Full Summary: In which Nana is no civilian and no one from the Mafia-not even the Ninth-knows of the existence of one Sawada Tsunayoshi. Let alone his connection to the first Vongola Boss. But without Nono's Seal locking the boy's flames safely away, things take a drastic turn for the worse.

Thirteen year old Tsuna, haunted by a painful past, pushes everyone away and has all but forgotten how to smile. All the while, the wayward Hibari Kyoya fights to become stronger, invincible. Because he is destined to be n top of the food chain, or so he tells everyone. Though in truth, all the boy really cares about is protecting his Sky.

Warnings: Minor OC(s), major angst, YAOI though nothing too drastic, certain other stuff that I can't put here or it'd spoil the plot.

Disclaimer: If I owned KHR, 1827 would be canon. But I sadly don't. All rights go to Amano-sama.

AN: Hey guys!

I know this is definitely not a good time to be starting a new fanfic what with finals just round the corner and my two on-going stories that I haven't updated in ages. But this plot has been spinning in my head for about a week now and I just had to put it up.

REWRITTEN: 15th August, 2017

When Matsuoka Nana is first assigned to the Sawada case she doesn't know what to expect. Japanese Intelligence- and the CIA, Interpol, MI6, etc. -have never had any real luck when it comes to bringing down members of the Vongola. And Sawada Iemitsu is pretty high up on the Vongola Corp payroll so he must have a pretty high position in the Family as well. That's just how they work.

So Nana doesn't know what she's expecting, exactly, when she makes first contact with the man in question.

But it's definitely NOT a date.

Her Partner and reluctant best friend Takumi thinks it's hilarious. She punches him when his jokes piss her off too much.

"Okay, okay, fine. I wont joke about it anymore." He says. "But you've gotta admit it's a great opportunity to get close to the guy. You never know what you might uncover."

Takumi has a point but Nana's still conflicted on the matter.

"I don't know if I want to go about it this way though." She confesses.

"Well yeah it's a bit morally skewed, but you'd be putting away a bad guy. Plus, think of all the opportunities that will open up if you do manage to pull this off and find something."

Nana hums in agreement. It's a good thought, putting away a bad guy. Possibly saving lives. What she's doing is nothing compared to the terrible things Sawada must have done, and will continue to do in the future.

That thought makes her feel better. But not by much.

Thinking of Sawada Iemitsu as the Bad Guy gets harder and harder with every passing day. The importance of the mission is fading away too. Nana is messing up, she knows as much. But she doesn't know how to stop. Doesn't know what to do. Doesn't know right from wrong and doesn't think she ever did.

Iemitsu smiles at her and she feels like the happiest person in the world. And that makes her feel like the most terrible person in the world.

Because how could she love such a man? And yet she does. How could she betray and deceive the man she loves? And yet she has.

Her heart and her mind are saying two very different things and she doesn't know if she wants to listen to either.

If she goes with her head she'll be betraying Iemitsu. But if she goes with her heart she will be betraying everything she has ever known, everything she has ever worked for. Everything she has ever believed in.

Nana knows what the rational, sane choice is. She doesn't take it.

Perhaps this is what they call being 'madly in love.'

She decides to tell Iemitsu everything. It's risky. Insane. But there's a small voice in the back of her head telling her everything will be okay and she believes it because she has to.

So she gathers up all the courage she can muster and sits Iemitsu down with a curt-

"We need to talk."

But Iemitsu knows already. He knows everything. Has known since the day they met. He'd noticed the minimal surveillance that had been tailing him all week. Had been waiting for someone to make contact. He had known. He had known when she had sat down beside him at the bar and ignored his existence. He had known when he had asked her out.

He knew and he didn't care.

Turns out they were both insane. Match made in heaven.

Iemitsu tells her everything about himself. About his position in Vongola. He trusts her like she had trusted him. It's both wonderful and terrifying.

Because now she knows exactly who Iemitsu is. What he's capable of. What he's done.

But then that same little voice from earlier whispers-

He is a good man.

And in the end, that's all that really matters to her.

When she tells Takumi she's going to quit he's delirious.

"Are you completely insane?" He yells at her. "Or has he brainwashed you? No wait, is he blackmailing you? Does he have something? Are you being watched? Oh God you are aren't you?"

Convincing Takumi that she's fine and that this is all her choice, heck her idea, is harder than she thought it'd be. But once all is said and done, he understands. He doesn't like it but he understands and accepts the situation nonetheless.

"Just, are you sure this is the right thing?" He asks as he's leaving her apartment later that day. "Are you sure this, he, is what you want?"

"He is a good man." She says. "And I love him."

And she really, truly does. Takumi can tell.

When she quits there is talk. Takumi warns her that they're still being watched. That she's now a Person of Interest. Nana knew this would happen but she's not really worried. She hasn't broken any laws and they'll never find anything on Iemitsu either way. It's not the cops they need to worry about.

Iemitsu is in Japan, handling operations for the Tokyo branch of the Vongola Corp because he's recuperating from a brutal fight. Things had been peaceful in Italy, Nono had told him to take something of a break and he'd decided to come back home for a while. He could still handle everything from there and it would give his subordinates a learning opportunity.

Iemitsu does his best to make sure no one finds out about Nana. He wants to protect her, keep her safely away from the dark world he lives in. Nana tells him he can protect herself and he laughs.

"I know that darling," he tells her sweetly "but that doesn't mean I wont worry. I've got a lot of enemies and I would die before I let any of them get the chance to hurt you."

She knows he means every word and it makes her feel safer than ever.

Getting married is a whirlwind affair. It's a small ceremony, with everyone present sworn to secrecy. There aren't actually many guests to begin with. Just a priest and her cousin and friend Yamamoto Tsuyoshi with his wife Miyoko as witnesses. But it's still the happiest day of their lives.

Well, it is until a few weeks and a positive pregnancy test later when the newlyweds find out they're going to be parents. That is definitely the best day of their lives.

Nana and Iemitsu are happy. Things are going well for them, too well. Nana thinks they should have known something was going to go wrong. They should have realized everything was a bit too good to last. But they didn't and the calamity hit them hard.

It's a phone call in the middle of the night that breaks their peace.

Iemitsu knows something is terribly wrong the second that the phone rings. Knows that the only reason any of the others back at CEDEF would call him up this late in the night while he's meant to be recovering from a fatal wound- no matter how old now- is if it was an emergency. And all emergencies in his world are terrible ones.

Somehow, he knows from the second the phone rings, that this phone call would mark the end of their peaceful days.

And it does.

It does because Enrico's dead. Enrico, the Vongola Heir, is dead. Enrico was dead. Leaving only three possible heirs- considering Xanxus was adopted- to the position of Vongola Decimo. Three candidates and his unborn child would be one of them. Just the thought of the consequences of his child's existence being brought into the situation made his blood run cold.

He would have to leave soon. Get things under control. Hide his family. Make sure they're safe.

With that thought in mind, he woke his wife.

Iemitsu goes back to Italy, rushing back into things without a second thought, burying himself into his work. His slightly antsy attitude is explained away by him being under a lot of stress after the Heir's death. Nana packs up and moves to the small town of Namimori, where Tsuyoshi and Miyoko live. It's a peaceful little town where they can be safe.

No one follows her there.

Months later, Nana gives birth to two beautiful boys- Tsunayoshi and Yoshimitsu. She calls Iemitsu on the secure number the first chance she gets.

"Congratulations Papa." She says the second he picks up. "You've got two gorgeous little boys."

For anyone who's wondering-this is NOT a twin fic. In fact, Tsuna's brother, while crucial to the plot, will not be appearing in the fic for more than a couple instances. You'll understand why soon enough.

Let me know what you guys think of it so far. Remember, reviews motivate me to update quicker.

Till next time!
