Please excuse my forever long absence. I have been kindly reminded that I have stories to attend to. So, here is the long awaited chapter, its short, but hopefully sweet. :)
Disclaimer: DGM belongs to its rightful owner, Katsura Hoshino.
Climbing down from the tower was anything but easy. it was hard enough as it was without the use of his innocence, but harder so when he has to avoid any sticks that came loose from Lenalee's giant nest. His fear of gaining any unwanted attention was perfect incentive to avoiding using his innocence at all costs. Plus, Lenalee had the right idea. He was get hungry. Really hungry. That was what happens when a mating call interrupts your usual third breakfast. Though, he'd never accept anything anyone offered him right now. He couldn't trust the food to not be poisoned with something to help aid in his capture.
It was him against the world.
Plus Komui...but...
With the development of Lenalee joining the battle for his love, he could only imagine what the horror of meeting back up with Komui would be like...
He winced as his arm muscles began to cramp up loosening his already dangerously lax grip. His vision of the nearest window was limited severely as he had to remain close to the walls due the increasingly strong winds. What was the point of this tall of a tower anyway? And why was there no other entrance to the roof?
He knew his time was running short as soon as he heard a strange echo in the woods around him. He recognized that sound from anywhere. After all, he invented the sound. he hadn't realized so much time had passed since Komui had sent all his pursuers away. Well, all of them except Komui's own sister.
It was only a matter of time before Lenalee showed back up. Likely chances are, she won't be very happy to see that he had escaped, or at least had attempted to escape. He wasn't entirely sure about how successful he was at escaping. He knew that with the build of the tower, he should be nearing a window, that is unless the height and fear of Lenalee's return had disoriented him so much that he didn't even know that much. Though, he was less worried about the location of the nearest window than he was about what Lenalee might do to him upon discovering his disappearance from the nest. He shivered at the mere thought of it.
Just as the noises of his mating call became slightly loud and more clear, he felt his toes settle on the top ledge of a window. Hope and excitement bubbled up from within, nearly escaping his lips as a shout of glee. There was hope after all!
Just in time too! Lenalee's loud inquisitive voice was sounded from several feet above him. From the sounds of it, she hadn't quite figured out that he left yet. He didn't plan on staying out there for long. Especially as he started to here her ruffling about the nest looking for him...
Yet, fate had other plans for the poor white-haired boy. It was terribly unfortunate that his feet lost the slightest bit of grip and sent him plummeting down the side of the tower. All breath was sharply sucked from his lungs as he plunged farther and farther down as the unlevel, rocky surface quickly rose towards him. A little more than half way down, he found his voice as he went to activate his innocence. Though he never got the chance to even do so. He was just moments away from becoming a permanent stain on the rocks below when he was suddenly swept into someone's arms.
At this point, he didn't know whether or not to be relieved that he wasn't a splat on the cold, merciless ground, or terrified that he wasn't spared the trouble.
When he said arms, he hadn't actually meant "arms". Unless arms were itchy and long enough to wrap around him several times, he was pretty sure that what was wrapped around him, wasn't arms. Instead, he was wrapped in several layers of perfectly golden, long hair. He gagged several times, nearly losing what breakfast he had managed to get this morning, as the loose strands of hair situated over and in his mouth. Strangely, it tasted very sweet.
He didn't hesitate to activate his innocence, but realized that it was still useless as it was pinned to his own body by the seemingly endless strands of hair. Hair that seemed to be almost indestructible. Which only meant one thing...
"Mr. Pupil! We have come to your rescue!"
'We', meaning, Jasdevi. Allen was no longer relieved that he hadn't become an eternal splat on the ground. It had no longer become a convenience for him. Struggle and scream as he might, there was no breaking free from the strands of Jasdevi's hair. He could only manage to not choke and die from the hair in his mouth as his latest catch tore away in the opposite direction of the Black Order. He silently prayed that whatever madness his mating call had started would wear off soon, because he'd rather be fighting these people to the death than be claimed as some sort of mate.
He could hear their victorious, maniacal laugh as they stormed through the trees and away from the place Allen had called home for some time now. As the tower got further and further away, Allen saw his chances of escape dwindling down even more. Possibly down to the single digits were he to start counting the percentages of his chances or escape. Eventually, they would find a place to lock him up or hide him away from everyone else. Eventually, they'll find a place Allen would never be able to escape even if he used his power to the deepest depths and strength he was able.
Maybe if he tried using his innocence when they let their guard down...
Without warning, he was practically flying through the air, a nearby tree growing closer and closer. He threw his arms out to catch himself, but instead of crashing into the hard surface he was expecting, he suddenly found himself colliding with something—no, someone—soft as they belted out their version of Allen's mating call.
Just like that, he was suddenly being carried off again. Of course, this new person thought it was a good idea to press his face into their chest, giving him no doubt that whoever was carrying him was a girl, all while nearly suffocating at the same time.
"Let me go!" his voice was muffled against his latest catch's chest. He struggled to move his face up to both get a good look at who he was dealing with and catch a much needed breath before he passed out.
"Don't worry, Allen," her voice sounded panicked and more high pitched than usual. "I'll save you!"
"Miranda!?" Allen didn't know why he was so shocked that Miranda had shown up. After all, he's had more than his fair share of surprising wannabe suitors.
"I got you love! I'll protect you and keep you safe from harm!" Miranda's grip on him tightened to a point where Allen felt some of his bones pop. He tried telling her that she was the one harming him, but when he saw the look in her eyes, he held his tongue.
It wasn't one of pure murder, that he was relieved, nor was it one of pure lust as the case seemed to be for most every other person. Instead, her gaze was one of unsullied determination and unadulterated focus. Even so, there was just a hint of lust hidden beneath the determination and focus. Enough to let Allen know that neither of the two were free from his mating call.
He struggled to see past her shoulder as she ran towards the Black Order that had gotten so far away, to see a little less than unhappy Jasdevi chasing them down in full-on rage mode. At this point, Allen felt ready to put himself in shut-down and let whatever happen happen, because it doesn't look like he'll have a chance to escape. Not when his only ally may or may not want to murder him in a thousand different ways the next time they meet.
Miranda's hair whipped into Allen's face as she glanced quickly at their pursuer. "Never!"
Never once had Allen ever seen Miranda get so vehement about something. Not even when her clock innocence was involved. This fact slightly terrified him, yet for some reason, he was comforted to know that Jasdevi definitely wasn't getting Allen back. Because he'd prefer anything else than being in the grips of a Noah, especially when they were lovesick with him.
"I got you," Miranda quietly promised the white-haired boy. "I got you. I got you."
She began chanting this under her breath as the trees around them became a blur in their rush back to the Black Order. Allen let himself relax for just a moment, to allow himself some time to catch some much needed breath. He's been on the run for some time now, he had to be. Now that he mentions it, he didn't know how much time had passed since this whole horror show began. It wasn't that far into the morning that Komui had interrupted his peace with this latest experiment at Allen's expense.
His momentary peace was brought to an abrupt end as Miranda came to a hard halt before the tower doors. Allen stretched to crane his neck to see what stopped the girl. His heart skipped several beats in fear as he realized what terrible confrontation had just made an appearance.
"Let. Him. Go."
Allen heard more bones pop as Miranda's possessive grip on him tightened. "No."
"He wants me!"
"No, he want's me," Miranda assured the other girl. Miranda looked down to Allen who was too preoccupied with trying to make himself as less visible as possible in Miranda's arms. "Isn't that right, Love?" When he didn't respond, Miranda began shaking him. "Isn't that right, LOVE!?"
Never before had Allen wanted to cry so much. He didn't know if it was out of fear, stress, anger, confusion, or a large mix of it all. Either way, Allen was finding it hard to hold back. He shied away as best he could from Miranda's demanding gaze and Lenalee's possessive glare. Though, his current position in Miranda's arms made doing so very hard.
The little stand off between Miranda and Lenalee didn't last long though. The fated meet up was interrupted by a very angry Jasdevi who was now sporting a very bad hair cut.
Despite his situation, Allen almost laughed.
"Pupil is MINE!" Jasdevi declared, striking a menacing pose, or what Allen guessed was supposed to be a menacing pose. The hair killed the mood though.
The air suddenly felt much, much colder than it was moments ago. It was then that Allen noticed something truly terrifying, something that he would soon learn to dread more than anything else.
An alliance was forming.
Miranda looked to Lenalee and back to Jasdevi, a sharp look in her glance practically dripped with murderous intent. For a moment, Allen thought Miranda was about to set him down and let him run free. Though he was sadly, very sadly mistaken. "Lenalee," Miranda spoke, not sparing a glance Lenalee's way. "Hold my man."
And just like that, Miranda chucked the poor boy into the air and straight back into Lenalee's arms. Allen groaned in misery as Lenalee decided that hanging him by the leg was a fantastic idea. "Our man," Lenalee corrected Miranda.
Allen could only watch as the fight of the century began, and it was all for him.
He just hoped it ended quickly, because there was about to be a lot more competition.
Dun, dun, DUN! The plot thickens! Whelp, I hope you guys enjoyed the short chapter. I'll make no promises, but I'll try not to leave this as long as I had. Though, I will promise that I'm not dead and I'm still writing. Junior year just stinks that much. :P
Have a great day!