lean down and kissed me as he slowly slide inside me. I gasp at the wonderful full feeling of his possession. He kept the rhythm of his hip in tune with our kissing. He took a hold of my feet as he sat up forcing my knees apart towards my chest as he kept pounding on.

'Come on baby, give it all to me.' And at his words it was my own unravelling as I shatter into a million pieces. I called out his name and he did mine. He came back down and gave me more gentle wonderful kisses pulling my shirt over my head so I can see him again. Took my eyes a few minutes to a just to the light again. Gently he pulled out of me and dispose of the condom. He unties my hands and my wrists have the woven print on them.

'Do you have a doctor?' What? This is unexpected after sex talk.

'What kind of doctor?'

'A woman's doctor.'


'Because I really hate this thing. I can arrange that you see mine this weekend at my place if you like.'

'Very well sir.'

'I can see you've been learning.' He smile at me at my submission to his will.

'I am trying. That is all I can say.'

'I can see that, Miss Steele.' He pulled me closer and then we both head to the bathroom where we both got in the bath. Christian was holding me as I lay against his chest.

'Penny for your thoughts Miss Steele?'

'I was just wondering about last night's mystery driver.'

'I was glad you called me when it happened.'

'I was so scared.'

'I'm sure you were, I could hear it in your voice. You really couldn't see the car.'

'No, he had his lights on bright and I could not see the car or any form of a licence plate. All I could make out was a male outline in the driver seat.'

'Don't worry we'll catch this guy.'

'You think he'll do it again?'

'I don't know, but we should rather be prepared then taking risks.' I just nod my head then lay back against his chest. He took my wash cloth and soaped it up as he started to wash me all over. Man he has wonderful hands. With his legs he curl them around mine forcing my legs apart as he started to wash and massage me there through the wash cloth. A soft moan escape my lips.

'Yes, baby. I want to hear you.' I moan again and before I could reach my orgasm he stopped. I turned around in the bath and he just looked at me before he could stop me. I had him in my mouth, and I sucked him till I could feel him almost reaching his release then I stopped. See how you like that to almost come and then stop.

'I get what you are doing Miss Steele and I understand your frustration. Come let's get out and head to your room.' We dried off and we head for my room where we got fully engaged in hard pounding love making. For a man who rather likes to fuck hard and not make love he is doing a really great job in the sweet love making department. The build was twice as intense when we reach the critical point of our love making session. I came around him as he pours out inside me. He pulls me into his arms and held on for dear live.

The only sound was our raced breathing. That was beyond anything I have ever experienced. My bones felt like jelly. I weaved my fingers with his and drift off to a very happy place. Later I woke up and Christian was still here, sleeping. I turned around facing him and he pulled my towards him in his sleep. Feeling over the moon overjoyed by this, I finally fell asleep again.

The next morning, I woke up and in the place where Christian slept, there lay a note and a single white rose on his pillow.

Note: 'I had a breakfast meeting at Grey house. I'll call or e-mail you later. Have a great day Miss Steele. I had a wonderful time last night. Christian.'

What a wonderful way to start a day with a lovely love letter. I booked my plane ticket on line and set out to read the rest of my good book I started yesterday. It feels kind of nice having a little break before starting my new work live in a new city. I fell asleep on the couch with my book open on my chest. I checked my phone no messages but I had an e-mail on my laptop. I replied to Christian's e-mail.

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Last Night

Date: 29 May 2015, 10:06 AM

To: Anastasia Steele

Dear Miss Steele

I hope you slept well.

I can't get last night out of my head.

What are you doing today?

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

From: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Last Night

Date: 29 May 2015, 11:00 AM

To: Christian Grey

Dear wonderful Mr Grey

I slept well, thank you.

Last night was fantastic and I can see how it can be distracting, you where pretty awesome, sir.

As for me I am catching up on some of my piled up reading. It is really nice to have a little break after school.

What are you up to Mr Grey?


From: Christian Grey

Subject: Meetings

Date: 29 May 2015, 11:12 AM

To: Anastasia Steele

It is just the same old numbers meetings, equations and mergers. You know boring ones.

So what are you reading?

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

From: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Classic reading

Date: 29 May 2015, 11:18 AM

To: Christian Grey

It is just a classic I found yesterday at a great second hand bookstore in town. It's about a rich man who finds this stray woman and he torture's her into submission.

But in it's right it is more like a training manual to being with you Mr Grey.


From: Christian Grey

Subject: Acquired Reading

Date: 29 May 2015, 11:26 AM

To: Anastasia Steele

Maybe we can apply what you have learned over the weekend and see how it goes from there.


Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

What Christian just send me a wink. So not like him, yet he is in a playful mood. I better reply to his last e-mail.

From: Anastasia Steele

Subject: As you wish

Date: 29 May 2015, 11:30 AM

To: Christian Grey

As you wish master Grey…

Aren't you in a meeting? If so why aren't you concentrating on what is being said, Mr Grey.


From: Christian Grey

Subject: Hmm…

Date: 29 May 2015, 11:32 AM

To: Anastasia Steele

Love the way you call me master. You should practice it for this weekend Miss Steele, I would like to hear you say that to me.

I have learned how to multi task Miss Steele. A skill only you woman think, have received this as a gift.

Enjoy your off time Miss Steele, come two weeks you will be working your little cute tail off.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc.

His e-mail makes me smile and after that I set out to the kitchen and made myself a nice salad. Later that afternoon I was board, I didn't want to read so I set off to the mall and settled to watch a movie. Something I haven't done in ages. The last movie I saw was with Jose. Jose! Oh no, I have completely forgot about him. I'll give him a call once the movie is over. After the movie I got myself some 'Buger king' take out then drove back home. It was still light out when a car start to follow me again. This time I can see the colour of the car and the license plate.

It was a yellow, what looks like a sedan, I type in the license plate on my note pad on my phone and then race off driving like a crazy woman through the streets of Seattle. It was harder this time to shake him. I called Christian again and I gave him the description of the car and the license plates. The man in the car has a dark hoodie on so I can't see his face. Christian sounding really angry at the situation then he is at me, as he keep barking orders at me. Finally Christian told me to race over to Grey House and park in the basement next to his SUV.

I did what I was told and then kept up where I turn off. I speed into Grey Houses basement parking and Taylor waited for me there. I pointed to the car that is driving up behind me. I parked rather quickly, before I knew it Taylor grabbed my arms and pushed my into the elevator. The doors close and he step in front of the car. The elevator arrived at Christian's office. Andrea was not here and Christian came jogging out towards me. I felt faint as too much adrenaline was racing through my body. Christian wraps his arms around me.

'Are you okay baby?' He cupped my face. Tears stream down my face. I was frozen in place. I just shook my head. We head to the couch in his office waiting area.

'What were you doing?'

'I was board at home so I set out to go watch a movie and after I grabbed my dinner from the take out, the same car started to follow me.'

'It's okay baby, you're safe now. The plate numbers you gave me are fake so it's a dead end I'm afraid.' My hands started to shake out of control and soon I was freezing. Christian shrugged his jacket off and drape it over my shoulders. Andrea arrived and saw us, she made me very sweet tea for the shock I am in. Christian pulled me to my feet wanting to take me to his office when I finally passed out.

'Will she be okay, sir?' Andrea asked Christian as he carried me to his office and lay me down on his couch.

'She is just in shock, she will come too soon.'

'Are you sure sir, I can call for an ambulance.'

'Let's wait and see if she doesn't come to within twenty minutes or so then we can call the ambulance.'

'Very well sir.' Another warm object was being laid on top of me. My one hand was in someone's hands being rubbed.

'Mr Grey,' Taylor's voice came into the room. 'I have some alarming news.'

'What is it Taylor?' Christian snap.

'The car that has been following Miss Steele is a paparazzi that work for the 'US celeb gossip' magazine sir. I saw a glimps of his work shirt.'

'Do we have a name?'

'No sir but Welch is running facial recognition on the footage we got on the basement parking lot.'

'Good work Taylor. Keep me posted.'

'Of course sir.' After that Taylor left closing Christian's office door. It was about a half an hour later when I came to. Christian sat with his hands in his hair.


'Hi. How are you feeling?'

'Dizzy. What happened?'

'You passed out and I carried you here.'

'I am sorry I make you worry so much. I'll go home now.'

'You are not going anywhere. We'll drop you off a little later at home.'

'Okay, thank you.' He stood up and left his office to go talk to Andrea then he returned. He got busy with his work and I just sat quietly watching him and listening to his telephone conversations. I later wondered over to where Andrea was working behind her desk. I sat beside her and she started to tell me what is what and what to do. I catch on quickly and started to get busy with the stuff on my own computer. By six in the afternoon, I have worked through most of my things that would have sat undone while I was in Georgia.

Now that it is done I ask Andrea to check it for me and everything was indeed correctly done. I told her I will come in tomorrow and Friday to get into the routine of things around here. I also told her that I will be flying out to Georgia to go see my mother I haven't seen in a year. She was happy for me and I can see us becoming friends in the not so far off future. Thirty minutes later Andrea left to go home, Christian was still busy in his office. I continue to work through my things I need to do and mailed it over to Andrea's computer when I'm done.

I later made Christian some coffee and went to take it to him. He was on the phone when I enter his office. I placed his cup of coffee on his desk as I was about to head back out he called to me. I turned on my heels and face him again. He motion for me with his index finger to come towards him, and I walked around his desk. He placed his arm around my shoulders holding me to his side. Looking out of his office window to the surrounding buildings was nice. I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his shoulder. It was pouring outside, in bucket loads.

'We couldn't get a positive ID on the guys that followed you. I'm sorry.' He spoke after what felt like an eternity of silence.

'It's okay. He is smart and know how to avoid detection.'

'We will find this guy, promise.' I looked up at him as he promised me.

'Christian I have been thinking about our arrangement.'

'What about it?' He started to sound angry. I kept eye contact with him.

'About the period of time.'


'Now I know we haven't really started anything yet in your "play room" but I would like to extend our time to six months instead of three.' He look at me completely surprise and taken aback by what I just said. He held me at arm's length looking deep into my eyes.

'You're serious?' He spoke after a while of just staring at me.

'Yes, 1000%.'

'Well Miss Steel I think you joined the right team here. You strike a hard bargain. I accept your proposal. I will redraft the contract with the new arrangements.'

'Thank you.' I smiled up at him. He lean down and kissed me. 'So is there anything else I can do for you. I would really like to go home.'

'No, not at the moment, Miss Steele.' He lean down and kissed me some more. Somehow this kiss was different. He pushed me back against his desk and with his hands now in my hair our kiss deepened. He pulled away for a few second cleared his desk from everything sending papers, files, pens and phones flying in all sorts of directions. He lay me down on his desk and started to kiss me again as he working on my clothes and I on his.

'I want you so badly. Right here, right now Miss Steele.' He whispered in my ear. I just moaned as his hands worked their way up and down my bare skin. He later jogged over to turn his office light off and we proceed with our coitus on his desk. He cupped me at the apex of my thighs and later insert two fingers inside me. He release my bra with his free hand and started to work on my nipples as he pinch and bite them.

I started rubbing him like he showed me how and we are now both moaning loudly. He pulled his two fingers out of me and first suck on his fingers before he popped them in my mouth. What a delicious mix, me and Christian. Hmmm… I heard a foil tore and before I even knew it he was already inside me, moving more possessive and passionate then I ever felt him before. With my hands gripping the edge of his desk overhead staring at him as he stare at me.

'You. Are. Mine.' He said with each thrust.

'Yes only always yours.' I breathed. I am on the edge of self combust, I reached the top and I tried to hold it as long as I could to prolong this fantastic experience when I just couldn't anymore and let go and came around him, I called his name and he just kept pounding on. I started to build again and again, he just didn't stop.

'Ahg! Christian please… I- I can't anymore.' I spoke as my heart raced like a race horse. I sat up and he stilled a little. I cupped his face and his face was wet with tears. 'Hey, what's with all these tears? I have never seen you like this, are you alright?'

'I can't lose you, Ana. I almost thought I have today.'

'You haven't lost me, I am right here. For whatever you need, I will be right here.' He lean in again and kissed me. He pulled out of me and stuck the condom in his pocket after he tied it close in the open end. We got dressed again and just before we left his office, he pushed me against the door, looked deep into my eyes and said: 'Thank you for what you said.'

'You're welcome.' I gave him a quick kiss and we left. I drove home with Christian and Taylor following behind me all the way to my apartment. Christian and Taylor showed me into my apartment. Taylor secured every room and then they left for Escala. After they left, I locked the door and when to take a very nice shower to get rid of this really weird, crazy but wonderful ending to this day.

I'm let the warm water cascade over my hair and down my body. I know I am going to be really sore in the morning because of being overused tonight. What was it with him tonight? I have never saw him like this before. I have never seen him cry either. I felt like my chest would close and my heart was being shattered into a zillion piece when I saw him so completely broken. I finally got out of the shower and flew into Kate's closet and pull out a dress with lovely blue and black patterns on it. I already have black boots that will go well with this dress and I got dressed for bed after that. I fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow.

The next morning I woke up and as I suspected last night I was sore all over, but I got dressed for work and took my new laptop with to synchronize all my work on my laptop. I was already at the office at seven AM. Andrea was not even in yet, but I answered the phones and took messages for Andrea. An hour later she walked in and was surprised that I was already working hard and was almost done with the work I had left from yesterday.

After I was done I head to the little kitchen area and made us some tea and coffee. Taylor phoned to say that they have arrived and I quickly made Christian a cup of coffee and placed a glass with a bottle of water on his table before he came in. Andrea was very please with my work, and told me that my work was way better then the last PA Christian had. I told her I had to quickly leave around lunch time to go pick up my plane tickets at the travel agency a few streets from here but will be back in time.

She told me everything was fine since we get an hour lunch. Christian walked in and he had an all serious face on as he was on his phone and Taylor strolled in behind him, then head back down to the security station at reception. After Christian got into his office and slam the door shut, Andrea placed the phone in the office to call forward to her cell and she took me to HR where I got my personal ID badge made while I was there, they took my finger prints and a photo of me for my badge. Fifteen minutes later I had my very own employees badge.

Andrea showed me to the cafeteria at the end corner of the building on the ground floor. It looks more like a luxurious restaurant then an employees cafeteria, and the menu. Oh boy, it is very clear that Christian's healthy food fingers are in this menu. We finally head back to the office with our already bought lunches in our hands we got into the elevator, heading up to the office and as we arrive the whole office was in chaos. Christian was angry with someone, he was so pale in his face that it scared me. Andrea looked panicked. As for me, I stepped in calmly and listen to his issues and handled it accordingly. In ten minutes all was sorted and under control, just like he like it.

'How did you do that?'

'Oh, I have a really bad control freak for a boyfriend and I am kind of use to it.' Not completely a lie. I let out a long breath I didn't know I was holding.

'That was amazing, I have been working here for five years and I have never seen anything like that from Mr Grey before. I mean I have seen him spitting mad, that I can handle and all his other moods but panic state not at all.' Andrea spoke in a rush.

'It's okay I will deal with it from now on. Okay.' She nod her head and her white face started to get some colour again.

'Are you sure you have to go to Georgia next week?'

'Yeah, my mother is already overjoyed of my coming. I can't really back out now.'

'I understand.' She said with a sad face.

'I tell you what, I'll bring you back a something from Georgia.'

'Oh that will be nice. Thank you Ana.' She smiled at me. We were both called into Christian's office later and we both took extensive notes. He gave us his schedule for the next three weeks and what paperwork he needs to have for all his meetings. After I called legal on the tenth floor and talked to Paula and Clive they got to work on what Christian need for his meetings. Andrea was rather impressed with me how I handle all these new tasks of mine. She thinks I am a natural, for this job. I feel that to. I gave her a smile and enjoyed the rest of the morning. At lunch time we ate our lunch we got from the cafeteria, and some of the legal forms Christian needed drawn, were starting to be send to us.

Sitting down to long made me even more sore. Christian's next few clients for a big meeting started to arrive and I printed out the agenda for their meeting and place it on the large board table with extra note pads. I felt Christian's eyes on my back but I just kept working. With two large jugs of water with lemon in it and a few glasses I left getting my note pad and pen ready along with Andrea we sat in a dark corner and waiting for the meeting to start. Ten minutes into the meeting and Andrea had to leave to answer the ringing phone, leaving me to take the meeting minutes. I used my phone's voice recorder as a secondary help tool. The meeting dragged on and on.

Ever so often I would see Christian's eyes wonder to me but I kept working. I gave him a grin and a slight crocket grin spread across his face, as he looked from me back to Henry that spoke to the room. I continued to take notes. It is all really interesting the technology that the company is busy developing for more accurate nautical navigation, it's rather astonishing. After the meeting I started to transcribe the meeting note and a few hours later I was done.

Around six PM I left for home. I got home okay. Sat out to grab a nice yogurt and fruit from the fridge and sat down in front of the fridge. There was some noise coming from the bathroom. I placed my dinner for the evening on the coffee table and when to check it out. I could swore I left the bathroom door open this morning. I had Christian's number on speed dial and pressed it. I placed my phone on the kitchen counter as I walked closer to the bathroom, I talked loud and clear.

'Hello! Is anyone there?' I touched the knob of the bathroom to step in side. 'He-llo!' I spoke loudly again and the door hit me so fast and hard it knock my over. Hitting my head really hard. I tried to sit up, all I could see through my hazy vision was black Nike sneakers and silver sweat pant with orange pin stripe on the sides. As the man figure ran off through the apartment door. Leaving me unconscious on the floor of my apartment.

An angels voice pulled me back where my body was floating, in comfortable darkness. I open my eyes and I lay on the couch looking right into Christian's worried face.

'Ana?!' Christian yelled at me.

'Hey. Ouch!' I felt the open wound on my forehead. I tried to sit up and felt the room spin out of control. I screw my eyes shut and wait for the feeling to pass.

'What happened?' He asked me cupping my face. Taylor hand me some ice in a tea towel to press against my head.

'I got home and I was getting ready to eat my dinner, when I heard a noise coming from the bathroom that is when I press the speed dial button on my phone. I was about to open the bathroom door when he hit me with the door and I hit my head and landed on the floor there.'

'Could you see his face?'

'No, he had a hoodie on, silver sweat pants and black Nike sneakers. After he hit me with the bathroom door he ran off.'

'Come, we are taking you to the ER, my mother work at the hospital, so they can take a look at your head. Taylor.'

'Yes, right away sir.' Taylor got my bag, phone on the counter where I left it and we set out to the hospital. Christian helped me up from the couch and I grabbed his arm to steady myself as the room start to spin again. He put his arms around me so I won't fall again. Taylor locked my apartment and we drove off in one of Christian's fancy silver Audi SUV's. My head is really starting to hurt and I have blurry vision. We got to the ER drop off and Christian helped me out of the car. We walked into the ER and a nurse and a kind looking female doctor came towards us as they showed me to a bed.

They asked me a ton of questions and I told them how I feel, and blurry vision. Half an hour later after they stitched my forehead up, then showed me to another floor where I would undergo some sort of scan or something. My head hurts too much to even remember what they said. Christian were at my side the whole time. Sitting in the waiting area for the scan they want to do. I sat forward holding my head in my hands. The ER nurse that helped me gave me something strong for the pain and then helped me on the bed thingy in the scan room.

I lay very still for about twenty minutes and after the scan, I was taken back to the ER where I lay on the bed. My pain killers are starting to work and because of the exhaustion pain can cause you I fell asleep but was in and out of and didn't got any real rest. My scans came back and I have a hairline fracture on my head. I was send back home and told if I start to feel nauseas or my headaches increase I should come right back. Back at my apartment some of Christian's security detail were fitting my apartment with new locks and hand me the keys of the changed locks.

Kate will freak when she hears about this. Just thinking about her freak out session is giving me a headache. It was about after eleven PM when all the guys left. Christian said I should call him for whatever I need. I told him that I am fine and that he has done too much already. I took a quick shower then climb into bed. My pain killers worked well and I fell asleep fairly quickly.

The next morning I was at work by seven already very busy answering incoming e-mails and forwarding more important ones to Christian's. He had a breakfast meeting in his office and I was getting everything ready in his office before he arrived at eight AM. I got the agenda's ready and printed, the two large platters from the cafeteria arrived and I placed it with the fruit juice on the side table. Then after his meeting we are flying out to Portland with a meeting he will have at the University.

Everything was ready and waiting for the meeting attendees and of course Christian. At seven forty AM, I quickly ran down to the cafeteria and got myself some yummy looking peaches and a nice yogurt I wanted to have last night but was so very rudely interrupted. I got back to my desk at Christian's office and quickly ate my breakfast before everyone starts arriving. Taylor phoned to let me know Christian is on his way up and I got ready, Christian arrived and I place his financials he wanted for this meeting in a gray folder and handed it to him.

'Good morning Miss Steele. You look lovely today.' I blushed at his compliment and gave him a smile. 'How is your head, today?'

'I still feel dizzy with stages but other than that I am fine, thank you for asking, sir.' His smile grew.

'Good. Will you be alright to fly out with me to Portland later?'

'Of course, sir. Anything else I can get for you?'

'A nice cup of coffee and can you get Professor Hogan on the line for me at the Universities science department.'

'Of course.'

'Thanks Miss Steele. That will be all for now.' He was heading to his office when Andrea arrived and saw my stitches on my forehead. After I got the professor on line for Christian, I gave her the load down, of what happened and didn't mention Christian's name not once, I just said my boyfriend was suppose to arrive for dinner and he found me knock out on my apartment floor and took me to the hospital. Andrea told me she and her boyfriend are going to celebrate their one year anniversary at a nice spa island just outside Seattle for the weekend. I just felt a slight sting of jealousy towards her. All I will probably get for my one month anniversary is being chained to a bed and be spanked and fucked till kingdom come.

Yet not at all a dull scenario if have to think about it. She told me if I don't feel well I should tell Christian immediately, so he can send me home. I reassured her that I am fine for now. The meeting members arrived and soon the meeting is in full steam. I took notes while Andrea manned the phones and reception. After the hour and a half meeting was over the guys dug in to the platters of food that is when I head out and started on the minutes. I was half way done with my note when we had to leave for our meeting in Portland, Ros, Christian's right hand woman arrived and the three of us head out to Boeing field, were Charlie Tango was located. Taylor drove us out there and the four of us got into the helicopter and we flew off.

We landed at the same heliport I remembered form our first flight together to Seattle. I blushed at the memory. Christian's eyes flash towards me and a small grin spread across his face but it was rather brief. We walked the four flights of stairs down to where the park Audi was in the garage and we head off towards the University. Before the meeting started, he hand me his phone to take his calls and I sit in at the meeting taking more minutes.

I am starting to get the essence of the type of business Christian does and it is phenomenal the wonderful breakthrough that are achieved not just here at the university but on the other aspects of his fields of interests. It really is all amazing, to be working at the frontlines of the ground breaking technology that is being discovered on a daily basis. Christian's phone rang more than five times and I left my phone on my chair recoding the meeting while I was out answering his calls.

A Mr Sanders called about his meeting he will have with Christian on Monday and would like to confirm the meeting and I did that for him since I have my laptop with me and his latest schedule. With everything at my finger tips I can almost answer all his calls. All ten of them. Most of the male voice on the other side of the phone calls where intrigued by my cheerful yet polite way of handling their calls. When I gave Christian the load down, of his calls and retrieve my phone I left for the meeting minutes and stopped the recording. Ros and Christian looked very impressed with what I have done with his calls and who I confirmed his booked appointments.

The two of the ten callers wanted Christian to call them back. I synchronise my schedule now with Christian's and he now has it on his Blackberry and his other two e-mails. We were flying back to Seattle after two PM and I started to feel real dizzy. Taylor steadied me, in the helicopter, as I held on to his fore arm. We arrived back at Boeing field and we head back to Grey House. Christian sat at the back with me, as Ros sat in the passenger seat next to Taylor at the wheel at the front. Christian looked at me worriedly. I still feel dizzy and my headache is starting again. I just sat forward rubbing my temples. It didn't even work a bit. Back at the office I ate a banana and drank some mild pain killers for my headache and started on my work.

Andrea even looked worried at me. Ros and Christian had their own meeting after we got back. This was not necessary for me to take notes off and I was now done with this morning's breakfast meeting minutes and was now hard at work with the university minutes. I was done with it by the time we head home. I mailed the newly update schedule to Andrea and at six I head home. I got ready and pack a weekend bag to take with me to Christian's place.

I drove up to Escala and parked my car in the bay allocated to me when I come around and head up to the penthouse. I arrived and stepped out into the foyer and heavily took a seat on the chair that stood against the wall, before you head into the great room. I felt just as dizzy as this morning. Taylor arrived to show me in and instead of showing me in, he carried me in leaving my bag in the foyer. Christian came out of his study and jogged up to where Taylor lay me on the couch.

'Ana?' Christian called jogging up to where Taylor lay me down.

'I'm okay, I'm just a little dizzy like this morning. I'll be fine.'

'No you are not fine. Your face looks so pale it looks lifeless. Come now you are getting into bed. You need to rest. But what about our weekend? I don't want to violate our agreement, Christian.'

'You are not violating anything. You need to get better, first.' He helped me up the stairs to my own room at the very end of the hallway. I stepped out of my shoes and he pulled my dress over my head and later food arrived on a tray. I had about half of it and had more than enough. Christian hand me my pain killers and was tucked in. He held me in his arms as I fell asleep, feeling the safest I haven't felt in years. How is this even possible? I drift off and was soon under the sand man's spell.


My four days with my mother and Bob were great, I got some sun and almost looked like a local now and it was about the last day or so when Christian arrived. Mom and I we were at a bar of one of the hotels in town. I was having a fruit juice since I can't drink heavy liquor with my medication. He strolled over to mom and me and I introduced him, to her and visa verso. After a while he excused himself to head back up to his hotel room, mom practically jumped up and down with glee. She later insisted I go up to his suite and she will just head home as she puts it, he must have come all this way just to see me. She invited him for dinner and took off, going back home. I head up to his suite, room 608.

I knock on the door and he answered the door. He saw me and his mouth dropped open, then broke into a welcoming smile. He was on his phone, with what sounds like Mr Sanders and then right after that called ended he was talking to Ros. I just sat in the living area admiring the luxurious room. Grand piano in the corner. I recalled the sad melody he played on the piano back at Escala. I rubbed my hands over the exquisite couch I was sitting on. Christian turned around and looked at me. His eyes are hungry with desire and I blush knowing I am having my period and was wondering how our arrangement is going to work with this little situation.

I later was board sitting around and I walked over to him and before he could stop me, kneeled in front of him and got to work on his pants and before he could push me away, have him in my mouth. He has to stiffen his moans and concentrate on his call while I got to work on him. He later sat down on the couch while he is still on the phone with Ros as I continued my sucking him off. Finally after an hour he was done on the phone and he had came in my throat. I licked off my lips and he grinned at me. He later got up dragged me to the bedroom and closed the door. He feel his way all over my overly hipped and excited body. He finally got to the apex of my thighs and felt the draw string of my tampon. With all our clothes on the bedroom floor we head into his en-suit bathroom.

'Put your leg up on the basin counter.' So I obeyed him. He pulled my tampon from me and threw it un-ceremonial in the toilet beside us. I was rather shocked. I was put on the pill by Dr Greene, a ob-gyn Christian had me see before I left for Georgia.

'Good girl. Now since you already had the pleasure of pleasing me very mush tonight Miss Steele it is just fair to return the favour. Now stand still I am going to take you now.' I just stood still and waited to the delicious feeling of him filling me. He felt his way around me there and found the spot he searched for. He slam inside me and I moan in the wonderful feeling.

'That's it baby, I want to hear, you.' He spoke as he held me squeezing my breasts from behind as he rams into me over and over. Oh, this feeling never gets old at all. He moaned now to and we reached highs together and tumbled down together on the bathroom floor. He later pulled the sash from the bathroom robs and tied my hands together above my head and tied me to the toilet bowl. His hands roamed all over my body. I saw my blood on him and I felt a little embarrassed about it. He obviously didn't mind at all. His hands worked their magic. Oh, his hands on me is such a great experience altogether.

Then he flopped, me on my front, where he pushed my legs apart and my knees to my chest. With my butt in the air, he set out to spank me. Two hits on my butt cheeks and one on my sex and he continued this rhythm over and over it was delicious. Then he suddenly stopped and dove right into my depths. I gasp at the suddenness of it and then out of nowhere, he started to move and man what an exquisite feeling it is as I feel myself build again. I held on and on and until he started to beg me to let go and I did. We both fell to pieces and afterward we took a nice bath together then went to bed. Christian came out of the bathroom with a bottle of cream and rubbed it all over my reddened behind. After that we fell asleep, with me pulled into his arms.

The next morning, I felt eyes on me and I smiled because I knew it was him. I open my eyes and looked up at Christian. He was already fully dressed and ready for the day ahead.

'Good morning my little sun shine.'

'Good morning, how long have you been watching me?'

'An hour or so. Ana I can watch you sleep for an eternity.' I blushed at his praise, then sat up covering myself with the bed sheets.

'Come- come get up, there is something I want to go show you.' He spoke and his is so carefree today it warms my heart to see him act his age. He pulled me out of bed to get dressed. After I got dressed in the clothes I had on last night, we set out. Taylor came out where ever he was hiding, last night, he's driving us to who knows where. We arrived at an air field and a strange looking plane stood off in a distance. It had no propellers of any kind, how odd. We set out to the strange looking craft and got in.

'What is this?' I asked being strapped in.

'This is a glider and we are heading out now.'

'But shouldn't you be sitting in the front?'

'No Anastasia, the pilot of a glider sits at the back of the craft.'


'Are you ready?'

'Yes.' And off we go. We're being towed right into the air by another aircraft. Higher and higher we go. Finally the aircraft that towed up detach from our glider and now with only the sound of the wind and no engine noise we enjoyed the sereneness as the new day dawned before us.

'What do you think?' He asked behind me.

'This is amazing, it is really beautiful up here.'

'It sure is.' He agreed and I could hear a smile on his voice.

'But most of all it is impressive that you can do all this Christian.'

'It's the only other thing I can fly alongside Charlie Tango, my helicopter.'

'Amazing.' I can hear the wonder in a gasp behind me.

'Thank you Miss Steele.' I hear a smile on his voice. We fell silent again and we finally circle around and came in for the landing, a long while later. I was helped out of the harness and we took off getting breakfast, at a pancake house on the side of the road back to my mother's house. We had some yummy pancakes then head further down to my mother's house. We arrived and I introduced Christian to Bob. They shook hands and then Christian left. He will be back later for dinner.

Mom wanted to know what we did last night so I gave her very edited version of our time together, she like the story of us going gliding this morning. We took off doing some shopping for office wear for me and some grocery shopping for tonight and we head back home and started on preparing everything for dinner. We are going to barbeque and we are making some salads. He arrived at the time we asked him to come round and we all sat around the fire Bob has build and the men set out placing the meat on the grille.

Bob did most of the cooking since Christian didn't inherit any form of cooking skills what so ever. Afterward we settled around the dining room and ate our food. We talked about this and that and what is happening back in Seattle. I finally spilled the beans and told mom and Bob that I am also Christian's PA in his internship program. Mom was just glad I got a job but Bob was angry that I spend all my time to study something I really wanted to do and am not even doing what I wanted.

I got his anger, I also felt that way but I really enjoy what I am doing now, more. I let him understand that. Christian's hand was on my leg and I sensed he felt pleased with my answer. Then we were on coffee's and tea after dinner sitting in the living room. Christian told me he is flying back tomorrow to Seattle and that I am free to join him in the return to Seattle. I took him up on his offer and we parted ways for the evening. I helped mom clean up and head to my room.

The next morning around ten AM Taylor and Christian came round and fetched me. A very long teary goodbye from mom. Bob wrap his arm around mom's shoulders as we drove off. I still had tears running down my cheeks as I stare out my window. We drove right on to the tarmac to a private jet with the words GEH written on the jet's sides. We board the jet and strap in for our journey back to Seattle. I was rather tired I just couldn't fall asleep last night. I fell asleep in my seat. Later I was being carried to the back of the jet and lay down on the bed.

I just continued my slumber. I later woke up and was wrapped in Christian's arms. I can't move, but drink in the feel of him holding me like this. We were still in the air when we returned to our seats in the front of the jet and the air hostess served us a chicken dinner. It was really nice. We approached Seattle air space and a half hour later we land back in rainy Seattle. Christian and Taylor dropped me off at my apartment and made sure everything was alright.

I took a nice shower then got into bed. Kate left a message on the machine while I was in Georgia. She is extending her vacation with another week or maybe two. I just sigh when I heard the message, but what can, I do but to wish her a nice extended holiday. A luxury I can't afford yet. I drift into a great sleep. Tomorrow is Friday and I have to be at Christians place by seven tomorrow night.

So here I am a whole Friday stretched out before me. I have to get my hair trimmed and I would like a deep facial. I found a nice affordable salon and treat myself to a little me time. While I was there I got all the parts of my body waxed and I am now once again hairless all over. Beats shaving every other day. I head back home and had a nice lunch a nice big chicken salad. I settled down with a nice book, I wanted to read for a long time. I finished my food then fell asleep on the couch. I jolt awake later and it was four in the afternoon.

I took a shower and got dressed for the evening. Mom got me a few nice things for work but not nearly enough, so I should really go shopping for office attire once I get my first pay check. I really hate borrowing Kate's clothes all the time. I looked at my watch and I still have some time to spare once I was done and ready for this coming weekend. So I fire up my mean machine and saw I have a couple of e-mails.

I replied to them all and I forwarded all the necessary documents that Christian might need for his up and coming meetings next week, too him. According to Christian's schedule he is with his therapist Dr Flynn right now. Mom mailed me and replied immediately to her mail, she wanted to know if we arrived home safely. I told her we have and that I had a fantastic time with her and wish I can do it again soon. I ate two apples while I wait for the time to tick on closer.

At five, thirty PM I set out with my packed bag for the weekend and drove over to Escala. I was stuck in traffic and arrived at Escala after six PM. Christian was not back yet when I arrived and a new face of Christian's security detail came out to greet me. I told him I know I am way too early but I wanted to beat the traffic before it gets to bed. I head up to my room and got my bag unpacked for the weekend. I lay down on my bed in my weekend room and just stared at the canopy bed ceiling.

I later turn on my side and looked out over grand Seattle outside. Clouds are building and the last bit of blue sky is slowly being covered by the building gray clouds. My head is starting to hurt again and I drank something for it. I head to the bathroom across the hall from my room and drank my pain killer with a glass of water. I felt dizzy to. Come on Steele, breath. The doctors did tell me if my headaches increase and I keep being dizzy that I should go back to hospital. I head back to my room and as I pass the door post of the bathroom I held on to it, shutting my eyes tightly, hoping that the spinning will stop soon. I vaguely saw someone walking down the hall towards me. I briefly saw Christian's face, he jogged towards me, when he saw me.

'Ana?' He wrap his arms around me.

'Christian, I am so dizzy all of a sudden.'

'Come. Come lay down.' He helped me to my bed and sat on the edge of my bed. 'You're early.'

'Yeah I wanted to avoid traffic.' He nod his head and whip lose tendrils from my face. 'How was Dr Flynn?'

'Full of questions and intrigue. Nothing new.' He answered. 'Since when have you been like this, baby?'

'Since this morning. But it was nothing compared to now.'

'Have you drank you medication?'

'Yes, that's why I was in the bathroom.'

'Close your eyes, and get some rest.'

'I am sorry.'

'Sorry for what?' He asked cocking his head to one side looking at me.

'For being a burden on you all the time. I am sorry.'

'Ana, you are not at all a burden to anyone. So please stop apologizing.' He spoke cocking his head to one side as he spoke to me again.

'Okay.' So I did what I was asked and close my eyes.

'Good girl. I'll be back later to check in on you.' He got up and close my room door behind him as I fell asleep. Later that evening I felt a bit better and went down to eat my saved dinner. I finally met Mrs Jones. What a lovely lady. Christian was hardly working in his study and after I ate my dinner without him looking over me making sure I clear my plate all the time, I actually enjoyed my food in this big old penthouse for once. I knock on the door of his study and he was on his phone and working hard on his computer at his desk.

'Yes, Andrew we can talk to legal about that… Uhmm… yes- yes-yes. Of course, we need it and if they found a better way to help us safe some money then why not. Yes I'll get in touch with Ivan on Monday. No- Well let's rather take the right steps… Okay, keep me informed.' He end's the call and turned to me where I sat in the chair watching him.

'How do you feel?'

'Better.' I smiled as he walked closer.

'Good. Have you had dinner yet?'

'Yes, Mrs Jones helped me. You?'

'I already ate.' I just slightly nod my head. 'Come I want to show you the rest of the penthouse.' He held out his hand for me to take and I slide my hand into his. He held my hand as he showed me three other bedrooms beside mine and his own, there's a library, slash TV room underneath the playroom, on one end of the room is a full scale billiard table and on the other is a whole wall of rare books and by the TV on the opposite wall, rows and rows of DVD's with a playstation and Xbox.

On the opposite side from the TV room are the kitchen and behind the kitchen are two other rooms for Mrs Jones and Taylor with their own bathrooms, of to the side where Taylor always appear from nowhere at the entrance of the great room, is a very large security room with all sorts of cameras footage on large screens along the walls monitoring every inch of the penthouse, off to the side is another large board room table with about space that can seat at least ten people easily. After my tour around the penthouse we settled down in the library slash TV room.

I lay my head on Christian's shoulder, he lay his hand on my leg. Later I wrap my arms around his arms that he held my leg with. He later kissed my hair and I looked up at him. His eyes are burning gray. Holy Moses. With just that look in his eyes, I felt it course through my body. We both meet halfway as our lips touched and before I could even blink he has lay me down on the couch and was on top of me. Our kissing increased and I just let him guide me, like he knows so well. His hands were now under my shirt and he is cupping my breasts in his large hands. Our breathing hitched a couple of notches and about ten minutes later we were in the playroom with me cuffed to the wooden cross on the wall, completely naked and Christian was wearing only his pants with the top button undone.

'What are the safewords?'

'Yellow and red, sir.' I breathed.

'Good remember them. Use them once you had enough or you don't feel well.'

'Understood sir.' I spoke through gulps of breathes. I so want this and I really don't care about my silly old dizzy head even if it does come back. I just long for him to be inside me. He started his play scenario on me. He place a blind fold on me so I can't see what he is doing. He put on some soft music in the background and started to have his dom way with me, as all my other senses took over making everything more intense then it has. He clamped something on my nipples and what felt like flat folded leather he started to hit my thighs with and then my breasts and then down on my sex.

He kept up the rhythm of his blows in tune with the soft music. I don't know how long he has been torturing me. He walked up to me and I could feel his chest hair on me as he leans in and kisses me and with his free hand he cups the apex of my thighs and then play leisurely with the wetness he found there. He gave a moan, as we kept kissing. He didn't speak to me at all, making the whole experience more intense. I heard his pants drop as his belt hit the wooden floor and I brace myself for his possession he will take any moment. He felt his way around me some more, making me suck his fingers one by one tasting myself on him. Darn, it sure is hot. While I was still sucking his index finger, he slide into me and it made me cry out.

'Quite.' He ordered. 'Or I'll spank you Miss Steele. Understood?'

'Yes, sir.' I spoke pass his finger in my mouth. He started to move and boy was it great. I have been waiting for this since this morning. I held back a little then came as I called his name in a whisper as I rest my head on his shoulder. He un-cuff my legs and he wrap my legs around him. He began his relentless rhythm again and before I knew what hit me we both reached yet another orgasm together. My whole body felt shattered and my legs are like jelly once I plant my feet back on the ground.

He un-cuff my hands that was still strapped to the top of the cross and led me to the bed where he cuffed me to each of the four corners of the bed, with me on my front. The chains around my ankles can move a little and he raise me so my behind is pointed in the air. He enters me again but from behind. Soon we are at the peak again. I came around him and called yellow. After he empties out inside me, he un-cuffed me and pulled me into his arms pulling my blind fold from my eyes.

'So Miss Steele, was that so bad?'


'What do you think of it?'

'I would really like to do that again.' I smiled tiredly at him. He bends down and gave me a kiss and I fell asleep in the red room of pain. I woke up later, as soft music float through the penthouse. What sad music? How is playing? Is it Christian? I wrap the silk sheet around myself and head out to where the sad music is coming from. I stood in the shadows watching him. His eyes are closed as his fingers move over the keys. He plays like he should be part of an orchestra. He is only dressed in PJ bottoms that is hanging from his hips in the delicious way. I moved a little closer and he saw me.

'Did I wake you?' He asked as he continued playing just softer.

'No. You play beautifully.'

'Thank you.'

'How long have you been playing?'

'Since I was six. My mother, wanted the three of us to at least play some form of instrument and I had a keen liking in the piano.'

'Sounds like you should be playing professionally.' I complimented him on his playing.

'That would have been nice, but there is really no money in playing instruments for a living, but I accept your compliment Miss Steele.' He scooted up so I can sit beside him as he took on another sad melody. I just watched as his long slender fingers sway across the keys so graciously. It is really wonderful to witness. He finish his last song and showed me to my room where he lay with me till I fell asleep again.

I was dreaming about a the hooded man, and how he tortured me by tying me up and burning me with candles, then when I don't answer his questions about Christian, he cut me with a knife on my body. I was crying so much, even yelling at him for not having any answers for him about Christian. He just stabbed my two upper arms with his knife to the hilt in my arms. I cry out on pain. I was shook awake, with clouded gray eyes filled with worry hovering over me.

'ANA! Ana, wake up.' He sounded desperate. I was covered in sweat and my hair stuck to my face. I was so disorientated. 'Your okay now, it was just a dream. Calm down, baby. Your safe, now.' I sigh in relieve at his words.

'Did I wake you? If I did, I am sorry.'

'Don't worry about it. I can function with a lot less sleep then you can. Come now, go wash your face then I will lay with you till you fall back asleep.'

'Okay.' I got up and washed my face. I look at myself in the mirror and I look like a ghost. I dried my face and whipped my neck with a wet cloth, then finally head back to bed. I got back into bed and Christian held me, with my back against his front.

'Close your eyes baby girl. Nothing bad will happen. I'll keep you safe. Now try to get some sleep.'

'I don't know if I can. It was horrible.'

'Just try baby.' I close my eyes and drift off to la-la land. I woke up and I was shocked with surprise that Christian was still here with me. It gave me the opportunity to study him. He really is a beautiful man and he looks even younger than usual when he is asleep like this. I so wanted to run my hands through his unruly hair and down his bare back. I only notice now that he has small round scars on his back.

Four of them to be exact. He later turn over and I could see his chest and another five of the same type of scares was edged into his perfect skin. Making me wonder what monster might have done this to him, and how old he where when he might have gotten them. Feeling suddenly really sad for this wonderful yet strange control freak of a man I came to love, that's laying before me.

'Don't…' He spoke with close eyes at me.

'What?' I asked jumping in surprise.

'Stop looking at me while I'm sleeping.'

'Why, I have a feeling you've done it to me before.'

'Yes, indeed I have, Miss Steele and I can stare at you when you're asleep for all eternity.' His eyes finally flutter open.

'So can I at you.' I smiled at him, biting my lower lip deliberately. He gasp, then grabbed me pulling closer to him and I can feel his already stiffed result pressing into my hip. I gasp and he smiled at me.

'There are surely many advantages of waking up next to you Miss Steele.' His smile grew and before I knew what hit me. He had me already pinned to the matters and he rams into me. We both moan at the very delicious feeling of him taking possession of what is his. With my hands pinned on either side of my face, he stare down at me, I couldn't look away. His eyes were on fire.

He moved his hips pushing himself deeper and harder into me. Oh, god the feeling is out of this world. He kept going on and on. I later wrap my legs around his firm behind and that just intensified our climax. He collapse on top of me, pinning me more into the matters. I lift my head and gave him a kiss. He gently rub my hair out of my face, kissing me where my stitches are. Suddenly there were a commotion out front, in the great room.

'What? What do you mean he is still in bed, that can only mean he must be sick.' A older woman's voice rang through the huge penthouse.

'Mrs Grey, please. He is not alone.' Taylor tried to stop her.

'What do you mean?'

'He has someone with him.' Taylor spoke to her.

'Shit! It's my mother.' He spoke and got off me and pulled on his PJ bottoms again.

'What? I should rather leave.'

'No, I would like for you to meet my mother. Come on sleepy head. If you're not dressed in fifteen minutes, I'm dragging you out there with whatever you have on.' He smirk at me.

'Mr Grey, what am I going to do with you? I'll meet you out there. Now go…' I spank him playfully as he head out the door. He gasp as my hand left his firm behind. He grin at me over his shoulder as he head down to meet his mother in the great room. I jump up and got dressed in jeans and a powder pink blouse. I fished out a brush from my overnight bag and pulled it through my hair, I jogged into the bathroom and went through my daily routine as fast as I could then head down to join Christian and his mother.

'Mother, Anastasia Steele. Anastasia, my mother Grace Grey.'

'Dr Grey, so nice to finally meet you under better circumstances.'

'Yes, you look much better.' She spoke warmly at me, as we shook hands.

'Yes, I do. I still have my moments I feel dizzy but other than that I'm fine, Dr Grey.' We took our seats and Christian pulled me to his side.

'Oh, please call me Grace. Mrs Grey is my mother-in-law.' I smiled at her and she and Christian spoke for a while and I just sat and listen to them talk. My phone rang and I ran to answer it. It was Jose, he wanted to remind me of his show.

'I am sorry Jose, I can't talk now.'

'I miss you Ana.'

'Jose, I will be at your show. Text me the time and address and I will be there.'

'Okay, see you then.' He sounded disappointed then hung up. I press the end button and turn back too Christian and Grace. Christian just looked at me funny. Oh, no what now? I hardly sat down when my phone started to ring and it was work related. I fire up my laptop on the kitchen counter and checked Christian's schedule. It was someone who wanted to make an appointment to see him the coming week, but he is just too busy and I had to schedule Mr Holloway's appointment for the following week.

I gave a short description of what type of meeting it will be. Right after that it was other work related issues. I strolled off to the far wall and I felt his eyes on me. I looked over at him and Grace and they were both looking at me. Why do I get the feeling they are talking about me? Ana you are clearly starting to get very paranoid. I cover my phone with my hand and I had to interrupt their talk.

'Sorry Christian, Mr Sanders is on the line. He wants to know when you two will go for that round of golf you talked about.' He held out his hand towards me and I lay my phone in his hand.

'David, Grey. I'm quite busy this coming week let's say next Friday. Good, I'll let Ana, confirm with you later this week.' He hung up and hand me my phone back. Grace look from me to Christian.

'So you two work together?'

'Yes, Anastasia is my new PA, and is very good at what she does.' Christian praised me, wow, and in front of his mother. Well I would have never thought he would do that. It made me blush. After my last call I quickly type in his schedule for next week's golf game with Mr Sanders and when I have to book their game for. Grace had a look at my stitches and even took them out for me because the cut has healed completely and there is not even a scare. After that she left for the hospital and Christian and I set out to take a bath together in his room.

We wash and he even volunteered to wash my hair for me. It felt so great his strong hands in my hair. He carefully rinsed the shampoo from my hair and I set out to wash his, and I also to the spray hose and rinsed his hair from all the soap in it. Afterward we dried off and got dressed again. We both work mainly on the same things. I send over his new schedule to his computer in his study and to his other two computers.

I was in the TV room sitting on the couch listening to 'Kings of Leon' in the background while I work. I got a bunch of documents ready for Christian and I just have to get his approval for it so I mailed it to him. I looked up and he was standing right next to the couch I was sitting on and he nearly gave me a heart attack by his silent entrance.

'The documents are perfect Miss Steele. I approve, you may send them out. There is just three or so odd words that needs fixing then they can be send.'

'Very well.' I smiled up at him. He sat down next to me and I saw the few miss spelled words, he spoke off and I send it off as he watched me work.

'Okay, that's enough work for this morning. Now get ready we are going for a bit of a drive.'

'Very well sir. Where are we going?'

'Just get your things. It's a surprise.'

'Yes, sir.'

'Good girl, now go.' I shut down my laptop and head up to my room. I swap my sneakers for a stiletto. I grabbed my handbag, phone and with a dash of perfume I was out the door. Christian was waiting in the foyer. He saw me coming down the stairs and followed me all the way over to him.

'You look and smell wonderful. Shall we go?'

'Please.' Taylor appeared and asked which of the cars we will be taking and Christian ops for the Silver SUV. We head down to the basement parking and drove off.

'Would you please tell me where we are going?' His mischievous smile just got bigger.

'No.' He said as we cruise down the street and after about thirty minutes we came to a halt at thee most luxuries shopping centre in Seattle. He got out and walked around to my side and helped me out of the car. He auto lock the car and we head into the fancy mall. We walk into the first shop and Christian clearly brought me on a shopping trip.

I really hate shopping and especially clothes shopping. He bought me shoes galore, and then such fancy and sexy underwear. Then the next three shops where office wear and expensive evening gowns. Okay parading in some of these gowns for his please was rather nice to see his face expressions. There is one gown I like it's a rather dark silver colour. Finally we head back to Escala.

'Thank you for the clothes. It really wasn't necessary.'

'It's a clause in the contract that you so willingly signed Anastasia. So you're not a fan of shopping then?'

'No, I actually hate shopping and especially when it's for clothes. Yet somehow having you with on this trip made it strangely bearable.'


'Yes, Mr Grey.' He smirks at me, and me back at him. We finally pull back up in at Escala. We carried all our shopping to the elevator and we head up to the penthouse. In the elevator, the atmosphere changed with that electric pull that is always between us and especially when we are in close corners like this. We dropped our shopping on the elevator floor and Christian pulled the emergency stop button and pushed me against the walls and before I realise we are engaged and hard and fast the thrust came from him.

He pulled out of me and I had to grasp my knees to catch my breath. He is really so unexpected. I pulled my clothes strait again and Christian redo his fly and now with us back to normal we continued our elevator ride up to the penthouse. I raked my fingers through my hair and picked up the things I was carrying. From somewhere deep down we both started to laugh, then reached the penthouse.

Our security helped us to carry our shopping to my room. Mrs Jones helped me to hung all my clothes in my walk in closet. Wish I had one in our new apartment. Now with everything stored away, I wondered around the big penthouse. I found a great spot for reading and found myself a nice book in the library and sat in the nice comfy spot I found. Christian was in his study, busy on the phone. I set out reading 'Wuthering heights' again. I was near the fifth or six chapter when I fell asleep where I lay on the couch. I was later covered with a blanket, and I drift further into my dreamlessness.