Staring at the bottom of your glass

Hoping one day you'll make a dream last

But dreams come slow and they go so fast

You see her when you close your eyes

Maybe one day you'll understand why

Everything you touch surely dies.

"Let Her Go" by Passenger

The low, sweet melody of ice cubes rattling against glass comforted him. It shouldn't because it meant the whiskey was gone but he knew sleep would soon come. The kind of sleep mercifully absent of serious chocolate eyes, a sad and twisted smile, and silky mahogany hair. Unfortunately the amount of whiskey getting drunk required was cost prohibitive most of the time. Today was a special occasion, the day that would have been her birthday.

"What the hell," he muttered tipping the last bit of whiskey from the bottle into the slightly melted ice. He pursed his lips contemplatively before downing the small amount of whiskey. His lids opened and closed heavily a few times before he felt his fingertips release the glass. It shattered on the hard wood floor but he couldn't bring himself to care about it.

"Getting shit faced I see," a deep voice said. He didn't bother to open his eyes.

"The almighty alpha is here to end the fun," he said. "Too late. I killed the bottle."

"I see that," Sam said. "Ever seen a broom?" He shrugged and settled deeper into his chair.

"Fuck off and let me sleep in peace," he snapped. Sam sat instead on the beat up couch.

"It's been three years," he implored. "You need to let this go. She's gone."

"One day you'll believe me when I say she's not," he murmured as sleep started to set in. "It doesn't make sense but it's true." Soft snoring followed his announcement and Sam leaned back. He may not understand it but the connection between the two had always run deep. In the beginning he had discounted imprinting but as the years passed he had clung to the memory of Bella Swan, insisting she wasn't dead when everyone else had long since given up.

"She's gone Paul," he murmured to his pack mate after covering him with a knitted blanket. "And one day you'll have to face it."